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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • continuing our exploration :

    Before It's News

    The ‪Secret Life of Plants‬: Scientific Proof Plants are Telepathic and Have Emotions

    The ‪Secret Life of Plants‬: Scientific Proof Plants are Telepathic and Have Emotions

    Here is an absolutely amazing discover that somehow has been over looked in society, a botanist named Cleve Baxter started doing testing on plants and other microorganisms using a polygraph (a lie detector for those who don't know), and discovered that plants actually have feelings.

    Here is a super old video I found in which Leonard Nimoy hosts a documentary from the late 60's or early 70's about Baxter doing these experiments.
    Here is another interesting fact, at one part soviet scientists have people walk into a room with two plants, one connected to a polygraph the other is not. One of them is instructed to destroy one of the plans and when they do the plant hooked to the machine starts to produce large "thought activity." Then slowly each person walks into the room and when the one who ruined the plant walks in, the plant connected to the polygraph recognizes the person and starts to produce activity.
    more in the link provided

    what do you see


    to my eyes they are one and the same

    a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

    Water has Memory - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-09-2012, 03:32 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Study shows training improves recognition of quickly presented objects

      So far it has seemed an irreparable limitation of human perception that we strain to perceive things in the very rapid succession of, say, less than half a second. Psychologists call this deficit "attentional blink." We'll notice that first car spinning out in our path, but maybe not register the one immediately beyond it. It turns out, we can learn to do better after all. In a new study researchers now based at Brown University overcame the blink with just a little bit of training that was never been tried before.
      "Attention is a very important component of visual perception," said Takeo Watanabe, a professor in Brown's Department of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological Sciences. "One of the best ways to enhance our visual ability is to improve our attentional function."

      Watanabe and his team were at Boston University when they performed experiments described in a paper published the week of July 9 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The bottom line of the research is that making the second target object a distinct color is enough to train people to switch their attention more quickly than they could before. After that, they can perceive a second target object presented as quickly as a fifth of a second later, even when it isn't distinctly colored.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Musical Learned enough to play the occasional tune that my mind would create. Though I am putting together a text file containing the basics (steps, scales, tones, etc.) and the many patterns music theory contains. As I am absorbing it of course. It appears that it is needed to bridge a gap between Ernest's work and the solfeggio sub-harmonic chart. I am more of a visual artist as well, and totally understand the math thing.

        Here is some information about how I created it.
        Each column contains the 'whole number' sub-harmonics for one of the solfeggio frequencies. (extracted from over 3,000 rows)
        Lowest sub-harmonic is located at the bottom.
        NULL indicates that there was a non-whole number in that place.

        BLUE or ONE is solfeggio with the most whole number harmonics.

        Two, Three, Five, Seven and Nine show how many whole numbers are aligned at 90 degrees to the ONE column.

        What this indicates is not clear, though for some reason I get the impression that a 'spiral of fifths' would be on the 'z-axis' of the chart image.

        Ernest created yandras to visualize his numerical data. It is weird how there is a bit of similarity the chart has with the yandras in shape and proportion.

        Last edited by llynch; 07-10-2012, 12:20 AM.


        • Looking forward to reading your paper Llynch .... you can post it too on scribd as purelyconstructive did with his Paper ..... thank you again for the enlightening text PurelyC

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • the following Fractal Construct resonated quite strongly

            My Interpretation of Heliofant's "I, Pet Goat II", page 1

            Thanks to this great thread here by user nimbinned, I was able to come across this great video of I, Pet Goat II by team Heliofant. The animation is some of the best I have seen in awhile, even better than major Pixar and Disney movies (albeit much shorter). It is obviously a highly symbolic short and subject to many different interpretations, but I thought I would propose my take on it and you all can hopefully add your takes or tell me why I am wrong. I do regret not adding this to the main thread already started but I am about to post so much content that I did not want to hijack nimbinned's thread. This is going to be a large thread, so, please bare with me. Also, I am going to be time-stamping all the screen shots so you can refer to them in the video.
            the vid ... amazing 3d work

            I, Pet Goat II by Heliofant - YouTube

            [The video has been previously taken down by YouTube (surprise, surprise) and uploaded by a random user. If it gets removed again, please use these sites to access it: HELIOFANT _ I, pet goat II... and ]
            ps: Definition for fant:Web definitions: (fancy) illusion: something many people believe that is false; "they have the illusion that I am very wealthy".

            a The Video is a Beautiful Allegory :

            al·le·go·ry/ˈaləˌgôrē/Noun: A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Have i got a surprise for you

              but first a reminder :

              from :

              Grand Solfeggio :: Healing and Changing your DNA through Solfeggio tones

              History of the Grand Solfeggio Tones

              The history of the solfeggio tones begins with King David, who then passed the secrets on to Solomon. Sometime after Solomon, the tones were lost. David was given four tones, which he created with strings on his lyre. These tones are all used with the psalms, also created by David. The mathematics of the tones matches the mathematics of the psalms (geomatria). Solomon used the tones and the geomatria in the creation of the Song of Songs, also a psalm. This was considered the most sacred of the psalms.
              During the creation of Gregorian chant, the solfeggio tones were rediscovered, these based on five notes. Later, a sixth note was added. These were based on the discoveries of Pythagoras and his harmony of the spheres. These also were later lost. In the 90s, Dr. Joey Puleo was given the secret of the geomatria in a vision and the actual frequencies in appearances of Jeshua and an angel that Dr. Puleo did not name. After the turn of the millennium, Joseph Crane was told in an appearance of Archangel Michael that two solfeggio scales existed — one profane and one sacred. The sacred has been known as the “secret solfeggio.” Later, Michael gave Joe Crane six of the frequencies to the sacred solfeggio to be used in healing. And more recently he told Crane that a subset of the frequencies existed, called the Divine Masculine frequencies.
              In 2009 the code of both solfeggios was cracked and shown to be linked together mathematically by mathematician and author, GW Hardin, through the guidance of Archangel Gabriel. During the process, yet a third set of solfeggio frequencies showed up in the mathematics. Using what is called the Pythagorean skein, the third set is made up of the sum of the first two sets. What also showed up was an entire fractal system of solfeggios that affect specific parts of the bodies.

              There are three levels to the solfeggio tones: the Archetypal (earthly), the Divine (heavenly), and the Universal (cosmic). Within each level there are two components, the Masculine and the Feminine. The Feminine is made up of nine tones in each level while the Masculine is made up of six tones. When all the tones of a component are played they create a harmonic or the tone of Oneness.
              Caduceus coil + Vogel Crystal + Rodin Coil + Solfeggio and you the water container the perfect Combination if you look at it closely



              I was wondering, if coupling this:

              Dave's Drawing

              However, i would not discard the idea of having the patient listening to the same Solfeggio as the one he is being treated with; just to bring the brain to the same resonance...and amplify the effect.....

              with this, placed in the area to be treated

              golden ratio antenna

              and now you have 3D BioGeometry
              ------------------------- now unto the surprise

              found it here : Caduceus Winding (Smithcoil) | Paranormalis

              it seems to be a collection of documents on the caduceus coil which i have not encountered before ( at least for some of them ) ..... worth having in ones collection of docs ... for we have extensively discussed this amazing coil

              As I said many weeks ago, Professor Opmmur sent me many documents so that I can scan them and share them with you guys. Here is the first one of them. It's basically a document about caduceus coils and numerous of their uses.

              Click here to see the file: Caduceus Winding
              It's a 9.3 Mb PDF file.

              I'll let the professor himself talk about the key informations that this file contains, as I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to what this document is about.

              Numenorean7, Jun 30, 2012
              here is what was found inside :

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • just to clarify some details :

                Caduceus coil + Vogel Crystal + Rodin Coil + Solfeggio and you the water container the perfect Combination if you look at it closely

                one of the possibilities

                the Rodin Coil .... you play the sound of the sun through it
                Vogel Caduceus : Solfeggio Music

                also the position of the Vogel Caduceus within the Rodin coil will certainly give different effects

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • from:

                  Individual differences in altruism explained by brain region involved in empathy

                  What can explain extreme differences in altruism among individuals, from Ebenezer Scrooge to Mother Teresa?

                  It may all come down to variation in the size and activity of a brain region involved in appreciating others' perspectives

                  , according to a study published in the July 12th issue of the journal Neuron. The findings also provide a neural explanation for why altruistic tendencies remain stable over time.
                  "This is the first study to link both brain anatomy and brain activation to human altruism," says senior study author Ernst Fehr of the University of Zurich. "The findings suggest that the development of altruism through appropriate training or social practices might occur through changes in the brain structure and the neural activations that we identified in our study."

                  Individuals who excel at understanding others' intents and beliefs are more altruistic than those who struggle at this task . The ability to understand others' perspectives has previously been associated with activity in a brain region known as the temporoparietal junction (TPJ). Based on these past findings, Fehr and his team reasoned that the size and activation of the TPJ would relate to individual differences in altruism.

                  In the new study, subjects underwent a brain imaging scan and played a game in which they had to decide how to split money between themselves and anonymous partners. Subjects who made more generous decisions had a larger TPJ in the right hemisphere of the brain compared with subjects who made stingy decisions.

                  Moreover, activity in the TPJ reflected each subject's specific cutoff value for the maximal cost the subject was willing to endure to increase the partner's payoff. Activity in the TPJ was higher during hard decisions—when the personal cost of an altruistic act was just below the cutoff value—than during easy decisions associated with a very low or very high cost.

                  "The structure of the TPJ strongly predicts an individual's setpoint for altruistic behavior, while activity in this brain region predicts an individual's acceptable cost for altruistic actions," says study author Yosuke Morishima of the University of Zurich. "We have elucidated the relationship between the hardware and software of human altruistic behavior."
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Scientists move closer to new kind of thermoelectric 'heat engine'

                    Researchers who are studying a new magnetic effect that converts heat to electricity have discovered how to amplify it a thousand times over - a first step in making the technology more practical.

                    In the so-called spin Seebeck effect, the spin of electrons creates a current in magnetic materials, which is detected as a voltage in an adjacent metal. Ohio State University researchers have figured out how to create a similar effect in a non-magnetic semiconductor while producing more electrical power.

                    They've named the amplified effect the "giant spin-Seebeck" effect, and the university will license patent-pending variations of the technology.

                    The resulting voltages are admittedly tiny, but in this week's issue of the journal Nature, the researchers report boosting the amount of voltage produced per degree of temperature change inside the semiconductor from a few microvolts to a few millivolts - a 1,000-fold increase in voltage, producing a 1-million-fold increase in power.

                    Joseph Heremans, Ohio Eminent Scholar in Nanotechnology, said that his team's ultimate goal is a low-cost and efficient solid-state engine that coverts heat to electricity. These engines would have no moving parts, would not wear out, and would be infinitely reliable, he added.

                    "It's really a new generation of heat engine," said Heremans, professor of mechanical engineering and professor of physics at Ohio State. "In the 1700s we had steam engines, in the 1800s we had gas engines, in the 1900s we had the first thermoelectric materials, and now we're doing the same thing with magnetics."

                    This research could enable electronic devices that recycle some of their own waste heat into electricity. In a computer, it could enable heat-powered computation, or, inversely, it could provide cooling.

                    ------------------ from :

                    info update:

                    New property of flames sparks advances in technology

                    Chemists at UCL have discovered a new property of flames, which allows them to control reactions at a solid surface in a flame and opens up a whole new field of chemical innovation.
                    Published in the journal Angewandte Chemie, authors of the new study have discovered their previous understanding of how flames interact with a solid surface was mistaken. For the first time, they have demonstrated that a particular type of chemistry, called redox chemistry, can be accurately controlled at the surface.

                    This finding has wide implications for future technology, for example in detection of chemicals in the air, and in developing our understanding of the chemistry of lightning. It also opens up the possibility of being able to perform nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide electrolysis at the source for the management of green house gases.

                    Results of the study show that depending on the chemical make-up of the flame, scientists can record a distinctive electrical fingerprint. The fingerprint is a consequence of the behaviour of specific chemical species at the surface of a solid conducting surface, where electrons can exchange at a very precise voltage.
                    did you know

                    List of Nikola Tesla patents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    U.S. Patent 0,396,121 - Thermo Magnetic Motor - 1888 January 15 - Widely known that heat applied to a magnetic body will lessen its magnetizing ability; High enough temperatures will destroy the magnetic field; Mechanical power by a reciprocating action obtained from the joint action of heat, magnetism, and a spring or weight (or other force); In this patent, the application of heat to a body that is magnetized by induction or otherwise to the action of heat until the magnetism is neutralized to allow a weight or a spring to give action and lessen the
                    Tesla's US390721 Patent for a "Dynamo Electric Machine"
                    action of the heat to restore the magnetic effect to move the body in the opposite direction.
                    ps: I wonder how this Thermo Magnetic Motor would work with an HHO flame : How to build a simple, yet effective, HHO generator - YouTube / HHO Generator or Joe Cell construction - YouTube

                    caution flames are not to be played with respect the experiment and be cautious


                    Breaking the limits of classical physics

                    ( -- With simple arguments, researchers show that nature is complicated. Researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute have made a simple experiment that demonstrates that nature violates common sense – the world is different than most people believe. The experiment illustrates that light does not behave according to the principles of classical physics, but that light has quantum mechanical properties. The new method could be used to study whether other systems behave quantum mechanically. The results have been published in the scientific journal, Physical Review Letters.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Moon Patterns Explained - Science News

                      Scientists have charged up an old moon mystery. New research suggests that swirling designs on the dusty lunar surface might be the product of electric fields generated by pockets of magnetic bubbles.

                      “People have been looking at these strange, mysterious structures since the invention of the telescope,” says physicist Ruth Bamford of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Didcot, England. “Now we know exactly how they are made.”

                      The milky patterns stand out like pale flesh against darkly tanned skin. It’s as if you used sunblock to paint whorls on your arm and then spent the day outside, says planetary geologist Georgiana Kramer of the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston. The sun would color everything but the protected skin, leaving the whorls white.

                      Scientists have long suspected that weak magnetic fields near the moon’s surface might shape the looping patterns. The moon doesn’t have a dynamo-driven magnetic field like Earth’s, but researchers have found patchy magnetic bubbles scattered across the lunar crust.

                      Data from the Apollo missions fed a 1970s theory that the moon’s magnetic bubbles act like a solar wind sunblock. The solar wind — a steady stream of charged particles from the sun — constantly buffets the moon, turning pale lunar dust dark. But magnetic bubbles might protect the moon’s crust, keeping silvery soil fresh and young-looking.

                      A stream of charged particles (glowing purple) flows around a magnet in a solar wind tunnel experiment.
                      does not the picture above resemble the diagram drawn by Walter Russell

                      Scientists move closer to new kind of thermoelectric 'heat engine'

                      Researchers who are studying a new magnetic effect that converts heat to electricity have discovered how to amplify it a thousand times over - a first step in making the technology more practical.

                      Walter Russell -- Energy Generator Coils

                      Russell and Hatonn describe three dimensional elemental EM fields that can be classified as male and female by the spin of their 3-D EM fields, much the same way that we describe the poles of a bar magnet
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-12-2012, 11:57 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • One Word : WOW .....

                        ..... it's going to be a ride
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Mathematics: First-ever image of a flat torus in 3D

                          Just as a terrestrial globe cannot be flattened without distorting the distances, it seemed impossible to visualize abstract mathematical objects called flat tori in ordinary three-dimensional space. However, a French team of mathematicians and computer scientists has succeeded in constructing and visually representing an image of a flat torus in three-dimensional space. This is a smooth fractal, halfway between fractals and ordinary surfaces. The results are published in PNAS.

                          Image showing the isometric embedding of a square flat torus in 3D space, seen from the outside (above) and from the inside (below). Different oscillation waves, called corrugations, can be distinguished. Together, the corrugations form an object that resembles a fractal and has a rough appearance
                          In the 1950s, Nicolaas Kuiper and the Nobel laureate John Nash demonstrated the existence of a representation of an abstract mathematical object called flat torus, without being able to visualize it. Since then, constructing a representation of this surface has remained a challenge that has finally been met by scientists in Lyon and Grenoble.

                          On the basis of the Convex Integration Theory developed by Mikhail Gromov in the 1970s, the researchers used the corrugation technique (oscillations). This reputedly abstract mathematical method helps to determine atypical solutions to partial differential equations. This enabled the scientists to obtain images of a flat torus in 3D for the first time. Halfway between fractals and ordinary surfaces, these images show a smooth fractal.

                          These findings open up new avenues in applied mathematics, especially in the visualization of the differential equations encountered in physics and biology. The astounding properties of smooth fractals could also play a central role in the analysis of the geometry of shapes.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Just linking Pattern

                            those " wires" on the Tori don't they resemble the Mobius Wire ( sort of )


                            a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                            If you understood the above statement , you'll understand the following

                            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            just on a side note: the double spiral water closely resembles the double mobius coil mentioned earlier

                            Step 1

                            2 wires of six feet each to be made into 2 mobius wires (you end up with 2 mobius wires that are 1/4 the length of 6 feet )coiled at 45 degrees (see how to build a mobius coil Mobius Coil Tutorial )

                            enjoy the experimentation

                            An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways
                            . a harmonic cascade effect
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • was thinking Orgone Chamber + Aluminum and found the following

                              Wilhelm Reich -- Orgone -- Collected articles

                              Orgone Products: Orgone Cloudbuster & Chembuster. The Only Mini Cloudbuster & Chembuster on the net!

                              Orgone Chembuster / CloudBuster

                              This is based on the Don Croft model of Wilhelm Reich’s cloudbuster. The difference between the Croft model and Reich’s essentially lies with the addition of Quartz crystals ( if all his quartz was left chiral he'll get more effects ) into the Orgone mix. Dr. Reich’s original cloudbuster needed a running source of water to clear the unit. I make my Chembuster / CloudBusters a little different from Don Croft, I do use the crystals, Quartz, amethyst, tourmaline, jade and turquoise. I do not however use aluminum, I follow Reich’s warning not to use Aluminum. Most Chembuster’s use Aluminum as the main metal. I use steel shavings Reich’s traditional metal; as well as Copper, Zinc, Silver, and a bit of Monoatomic Gold. I prepare the resin with a crystal singing bowl, and a Schauberger water implosion coil to create structured resin. I will also add in some herbs such as garlic and pure carbon in the form of charcoal
                              I think Aluminum should be used but in a specific Manner .... more like Ighina the Italian Tesla


                              Study Demonstrates Gravity Determines Handedness of Molecular Screws | Chemistry |

                              Published: Mar 5th, 2012

                              Study Demonstrates Gravity Determines Handedness of Molecular Screws

                              Researchers have for the first time demonstrated that gravity plays a role in the formation of molecular aggregates, and that it can even be used to make them right-handed or left-handed.
                              Many chemical and biochemical substances exist in the form of one of two structures that are the exact mirror-image of one another. However, no one could explain exactly how these images originally formed.

                              Now, researchers from the Nijmegen High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML), the Netherlands, the CNR-IPCF Institute in Messina, Italy, and the University of Messina, have demonstrated that a combination of gravitational and rotational forces may play a role. The findings are published in Nature Chemistry.

                              The team carried out a growth experiment in which flat dye molecules (porphyrins) were allowed to aggregate. By varying the gravitational force using a strong magnetic field, and by rotating the vials containing the molecules in solution, the researchers were able to produce left-handed or right-handed aggregates as desired. The aggregates look a little like screws – or their mirror image.

                              The super magnets at HFML are so strong that they can cause non-magnetic materials to levitate. It is also possible to invert the gravitational force, as the magnetic force varies in strength at different places within the magnet – a property that the researchers made use of, placing a whole series of vials in the magnet.

                              Non-chiral porphyrins, shown with green blocks, can form screw-shaped chiral structures. The rotation (red arrows) and gravity (green arrows) determine whether left- or right-handed screw structures are formed (N. Micali et al)

                              -------------- from:

                              Solid-state physics: Golden ratio seen in a magnet

                              The golden ratio — an exact 'magic' number often claimed to be observed when taking ratios of distances in ancient and modern architecture, sculpture and painting — has been spotted in a magnetic compound. (principle of correspondence )
                              Access : Solid-state physics: Golden ratio seen in a magnet : Nature


                              from The Avalon Foundation :|: Research - Examination of Apparent Transient Weight Changes In Accelerated Chiral Crystals

                              All of the identified crystals may be considered chiral in nature, and generally seemed to have values higher than sucrose for rotatory power at typical sodium wavelengths of light. Among these candidates are:

                              Alpha quartz (found in nature as nearly equal populations of left and right hand crystals)
                              Lithium Iodate (expensive, though well studied)
                              Single crystal tellurium (being readily available in bulk, but expensive in single crystal form)
                              Gamma selenium (grown from solution)
                              Cinnabar (Mercuric Sulphide - highly toxic)
                              Rochelle Salt

                              The clear winner from this list, for our purposes, was alpha quartz! Good quality natural quartz points are readily available, and large cultured specimens are available as well for modest prices. The SiO4 ion is well studied and the alpha quartz lattice has long been characterized for dimensions and properties. Alpha quartz has been cited as having a sodium line optical activity of between 23 and 25 degrees per mm.
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-18-2012, 03:01 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • The Astronomist: The Universe and Life is asymmetric: Chirality

                                The Universe and Life is asymmetric: Chirality

                                The shadow of symmetry haunts physics. Symmetry is invoked to understand nature concisely, but broken symmetry is invoked to understand nature completely. Physics is filled with examples of shattered symmetries: there is more matter than antimatter, neutrinos only come in the left handed spin flavor, and quantum processes break symmetries constantly, but nature also violates symmetry in chemistry and biology in a very clever manner. Chemistry and biology are subjects I do no normally touch upon, but I am intrigued by the curious circumstance of life on Earth: many molecules are not superimposable upon their mirror images, a property called chirality, and life on Earth has a preference for these chiral mirror configurations. Physics and life is inherently asymmetric.

                                That something is not identical to its mirror image is a property known as chirality. Hands (etymologically the word chirality is derived from the Greek word for hand), spiral galaxies, and the DNA helix are all examples of chiral objects. In particle physics chirality is a more abstract notion defined by transformations of a particle with respect to a left right of left handed representation in the Poincaré group. In chemistry chirality is well described by analogy to your hands wherein left and right hands cannot be superposed on each other even though the fingers are the same and match up.

                                This article is an exploration of chirality in biochemistry. I want to ask what makes life chiral, why is life chiral, and how did life become chiral. In order to supplement my limited knowledge of the subject I interviewed a world expert and author of over twenty papers on the subject, Robert Compton, who I must give a deep thanks to for being willing to answer my silly questions.
                                read on .....

                                It is important to accept that the concept of symmetry is tinted by the human notion of harmonious or aesthetically pleasing forms, but the strict mathematical interpretation of symmetry relies upon metrics of geometry. To this end many seemingly symmetric forms in the living natural world are actually examples of broken symmetries: spiral tree trunks, the human form, and sea shells (which generally only coil in one particular direction according to species). The remarkable thing is that this macro asymmetry can be traced back to a micro asymmetry in the chemistry of life. The arrangement of atoms in a molecule defines the function of that molecule, but even molecules with the same chemical configuration can behave differently as in the case of chiral molecules which are like mirror images of the same molecule that come in 'left' and 'right' handed forms. The great asymmetry of life is that all living organisms on Earth almost exclusively utilize the left handed (or levorotatory) configuration for amino acids and the right handed (or dextrorotatory) configuration for sugars belonging to DNA or RNA.

                                COHERENCE AT ANY LEVEL IS COHERENCE AT ALL LEVELS.

                                An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-18-2012, 02:52 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

