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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
    Thomas Moray's Swedish stone... I've been wondering about that too. He also took something from a raiway car at the same time he found his stone. What could he possibly need from a raiway car?! The only 'different' hard-to-find material to be found there, at that time and place, would be beryllium, which was used in the AGA lights inside the car for interior lumination. The AGA lights had a small glow net from cotton fibre soaked in a beryllium dilution. The cotton fibre would immediately burn away from the hot acetylene gas flame but the beryllium remained in the shape of the net and glowed from the heat. And the stone? The area where he found it isn't so very peciuliar geologically. It was in a mining district where iron, copper, led, tin and gold can be found but that's not reason enough, in case Mr Moray wouldn't create some mysticism around how his machines worked of course. My theory is that the Swedish stone is nothing but stone, a stone Sweden otherwise has some fame for, Granite. Granite is volcanic basalt mixed with water. A water-stone. It has diodical properties in relation to earth energy. Any dowser can find out how.

    Michael C,

    found the following as you mentioned Granite :

    Thomas Henry Moray: Speech at Valley State College, Northridge CA

    Through the years of research with Radiant Energy, my attention has been drawn to some of the phenomena of radio-active substances and kindred efforts of research. All our research has been in one main field, that is, rates of vibration, which has led us to many interesting experiments and accomplishments. Not the least of these has been the breeding of lighter as well as the heavier materials by the bombardment of various isotopes with high speed particles. A somewhat similar example may be had in the work being done by a different method in Breeder Reactors that produce more fuel than they consume which makes it feasible to 'burn the rocks,' that is, to utilize the vast supply of thorium ( Atomic Number: 90 ) contained, not in rich ores, but in rocks such as granite.

    see also Black Granite / pyramid


    The induced radioactivity communicated to an inactive substance may be much more intense than that of the radioactive substance from which it emanated. When, in an enclosed vessel, containing some emanation from a radioactive body (thorium for example), a metal plate charged with negative electricity at a high potential is introduced, all the particles emitted by the thorium concentrate themselves upon it and this plate becomes ten thousand times more active, surface for surface, then the thorium itself. These facts are not, any more than the preceding ones, explainable by the electric current theory.
    If a metal (rendered artificially radioactive) is brought to a white heat, it loses its radioactivity, which spreads itself over the bodies in its neighborhood. Here again, we see atoms behaving in a very strange manner.

    The phenomenon of induced radioactivity is, then, quite unexplainable with energy ideas as to electric particles. It cannot be admitted that such particles deposited on a metal can remain for weeks in the charged state and be carried along by reagents. It would see, from M. Curie’s experiments, that bismuth, plunged into a solution of bromide or radium and carefully washed immediately, remains radioactive for at least three years. This radioactivity would seem even to persist after energetic chemical treatment or metallic plating.

    Palmer Craig: Hall Effect Device (Battery, rectifier, amplifier)

    The inventor today spoke of the device as “a series of about 10 thin bismuth plates, piled one on the other, with wires running between them and finally on out to the actual radio set.”

    Because of the delicate nature of the bismuth plates, Dr. Craig has protected them with a covering of sulfur. According to the inventor, the bismuth plates will generate the energy necessary to operate the radio and serve as a detector and amplifier.

    Bismuth is relatively brittle for a metal. It has the interesting physical property of being less dense as a solid than it is as a liquid. The only other common substances which expand when they freeze are antimony metal and water.
    The most common bismuth minerals are bismuthinite and bismite. Generally, these and other bismuth minerals occur in minute quantities within ores of other metals, such as gold, silver, lead, zinc, and tungsten.

    Bismuth is usually an indicator of high-temperature mineral deposits, forming in veins with quartz and various metallic minerals, or at the contact of granite intrusions with other rocks such as limestone.

    bismuth is also an element used in the construction of a Moe Joe Cell: Official Website of The Moe-Joe Cell Spherical 316 Non-Magnetic Stainless Steel Joe Cell

    Q - How much hydrogen gas does the Moe-Joe cell produce?

    A - Initially, the Moe-Joe cell was not conceived as a hydrogen producer. It was created because it concentrates orgone energy, which can be used for combustion in internal combustion engines and also for healing. However, since some people have thought of using it as a HHO producer, it has shown some considerable results. (See Brett's 3000GT results on the Testimonials page)

    hope you remember that we discussed all these elements

    Limestone Quartz Magnetite and Residual Paranormal Hauntings Study by Long Island Paranormal Investigators - Ghost Haunted Demonic Investigation Ghost Hunter New York NY

    Analogy is perhaps the most powerful conceptual tool for understanding new phenomena or opening new areas of investigation

    Thomas H. MORAY
    Yull Brown : Brown's Gas vs Radioactivity

    The late former New York Assemblyman Dan Haley ( and numerous others ) witnessed a demonstration of Brown's Gas : stoichometric H-H-O from electrolyzed water. vs radioactive material in which the emissions were reduced to 0.04% within a few minutes:
    --------------------------this i did not know

    From 1936 to 1938 tests were made at various times with scores of people present of a Radiant Energy radio. This radio, on several occasions, received broadcasts direct from Little America from Admiral Byrd and his party in the Antartic. These broadcasts came in over a loud speaker clear and distinct on occasions when regular radio broadcasting stations reported that interference was so severe they could not receive Admiral Byrd's broadcasts from Little America because of weather conditions.

    Hollow Earth Theory and Admiral Byrd’s Diary
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2012, 01:30 AM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Thorium, I didnt know it was found in granite
      Reminds me of the plasma battery mentioned a few months back, thorium cores hmmm
      You always find interesting clues

      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


      • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
        Thorium, I didnt know it was found in granite
        Reminds me of the plasma battery mentioned a few months back, thorium cores hmmm
        You always find interesting clues



        Phillip S. CALLAHAN -- Paramagnetism & Agriculture

        Paramagnetism --
        Rediscovering nature's secret force of growth: How to farm properly as god intended

        His use of the word granite ( used in all the Ancient Structures we discussed ) implies that he not only knew that good soil is made from eroded stone but also which kind of stone was best suited to a viable agriculture.
        This word is similar to prepared granite except that the pyramid sign (Septih), for the Dog Star, is replaced by the symbol for a wing (many feathers), a much stronger levitation force than one feather . In other words black granite ( see black pyramid in Alaska ) is a paramagnetic battery for the force. Every Egyptian word for different types of para-magnetic stone, eg. aner-en-rut (sandstone)

        Always use caution when experimenting

        the element :

        Black Granite
        Bismuth plate
        Granite box
        HHO Flame / just the gas( Wonder if pre treated Granite with HHO flame for agriculture )

        optional :

        magnetite / aluminum / Left Chiral Quartz / limestone
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2012, 02:31 AM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post


          Phillip S. CALLAHAN -- Paramagnetism & Agriculture

          Paramagnetism --
          Rediscovering nature's secret force of growth: How to farm properly as god intended


          Palmer Craig: Hall Effect Device (Battery, rectifier, amplifier)

          Surprisingly thin and uniform films were, however, obtained by dipping mica sheets into molten bismuth and using the metallic film which adhered to the mica. If the surface of the mica be slightly roughened with hydrofluoric acid, and care be used in withdrawing the mica from the molten metal, a very thin and uniform film can be obtained by this very simple and rapid method.


          Thomas Henry Moray: Speech at Valley State College, Northridge CA

          Through the years of research with Radiant Energy, my attention has been drawn to some of the phenomena of radio-active substances and kindred efforts of research. All our research has been in one main field, that is, rates of vibration, which has led us to many interesting experiments and accomplishments. Not the least of these has been the breeding of lighter as well as the heavier materials by the bombardment of various isotopes with high speed particles. A somewhat similar example may be had in the work being done by a different method in Breeder Reactors that produce more fuel than they consume which makes it feasible to 'burn the rocks,' that is, to utilize the vast supply of thorium ( Atomic Number: 90 ) contained, not in rich ores, but in rocks such as granite.

          Always use caution when experimenting

          the element :

          Black Granite
          Bismuth plate
          Granite box
          HHO Flame / just the gas( Wonder if pre treated Granite with HHO flame for agriculture )

          optional :

          magnetite / aluminum / Left Chiral Quartz / limestone

          The Granite Plugs of the Great Pyramid

          Since the granite box (“I” in Figure 1) that was found in the King’s Chamber (“K” in Figure 1) resembles the size of the traditional sarcophagus (its lack of a mummy, hieroglyphics, or any engraving, notwithstanding), and since the King’s Chamber is preceded by the Antechamber (“H” in Figure 1), it is commonly held that Khufu was entombed in the King’s Chamber.

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2012, 06:02 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Bismuth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Bismuthine and bismuthides

            Unlike earlier members of group 15 elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and arsenic, and similar to the previous group 15 element antimony and has a period = 6,
            Thorium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia in Granite ( also present in it Quartz )

            Element : 90
            Period : 7
            named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder

            + H H O

            The induced radioactivity communicated to an inactive substance may be much more intense than that of the radioactive substance from which it emanated. When, in an enclosed vessel, containing some emanation from a radioactive body (thorium for example), a metal plate charged with negative electricity at a high potential is introduced, all the particles emitted by the thorium concentrate themselves upon it and this plate becomes ten thousand times more active, surface for surface, then the thorium itself. These facts are not, any more than the preceding ones, explainable by the electric current theory.
            If a metal (rendered artificially radioactive) or granite is brought to a white heat, it loses its radioactivity, which spreads itself over the bodies in its neighborhood ( the other bismut plates ). Here again, we see atoms behaving in a very strange manner.

            The phenomenon of induced radioactivity is, then, quite unexplainable with energy ideas as to electric particles. It cannot be admitted that such particles deposited on a metal can remain for weeks in the charged state and be carried along by reagents. It would see, from M. Curie’s experiments, that bismuth, plunged into a solution of bromide or radium and carefully washed immediately, remains radioactive for at least three years. This radioactivity would seem even to persist after energetic chemical treatment or metallic plating.

            Yull Brown : Brown's Gas vs Radioactivity

            The late former New York Assemblyman Dan Haley ( and numerous others ) witnessed a demonstration of Brown's Gas : stoichometric H-H-O from electrolyzed water. vs radioactive material in which the emissions were reduced to 0.04% within a few minutes:

            Tesla Patent 396,121 - Thermo-Magnetic Motor

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2012, 06:38 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Earth Bound Disaster Imminent Less Than 5 Weeks Away [Video]
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


              • alert alert earth bound disaster imminent less than 5 weeks away. - YouTube

                interesting info about the Mayan Calendar having "an accuracy of 13 sec today" ( quoting the author of the vid )

                Mayan Numbers Symbols

                13 - Ascension. Rules all other numbers.

                ps: the newspaper 's date is 09 / 21 / 10

                All Truth is Half Truth

                alert alert earth bound disaster imminent less than 5 weeks away. - YouTube

                interesting info about the Mayan Calendar having "an accuracy of 13 sec today" ( quoting the author of the vid )

                Mayan Numbers Symbols

                13 - Ascension. Rules all other numbers.

                ps: the newspaper 's date is 09 / 21 / 10

                All Truth is Half Truth

                Interstellar dust and the sun

                November 12, 2012

                (—The space between stars is not empty. It contains copious but diffuse amounts of gas and dust; in fact about 5-10% of the total mass of our Milky Way galaxy is in interstellar gas. About 1% of the mass of this interstellar material, quite a lot in astronomical terms, is in the form of tiny dust grains made predominantly of silicates (sand too is made of silicates), though some grains are also composed of carbon and other elements. Dust grains are important. They block visible light while emitting infrared light, and thus help determine what astronomers can see while controlling much of the energy balance in the interstellar medium (ISM) by virtue of the absorption and subsequent re-emission at longer wavelengths of light from stars. Dust is also essential to the chemistry that takes place in the ISM because it provides gas molecules with a surface on which to react with other molecules. Not least, dust contains a large fraction of many important elements in the universe like silicon, carbon, and iron. Moreover, astronomers think that at some stage in the evolution of new stars the dust around them will coagulate into large clumps—the first step towards forming planets.
                Writing in the latest issues of the Astrophysical Journal, the scientists report on the results of their theoretical models of the behavior of interstellar dust grains as the Sun moves through space. They build on in-situ observations of the heliosphere taken when the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft on their outward journey encountered the edges of the heliosphere, results that constrain its size and shape. Assuming typical grains made of olivine silicates, the team finds that the small grains (less than the wavelength of ultraviolet light) stay far away from the Sun, that gravity helps the large grains collect near the Sun, but that intermediate-sized grains - about the size of the wavelength of optical light - can actually pile up in diffuse structures at the edges of the heliosphere. The new results, besides providing important new information on dust grains in the solar system, suggest that radiation from these intermediate-sized grain structures could contaminate the images of the sky used to measure the cosmic backgrounds.
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2012, 07:06 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • 3,6,9
                  Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                  • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Tesla had an Amazing Mind :

                      check this out :

                      Tesla Patent 685,012 - Means for Increasing the Intensity of Electrical Oscillations

                      685 012

                      The best and most convenient manner of carrying out the invention of which I am now aware is to surround the freely-vibrating circuit or conductor, which is to be maintained at a low temperature, with a suitable cooling medium, which may be any kind of freezing mixture or agent, such as liquid air, and in order to derive the fullest benefit from the improvement the circuit should be primarily constructed so as to have the greatest possible self-induction and the smallest practicable resistance, and other rules of construction which are now recognized should be observed. For example, when in a system of transmission of energy for any purpose through the natural media the transmitting and receiving conductors are connected to earth and to an insulated terminal, respectively, the lengths of these conductors should be one-quarter of the wave length of the disturbance propagated through them.
                      Coils in the form of a flat spiral, such as those described, are eminently suited for the production of free oscillations; but obviously conductors or circuits of any other form may be used, if desired.


                      I was a bit surprised to see the following

                      grenz|wissenschaft-aktuell: Astrophysiker entwickeln den fast perfekten Signalverstärker

                      google translated:

                      Pasadena (USA) - NASA scientists have developed a new type of amplifier for electrical signals. The device can be used for a variety of applications, for example, to study distant stars, galaxies and black holes but also to explore the quantum world and the development of quantum computers.

                      "This amplifier our abilities of different things being measured to redefine" the team leader Jonas Zmudzinas Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and professor explained at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), that its development to date in the journal "Nature Physics" has described.

                      An amplifier is a GERAT that increases the strength of weak signals. This amplifier play a fundamental role in general in a variety of scientific measurements and electronics. "For many applications, the current amplifier are perfectly adequate," says Peter Day by JPL. "For a variety of scientific applications, the technologies are available, however, a significant limitation dar."
                      One of the basic features of the new amplifier is the fact that it includes superconducting materials, which allow for certain low temperature to an electric current to flow without resistance, whereby weak signals can be amplified in an ideal manner.

                      as it is an SBB Coil used in Orgone devices we have discussed way back


                      Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                      Wyniki Szukania w Grafice Google dla

                      Tesla said that in those SHAPES is encoded key to Universe, meaning to every force in nature.

                      6 and 9 are pancake coil in opposite directions
                      3 is a center tapped coil

                      also known as SBB coils, one of my favorite coil

                      thanks boguslaw for the info, did not know that

                      How to make an SBB coil

                      and the one twisted, is i think a Mobius Sbb coil, check out this post :

                      coil info

                      ------------------------------ the weird thing is that it was posted in

                      Crop Circle at Chalk Pit, nr Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire. Reported 2nd August* 2012.

                      ---------------------- btw

                      one of your favorite Apparatus made by Tesla :

                      Magnifying transmitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      The magnifying transmitter is an advanced version of Tesla coil transmitter. It is a high power harmonic oscillator that Nikola Tesla intended for the wireless transmission of electrical energy. In his autobiography, Tesla stated that "...I feel certain that of all my inventions, the Magnifying Transmitter will prove most important and valuable to future generations."[1] The magnifying transmitter is an air-core, multiple-resonant transformer that can generate very high voltages.

                      Harmonic Math : 3 9 7 5 = 393 = HM 6

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2012, 10:16 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Did you guys ever check out the dates of Patent filing

                        Tesla Patent 685,953 - Method of Intensifying and Utilizing Effects Transmitted Through Natural Media

                        Application filed June 24, 1899 = 06 24 99 = 6 6 9 9

                        Tesla Patent 1,119,732 - Apparatus for Transmitting Electrical Energy

                        Application filed January 18, 1902

                        Tesla Patent 685,957 - Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy

                        Application filed March 21, 1901

                        and my personal favorite :

                        Tesla Patent 1,061,142 - Fluid Propulsion

                        1,061,142. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented May 6, 1913.

                        Application filed October 21, 1909

                        Tesla Patent 1,329,559 - Valvular Conduit

                        1,329,559. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Feb. 3, 1920.

                        Application filed February 21, 1916

                        .:: Kenneth Bager - Fragment Eight (The Sound of Swing) ::. - YouTube

                        Let me show you a Patent that has Numbers on it ..... "Master" Tesla Wrote himslef

                        I suck at complex math ..... but i know Simple Math ( ie Harmonic Math )

                        Tesla Patent 1,655,113 - Method of Aerial Transportation

                        apologies if i cut short the formulations .... you can find them in the Patent :

                        Taking, in a special case, the angle a=60°, then

                        1/sin a = 1/0.866 = 1.1547


                        h1-h2 = 26,700xlog. 1.1547 = 3,840 feet.
                        Angle 60 deg = HM 6
                        1.1547 = 1 1 5 4 7 = 2 9 7 = 9 9 = HM 9
                        3,840 feet = 3 8 4 0 = 3 1 2 = 3 3 = HM 6

                        the force increasing as the angle diminishes up to a maximum for a = 45°
                        My invention meets the present necessity in a simple manner without radical departure in construction and sacrifice of valuable features, incidentally securing advantages which should prove very beneficial in the further development of the art. Broadly expressed, it consists in a novel method of transporting bodies through the air according to which the machine is raised and lowered solely by the propeller and sustained in lateral flight by planes. To accomplish this a light and powerful prime mover is necessary and as particularly suited for the purpose I employ, preferably, a turbine of the kind described in my U. S. Patent No. 1,061,206, of May 6, 1913

                        Tesla Patent 787,412 - Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy through the Natural Mediums

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2012, 11:18 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Tesla Patent 787,412 - Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy through the Natural Mediums


                          what do you see

                          Analogy is perhaps the most powerful conceptual tool for understanding new phenomena or opening new areas of investigation

                          Thomas H. MORAY

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • from:

                            Originally posted by Danny B View Post

                            There is currently a lot of research using a caduceus coil to treat seeds for better germination. I suspect that the clarifier generates the same scalar beam.
                            Using magnetic energy to treat seeds goes back probably 12,000 years. There is an excellent book on the subject.
                            "Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Plenty" by John Burke

                            I have no idea in what aspect matter is "deficient". So, I don't know what "quality" of matter is affected/improved by the Bedini clarifier. There are hints that this device can be used to do a very special "treatment" of matter to get some exciting results. I have NO idea what they might be.

                            Reportedly, one can also use electricity to completely change the genetic code. It's a fascinating possibility.
                            English -
                            thank you for the info Danny B

                            see also :

                            "Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Plenty" by John Burke

                            A recent book, Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Plenty, by John Burke (the "B" in "BLT Research Team") and his colleague Kaj Halberg (Council Oaks Books, 2005: ISBN #1-57178-184-6 and ISBN #978-1-57178-184-0) presents scientifically documented evidence that the old-world engineers who built the massive henges, pyramids, mounds and dolmen of the ancient world may well have understood a true secret—lost to modern man until now. The authors show that these structures were overwhelmingly sited at locations where the local geology magnified naturally-occurring electromagnetic fluctuations in the earth's crust and, further, that pyramidal and corbel- roofed stone structures erected at these locations enhanced this effect.



                            Limestone Quartz Magnetite and Residual Paranormal Hauntings Study by Long Island Paranormal Investigators - Ghost Haunted Demonic Investigation Ghost Hunter New York NY

                            Phillip S. CALLAHAN -- Paramagnetism & Agriculture

                            Paramagnetism --
                            Rediscovering nature's secret force of growth: How to farm properly as god intended

                            His use of the word granite ( used in all the Ancient Structures we discussed ) implies that he not only knew that good soil is made from eroded stone but also which kind of stone was best suited to a viable agriculture.
                            This word is similar to prepared granite except that the pyramid sign (Septih), for the Dog Star, is replaced by the symbol for a wing (many feathers), a much stronger levitation force than one feather . In other words black granite ( see black pyramid in Alaska ) is a paramagnetic battery for the force. Every Egyptian word for different types of para-magnetic stone, eg. aner-en-rut (sandstone)


                            When priests at the temple complex of Chavín de Huántar in central Peru sounded their conch-shell trumpets 2,500 years ago, tones magnified and echoed by stone surfaces seemed to come from everywhere, yet nowhere. The effect must have seemed otherworldly, but there was nothing mysterious about its production. According to archaeologists at Stanford University, the temple’s builders created galleries, ducts, and ventilation shafts to channel sound. In short, the temple’s designers may have been not only expert architects but also skilled acoustical engineers.

                            The findings add to a growing body of research suggesting that sound meant more to our ancestors than archaeologists once realized. We live in a sound-saturated society, full of iPods, thunderous special effects in movies, and thousand-watt car stereos. New discoveries in the young field of acoustic archaeology hint that just as we create elaborate sonic environments with our electronics, the ancients may have sculpted their soundscapes as well. Like many artistic endeavors, their efforts may have been rooted in an attempt to reach the divine.
                            A Fractal Resonance

                            a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

                            Santos Bonacci - Truth Frequency Radio - 11-03-12 - Syncretism & Our Binary Star - YouTube
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-15-2012, 02:16 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • A recent book, Seed of Knowledge, Stone of Plenty, by John Burke (the "B" in "BLT Research Team") and his colleague Kaj Halberg (Council Oaks Books, 2005: ISBN #1-57178-184-6 and ISBN #978-1-57178-184-0) presents scientifically documented evidence that the old-world engineers who built the massive henges, pyramids, mounds and dolmen of the ancient world may well have understood a true secret—lost to modern man until now. The authors show that these structures were overwhelmingly sited at locations where the local geology magnified naturally-occurring electromagnetic fluctuations in the earth's crust and, further, that pyramidal and corbel- roofed stone structures erected at these locations enhanced this effect.
                              I think the pyramid's were built before the last pole shift, when we cross the threshold and the poles shift again they may fire up, but we wont be there to see it.
                              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                              • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                                I think the pyramid's were built before the last pole shift, when we cross the threshold and the poles shift again they may fire up, but we wont be there to see it.
                                no one knows what the future holds .... we can only Speculate ( all truth is Half truth )

                                Good reading you Dave
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

