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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • which brings us to a question that has been echoing for quite some times :


    just a thought : can high frequency create such a setting ( a "vacuum filled magnetic container )

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • seems like we are getting pretty close key words : Mirror and fractal

      Time reversal findings may open doors to the future

      (—Imagine a cell phone charger that recharges your phone remotely without even knowing where it is; a device that targets and destroys tumors, wherever they are in the body; or a security field that can disable electronics, even a listening device hiding in a prosthetic toe, without knowing where it is.

      Read more at:
      While these applications remain only dreams, researchers at the University of Maryland have come up with a sci-fi seeming technology that one day could make them real. Using a time-reversal technique, the team has discovered how to transmit power, sound or images to a nonlinear object without knowing the object's exact location and without affecting objects around it ( sound familiar ) . Their work, "Nonlinear Time Reversal in a Wave Chaotic System," was published in the Feb. 7 issue of the Physical Review Letters journal. "That's the magic of time reversal," says Steven Anlage, a university physics professor involved in the project. "When you reverse the waveform's direction in space and time, it follows the same path it took coming out and finds its way exactly back to the source."

      Read more at:

      Non-Linear Physics for Beginners: Fractals, Chaos, Pattern Formation ... - Lui Lam - Google Livres
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Watch: A Mind-Bending Experiment That Makes Water "Freeze" In Mid-Air | Co.Design: business + innovation + design

        Amazing Water & Sound Experiment #2 - YouTube

        ( similar effect can be achieved with a stroboscope .... i think : Levitating Water - YouTube )

        For this project you'll need:

        A powered speaker
        Water source
        Soft rubber hose
        Tone generating software
        24 fps camera

        Run the rubber hose down past the speaker so that the hose touches the speaker. Leave about 1 or 2 inches of the hose hanging past the bottom of the speaker. Secure the hose to the speaker with tape or whatever works best for you. The goal is to make sure the hose is touching the actual speaker so that when the speaker produces sound (vibrates) it will vibrate the hose.

        Set up your camera and switch it to 24 fps. The higher the shutter speed the better the results. But also keep in the mind that the higher your shutter speed, the more light you need. Run an audio cable from your computer to the speaker. Set your tone generating software to 24hz and hit play.Turn on the water. Now look through the camera and watch the magic begin. If you want the water to look like it's moving backward set the
        frequency to 23hz. If you want to look like it's moving forward in slow motion set it to 25hz.

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Thrusters powered by ionic wind may be efficient alternative to conventional atmospheric propulsion technologies

          When a current passes between two electrodes—one thinner than the other—it creates a wind in the air between. If enough voltage is applied, the resulting wind can produce a thrust without the help of motors or fuel.

          Read more at:

          and Biefeld–Brown effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Thomas Townsend Brown, Electrogavitic propulsion inventor

          The Biefeld–Brown effect is an electrical effect that produces an ionic wind that transfers its momentum to surrounding neutral particles, first discovered by Paul Alfred Biefeld (Germany) and Thomas Townsend Brown (USA). The effect is more widely referred to as electrohydrodynamics (EHD) or sometimes electro-fluid-dynamics, a counterpart to the well-known magnetohydrodynamics. Extensive research was performed during the 1950s and 1960s on the use of this electric propulsion effect during the publicized era of the United States gravity control propulsion research (1955 - 1974). Top secret experiments into the effect were also conducted in France 1955-1958 by Thomas Townsend Brown and SNCASO called Project Montgolfier.[1] During 1964, Major Alexander Procofieff de Seversky published much of his related work in U.S. Patent 3,130,945, and with the aim to forestall any possible misunderstanding about these devices, termed these flying machines as ionocraft. In the following years, many promising concepts were abandoned due to technological limitations. The effect has only recently become of interest again and such flying devices are now known as EHD thrusters. Simple single-stage versions lifted by this effect are sometimes also called lifters.

          Thomas Townsend Brown: Scientific Notebook, Vol. 4

          In certain special cases where the resistive materials, like granitic rocks, are electrically polarized, the diode rectifiers need not be used, but their use does not detract in such cases.

          Even with granitic rocks, which basically act as gravito-electric receptors, and are slightly polarized naturally, the use of the diode improves performance as an electrical energy source. The method therefore includes the 3 circuit elements, resistor, diode and (storage) capacitor.

          Page 4

          In describing the operation of this form of electric generator, it s believed that the resistor (any high resistance) intercepts radiation from the ambient (possibly gravitational radiation from space) and then coverts the incoming energy to RF (broad noise spectrum) intrinsically within the body of the resistive material. This RF noise appears at the terminals of the resistor or at the sides of the granite block (for example) to which electrodes have been attached.

          Researchers devise a way to capture and release electromagnetic waves inside a metamaterial

          ( —A team of researchers at Kyoto University in Japan has discovered a way to capture and hold electromagnetic waves inside of a metalmaterial and then release them. As the group describes in their paper they've uploaded to the preprint server arXiv, the process involved creating a metamaterial with two different types of capacitors—one that absorbs or radiates waves and another that traps them.

          Read more at:
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            seems like we are getting pretty close key words : Mirror and fractal
            Are you suggesting the underlying IDEAs concerning mirrors and fractals are KEY to understanding the 'mysteries'?



            • Mirrors

              to my shame it is today that i found this info...i don't now if there is a thread about it
              but here it is:Conscious Hugs | In Rapport We Thrive

              in my opinion is mindblow info .... look for a pdf file Time and Timelines
              my brain is already fried

              sorry again if this is old news


              • Originally posted by adilu View Post
                to my shame it is today that i found this info...i don't now if there is a thread about it
                but here it is:Conscious Hugs | In Rapport We Thrive

                in my opinion is mindblow info .... look for a pdf file Time and Timelines
                my brain is already fried

                sorry again if this is old news
                welcome adilu to our discussion

                good info .... you should also keep in mind the following as well :

                Laws of physics must be rewritten: Mysterious sun particles alter radioactive decay on Earth

                from the doc in the site :

                The rotational structure of the atom, existing in coordinate time, explodes and scatters its pieces around in 3D time. As our clock time proceeds, we just run into the bits and pieces of the atom that physics views as radioactive emission. Same location in space (the atom), but different locations in time (the emission).

                The link between sun activity and radioactive decay rates still seemed very circumstantial. But at the very least, the connection suggested by Jere's observation provided enough evidence to warrant further research. As this research progressed, a pattern eventually emerged that did indeed show a regular repeating fluctuation in radioactive decay rates which appeared to occur every 33 days.

                The 33-day cycle happens to correlate with the rotational period of the core of the sun. And, as it happens, the core of the sun is the source of solar neutrinos, atomic particles that bombard the earth in accordance with the sun's regular cycles. Could neutrinos have something to do with the shifting decay rates?

                Learn more: Laws of physics must be rewritten: Mysterious sun particles alter radioactive decay on Earth

                Mysterious pulse on Earth that seemed to ‘answer’ sun’s blast | THE TRUTH BEHIND THE SCENES

                with that in mind .... add Fukushima to the lot with all the "radioactive matter" in our oceans ..... solar cycle 24

                Sun unleashes biggest solar flare of the year yet | Fox News

                The most powerful solar flare of the year erupted from the sun Thursday, April 11, sparking a temporary radio blackout on Earth, NASA officials say.

                The solar flare occurred at 3:16 a.m. EDT (0716 GMT) and registered as a M6.5-class sun storm, a relatively mid-level flare on the scale of solar tempests. It coincided with an eruption of super-hot solar plasma known as a coronal mass ejection.

                Human Radioactivity

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-15-2013, 02:41 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • tks MM
                  related to that
                  Reciprocal System v2 | The Reevaluation of Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of theory

                  i usually read threads not logged in but i post on your thread because for me is like
                  a general library regarding energy.....there are other good threads (i'm on this forum most of every day ) but are more technical..... this one should stay updated every a good source of fresh info

                  if i find something new and interesting i'll post it here


                  • Originally posted by adilu View Post
                    tks MM
                    related to that
                    Reciprocal System v2 | The Reevaluation of Dewey B. Larson's Reciprocal System of theory

                    i usually read threads not logged in but i post on your thread because for me is like
                    a general library regarding energy.....there are other good threads (i'm on this forum most of every day ) but are more technical..... this one should stay updated every a good source of fresh info

                    if i find something new and interesting i'll post it here
                    that is what the thread is for sharing fresh new perspectives to Inspire ( In Spiritus ) and repository of new ideas and infos .... matching Patterns .... adilu glad to see you got the flow of the discussion

                    flow my friend
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Originally posted by adilu View Post
                      to my shame it is today that i found this info...i don't now if there is a thread about it
                      but here it is:Conscious Hugs | In Rapport We Thrive

                      in my opinion is mindblow info .... look for a pdf file Time and Timelines
                      my brain is already fried

                      sorry again if this is old news
                      the pdf. file Geochronology – Hiding History in the Past

                      This is funny stuff...I would not take Daniel's BS theory too seriously.

                      Dewey's RS theory has its merits but then Daniel mixes too much fiction with the facts.



                      • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                        the pdf. file Geochronology – Hiding History in the Past

                        This is funny stuff...I would not take Daniel's BS theory too seriously.

                        Dewey's RS theory has its merits but then Daniel mixes too much fiction with the facts.

                        hi Raphael37
                        is not about taking about obtaining info from all sources.....who knows what gem we may find .....anyway tks for advice

                        hi MM
                        tks for appreciation


                        • Originally posted by adilu View Post
                          hi Raphael37
                          is not about taking about obtaining info from all sources.....who knows what gem we may find .....anyway tks for advice

                          hi MM
                          tks for appreciation
                          Mr Scruff - Blackpool Roll - YouTube ....

                          Uploaded on Apr 15, 2009

                          Album: Keep it Unreal (1999)
                          don't we all Love Truth ..... but all Truth is Half Truth .... Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion

                          A life without love is a waste. “Should I look for spiritual love, or material, or physical love?”, don’t ask yourself this question. Discrimination leads to discrimination. Love doesn’t need any name, category or definition. Love is a world itself. Either you are in, at the center…either you are out, yearning.

                          ~ Shams Tabrizi
                          figure drawn by Walter Russell

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-17-2013, 01:28 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Originally posted by adilu View Post
                            hi Raphael37
                            is not about taking about obtaining info from all sources.....who knows what gem we may find .....anyway tks for advice

                            hi MM
                            tks for appreciation
                            You are welcome.

                            I agree it is about obtaining info from ALL sources.

                            I find it funny though that most of 'we western the sheeple' turn their heads in disgust when I show them the diamond in the rough that I have found.
                            A gem whose origin we can trace to 10,000 BCE.

                            A gem that has the magical ability to turn a dog like Hitler into a demi-god.

                            NANO World APPLICATIONS for the SWASTIKA – the true blue AVATAR | Alternative Thinking 37

                            The NANO superhero is a perfect match for what is in plain view.

                            Thus this NANO gem presents itself as the mechanism Mother Nature employs to get the job done.



                            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                              don't we all Love Truth ..... but all Truth is Half Truth .... Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion
                              I find the origin/source of the Kybalion interesting.

                              The most common proposal is that The Kybalion was authored by William Walker Atkinson, either alone or with others, such as Paul Foster Case and Elias Gewurz. Atkinson was known to use many pseudonyms, and to self-publish his works.

                              William Walker Atkinson (December 5, 1862 – November 22, 1932) was an attorney, merchant, publisher, and author, as well as an occultist and an American pioneer of the New Thought movement. He is also known to have been the author of the pseudonymous works attributed to Theron Q. Dumont and Yogi Ramacharaka.
                              Just the other day I purchased the book Mystic Christianity by Yogi Ramacharaka!
                              Like the Kybalion it was first published in 1908.
                              I love coincidences.

                              I paid $5 but it is free online
                              Mystic Christianity : Ramacharaka, Yogi [pseud.], 1862-1932 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

                              He (Atkinson) is also popularly held to be one (if not all) of the Three Initiates who anonymously authored The Kybalion, which certainly resembles Atkinson's other writings in style and subject matter.
                              I agree with the above speculation.
                              The Kybalion had one author.

                              In 1906, William Walker Atkinson (1862–1932) used the phrase in his New Thought Movement book Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World, stating that "like attracts like."[8]
                              figure drawn by Walter Russell

                              I like Walter Russell too (and we have the same initials) but both Bucky Fuller and ME have a problem with this quote:

                              “The cube and the sphere are the sole working tools of creation“
                              -Walter Russell

                              Last edited by Raphael37; 04-18-2013, 07:22 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                                I find the origin/source of the Kybalion interesting.

                                Just the other day I purchased the book Mystic Christianity by Yogi Ramacharaka!
                                Like the Kybalion it was first published in 1908.
                                I love coincidences.

                                I paid $5 but it is free online
                                Mystic Christianity : Ramacharaka, Yogi [pseud.], 1862-1932 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
                                thank you for the link .... will definitely check it out

                                I like Walter Russell too (and we have the same initials) but both Bucky Fuller and ME have a problem with this quote:

                                “The cube and the sphere are the sole working tools of creation“
                                -Walter Russell

                                when you "project" a cube with a sphere in 2D what do you get

                                mystic talk is not necessarily scientific talk

                                ....... Temple and Cosmos - The Circle and the Square
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-18-2013, 07:34 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

