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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • if you don't mind Dave45 , took the liberty of sharing your awesome work


    Originally posted by Dave45

    The cats out of the bag.

    Originally posted by Dave45

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Hey MM
      I put the cell in today powered with 12 volts ac, will see tomorrow.
      Im also getting another cell built with a lead plate to try and pull energy from the field, only time will tell. If I cant pull energy from this coil I plan to build Tesla's egg of columbus and putting it in ice.
      The wire core I built rusted and turned the water a rusty color I started to change it out but thought it might help the visual

      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


      • looking forward to seeing the results, Dave

        for comparison's sake

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          looking forward to seeing the results, Dave

          for comparison's sake

          Lily Impeller is something you want to have a look at

          JAY HARMAN: The Inventor of the Lily Impeller - YouTube

          Last edited by Raphael37; 05-04-2013, 08:14 PM.


          • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
            Lily Impeller is something you want to have a look at

            JAY HARMAN: The Inventor of the Lily Impeller - YouTube

            thank you Raphael37

            see also ..... took it up a notch


            Originally posted by Dave45
            The cell hasnt froze solid yet but check out how the rust is settling it looks like there is a spinning field clearing an area.
            The two coils are in series I should have wired them in parallel, Im going to freeze it again in parallel in a day or so but for now Im going to let it freeze solid.
            I'll post more pics later

            Also notice the rust seems suspended in the vortex region but settled out around it.

            Fascinating effect ....... the bottom of the ice block got me intrigued

            the color contrast is very telling

            amazing job Dave
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-05-2013, 02:51 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • what is impressive about this coil is that in a way it acts like

              I wonder if we overlay two of these coils ...... would it act the same way as two focal lenses ..... or amplify the vortex of the bigger coil ......

              the above design is a Moroccan Pendant : 1953 Morocco cut coin pendant w/ Pentagram within by petsalad

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • wanted to share with you a thought / epiphany of sort ..... which surely Tesla may have envisioned

                first a definition :

                Tesla coil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Tesla coils can produce higher voltages than other artificial sources of high- voltage discharges, electrostatic machines
                and a quote :

                Ere long intelligence—transmitted without wires—will throb through the earth like a pulse through a living organism. The wonder is that, with the present state of knowledge and the experiences gained, no attempt is being made to disturb the electrostatic or magnetic condition of the earth, and transmit, if nothing else, intelligence.
                — Nikola Tesla
                Electrical Engineer (24 Jun 1892), 11‎, 609

                so what if you disturbed the ionized air around and within the Tesla coil .....


                A Tesla Coil Nerf Gun Might Be The Coolest Nerf Gun Ever

                it seems game designers for the game Black Ops already thought of it :

                Tesla Turbine is The New WONDER WEAPON + How It Works - YouTube

                the point is not about making a weapon but that each of Tesla's ideas / patent may complement each other ..... remember what Tesla Said :


                Tesla turbine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Tesla's patents state that the device was intended for the use of fluids as motive agents, as distinguished from the application of the same for the propulsion or compression of fluids (though the device can be used for those purposes as well). By 2006, the Tesla turbine has not seen widespread commercial use since its invention. The Tesla pump, however, has been commercially available since 1982[5] and is used to pump fluids that are abrasive, viscous, shear sensitive, contain solids, or are otherwise difficult to handle with other pumps. Tesla himself did not procure a large contract for production. The main drawback in his time, as mentioned, was the poor knowledge of materials characteristics and behaviors at high temperatures. The best metallurgy of the day could not prevent the turbine disks from moving and warping unacceptably during operation.

                Today, many amateur experiments in the field have been conducted using Tesla turbines which use compressed air, steam as its power source (the steam being generated with heat from fuel combustion, from a vehicle's turbocharger or from solar radiation). The issue of the warping of the discs has been partially solved using new materials such as carbon fiber. For example, both PNGinc and International Turbine And Power, LLC[6] use carbon fiber discs in their Tesla turbine designs.

                One proposed current application for the device is a waste pump, in factories and mills where normal vane-type turbine pumps typically get blocked.

                Applications of the Tesla turbine as a multiple-disk centrifugal blood pump have yielded promising results.[7] Biomedical engineering research on such applications has been continued into the 21st century.[8]

                In 2010, a patent was issued for a wind turbine based on the Tesla design.[9]

                A similar pump was used to win the Oil Cleanup XPrize.[10]
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-05-2013, 04:34 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • I hope this is whats happening with the coil
                  Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                  • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

                    I hope this is whats happening with the coil
                    Looks like it does .....

                    how about pulsed dc

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                      ps: a perfect example of the Principle of Mentalism : All is Wave and Principle of Correspondence
                      YES but what is missing from this image?
                      IT is vital to know?

                      As a matter of fact I can tell you when this image was originally sketched SCIENCE did not know what I am about to share with you.

                      So what is MISSING from this image?
                      What has NOT been mentioned?

                      selah V


                      • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                        YES but what is missing from this image?
                        IT is vital to know?

                        So what is MISSING from this image?
                        What has NOT been mentioned?

                        selah V

                        do share ..... new informations are always welcome

                        in the meantime ....

                        ----------------- info update :

                        haven't we discussed Bismuth often enough Google

                        Physicists observe new magnetic state of bismuth ferrite

                        ( —Using computer models, a graduate student at the University of Arkansas has collaborated with scientists in the United States and Europe to observe a new magnetic state of bismuth ferrite.

                        Read more at:


                        Scientists use nano-rods to investigate how matter assembles

                        note the shape ...... looks familiar

                        ( —In the microscopic world, everything is in motion: atoms and molecules vibrate, proteins fold, even glass is a slow flowing liquid. And during each movement there are interactions between the smallest elements – for example, the atoms – and their neighbours. To make these movements visible, scientists at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI have developed a special model system. It is so big that it can be easily observed under an X-ray microscope, and mimics the tiniest movements in Nature. The model: rings made from six nanoscale magnetic rods, whose north and south poles attract each other. At room temperature, the magnetisation direction of each of these tiny rods varies spontaneously. Scientists were able to observe the magnetic interactions between these active rods in real time. These research results were published on May 5 in the journal Nature Physics

                        Microwave oven cooks up solar cell material

                        University of Utah metallurgists used an old microwave oven to produce a nanocrystal semiconductor rapidly using cheap, abundant and less toxic metals than other semiconductors. They hope it will be used for more efficient photovoltaic solar cells and LED lights, biological sensors and systems to convert waste heat to electricity.

                        Read more at:


                        Gravity's lingua franca: Unifying general relativity and quantum theory through spectra; geometry

                        ( —Mathematics is, in essence, an artificial language for precisely articulating theories about the physical world. Unlike natural language, however, translating different classes of mathematics can be difficult at best. Such is the case encountered in the attempt to unify general relativity and quantum theory, since they are expressed in differential geometry and functional analysis, respectively. That being said, spectral geometry – a field in mathematics which concerns relationships between geometric structures of manifolds and spectra of canonically defined differential operators – may resolve this long-standing quandary by allowing spacetime to be treated as simultaneously continuous and discrete, essentially relating the frequency-based ringing of the fabric of spacetime to its manifold-based shape. Recently, scientists at California Institute of Technology, Princeton University, University of Waterloo, and University of Queensland normalized and segmented spectral geometry into small, finite-dimensional steps. They then demonstrated their approach of calculating the shapes of two-dimensional objects from their vibrational spectra as being viable in two, and possibly more, dimensions.

                        Read more at:
                        Kempf then summarized the relation of their approach, which offers a gauge-independent identification of the metric's degrees of freedom in terms of invariants that should be ready to quantize, with several other mathematical attempts to unify general relativity and quantum theory.
                        Loop quantum gravity and string theory: "The new spectral geometric methods are deeply related to generalized Heisenberg uncertainty principles – and in fact, the new work grew out of studies of such principles, which have been shown to be related to loop quantum gravity as well as to string theory by myself and in collaboration with Martin Bojowald1."
                        Causal sets: "Perhaps, but it's not clear if there's a connection."
                        Garrett Lisi's E8 proposal: "Probably no connection."
                        Noncommutative geometry: "Alain Connes' program of noncommutative geometry shows that curved spaces can be described by a spectral triple, which includes the spectrum of the Dirac operator. It's not clear if the spectrum of the Dirac operator alone is sufficient to calculate the shape of a curved space. The new spectral geometric methods that we present here can be used to explore this interesting question further, and in fact we're working on this."
                        Supergravity: "Our new results apply to gravity and do not require supersymmetry. This is good because there's still no solid evidence that supersymmetry exists in nature."
                        Twistor models: "No connection known."

                        Read more at:
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          do share ..... new informations are always welcome

                          Is Walter Russell the author of this image?

                          I don't see anything discussing the role of you?

                          Well that is because Albert Einstein, Walter Russell, N. Tesla, and Ed Leedskalnin did NOT know the following fact about tornadoes and sound.

                          Scientists accidentally discovered that the spinning core or vortex of a tornado creates infrasonic waves. When the vortices are large, the frequencies are lower; smaller vortices have higher frequencies. These infrasonic sound waves can be detected up to 100 miles away, and are used to provide early warning of tornadoes.

                          A rather unique aspect of Infrasound is its ability to cover long distances and get around obstacles with little dissipation.


                          The Next Level :: View topic - 137-96 Maya/Freemason/Evangelists Code KEY to Holy Grail/DNA

                          selah V


                          • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post

                            Is Walter Russell the author of this image?

                            I don't see anything discussing the role of you?

                            Well that is because Albert Einstein, Walter Russell, N. Tesla, and Ed Leedskalnin did NOT know the following fact about tornadoes and sound.

                            The Next Level :: View topic - 137-96 Maya/Freemason/Evangelists Code KEY to Holy Grail/DNA

                            selah V
                            but the ancient did ....... called it HU ..... as in HU man .....

                            or B flat

                            In musical terms, the pitch of the sound generated by the black hole translates into the note of B flat.

                            check this out ...... In the Key of B Flat | More to Explore +

                            thank you for the info and you make a good point .....

                            so for testing your theory best use Dave's coil ..... hooked to a sound amplifier and two speaker cables hooked to the coil ( 4 connections ) and blasting some continuous B Flat ..... ( or the sound of the sun Sounds of solar oscillations .... ) then freeze

                            you can do the same with : Rodin Coil Speaker - YouTube

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-07-2013, 12:41 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                              but the ancient did ....... called it HU ..... as in HU man .....

                              or B flat

                              What if we connect the INEFFABLE name of god (YHVH) to a SOUND?

                              The name of the Hebrew god called YHVH, (i.e. the Greek tetragrammaton), found in older bibles would later be replaced by the Christian terminology like the The Lord, God, The Eternal and JeHoVaH.

                              JeHoVa Hu? who knows...?

                              It is also clear from many of your images that you are promoting the hexagon/hexagram in conjunction with the idea of a vortex.

                              Can you tell me what the Seal of Solomon was?
                              What shape was it associated with?

                              Do you think the SS (Seal of Solomon) is the hexagram?

                              OR is there another contender/shape/star for the title Seal of Solomon?

                              And more importantly what is the significance of MoN or MN when discussing Egyptology?

                              Last edited by Raphael37; 05-07-2013, 10:03 AM.


                              • Seal of Solomon .....

                                Je Hu Va

                                I am promoting nothing ..... merely sharing what i found .... also called Pattern Matching ..... not really bound by any shape or number

                                just to remind you the referential I use through this discussion :

                                a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

                                Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post

                                What if we connect the INEFFABLE name of god (YHVH) to a SOUND?

                                The name of the Hebrew god called YHVH, (i.e. the Greek tetragrammaton), found in older bibles would later be replaced by the Christian terminology like the The Lord, God, The Eternal and JeHoVaH.

                                JeHoVa Hu? who knows...?

                                It is also clear from many of your images that you are promoting the hexagon/hexagram in conjunction with the idea of a vortex.

                                Can you tell me what the Seal of Solomon was?
                                What shape was it associated with?

                                Do you think the SS (Seal of Solomon) is the hexagram?

                                OR is there another contender/shape/star for the title Seal of Solomon?

                                And more importantly what is the significance of MoN or MN when discussing Egyptology?



                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-07-2013, 12:18 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

