Crystal Batteries
That is right Traces of this compound were found in those old batteries. They used copper and Iron, unknown electrolyte. I found the key to a very unusual crystal that we have made without heat. I will post more on this later once my theory work out. This has been known for 7000 years, so where did all the information go?
The Egyptians made use of a glowing Crystal battery, where did it go? It's almost like all the information of the past has been scooped up and hidden away for some reason. It's like we are not suppose to know anything from the past.
The process in these batteries intersects with the energy field around us.
More later.
John B
That is right Traces of this compound were found in those old batteries. They used copper and Iron, unknown electrolyte. I found the key to a very unusual crystal that we have made without heat. I will post more on this later once my theory work out. This has been known for 7000 years, so where did all the information go?
The Egyptians made use of a glowing Crystal battery, where did it go? It's almost like all the information of the past has been scooped up and hidden away for some reason. It's like we are not suppose to know anything from the past.
The process in these batteries intersects with the energy field around us.
More later.
John B