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John Hutchison's Crystal Cell - replications

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  • #76
    Seth and Slider

    I'm about to begin building one for myself. I'm wondering if I could get an update from both Seth and Slider detailing their experiments up to date.

    Thanks guys


    • #77
      Made One (I think)


      Glad to read of the successes here! I made one sort of quickly after burning my first attempt with I believe inadequate homemade Rochelle salts. I didn't measure out the doping agents very well because I just wanted to see if I could heat the epsom/ new batch of rochelle mixture correctly and it worked! More or less! Measured .93 V about 10 minutes after then .88 V 15 minutes now .86 V 39 minutes or so after! Will try to post more data for the "record." I sort of trusted it would work following John Hutchison's video but wow it's cool! Let's see how long it lasts!
      Last edited by Blargus; 06-22-2012, 09:13 AM.


      • #78
        You guys are not alone,

        @ John Bedini
        First of all I would like to thank you for inspiring a generation of inventors and tinkers. I am contacting you because I am interested in perusing my passion. My background is from the energy sector. My father is control systems engineer my whole life and I understand the importance of energy in the growth of our nation. I am senior in the Bachelor of Science in Geology at University of Missouri Kansas city. I have successfully reproduced the Hutchison crystal battery it has been cranking out 3-4 volts for about six months ago. I really wish I stumbled on this forum earlier, so i didn’t have to decipher that awful video with Hutchison. That was miserable. Under load my amps aren’t strong enough yet but that will change. I have created a new cell based on the Rodin coil, 32 gauge mag wire, dual circuit hybrid coil, type design mimicking nature upping surface area is the thought, two months should be completed. If i am correct in my design it should up amps. I am not a conventional thinker this tends to help when dealing with this form of energy. And finally Hello to everyone on the forum thanks for confirming all of the weird stuff going on my test bench. Turns out im not crazy.

        Sincerely Ezikel


        • #79
          Originally posted by Ezikel6190 View Post
          @ John Bedini I have successfully reproduced the Hutchison crystal battery it has been cranking out 3-4 volts for about six months ago.
          Sincerely Ezikel
          3-4 V from one cell? If so, I wonder how you are making them?


          • #80
            Originally posted by Blargus View Post
            3-4 V from one cell? If so, I wonder how you are making them?
            sorry I made a slip of the tounge there 8 cells ran in series as one unit. I will show my work later this week I documented it to the best of my abilities at the time . This includes size of cell components, compound portion sizes, and cell standardization. I am sure you guys can understand that it was one of those projects that got stuck underneath my sink and discovered 6 months later still cranking volts out to my surprise. I figured it wasnt doing any good sitting there so that's why I'm sharing. I'm sure anything helps helps the cause, sure u guys have most the info that I have but I took a different approach. And I try to bounce these ideas of my friends of course I am a looney. Lol


            • #81
              Ah, Ok . That's still pretty good! Yeah, I don't know who's the looney if you show someone a battery that apparently recharges itself after being shorted (small though it is) and they are not very interested. To each his own. I will try to share anything I find with these that might be useful too. Can't measure small enough amp scales to get amp readings from the few cells I've made, but I made one about 1/3rd the size which has the same voltage .8 or so as one of its bigger classmates. Same copper tubes and galvanized wire in both. Hmmm...


              • #82
                ok I tore the (unit down) cleaned cells, some kind of convection going on with the crystal, fascinating. Anyway I isolated the strongest cells. Lowest individual is 500 mV highest is 770mV. I have currently undertaken a new task to isolate the variability in our cells. We know calcium carbonate CaCo3, iron sulfide FeS2, and galena Pbs, plus the salts gives us the anomaly of interest. My question from a geologic stand point, there are numerous variations in iron sulfide and calcium carbonate in nature. Galena forms generally in the same crystalline structure in every occurrence. Does the purity of the crystalline structure in these two minerals affect this anomaly, and can it be tracked from the macro to the Nano? My suspicions say yes and this will also allow people to identify a locality of mineral for compound components. So what is the best source of Calcium carbonate and Iron sulfide will maximize the electron flow? I will be testing these facts, 6 forms calcium carbonate or calcite (mineral) that I will be testing. There are 3 forms of pyrite. I will be making 10 cells from each. Galena will be the same in all cells. Please let me know if you guys know anything about these questions before next semester if not either way I’ll get back to u guys.


                • #83
                  Had an interesting thing happen with my cells just now, I hooked up 5 in a series and put the multimeter on it to read close to 3.2 V when one of my alligator clip connectors broke off of the wire. There was about a .5" gap and the multimeter read a steady 2.2 V or so. Even though the series connection was broken with that broken wire. o_O I'm very new to electronics but shouldn't the circuit be broken when the wire is broken? And thus shouldn't the multimeter read 0 V?

                  edit: Is perhaps fault with multimeter, noticed errant steady reading a few days ago.
                  Last edited by Blargus; 08-17-2012, 07:50 AM. Reason: Do'oh


                  • #84
                    2010, 2011 & 2012 Confernece Videos

                    For those who didn't make it this year here are some videos I took at the 2012 Energy Conference, about 100 videos altogether under Playlist Titled "Radiant Energy by Nikola Tesla and John Bedini", but these two pertain to just the Crystal Batteries, John B. and Chuck Hupp built two huge Crystal Cells, check it out.

                    Marcus Reid Cell/John B Giant Crystal Batt (1 of 2) - YouTube

                    Marcus Reid Cell/John B Giant Crystal Batt (2 of 2) - YouTube

                    This Crystal Battery Series w/John Bedini (11 Videos Total) is from the 2011 Conference that they allowed us to Video.

                    John Bedini Crystal Battery Cell 2011 (1 of 11) - YouTube



                    • #85
                      why not ask the man himself??



                      • #86
                        John Hutchison

                        Originally posted by doobie View Post
                        why not ask the man himself??


                        Because he's never posted on Energetic Forum!


                        • #87
                          Hey, just wanted to say, sry for poking on an old thread...starting another one didn't seem right.

                          You guys are awesome, but lets go one step further.
                          Hutchison also calls it a crystal BATTERY.

                          Lets look at the history of the battery.
                          Voltaic pile

                          Some fun stuff done with dry piles
                          Oxford Electric Bell | Atlas Obscura
                          (lets not forget that zinc and sulfer have a special relationship)

                          The standard alkaline AAA battery is a pile.

                          Now lets remove the galvanic reaction by paying attention to the little details that you guys have already accounted for. Lets aim at Piezo. We need vibration. Crystals that vibrate all the time are given away by the fact they produce ions. A couple of those are amethyst and tourmaline. So now we have a vibration. Now we need something that can give us an electrical charge from vibration. Previously mentioned....Piezo.
                          Quartz, Rochelle Salts (careful about chemical reaction) and others that are not quite as good.
                          Now to get a good electrical flow we need doping agents on the positive and negative side. Semiconductors are great for this (which you guys are leading to, but never quite saying it). A very tiny amount of a semiconductor would need to be used on the positive. (copper and aluminum can be used as the positive and negative for a cheap metal that can be easily gotten in foil). There are also dozens of different positive and negative doping agents out there that would allow for the use of one piece of metal with every layer of the pile.

                          Now for the pile.
                          The Pile itself will need to be layered series for voltage and parallel for current. Pay attention to the range that the material you use for ions will produce the most ions and use the associating color of that plastic (thin, see through, but that color) as you dielectric.

                          Now for the kick in the butt that makes it really hard.
                          Every layer has to have the exact same amount of everything and it all must be as close as possible to the same. Why is this you ask.
                          ( )Back in the day there was a man named Tesla that liked to make these bottle capacitors with salt water. He did many HV experiments and he had to make all of the capacitors that he hooked together as close to the same as he possibly could so that one wouldn't explode on him (or discharge and become a useless part of the whole - which puts a drain on everything else).
                          End of ( )
                          Think of every layer as a capacitor at this point rather then a battery. Its not so much that every one in the world has to be the same, just the ones you make for yourself. If there was ever a mass manufacturing of them there is the possibility of catastrophic failure in an electronic device if all the cells used were not the same (most phones use 1 battery so that is not a big deal, but in devices that use can become one).
                          Think of what happens when a single transistor pops. Now what happens if a thousand of them do it at the same time? I do think that a AAA battery shell is strong enough to handle it, but with that said...I am not responsible for any accidents that happen on your end. You already know you build them at your own risk and if you didn't, you know now.

                          1) Big clue - The Word Battery - Piles
                          2) Ions
                          3) Something to pick up vibrations
                          4) Something to pick up the electrical potential from the vibrations
                          5) Something to reduce resistance and help give direction to the electrical flow (just like a solar panel). Semiconductor is great for this. A negative and positive doping agent allows for one sheet of metal to be used per layer. Do not mix the doping agents. Using two different metals and a semiconductor is more efficient.
                          6) Avoid galvanic and/or any chemical reactions. Whatever type of stuff you use to get it all to stay together in a disc or whatever shape you choose for the final form of each layer.

                          Solar panels are based on a similar idea, but piezo is very efficient when done properly.

                          The Philosopher stone is likely made with Urine...or found in urine. Alkaline urine is known to contain a crystal called Struvite crystal that reacts to infrared. Cats and dogs are more likely to have it in their urine then people. Also, many healthy people will have it in their urine as well even though it is most commonly related to a kidney stone or Urinary Tract stones.

                          So there are also crystals that will vibrate quite a bit under infrared. Infrared is everywhere, all the time. Solar is estimated 30% efficient even if the panels themselves are 100% efficient because the sun is not out 100% of the time. Not to mention solar panels lose 10% efficiency every year. If you absolutely want off the grid and dont want to figure out ZPE the best option to not waste a lot is the new Vertical Wind Turbines that fit nicely one the roof of a house. Some are down to a 5mph requirement to begin turning and if you have a shed that has one of those turbines to equal out the pressure in the shed (or carport or whatever) you can use that as well. Tons of other options that can often be made from scraps that most people do not consider and I believe you guys can.

                          Extras. Instead of a normal clear or paper dialetric use lens like plastic colored to support the most reactive ranges of your ion producer.
                          Nearly powder the crystals(mix the ion producer and the piezo together well before making the "concrete" disc or whatever shape you are going to make your layers) and measure each layer out exactly the same, with exactly the same amount of material(all materials including doping agents). If using two layers make sure the doping agents or semi-conductor is only on one side of only where it needs to be. It is there to reduce internal resistance and give direction to the electrical potential.
                          Coils can be used instead of sheets of metal. Think of how a cat whisker works.

                          Setting up a camera on a cell I made that has been running a fan(8w - not an extreme amount of power, but its a motor) for a bit now. It is Hutchison's stuff. Always keep in mind safety. Certain materials it is best to use good gloves. Getting a good set of mad scientist gloves never hurts (black dish washing gloves ).
                          Figured you guys would want it and since you are giving credit to Hutchison and Marcus Reid as well here, I see no reason why it would hurt.

                          What makes piezo work.
                          Asymmetric, but balanced charges. Any disruption in the shape causes a release of charges in an attempt to balance the charges again. Vibration is a constant change...the beginning of motion. And this is where i stop.

                          Will make another post once the camera is set up and I will be trying my best to make sketches.


                          • #88
                            John H Crystal battery now 98 volts



                            • #89
                              Free energy Explained

                              Free energy battery



                              • #90
                                Watts more energy

                                John began disclosing how his power cells work.
                                These units produce watts more energy and not ordinary rocks by any means.
                                The unique design demonstrates useful power lighting 75 watt bulb.
                                The Dry crystal cell was fully developed an unrealized piezo breakthrough.
                                The crystal wafers are thin and can crack so careful tuning uses micrometer.
                                Compared to a hand crank conventional generator it has appeal.


                                In the description box of next video he mentions a few scientist
                                There has been some speculation that certain conditioning and
                                excitement would cause a controlled expansion. In the video
                                he uses pyrite calls the process destructive testing suggesting need
                                for a delicate adjustment. His crystal power cells are made of
                                quartz wafers with thin earth oxides and
                                rare earth metals this was his logical next step back then.
                                An amazing piezo device. The product did not reach production.
                                A crowd funded open source will be considered. Some parts
                                need special equipment however the parts might still be made available.
                                As usual with cost per unit needs to go down by volume and
                                the theory that small is beautiful cannot be corporate controlled so it
                                will like not be cost effective without large support base.
                                He could try a few known third party beta testers see what happens.


                                cut away
                                free energy - Video Dailymotion
                                Last edited by mikrovolt; 05-24-2015, 08:46 AM.

