My 22 year old son, Micah, is a mechanical engineering student at the
University of Pittsburgh and a HUGE renewable/sustainable energy guy. He has formed his own company, Pulse Motors, to build 2 wheel electric vehicles for use in urban areas. He recently applied for a contest to
be named "College entrepreneur of the Year" by Entrepreneur magazine.
After thousands of submissions, he was selected one of 5 finalists !!! .
Part of the final selection process to determine the winner is on-line
voting. We are all working hard to get Micah's story out there and drive
up the vote count.
PLEASE help Micah!!
The link is:
Entrepreneur Magazine’s Entrepreneur of 2011 Contest - Presented by The UPS Store
To vote, click on the green vote button. You enter your e-mail address
(each person can vote as many times as you have separate e-mail
addresses). This will automatically trigger an e-mail back to you.
Following the link that comes to you will finalize the vote. The whole
thing takes about 6 seconds to do. Again, my sincere thanks for your
help. Please feel free to pass it along we are trying to go viral !!
If you could pass this along to any friends and family requesting that
they vote for Micah Toll, we would be extremely grateful !!!
Being named as Entrepreneur Magazine's 2011 College Entrepreneur would be huge for him and his dream of growing his PEV company !!
Proud Father
University of Pittsburgh and a HUGE renewable/sustainable energy guy. He has formed his own company, Pulse Motors, to build 2 wheel electric vehicles for use in urban areas. He recently applied for a contest to
be named "College entrepreneur of the Year" by Entrepreneur magazine.
After thousands of submissions, he was selected one of 5 finalists !!! .
Part of the final selection process to determine the winner is on-line
voting. We are all working hard to get Micah's story out there and drive
up the vote count.
PLEASE help Micah!!
The link is:
Entrepreneur Magazine’s Entrepreneur of 2011 Contest - Presented by The UPS Store
To vote, click on the green vote button. You enter your e-mail address
(each person can vote as many times as you have separate e-mail
addresses). This will automatically trigger an e-mail back to you.
Following the link that comes to you will finalize the vote. The whole
thing takes about 6 seconds to do. Again, my sincere thanks for your
help. Please feel free to pass it along we are trying to go viral !!
If you could pass this along to any friends and family requesting that
they vote for Micah Toll, we would be extremely grateful !!!
Being named as Entrepreneur Magazine's 2011 College Entrepreneur would be huge for him and his dream of growing his PEV company !!
Proud Father