Originally posted by Xenomorph
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It is sadly like Bolt sais, you need to be an expert in RF tuning to get this right.
I am sure that once you saw the effect, you could go from there.
I am an expert in RF.
If you look at the paper that I posted you will see that a Hz field WILL ONLY COMMUNICATE WITH ANOTHER Hz FIELD. Now how do we create an Hz field on the rotor so as the stator coil will communicate with the rotor "coil or magnet setup".
I am not going to make things easy, you have to work for it like I had to. Read that paper over and over again and apply what you see to a magnetic field that communicates between two or MORE points, but not as an antenna, but the principles are the same, just have to impliment them in a different way.
Another clue, look up loop antennas and see how they are connected and also see how much power is in the capacitance of the main loop, it is posible 2000v @ 2amps, 4KW

