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New Gravity Theory

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  • New Gravity Theory

    Has anyone pondered the idea that the prevailing gravitational theories of today are not correct and that the force we observe as gravity is actually an electrical phenomenon?

    I have given this topic a lot of thought and I have come up with an alternative theory. Of course it sounds pretty crazy on the surface, but when you dig into it and apply it to the unexplainable observations being reported in the universe, it becomes plausible. For example, it seems to explain dark flow, dark energy, dark matter, a universe that has an accelerating expansion, warping of space time, the geometric patterns found on Saturn, lightning phenomenon, etc. Now I want to be clear, it's only a THEORY!! I'm not making the claim that it is the absolute truth. But I need someone else to bat the idea around a bit and give some constructive criticism.

    The real interesting thing is that this alternative theory provides a real framework of understanding for collecting electrical energy from the universe. And collecting energy directly from the universe is not a new idea, it has been suggested in the past. But most of the time when I read about people and inventions that are demonstrating this, most of the explanations coming from the inventor don't really make sense. This does not mean the phenomenon is not real. I just end up having a hard time reading about it because the inventors seem so bent on telling you their theory as oppose to discussing the phenomenon itself.(Henry Moray) Also this theory hints at a way to manipulate gravity. If you can manipulate gravity you can build flying machines and time machines. Both prospects being exceptionally exciting. I have yet to build apparatus to experiment with. Right now, I am just in the theory stage. The study of Tesla has led me to these ideas.

    Looking to talk to those who have dabbled in the subject, either from experimental or theoretical view point.
    Risk is the beginning of all gains.

  • #2
    Maybe gravity is partially electromagnetic in nature as its effects can be negated by electrical fields.

    Briefly it is gravity holding the solar system together but what stops all these bodies from falling into the sun? commonly people believe it is centrifugal force but I believe there is much more to it than that especially as all these planets have spin in relation to each other.

    If the solar environment is filled with charges, any movement through these charges will cause an imbalance, charging up whatever is moving. if the charges of two bodies are of the same charge they will be repelled canceling the effect of gravity to some degree balancing the forces and maintaining a given distance. If gravitational force pulls a planet out of its orbit the electrical repulsion will push it back again we Know all the planets are not perfectly balanced and so this may be the cause of the wobble and elliptical orbits. The spins of the planets could well be caused by the attraction and repulsion drag caused by their electrical fields interacting with the sun and each other.

    What are these charges, Tom Beardon calls it the diratic sea, I see it as tiny sub atomic "partials" that have charge but no mass, the same stuff we extract from a Bedini circuit. Is this the nature of dark matter? I don't know, but if this is the case then we certainly can manipulate gravity with electrical charge.


    • #3
      Subquantum Kinetics

      The continuous creation of physical reality from the transmuting ether as portrayed in the subquantum kinetics physics methodology

      It further proposes that the concentrations of the substrates composing this ether are the energy potential fields that form the basis of all matter and energy in our universe. The operation of these ether reactions causes wave-like field gradients (spatial concentration patterns) to emerge and form the observable quantum level structures and physical phenomena (e.g., subatomic particles with mass, charge, spin, and force field effects and electromagnetic waves).
      Scientific predictions made by subquantum kinetics

      Electro gravitics

      YouTube - TOAFN's Channel
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • #4
        Walter Russell explains all of this in his "Universal One" book. For me, he is the only person who has clearly explained the link between electricity, motion (spiral motion) and gravity.

        A friendly warning for anyone beginning to venture into his writings. At the time he wrote his treatise, the terms for the processes he was explaining did not exist, so he had to make up his own terminology. This can get quite confusing and it did take me a little while to "connect the dots" between his terminology and today's terminology. Once you do however, pretty much everything he says make perfect sense. His writings are also not purely scientific in nature. He acknowledges the fact that we are all made of the same "stuff" and he does get pretty theological at times. But it's all good.


        You can view my vids here


        • #5
          Currently I'm most interested in the Einstein-Cartan theory which marries spin angular momentum with general relativity. The work of Frank Znidarsic utilizing the Znidarsic constant in place of Plank's constant then further marries general theory with quantum theory in a classical framework. I truly believe all the natural forces can be better explained utilizing these concepts. From what I can tell so far Einstein kinda fudged it. He knew no one at the time could resolve Plank's constant and it worked for the photo-electric effect to gain him a Nobel. He also knew no one could prove or disprove Tesla's aether and he knew by Ockham's razor he would be "right".

          Here is some quick reading to understand the implications for gravity.

          Einstein–Cartan theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


          The Control of the Natural Forces

          This link describes how a gyroscope's unexplained acceleration may be due to modified inertia but I'm not sure if I agree with the explanation.

          Gyroscope's unexplained acceleration may be due to modified inertia

          More importantly I STRONGLY believe that the famous quote by Nikola Tesla about 3,6,9 being the key to the universe had a lot to do with how gravity may be manipulated using quantized inertia. Perhaps the understanding of quantized inertia will lead us to understand that gravity is a manifestation of how Ashtekar variables persist within Minkowski space/time.

          Minkowski space - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Ashtekar variables - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          This picture may be over simplified but I think it gets the point across. Perhaps it really is as simple as Phi and the Pythagorean theorem.

          Originally Posted by MonsieurM View Post
          there is a wealth of data that could be extrapolated from the socionomics documents into applications for Ethericity, such as the 62% / 38% ratio constantly found in the research they conducted (starts at 42 min )

          62% and 38%

          if i follow the logic, next is 95%

          also from the doc

          it takes 3 waves to make a variation

          If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
          — Nikola Tesla
          I wonder how close we really are to explaining gravity. If you solve for gravity you have solved the last variable required for a true unified theory. So far we have relied on cosmological observations to find the mass of the universe only to be stumped by mass that does not reflect light. Quantum experiments require massive high energy experiments and take decades. Maybe its right in front of us right now...

          Well I hope that helps at least explain where I'm coming from and why I think its a good start. I also wonder if Vortex Based Mathematics is a way to map quantized inertia in space/time given the example above.
          Last edited by ImJacksAmygdala; 08-23-2011, 07:13 AM.


          • #6
            guys guys why over complicate everything, gravity is an electrostatic attraction nothing more.
            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
              guys guys why over complicate everything, gravity is an electrostatic attraction nothing more.
              exactly (principle of correspondence )

              one way of looking at the significance of 3 6 9, is the scaling or as the ancient put it:

              "as above so below"
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-23-2011, 01:27 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • #8
                If gravity is nothing but electrostatic action, then why aren't people banging into each other all the time and getting stuck.

                Not to mention the plethora of stuff around us that seem to exhibit no form of attraction to anything else one way or the other?

                I'm not saying that electrostatic attraction doesn't exist or anything, but i don't think it has anything to do with gravity.
                You can view my vids here



                • #9
                  Originally posted by dambit View Post
                  If gravity is nothing but electrostatic action, then why aren't people banging into each other all the time and getting stuck.

                  Not to mention the plethora of stuff around us that seem to exhibit no form of attraction to anything else one way or the other?

                  I'm not saying that electrostatic attraction doesn't exist or anything, but i don't think it has anything to do with gravity.

                  If i can answer your question by another which may seem out of topc, but very relevant

                  Why aren't planets banging into each other all the time and getting stuck together......
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • #10
                    What if gravity isn't what we think it is. What if what we observe as gravity is actually an illusion. It "looks" like all matter with mass attracts other matter. But maybe this effect is created by another known force coming from electricity. Tesla had it right, and stated that he had worked out a dynamic theory of gravity. Dynamic, because it moves. I believe that the force we call gravity is created by pulsed electric waves. Not magnetic waves but electric waves. These waves then travel all through out the universe, rebound off the edge of the universe, cause interference patterns and cause matter to "collect" or attract to certain areas based on the frequency.

                    Take a look at these videos. It suggests that matter can be collected into particular areas with frequency and vibration.
                    shermph's Channel - YouTube
                    shermph's Channel - YouTube

                    From the perspective of matter "clumps" it would appear that all matter attracts other matter. But it is really because of the vibration that it happens.
                    Risk is the beginning of all gains.


                    • #11
                      I agree with not complicating things. I appreciate posts that are dumbed down to layman terms. Not because I'm a dumb layman(well...sort of), it just works better in getting ideas across.
                      Risk is the beginning of all gains.


                      • #12
                        Electric Gravity

                        This article may be what your looking for, written by Wallace Thornhill on the subject of Gravity and the electrical hypothesis.

                        Electric Gravity in an Electric Universe


                        • #13
                          I think its ego or just the way the mind works if we dont understand it right away the mind automatically thinks its complicated, and the opposite is usually the case.
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

