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The book: Secrets of the Aether, says ZPE is pollution?

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  • The book: Secrets of the Aether, says ZPE is pollution?

    It says tapping unlimited fuelless energy is not recommended, as "free energy" also qualifies as "pollutant".

    T Bearden also mentions something similar.

    Why is this? Can't the so called pollution be prevented, limited or shielded?
    And anyway, don't the pro's outweigh the con's?
    ‎"It's all in the MIND"

  • #2

    It depends who you listen to, Some say carbon dioxide is a pollutant too.

    Basically any by-product that is an unwanted result of a human activity could be considered a pollutant.

    But there are harmless pollutants such as electrical noise and carbon dioxide
    which are commonplace in nature anyway and there are toxic pollutants
    such as radioactive waste and liberated heavy metal compounds.

    It is all in the use of the term. Ignore what is obviously just word games.
    You won't harm anybody with a bit of electrical noise as far as I can tell.



    • #3
      I think they must be referring to electromagnetic noise as the pollutant. It is true that electromagnetic pulses can be harmful at some frequencies but also can be beneficial at others. If my understanding of ZPE is correct, we are totally immersed in it and we actually need it, Tom Beardons diratic sea. The amount of it is so huge that we could not have an effect on it as a whole. We could however have small localized effects that at some frequencies could be detrimental to us. More research is needed but we have to get the mainstream scientific community to accept its existence to do that.


      • #4
        More research is needed but we have to get the mainstream scientific community to accept its existence to do that.
        Already being researched but not so much by mainstream. Mainstream science is usually grants from the Government or corporations. Do the math on that.
        With Sparky Sweets work, and his dubious death, I dont think either the government or corporations want research on ZPE unless its under their control. Sweet has the third most important work coming out of Mit and changed the way Physicists viewed the electron. His Vta work with the tuned barium magnet is some scary stuff. - Vacuum Triode Amplifier


        • #5
          Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
          It says tapping unlimited fuelless energy is not recommended, as "free energy" also qualifies as "pollutant".

          Why is this? Can't the so called pollution be prevented, limited or shielded?
          And anyway, don't the pro's outweigh the con's?
          As the author of Secrets of the Aether, I can answer your question.

          ZPE creates energy without fuel because it generates new matter. New photons are created, which become electrons via the photoelectric effect. Even fusion (both hot and cold) generates new protons, which can be converted to neutrons and high energy photons.

          The creation of new matter causes several things to happen, depending upon how it is created and how much is created.

          The ZPE most commonly spoke about creates new photons via the Casimir effect, which then convert to electrons, and the electrons produce electric currents, which are harnessed for work. These electrons do not disappear. They become part of the Earth environment. This causes a buildup of electrons, which changes the Earth's weather and EMR characteristics. It also causes charge buildup in one area that in turn must be offset by a displacement of the opposite charge in another area. This results in currents that flow through the ground. The ground currents cause molecular changes in the Earth's and also generate heat. Thus an increase in ZPE over time will increase earthquakes and volcanic activity.

          Nuclear energy, despite the fudged math of the mainstream, generates new matter of the proton kind. This is why liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBR) generate more fuel than they consume. Natural processes within the Earth do the same thing, which is why the Earth is expanding at the rate of .004 inches each year (over 6 miles of new crust in 100 million years). The addition of numerous nuclear reactors already contributes to the Earth's expansion rate. But the wide spread use of ZPE will accelerate that increase.

          About 1967, Ray Brown discovered a crystal ball used in an underwater pyramid near Bimini as an ancient power supply. From the description provided by Ray Brown, the capstone of the pyramid used to absorb solar energy and focus it into a laser beam of photons, which shot down through the pyramid directly upon the crystal sphere. This sphere was designed such that light shone down the pole would generate a strong rotating magnetic field around the crystal. Gold hands held the crystal, which were electrodes for converting the rotating magnetic field into electric currents.

          It would appear to me the reason Atlantis sunk throughout the Caribbean is because the energy produced by the pyramids induced strong electric currents through the Earth, which severely altered the underlying crust.

          There is now a secret naval base near the pyramids off Bimini and the public is not allowed in that area. I wonder why.

          The energy demand of humanity has become huge. The development of ZPE devices would rapidly be put to use and the combined effect would severely alter the Earth.

          The only viable solution for long term human survival is to limit energy use to absolute essentials and incorporate a long term plan for population control.


          • #6
            Aether Wizard, I took a couple quick glimpses of your book and am very impressed. I agree with population control but as long as the PTB or big corporations have there way population expansion will always be pushed as it's their way to keep increasing profits and keeping growth in all directions. We can hope though that at some point that will be seen as the easy and maybe only solution to limit energy use.

            Also limiting energy use is just the opposite of the way most of the planet is going unfortunately. At one time I was trying to push the concept of everyone using personal lighting devices so you only light the area you are in and only where you need light (as in high efficiency LED headlamps and flashlights etc. using rechargeable batteries) which if really implemented would make a huge difference.

            What do you think are the best ideas for generating power that will not harm the planet or produce pollution? That just reminds me I saw this funny commercial recently of a gas powered cell phone belching out clouds of black smoke. I think it was a push for electric vehicles.
            There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


            • #7
              Originally posted by Aether Wizard View Post
              As the author of Secrets of the Aether, I can answer your question.

              ZPE creates energy without fuel because it generates new matter. New photons are created, which become electrons via the photoelectric effect. Even fusion (both hot and cold) generates new protons, which can be converted to neutrons and high energy photons.

              The creation of new matter causes several things to happen, depending upon how it is created and how much is created.

              The ZPE most commonly spoke about creates new photons via the Casimir effect, which then convert to electrons, and the electrons produce electric currents, which are harnessed for work. These electrons do not disappear. They become part of the Earth environment. This causes a buildup of electrons, which changes the Earth's weather and EMR characteristics. It also causes charge buildup in one area that in turn must be offset by a displacement of the opposite charge in another area. This results in currents that flow through the ground. The ground currents cause molecular changes in the Earth's and also generate heat. Thus an increase in ZPE over time will increase earthquakes and volcanic activity.

              Nuclear energy, despite the fudged math of the mainstream, generates new matter of the proton kind. This is why liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBR) generate more fuel than they consume. Natural processes within the Earth do the same thing, which is why the Earth is expanding at the rate of .004 inches each year (over 6 miles of new crust in 100 million years). The addition of numerous nuclear reactors already contributes to the Earth's expansion rate. But the wide spread use of ZPE will accelerate that increase.

              About 1967, Ray Brown discovered a crystal ball used in an underwater pyramid near Bimini as an ancient power supply. From the description provided by Ray Brown, the capstone of the pyramid used to absorb solar energy and focus it into a laser beam of photons, which shot down through the pyramid directly upon the crystal sphere. This sphere was designed such that light shone down the pole would generate a strong rotating magnetic field around the crystal. Gold hands held the crystal, which were electrodes for converting the rotating magnetic field into electric currents.

              It would appear to me the reason Atlantis sunk throughout the Caribbean is because the energy produced by the pyramids induced strong electric currents through the Earth, which severely altered the underlying crust.

              There is now a secret naval base near the pyramids off Bimini and the public is not allowed in that area. I wonder why.

              The energy demand of humanity has become huge. The development of ZPE devices would rapidly be put to use and the combined effect would severely alter the Earth.

              The only viable solution for long term human survival is to limit energy use to absolute essentials and incorporate a long term plan for population control.
              Makes a lot of sense but I would think that the earths magnetic field would dissipate any excess energy that was generated from zpe generators, excess energy is pulled into the earths core all the time by the magnetic field from solar flares and the solar wind, so it must dissipate it as well.
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


              • #8
                Aether Wizard
                So, how comes you believe in Photons, did you ever see one, or, got a Picture from it?
                Because all i can find for Atoms Molecules or any smaller are only DRAWINGS.
                And when you see an Atom, its only MORE Balls.
                Nothing else, they invented the Electron before 100 Years, before they even could look at it? Even this is so ridicoulus.
                Really Time for the Scientists to show up with something REAL, Not just Pictures, where you see 'something' and her Theories about something, what they tie to some Rules, what luckily hold.
                The Basics still are only THEORIES, like your one about the expanding Earth, there are others out, what explain it over the Expansion overall, easy to figure when you think on a Vacuum with a Baloon in it and the Vacuum increases.
                So still a lot of Theories, where NOONE can say whos right.

                But this Way seems is seriously the best Way, because otherwise would be enough Guys around, what would twist the Truth only, that it match to her Opinions.
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • #9
                  LOL, I would like for you to PROVE to me that the world is overpopulated by humans. That's a very serious assumption since so many people now believe this obvious lie and are saying killing people is the solution.

                  Your Malthusian lie has been around for hundreds of years and is totally baseless.

                  You are spinning the same humanity hating lies as the so called global warming liars and corporate science, that people are the problem, that resources are limited and the only "realistic" solution in a world full of resources and a universe overflowing with life and energy is to kill people.

                  So the energy that is the wheel works of nature that drives EVERYTHING is bad for people and bad for the "earth"? What a joke.

                  So we can create matter but resources are limited? You are making no sense, what you conclude is the very opposite of what it means.

                  I suggest you go real William Lyne's Occult Ether Physics, you could learn a lot from this man since he's a true "Aether Wizard" and doesn't hate humanity like you obviously do.

                  Anyone that says people are the problem and resources are limited does not understand the first thing about the Aether.

                  Originally posted by Aether Wizard View Post
                  The energy demand of humanity has become huge. The development of ZPE devices would rapidly be put to use and the combined effect would severely alter the Earth.

                  The only viable solution for long term human survival is to limit energy use to absolute essentials and incorporate a long term plan for population control.


                  • #10
                    Prove to me the world is overpopulated.

                    Don't worry, the corporations are working to kill everyone on this planet. They don't need YOU or any of us. We are a burden and the plan is to kill all of us. Money is just a control mechanism, it means nothing to them, they just print it out of nothing.

                    Read Bill Joy's (cofounder and Chief Scientist of Sun Microsystems) "Why the Future Doesn't need us". He went to a meeting and they basically said they were going to get rid of everyone. He got concerned for humanity and wrote this to warn people.

                    And the best work is Alex Jone's EndGame

                    ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

                    Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                    Aether Wizard, I took a couple quick glimpses of your book and am very impressed. I agree with population control but as long as the PTB or big corporations have there way population expansion will always be pushed as it's their way to keep increasing profits and keeping growth in all directions. We can hope though that at some point that will be seen as the easy and maybe only solution to limit energy use.


                    • #11
                      I don't agree, at all.

                      @Aether secrets author.

                      You say the world is over populated, we must limit energy usage, and that ZPE is pollutant - Is this the real reason why you specifically don't give too much attention to ZPE in your book?
                      And why are you bothering to sign up, and reply to my post, just to help us understand why ZPE is pollution, and not help us in the other threads, to understand how it works, what we are doing wrong, and how we can tap into the wheel-work of nature?!?

                      T Bearden says there is a solution to electric smog.

                      @SilverToGold, I couldn't have said that better myself.

                      Two new age beliefs are strongly imposed here.
                      You can even find them carved into stone, on the Georgia Guidestones (10 commandments for the NWO (New World Order)):

                      1 - Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
                      2 - Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
                      10 - Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.
                      Alex Jones does put it well. Does he ever touch on ZPE ever, btw?

                      If the world really is over-populated, ZPE could help us out. The possibilities are endless. We could build anti gravity structures that reside over the sea, for example.
                      Or we could travel to any planet in the universe, that has somewhat livable conditions, and use the ZPE to create our own environment.

                      But the truth is, that this isn't even necessary yet. Sure, the cities might be a bit over crowded, but have you ever visited the country side? Who says we all have to live in the city?
                      Tesla envisioned UFO flight - eg breakfast on one side of the world, lunch on another.... so you could easily live anywhere in the country, and still get to work in the city, if that is even necessary.

                      Population control right now isn't working that great anyway. If we have less than 2 children per family, then we are eventually going to get to a point of no return, where we are outnumbered by those that have, say, 10 children per family, and our culture will die out FOREVER.
                      If you are planning a family, you seriously need to take this into full consideration!
                      Watch this short vid to see who's really dying out:
                      Muslim Demographics - YouTube
                      ‎"It's all in the MIND"


                      • #12
                        Population control is working very well, most of the developed world is in a negative population growth. The only reason why the UK and US are still getting larger populations is the open borders policy.

                        Take a look on google earth, you will see that most of the world is somewhat like the US, sparsely populated. Take a look at Australia, nobody there. Yemen, no, What about canada? Cant see anyone there. Libya not a lot and getting less by the day because of the globalist population reduction agenda and of course they can steel the resources.

                        The cities and one or two countries are heavily populated but remember we are being driven into those areas. Take the UK for example where they pay farmers not to grow food or employ people. The uk isn't but could quite easily be self sufficient in food

                        The fact of this matter is that if the quadrillions of dollars that the banks give to themselves creating it out of nothing were given to the people of the world there would be no poverty, no war and the population would stabilize to an easily sustainable level.

                        ZPE is not pollution, we live in a sea of it and it causes us no harm, its the way things are used that could cause harm but could be beneficial too, if we use it correctly.

                        Alex Jones is toad like and in your face, he admits that himself but he is proven to be correct time and time again. He does occasionally mention ZPE/Aether technology, he did yesterday. He is somewhat aware of its capabilities but has bigger fish to fry.

                        When I first looked at this thread i suspected it was a leading question


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
                          Prove to me the world is overpopulated.

                          Don't worry, the corporations are working to kill everyone on this planet. They don't need YOU or any of us. We are a burden and the plan is to kill all of us. Money is just a control mechanism, it means nothing to them, they just print it out of nothing.

                          Read Bill Joy's (cofounder and Chief Scientist of Sun Microsystems) "Why the Future Doesn't need us". He went to a meeting and they basically said they were going to get rid of everyone. He got concerned for humanity and wrote this to warn people.

                          And the best work is Alex Jone's EndGame

                          ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement
                          I didn't say the world was overpopulated but it is growing and at some point the population will require more food, energy and resources than the planet can provide. At some point people need to take some responsibility. I've lived in highly populated areas and very low population density areas. I'll just say that life is much better and people are happier in low population density areas. That is beside the point but worth mentioning. Alex Jones is full of hot air. He has made many claims that have over time been shown to be nothing but BS. He's an alarmist just creating numbers for his show.

                          And Bill Joy's article is a long way off. Likely laws would be enacted before things got to that point. Not to mention the title that 'they don't need us' is misleading to grab your attention. He is talking about technology being merged with humans. If anything that might in the far future enhance humanity but not replace them. It would be our foolish choice if we let that happen. And it's all about choices.
                          There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
                            Population control is working very well, most of the developed world is in a negative population growth. The only reason why the UK and US are still getting larger populations is the open borders policy.


                            When I first looked at this thread i suspected it was a leading question
                            A leading question? I just want to clear this issue up!

                            And did you even bother to look at that video?
                            ‎"It's all in the MIND"


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
                              A leading question? I just want to clear this issue up!

                              And did you even bother to look at that video?
                              No offense meant. I just mean that the question could lead us down a political path as much as anything else.

                              I have watched Endgame and Muslim Demographics Lots of truth there but I Haven't read the book. From my perspective I don't see ZPE as a pollutant although I am not saying that, if used at the wrong frequencies, it couldn't detrimental.

                              Saying "population control is working very well" I am being sarcastic. I mean its working very well for the globalist banksters and not for us.

