Re for Redesign
An Idea for a Modification
Use a Rotary Attraction Motor to spin a Modified Muller Generator.
The Modified Muller Generator has no drive coils, only pickup coils.
The load is powered by the CEMF (counter EMF) from the Rotary Attraction Motor.
Another unique trait of the Rotary Attraction Motor is that it doesn't draw more current when the motor is loaded or being put under a load.
I have also heard it said that the mechanical energy from the motor is essentially a free gift.
Basically, I think I got the idea from Lindemann: If you can make a motor so it won't work as a generator, and if you can make a generator so it won't work as a motor, then you're very close to the solution. I think the solution to over-energy.
The CEMF from the Rotary Attraction Motor is what you need to use to power a load (Actually, the motor operates more efficiently if the CEMF is used.), or maybe you could feed the CEMF (once it's properly rectified and regulated) back into the motor to increase the motor speed. (In other words, a regenerative feedback.)
Essentially a Redesign of the Muller/RomeroUK Replication, a Modification. No drive coils in the Generator. Only pickup coils in the Generator. The Generator is driven by a Rotary Attraction Motor. The Load is powered by the CEMF from the Motor. The Start Battery is only connected to the Motor to bring it up to speed and is then disconnected; after that point, the Motor is powered by the Generator.
I call it the Remerogen. Re for Redesign.
See YouTube Videos:
For information on the Rotary Attraction Motor:
Also, I recommend purchasing a copy of Electric Motor Secrets DVD by Peter Lindemann.
Re for Redesign
An Idea for a Modification
Use a Rotary Attraction Motor to spin a Modified Muller Generator.
The Modified Muller Generator has no drive coils, only pickup coils.
The load is powered by the CEMF (counter EMF) from the Rotary Attraction Motor.
Another unique trait of the Rotary Attraction Motor is that it doesn't draw more current when the motor is loaded or being put under a load.
I have also heard it said that the mechanical energy from the motor is essentially a free gift.
Basically, I think I got the idea from Lindemann: If you can make a motor so it won't work as a generator, and if you can make a generator so it won't work as a motor, then you're very close to the solution. I think the solution to over-energy.
The CEMF from the Rotary Attraction Motor is what you need to use to power a load (Actually, the motor operates more efficiently if the CEMF is used.), or maybe you could feed the CEMF (once it's properly rectified and regulated) back into the motor to increase the motor speed. (In other words, a regenerative feedback.)
Essentially a Redesign of the Muller/RomeroUK Replication, a Modification. No drive coils in the Generator. Only pickup coils in the Generator. The Generator is driven by a Rotary Attraction Motor. The Load is powered by the CEMF from the Motor. The Start Battery is only connected to the Motor to bring it up to speed and is then disconnected; after that point, the Motor is powered by the Generator.
I call it the Remerogen. Re for Redesign.
See YouTube Videos:
Originally posted by The Original Video Was Removed By RomeroUK But Uploaded This Copy
Originally posted by The Best Looking Prototype That I Have Seen So Far
Originally posted by Rotary Attraction Motor Resources