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Confirming the Delayed Lenz Effect

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  • #46
    Thanks OUG. When it comes to efficient generator coils, am i right in thinking, from what's been said here, that high-impedance coils are preferable ?

    If so then this implies high inductance and therefore many turns and perhaps coils that are fatter than they are tall ?

    And should we be looking for high voltages that are then stepped-down ?


    • #47
      Thought this would be a good time to mention this, from Bill Muller's website. It's about timing the circuitry of your generator coils.

      The rotor is turned by a motor, such as a diesel engine or a windmill. As the rotor magnets revolve past the coils, the magnetic field induces a pulsating electrical current which can be used for any purpose. However, first the generated electricity must flow through a solid state switching circuit (which is not shown).

      The switching circuit turns the stator coils "on" and "off" at the appropriate times to "clip" and channel the current flow. This prevents the buildup of forces which "buck" (back emf) the generator and reduces its output. This switching circuit gives the Muller Dynamo virtually zero rotor drag and virtually all of the motive force is turned directly into usable electrical energy.
      Muller ... Articles pertaining to Bill Muller's Motor/Generators

      Rod, I would love if you sent me that program you wrote... relating to the driving coil. How do you want me to get you my e-mail?
      Last edited by Shadesz; 09-06-2011, 12:18 AM.
      Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


      • #48
        Light multiplier.


        Please have a look at this "Light Multiplier" video by Jonnydavro. This is a replication of Limotor's ground breaking experiment with a Joule Thief type oscillator.

        Lidmotor mentioned that this was the only project Dr. Stiffler expressed interest in replicating. We would be grateful for a theory from you on how it works. Are we looking at a "Lenz Delay Propulsion" effect in these videos?

        Lidmotors light multiplier replication. - YouTube

        and Lidmotor's original classic:

        Light Multiplier---Amp draw measurements.ASF - YouTube

        Lidmotor states at 1:37 in the video that he's drawing less power when pulling a load through Maggie! The spinner must be beating the induced Lenz pole in the output coil. The input rises when Maggie's removed, an air core output coil. Those ferrite core types you guys are useing score a net loss, even with the Lenz delay propulsion assist.
        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-06-2011, 10:52 AM.


        • #49
          Thankyou Allen. I tryed sticking a couple magnets into one of my aircores (N & S going right and left of the rotors magnets) Boy was I supprized, output on aircore doubled and no noticable lens drag. The speed of my rotor didnt change at all no mater how close I brought the coil to the rotor. You could feel the pull trying to pull from my fingers but iI noticed no speed change. Now I need to make up a couple more coils and more tube magnets. mount them and get some measurements. Everyone needs to try this!!!!!

          Very Cool

          Randy W.

          Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post

          Your rotor magnets are attracted to the magnetic welding rod core, which has to slow the rotor down. Think about this: A diametric magnet core has a net attraction of zero, both attracting and repelling rotor magnets of either polarity with equal strength, so they act like an air core.

          The rotor dosen't slow down at all when approached by an output coil with a diametric tube magnet core. On the contrary, the rotor begins to speed up right away due to the increased coil capacitance from the magnet core's MEG power generation capability. This is a Cook battery effect that charges the "Joule Thief" wired bifilar thin wire output wrap. Try one of these types and see what kind of rotor propulsion you achieve!


          • #50
            Diametric magnets cores.

            @Mr Whip,

            Thanks for taking the time to try this and confirm my results. I believe you're the first experimenter to try and report back on this. Would it be possible for you to upload a video? I've worn my fingers to the bone for a long long time harping about this find in print. I'm thrilled that finally someone has paid attention and vindicated my discovery. This is a flagstone on the path to overunity. Thanks again. A bifilar "Joule Thief" output wrap will store a charge from these magnets and speed the rotor up from the increased coil capacitance. Try the coil shorted out too if you can and compare rotor speed. Good luck. Maybe more people will begin trying it now.
            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 09-06-2011, 10:35 AM.


            • #51
              Magnets for core

              Hello Allen, I was using a 1/2" cubed magnet in a 200mh air core (.2 henry). Was totally blown away when the rotor didnot slowdown and the tiny core was puting out over 20v a/c Hard to take measurements while holding in place. I cannot say that the rotor speedup, But I can say that the lenz was not showing that he was the boss. I need to get some tube magnets so I can wrap up some new coils for testing . The cube worked ok for testing (it was Not very tight in coil) I cannot wait to post and video results. My other coil cores where soft steel and really draged the rotor speed down. But not with the Magnets What a suprize!!! B-o (bloch wall B-0 in MRI LOL netural zone) facing the rotor makes a big difference. All the benifits of a good paramagnetic core, - less Lenz - works great. Hopfully more to come.

              Thanks again
              Randy W.

              Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post
              @Mr Whip,

              Thanks for taking the time to try this and confirm my results. I believe you're the first experimenter to try and report back on this. Would it be possible for you to upload a video? I've worn my fingers to the bone for a long long time harping about this find in print. I'm thrilled that finally someone has paid attention and vindicated my discovery. This is a flagstone on the path to overunity. Thanks again. A bifilar "Joule Thief" output wrap will store a charge from these magnets and speed the rotor up from the increased coil capacitance. Try the coil shorted out too if you can and compare rotor speed. Good luck. Maybe more people will begin trying it now.


              • #52
                Repeatable results. Good results. You have peaked my interest. Magnets as a core. Same pole facing rotor magnets or opposite?
                Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Shadesz View Post
                  Repeatable results. Good results. You have peaked my interest. Magnets as a core. Same pole facing rotor magnets or opposite?
                  Hello shadesz to answer your question neather... The N and S face to the side of the coil (Not at the rotor) That is why tube magnets work best See Allens post Jpeg The N and S must face to the sides towards wraps of coil not out the opening.

                  Randy W


                  • #54
                    Oh I got ya. Wow! Interesting for sure! I wonder what orientation of N/S works best? (IE attracting fields face each other as the rotor magnet approaches, or the opposing fields facing each other. I would bet it is the first,
                    Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


                    • #55
                      orentation of magnets

                      Originally posted by Shadesz View Post
                      Oh I got ya. Wow! Interesting for sure! I wonder what orientation of N/S works best? (IE attracting fields face each other as the rotor magnet approaches, or the opposing fields facing each other. I would bet it is the first,
                      Hello again Shadesz. Even tho my first expearence with this setup was crude I did try changing the orentation of the magnets N and S to orientate with the rotor rotation both ways. I would completely turn the coil in a 360 deg. circle it made no difference in the lenz. the rotor would slow if the coil was twisted to where one of the poles where facing the rotor ( Through the side of the coil) but you could get it to almost touching before that happened.

                      Randy W.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by qvision View Post
                        Thanks OUG. When it comes to efficient generator coils, am i right in thinking, from what's been said here, that high-impedance coils are preferable ?
                        Yes That is certainly true for sure.

                        Originally posted by qvision View Post
                        If so then this implies high inductance and therefore many turns and perhaps coils that are fatter than they are tall ?
                        I think that fatter is better than taller, but also more impractical.
                        What really matters is many turns.

                        Originally posted by qvision View Post
                        And should we be looking for high voltages that are then stepped-down ?
                        High voltage is what you get with high inductance, stepping it down is one of the options. But brings extra losses with it.

                        With Kind Regards, Overunityguide
                        Incandescent Light Bulb as a Load, Negative Lenz / Delayed Lenz Effect - YouTube
                        Last edited by Overunityguide; 09-06-2011, 09:14 PM.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post

                          Please have a look at this "Light Multiplier" video by Jonnydavro. This is a replication of Limotor's ground breaking experiment with a Joule Thief type oscillator.

                          Lidmotor mentioned that this was the only project Dr. Stiffler expressed interest in replicating. We would be grateful for a theory from you on how it works. Are we looking at a "Lenz Delay Propulsion" effect in these videos?

                          Lidmotors light multiplier replication. - YouTube

                          and Lidmotor's original classic:

                          Light Multiplier---Amp draw measurements.ASF - YouTube

                          Lidmotor states at 1:37 in the video that he's drawing less power when pulling a load through Maggie! The spinner must be beating the induced Lenz pole in the output coil. The input rises when Maggie's removed, an air core output coil. Those ferrite core types you guys are useing score a net loss, even with the Lenz delay propulsion assist.
                          As for the removed oscillator coil, there is no magic there. The amp draw goes up due to the removed spinning rotor. Which acts also as a generator on the same oscillator / driving coil. So when they are moving the coil back, as expected, the amp draw goes down due to the spinning rotor magnet which than again is working as a generator.

                          But for the "drawing less power when pulling a load through Maggie", can be caused by the delayed lenz effect in my opinion.

                          With Kind Regards, Overunityguide
                          Incandescent Light Bulb as a Load, Negative Lenz / Delayed Lenz Effect - YouTube
                          Last edited by Overunityguide; 09-06-2011, 09:43 PM.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Allen Burgess View Post

                            Please have a look at this "Light Multiplier" video by Jonnydavro. This is a replication of Limotor's ground breaking experiment with a Joule Thief type oscillator.

                            Lidmotor mentioned that this was the only project Dr. Stiffler expressed interest in replicating. We would be grateful for a theory from you on how it works. Are we looking at a "Lenz Delay Propulsion" effect in these videos?

                            Lidmotors light multiplier replication. - YouTube

                            and Lidmotor's original classic:

                            Light Multiplier---Amp draw measurements.ASF - YouTube

                            Lidmotor states at 1:37 in the video that he's drawing less power when pulling a load through Maggie! The spinner must be beating the induced Lenz pole in the output coil. The input rises when Maggie's removed, an air core output coil. Those ferrite core types you guys are useing score a net loss, even with the Lenz delay propulsion assist.

                            I keep seeing this reference to LM's light multiplier. while I love LM's work and the versatility and ingenious use of a sphere magnet with Maggie. there is definitely nothing going on there than John Bedini's work.
                            a couple of things in that vid.

                            1. he takes the power coil away and the oscillator speeds up in solid state mode, so the amp draw increases.

                            2. he places it back to the rotating magnet the magnet now controls the oscillator, so it is no longer solid state, the magnet causes the oscillations to slow down, therefore the amp draw goes down. this is 100% Bedini.

                            3. Now you have your answer as to why the amp draw goes down when Maggie is introduced to the environment. Maggie slows down the osculations even more.

                            The joule thief is JB's basic SS SSG w/o the charge battery. JB would never condone my saying that because it is missing a couple of key components, however the effect of slowing down the oscillations w/ motor drag is the same.

                            This is why I note in an earlier post that JB's ckts would be the best candidates for a drive ckt for these "lenz-less" builds. Even if the rotor does slow down a bit, the amp draw will go down as well. Then you can have your "lenz-less" energy for free. It will then allow some room for not so perfect builds like my own :-)



                            • #59
                              Hi Overunityguide, So let me get this straight, the generator is using about 78 watts but it can only give out 2 watts and reduce input by 2 watts. Seems to me that the amount of energy reducd from the input is exactly equal to the generators max output at that speed. It should be able to output more than that considering the speed it's doing and the power it is consuming. It seems the reduction in power will always be dependant on the load and the generators ability to go overspeed to waste enough energy into the system so some can be saved back. The amount of energy availiable to save will depend on the coil but only realised by adding the load to make the generator more efficient by the power consumption of the load freeing up the system.

                              Can the generator power the 15 watt globe better at the lower speed, like as in really light it up ? Seems like an important factor to consider.

                              I don't get it. You spin the rotor faster thereby wasting more power so some can be saved back. I think with this type of system the amount saved will depend on the construction of the coil and how much "Extra" speed induced idle load can be forced on the system. And still only power equal to the load the system can run will be saved. ie, you added a 15 watt globe but still only 2 watts was saved. I have a system that reduces power better than that under load. It's not a big deal. But each to thier own I guess.

                              If anything it seems to be getting further away from OU to me.

                              Be careful with those magnets ! If one flys off it could kill you like a bullet. It looks dangerous to me.


                              Originally posted by Overunityguide View Post
                              Hi You All,

                              Today one YouTube User has asked me to Replace my LED Load with a normal Resistive Incandescent Light Bulb. So this is what I have done.

                              Here is my Video About this Subject:
                              Negative Lenz / Delayed Lenz Effect with an Incandescent Light Bulb as a Load - YouTube

                              With Kind Regards, Overunityguide
                              Last edited by Farmhand; 09-07-2011, 03:30 AM.


                              • #60
                                Actually to better explain what I am trying to say so that it doesn't look like I'm just a skeptic.

                                It's kinda like saying that if I drive down the road in a car at 10 Mph with the doors closed at 10 Mph and use 2 units of fuel and if the doors were held open it would cause load. Then if I drive down the road at 100 Mph with the doors already propped open and use 10 units of fuel and if I use load to pull the doors closed the fuel use will drop by maybe 2 units. So to go faster still uses more power especially with the doors open.

                                Cryptic I know. And not the best analogy. The fact remains energy is wasted to make a saving from the waste. And quite likely the generation ability of the system is reduced in this fashion.

                                The thing is the load needs to be powered. That is the goal.


