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Confirming the Delayed Lenz Effect

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  • Originally posted by qvision View Post
    Gotoluc didn't discover it, he was working from OVerUnityGuide's videos, which are archived in my youtube channel as OUG is no longer active because he has started work.

    My channel :

    deepcut66's Channel - YouTube

    overunity thread :

    Confirming the Delayed Lenz Effect

    All the best,

    Than you for that. I had thought he'd discovered it himself. Although I had seen something very similar applied to an AC generator previously.
    I'll take a look at those vids ASAP.

    Thank's again.



    • Originally posted by qvision View Post
      Gotoluc didn't discover it, he was working from OVerUnityGuide's videos, which are archived in my youtube channel as OUG is no longer active because he has started work.

      My channel :

      deepcut66's Channel - YouTube

      overunity thread :

      Confirming the Delayed Lenz Effect

      All the best,

      Just fininished looking at OUG's vids. I have seen them previously, prior to him removing then to go work in SA. However what he is demonstrating utilizes Thane Heinz's method of increased impedance in the secondary to achieve the phase differential. Perhaps you missed "He introduced a capacitor in series between them" that I wrote previously.

      gotoluc used a primary and secondary that were identical. Virtually an exact impedance match. The phase differential was achieved via a capacitor/s which I do not see in OUD's vids, nor anywhere else.

      What he demonstrated was different also in that he does not alter the phase between the two windings on the toroidal transformer he used. The primary transformer, rather than winding, in this case was provided by the utility company. The phase diff was between his transformer and theirs.

      OUD is an energetic and thoroughly competent experimentalist and I was very disappointed that he had to stop what he. Perhaps his next project would have been a replication of gotoluc's arrangement.

      The arrangement to which I refer is to be found here.
      Delayed Lenz Effect in Transformer Test 3

      All the best.
      Last edited by M0rg0; 02-06-2012, 07:57 AM.


      • 14 watts reduction in input power under load

        The effect showed by Overunityguide and Thane Heins is bogus in my opinion,
        as I pointed out in my calculations in this post.

        And confirmed by Overunityguide himself here
        when the effect is produced the output is only ever a fraction of the input and
        the entire setup is very very inefficient, pathetically so. The available output is
        reduced and fixed at a very small fraction of the total input or consumed power.

        In the video below I show the effect as I produced it, at 10:2 mins I showed
        an idle input power of 41.48 watts (no load) which is similar to the effect of
        rotor being powered by the prime mover at the rotational speed required for
        the effect to manifest, or also similar to the effect Overunityguide sees when
        his transformer is used at the higher frequency.

        Then by adding a 25 watt - 240 volt bulb as a load the input power reduced
        by 14.76 watts to 25.83 watts while obviously providing some power to the
        load, but as can be seen the power available is not very much, not enough to
        power the load.

        However I also show the transformer if used with a reasonable frequency can
        be quite efficient and work as normal to power 240 volt compatible loads.

        Also I show that when the frequency is raised to produce the effect and
        given the right circumstances it can be shown that the incandescent light
        globe as the load reduces the voltage and flux in the transformer, I think.
        This is shown by the fluro lighting brightly when touched to the active
        terminal then going out when the 25 watt globe is added, it can only power
        one or the other, not both.

        (Regenerative acceleration transformer effects ?) Bogus or not - YouTube

        I don't have the equipment to measure the AC power through the load
        properly but I don't think it necessary there is obviously some power there but
        not 25 watts.

        So to sum up I can easily show a 14 watt input power reduction with the
        addition of a load. I take power from the transformer secondary and reduce
        the input power to the transformer. No big deal. It's easy and it's a trick and
        it is a waste of power.

        If experimenting with powerful transformers near or at resonance or even any
        time really I think great caution is required for safety especially at the lower
        frequencies. Take care.

        Cheers all

        P.S. The thing is if I had a 5 watt 240 v bulb it would have lit up almost fully.
        But the cost is the total efficiency, I don't think Thane ever shows the "total"
        efficiency. Overunityguide shows the total efficiency but seems to ignore it.
        If the grid is used all power drawn from the grid to show the effect must be
        considered. Reactive power is not free it is a product of real power, only real
        power can power loads. If a trick is used to manipulate reactive power it just
        means the power company pays and not you. If the power company's costs
        increase then so will the price of the power they sell.

        Oh yeah I almost forgot to mention, I think it is in a general way an
        Increased Lenz Effect not a decreased Lenz effect.

        Last edited by Farmhand; 05-07-2012, 12:33 AM.


        • When the input power drops as the energy is supplied, doesn't this otherwise indicate
          that a reactive energy pool is matching with a load? The output power is being applied
          at the input pulse. When 80Khz is at the supply and the load is receiving 120Hz,
          wouldn't it somehow leverage the energy?


          • Hi Geotron, I don't have the equipment to say exactly what is going on, but it
            seems to me (my opinion and intuition) that with no load the self inductance
            of the secondaries and the increased frequency causes a situation where the
            difference of phase will not allow the secondary to return energy to the
            primaries so input current is more and flux continues to build until it leaks and
            is wasted.

            Then when the resistive load is added the self inductance of the secondaries
            is changed, the input drops as some energy is returned, the flux also drops
            but cannot be replenished to maximum because of the load and because of
            the inability of the secondaries to produce power on demand the load cannot
            be powered. The drop in flux under load is indicated I think by the fluro not
            lighting when the 25 watt bulb is loading the secondary.

            When the fluro is touched to the active secondary wire and lights causing an
            increase of the input the self inductance of the secondary is also changed,
            but it appears to be changed in the opposite way to the resistive load.

            The frequency was measured at one of the secondary active wires. It's an AC
            transformer the load gets the same frequency that is imposed by the primaries.

            Bottom line is the output is restricted, loads can't be powered properly, there
            is an increased load on the battery at idle as compared to normal idle power
            input. The output is still less than the input and the load is under powered.

            During normal operation at lower frequencies the transformer can fully power a
            100 watt resistive bulb or run a 100 watt motor, my 12 volt wiring is not
            sufficient for over 100 watts so there is voltage drop in my 12 volt side under
            load which reduces the output voltage to about 210 volts when powering a
            100 watt bulb with 8.5 amps from the battery. If my 12 volt input circuit had
            less voltage drop the secondary voltage would remain reasonable under load.

            At the correct frequency the idle input power is less than 1 amp but the
            transformer can meet loads on demand of over 100 watts depending on the
            load some well over If I use capacitors inductive loads can also be driven,
            such as the 240 volt motor in the video, if the frequency is suitable for the
            motor or the inductive load that is.

            Any reactive power is simply a product of the real power applied, it is already
            paid for. It's just that some people don't consider all the input.

            As I said before, to see the real efficiency of such a setup the AC must be
            produced so that it must be seen to be considered as input.

            Overunityguide clearly showed the inefficiency of this method with the full
            backing of Thane. He showed that the output is always less than the input
            when the total input is considered.

            Here. I sum it up

            And he admits it won't power endless loads for nothing here.

            Overunityguide has disappeared so it seems he had no intention of defending his claims.
            His video's are removed also.

            Maybe he realized he was


            P.S. To sum up my thoughts. The AC used to conduct the test should be
            produced by the experimenter from batteries or the like so that a true input is
            determined, tricks of reactive power measurement are completely useless and
            beside the point if the reality is that when producing ones own AC from
            batteries the true input to the system can be seen.

            It's plain to see that at idle "extra energy" is wasted by the increased idle
            input power to see the effect manifest. Then only the "extra wasted energy"
            is recovered or a fraction of the extra wasted energy.

            Last edited by Farmhand; 05-08-2012, 10:23 AM.


            • Oh I can show the input power not change hardly at all when the load is applied,
              but that is no more use than having the idle input higher then drop under load.

              The load still is under powered because of the frequency restriction of the
              secondary self inductance. I think a very similar thing is happening with the
              motor generator of Thanes and with the Bi- toroid transformer but in a slightly
              different way with the Bi-toroid. I think it is possible the wasted power is not
              seen in the Bi-toroid demo's because there may be an intermediate transformer
              where the losses would be seen if shown. What is the power source of the
              Bi-toroid, after the grid socket ? Is there an intermediate transformer or does
              the Bi-toroid plug into the grid directly ?

              Fair question I think.

              And with the motor generator what is the total input to the prime mover from
              the grid socket to power those couple of bulbs ?

              Another fair question I think.

              Things might look very different if the setups were run from inverters powered
              from batteries and the input to the system determined by the draw on the
              batteries as it should be done in my opinion. Any useful system should work
              just as well when powered from a true sine wave inverter as opposed to the
              grid socket and if OU it should be readily seen then.

              Last edited by Farmhand; 05-08-2012, 10:51 AM.


              • I've almost refreshed my supply battery and gave it a friend to help with the
                voltage drop problem I hope a bit. So I have 2 x large 12 volt batteries in parallel.

                I should be able to show a respectable voltage across a 100 watt bulb and
                show the idle input power before and input power during along with AC voltage across the
                secondary, just to prove the transformer can power real loads. I'll only be
                using one of the two 240v outputs, each one consists of two roughly 240 mH
                or so secondary coils in series, so one 240 v output is about 480 mH (I think).

                Edit: (My LC meter is telling me fibs, I think I was actually right in the video 240 mH each) I'll confirm that later more accurately.
                Each secondary has about 9.5 Ohms resistance.

                I'll show the non moving meter as well, almost non moving anyway it does flicker.

                Last edited by Farmhand; 05-08-2012, 12:21 PM.


                • I listened to thane on the video and im quite happy that what he said will give exactly the results he has though some of his facts couldnt be correct.
                  farm hand said ...
                  Oh yeah I almost forgot to mention, I think it is in a general way an
                  Increased Lenz Effect not a decreased Lenz effect.

                  And i would tend to agree with this i see it as a conversion of the lenz effect to provide additional drive without additional input but it is a static effect which not only is produced by reducing the efficiency of the motor but will not increase in return as the motor increases its draw doing work. I noted he was careful to say that its an unexpected effect and not supposed to be possible without making a single claim of OU, FE or FEMF from it and further noted that when the charge was showed on the meter he showed it going up and then falling off but failed to leave it there long enough to show that there was any actual gain in the battery other than the voltage increase while running. This is not the first time someone has shown a motor that goes faster with a load on it and im guessing it probably wont be the last.


                  • IMHO ...

                    It's not that the motor goes faster with a load or only draws a little more power, the rotor goes faster and the input current goes down.

                    The effect is also more rewarding at higher input powers, your percentage return increases.

                    Thane is working with an electric vehicle company, i see no reason why this won't go to market. In it's motor/generator form it is ideally-suited to devices that use alternators and batteries.

                    This isn't a phase-changing, reactive power trick either, the rise-time of the inductor is increased.

                    The effect works well in a simple transformer, i use a function generator in series with a DC supply so that i can choose suitable power levels and frequencies.

                    I for one certainly think it worth exploring further.

                    All the best,



                    • Skycollection

                      Delayed Lenz effect video from Skycollection:


