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Regenerative circuits.

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  • Regenerative circuits.

    So you want a free energy device, yes? so do I.

    If we are serious about this we have to take every aspect of a system into consideration and the first is how to make the best use of the power we put in. I will talk here about an electromechanical system ie a motor/generator or Lockridge type device.

    We know a motor has losses and the mechanical losses are friction so it goes without saying that we want low friction bearings, slip rings and commutators. Other losses include resistance (not to be mistaken for impedance) eddy currents etc and for the purpose of this thread we are going to stick to basics and look mainly at resistance.

    Resistance in a system converts electrical current into heat and is a direct loss so again this has to be kept to a minimum ie very low.

    Now lets get to the more interesting stuff. Induction coils are very good at storing a limited amount of energy and at the same time producing a magnetic field. as we put current into a coil this energy is stored and a magnetic field builds up and when the current is switched off the magnetic field collapses and a new current is induced into the wire and this is what we know as inductive kickback.

    The object here is to collect this current and use it to partially power the next pulse therefore saving a significant amount of power. This is very simple to do and the interesting thing is we can store it at a higher voltage than the source, allowing us to use this stored energy before we use our source battery. See the attached circuits.

    In the first circuit we are feeding the energy back into the motor. the graphs show current from the source pulsed at a 32% duty cycle and current through the coils. Note that there is always current going through the coil. The the voltage is 12v so we can calculate the power. you will note that the power in the coil is double that of the pulse. This only happens with pulsed coils and we have to pulse them very fast to get the effect.

    In the second circuit we charge a capacitor, with the inductive kickback, to double the voltage of the input. The two graphs tell the same story double the power in the motor of the pulse we put in.

    So if we build a motor that is 70% efficient and run it on 100w (300w pulses) and we will have 140w mechanical output. All we have to do now is put a generator on the output and feed it back to the source but as most generators are around 70% efficient these losses will leave us with only 98w. So to produce a self running system we need to use a more efficient motor and more efficient generator and then we have an excess of power.

    Its not quite as simple as that because of the factors that I have not gone into but the process is that simple.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    my question is ----would there be enough excess power left over to really power anything large enough to say the investment was worth it? the price of knowledge is endless though!

    very interested!


    • #3
      The frequency of operation will be extremely high unless very large inductance is used, and capacitance chosen to prevent transients from charging them to potentials that would destroy the switch.

      It would seem that one transient contains "just enough" joules to bump another inductor of equal parameters to the same level of conduction(current) as that which was interrupted.


      • #4
        Originally posted by irishman View Post
        my question is ----would there be enough excess power left over to really power anything large enough to say the investment was worth it? the price of knowledge is endless though!

        very interested!
        Assuming a normal level of efficiencies and no input from the environment there will be very little but with higher efficiencies we can get a usable amount of power, say 20%.

        Remember this is with conventional equipment used in an unconventional way. John Bedini has proven 97% recovery levels and that this recovery cannot be from the source, this means an additional 97% is possible. We know what was used in the Lockridge device and mostly how things work, its just no one has been able to put it together. There are some aspects of this device which seem puzzling and I would suggest that they are collecting some of this additional input.

        In addition to this, Peter Lindemann has been working to remove BEMF from motors allowing huge powers to be gained from small motors. Many have been working on high efficiency generators and their is parallel path technology too, something that could have been used in the Lockridge device. If we built a device incorporating all these features I would be possible to make big advances

        My goal in this thread is to get people to understand the regenerative circuit, its uses and benefits. A motor has many outputs of energy when pulsed, Torque, inductive kickback, heat, radiant and magnetism; Its just a matter of getting these outputs to work together in common purpose.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Shanjaq View Post
          The frequency of operation will be extremely high unless very large inductance is used, and capacitance chosen to prevent transients from charging them to potentials that would destroy the switch.

          It would seem that one transient contains "just enough" joules to bump another inductor of equal parameters to the same level of conduction(current) as that which was interrupted.
          Correct but remember that is energy we can get additional work from at no extra cost.

          If you would like to play around with the circuits to see what is happening, go to Circuit Simulator Applet and import the following text. Notice the effect of increasing or decreasing resistance, inductance and frequency.

          $ 1 2.5000000000000002E-8 13.654669808981877 37 5.0 50
          w 496 384 592 384 0
          l 592 336 592 384 0 2.0E-4 2.214353686011949
          v 464 400 464 256 0 0 40.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
          v 464 432 464 448 0 2 10000.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.68
          178 464 400 496 400 0 1 2.0E-6 -0.49999999999999983 0.05 1000000.0 0.02 20.0
          w 592 384 624 384 0
          d 624 384 624 256 1 0.805904783
          r 848 240 848 304 0 1.2
          w 752 384 848 384 0
          v 640 400 640 352 0 0 40.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
          v 720 432 720 448 0 2 10000.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.5
          178 720 400 752 400 0 2 2.0E-6 -3.737551353956056E-22 0.05 1000000.0 0.02 20.0
          w 848 384 880 384 0
          d 880 384 880 160 1 0.805904783
          w 672 160 880 160 0
          w 672 160 672 352 0
          d 640 352 672 352 1 0.805904783
          w 672 400 720 400 0
          w 848 240 864 240 0
          w 864 480 672 480 0
          w 672 480 672 400 0
          d 864 480 864 240 1 0.805904783
          w 672 352 720 352 0
          w 592 304 592 336 0
          c 672 352 672 400 0 3.6E-6 24.56149486517932
          w 752 336 752 240 0
          w 848 336 848 384 0
          r 592 304 592 256 0 1.2
          l 848 304 848 336 0 2.0E-4 0.6157696579431147
          w 464 256 592 256 0
          w 592 256 624 256 0
          r 640 400 672 400 0 0.2
          w 752 240 848 240 0
          o 2 32 0 289 8.969771056830114 5.740653476371273 0 -1
          o 1 32 0 289 8.749002899132048 5.599361855444511 0 -1
          o 9 32 0 289 7.654505172902097 4.898883310657343 1 -1
          o 28 32 0 33 17.498005798264096 5.599361855444511 1 -


          • #6
            What about placing coils on the recovery path? The recovery-path inductor would be slammed with the leading edge of the recovery impulse current just as abruptly as the switch was opened(this manifests a transient as well, which must be given a path as well!)

            $ 1 5.0E-6 0.11813604128656459 50 5.0 43
            c 272 320 272 256 0 2.2E-5 0.0010000000121799246
            s 304 384 384 384 0 0 false
            w 416 384 384 384 0
            r 416 384 416 336 0 8.0
            l 416 272 416 336 0 0.035 2.2222055834019883
            w 464 256 464 384 0
            d 416 384 464 384 1 0.805904783
            v 208 384 208 320 0 0 40.0 18.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
            r 208 320 272 320 0 0.1
            c 272 352 272 320 0 2.2E-5 0.0010000000004559695
            w 416 272 272 320 0
            r 464 256 352 256 0 5.0
            l 352 256 272 256 0 0.0047 1.0620346210031364E-15
            w 272 352 320 352 0
            d 320 352 464 256 1 0.805904783
            w 416 96 272 144 0
            r 208 144 272 144 0 0.1
            v 208 208 208 144 0 0 40.0 18.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
            d 416 208 464 208 1 0.805904783
            w 464 80 464 208 0
            l 416 96 416 160 0 0.035 2.2222055834019865
            r 416 208 416 160 0 8.0
            w 416 208 384 208 0
            s 304 208 384 208 0 0 false
            c 272 144 272 80 0 2.2E-5 9.99999999952155E-4
            r 464 80 272 80 0 5.0
            w 208 384 304 384 0
            w 208 208 304 208 0
            o 20 64 0 33 10.0 3.2 0 -1
            o 4 64 0 33 10.0 3.2 0 -1
            o 25 1 0 33 7.62939453125E-5 9.765625E-5 1 -1
            o 11 1 0 33 7.62939453125E-5 9.765625E-5 1 -1
            o 12 1 0 35 7.62939453125E-5 9.765625E-5 2 -1


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shanjaq View Post
              What about placing coils on the recovery path? The recovery-path inductor would be slammed with the leading edge of the recovery impulse current just as abruptly as the switch was opened(this manifests a transient as well, which must be given a path as well!)

              You could be right

              That is what this thread is all about I haven't had a lot of response to the trifler coil thread so I thought I would start the regenerative thread to try and get peoples understanding of my work. So any ideas you have on that subject would be better placed on that thread.

              The regenerative idea is nothing new but little has been done with it because of the high frequencies required, If we can increase inductance with little increase in resistance the frequency is lower and it becomes more practical.


              • #8
                what is the best efficiency motor and -or generator on the market today?


                • #9
                  I could not answer that. Parallel path motors should be capable of overunity but are expensive. I know they have been used in military applications but I have never seen one myself. There are generators too that have remarkable outputs, its just that they are not common knowledge. I think it would be foolish to assume that motor and generator technology has not advanced in over 100 years.

                  It is up to us to get the info out into the public domain.

                  I could take a universal motor which has 35% efficiency and with a few simple modifications to the mechanical parts, significantly improve its performance, so ask your self the question why don't they produce them like this as standard.

                  When you take a look inside a DC motor with magnets you can see why the efficiency of these are lower. Gaps between the rotor and stator could easily be reduced and low friction graphite brushes too and its not as if this is that expensive to do when you are set up. This stuff isn't rocket science.

                  I have been using regenerative circuits in hydraulics for 30 years and it wasn't new then, I just applied it to electric motors. The difference is a coil of wire performs in ways that cannot be easily explained and I am applying regenerative circuits to this phenomenon.


                  • #10
                    Most efficient motor

                    The most efficient motors are stepper motors, and specifically switched variable reluctance stepper motors. Many are now used in the automotive industry for various systems. Most of these are small motors used to precisely move or control things like power steering, seat tracks, and windows. Switched variable reluctance motors require a pulsed power supply to operate. Pulsed motors are the most efficient. Good Luck. stealth


                    • #11
                      They are especially efficient when you recycle the pulse


                      • #12
                        Having built a regerative receiver some 45 years ago I've always felt with what I learned in using that radio that the basics of that concept could be applied to create energy. I think the secret is finding the spectrum where the energy can be tapped and as Tesla's well known statement about attaching to the wheelwork of nature I believe it's going to be very much about finding the right frequency. Good work mbrownn and best of luck with this.
                        There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by irishman View Post
                          what is the best efficiency motor and -or generator on the market today?
                          Have a Look here.
                          Flynn Research Home Page
                          QM Power Commercializing Flynn's OU Parallel Path Technology
                          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                            Having built a regerative receiver some 45 years ago I've always felt with what I learned in using that radio that the basics of that concept could be applied to create energy. I think the secret is finding the spectrum where the energy can be tapped and as Tesla's well known statement about attaching to the wheelwork of nature I believe it's going to be very much about finding the right frequency. Good work mbrownn and best of luck with this.
                            Yes, frequency is everything and nature works at its own speed so the speed of our coils is set by the nature of them, this in turn sets the speed of switching and thus the speed required by the motor.

                            To achieve this we find we have to increase voltage and balance the components.

                            A 12v motor may run on 12v but creates 11v of back EMF so only 1v is giving us the power. If we pulse it at 50% duty cycle its like halving the voltage and current so we get less speed and 1/4th of the power so we have to double the voltage. Now we are running the motor with 24v with 11v of BEMF and we have a more efficient motor for the same power consumed.

                            In the first case we are powering the losses and very little goes to the load. In the second case more than 50 percent goes to the load. By sizing the regen capacitor correctly we can step up the voltage and achieve this to some extent but we have to do it at the frequency of the coil or power is lost.

                            If our motor is a universal motor and everything is matched to it we find our pulse is comprised of 50% from the capacitor and 50% from the source so we have 75% powering the load but its better than that I think. When the coil discharges to the capacitor the current continues to flow in the same direction giving more torque. so now our pulse is in effect 75% duty for a 25% input. That translate as 3 for 1 and this is just the start.


                            • #15
                              These are the motors I am talking about. If they had very low resistance coils and were run on a regenerative circuit their COP would be fantastic but the setup would be difficult because now you have to balance the power in the coils to the magnets as well.

                              I wish I had one

