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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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    Hey Chet,

    Yeah man, it's a real fly it and try it by the seat of your pants moment...

    The thing about theory is, it is just that, but for me art is theory, and this is so beautiful,just exploring it experimentally is a priviledge...

    I am trying to show you what I see, takes your breath away...

    Next year is going to be awesome



    • Guests

      Has anyone been watching how many guests we have on this thread. Chet must have told somebody about it. It's incredible.


      • 3 - 6 - 9

        Marko Rodin inventor of the Rodin coil talks about it too but he explains it from a completely different point of view and I haven't got a handle on that method yet either. It would really be something if we could use that Rodin coil in conjunction with our sonic boiler would it not??


        • I would like to especially thank Prof. Savic from Serbia, for making his "sonic boiler" to be "open source" on this ENERGETIC FORUM, as he says in the post quoted below.

          I consider that this is a wonderful gift to humanity.
          I guess it's the Tesla-Davey-Savic-DaemonBart-Chet-Slovenia... sonic boiler now!

          How generous that Prof Savic provides " special thanks to DAEMONBART, RAMSET and SLOVENIA for successful replication of sonic boiler and for publishing the results of testing for guys on ENERGETIC FORUM" !!

          Thank you, Prof Savic. I am also glad to provide (as you noted) "support and good feedback on this open source project."

          BEST wishes for 2012!!!

          -- Prof. Steven Jones
          [note: Steven spelled with a "v"]

          Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
          Message from Mr. "C"

          And special thanks to DAEMONBART, RAMSET and SLOVENIA for successful replication of sonic boiler and for publishing the results of testing for guys on ENERGETIC FORUM
          especially Prof. Dr. Stephen Jones, retired professor of physics, for the support and good feedback on this open source project.

          Happy New Year 2012
          May God bless all readers of this forum

          prof.Savića from Serbia
          Last edited by PhysicsProf; 12-29-2011, 06:39 AM.


          • Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
            Marko Rodin inventor of the Rodin coil talks about it too but he explains it from a completely different point of view and I haven't got a handle on that method yet either. It would really be something if we could use that Rodin coil in conjunction with our sonic boiler would it not??
            A little exercise of imagination for you

            If you join the two vertical ends of the table and roll it into a Donut by joining the two horizontal other ends you get a Rodin Coil:

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • WATT Meter

              So I got this power consumption meter, I need some tips how to measure properly.

              I heated 1 liter again, but not sure how to read the power consumption.

              During operating I got this:

              Start temp 16 Celsius
              Start Amp 5.5

              During testing amp draw up to almost 10

              At boiling amp draw around 7 amps

              But why does my KwH stay at zero? (0,0) ?

              Why does these things do not come with a proper manual ?


              Last edited by Cherryman; 12-29-2011, 10:55 AM.


              • Originally posted by Cherryman View Post
                Still lots to test, but this instant bubbling is nice to see:

                Instant bubbles - YouTube
                How you did that ? Details ?


                • 50 Hz Tuning Precise

                  Yes, I believe Mr. "C" and he says it is possible but the hardest part. It took him two weeks or so of sanding for two hours each day with the finest sand paper to accomplish this. Is the length of your can exactly 150 mm?? The length of the can affects the tuning also. Nice to hear from you!!

                  Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                  Is it really possible to tune beer can exactly to 50Hz resonance ? The best I've got is 52Hz and it's only tested that way: I'm holding my beer can via the attached SS rod (attached at the center of bottom of can) and strike the edge of can gently by finger. Then I use audacity software to process sound and draw spectrum of frequencies. Here one if peaks is at 52Hz, there are also peaks at lower and higher frequencies like 212 Hz (the biggest peak).


                  • Thanks!!

                    That's pretty incredible Gordon. Thanks for sharing it.

                    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    A little exercise of imagination for you

                    If you join the two vertical ends of the table and roll it into a Donut by joining the two horizontal other ends you get a Rodin Coil:


                    • Meter!

                      Good work!

                      You need more water and longer time to get reading on kWh scale.

                      Also how many decimals for kWh? If one decimal, first reading will be 100 Wh or 0.1 kWh, if two decimals, first reading will be 10 Wh.

                      If only heating 1 litre, just take amps * voltage = X, then you take X * time in seconds (on time) = consumed power in Ws (watt seconds).
                      Ws / 60 = Wm (Watt minuts) and Wm / 60 for Wh (Watt hours)

                      Ex: 8 amps and 110 volts for 180 seconds = 8*110 = 880W , 880 * 180 = 158 400 Ws , 158 400 / 60 = 2640 Wm , 2640 / 60 = 44 Wh or 0.044 kWh

                      Heating 1 litre of water from 20 deg C to 100 deg C = 80 "litre degrees", This will consume with usual heater 1,16 Wh * 80 = 92,8 Wh,
                      in real we dont reach optimal value 1,16 Wh / "litre degree" so calculate with 1,3 Wh instead.

                      So my ex gives us 80*1,3 = 104 Wh or 0,104 kWh

                      This is how you can measure if your device is OU

                      Kind rgds D

                      Originally posted by Cherryman View Post
                      So I got this power consumption meter, I need some tips how to measure properly.

                      I heated 1 liter again, but not sure how to read the power consumption.

                      During operating I got this:

                      Start temp 16 Celsius
                      Start Amp 5.5

                      During testing amp draw up to almost 10

                      At boiling amp draw around 7 amps

                      But why does my KwH stay at zero? (0,0) ?

                      Why does these things do not come with a proper manual ?


                      "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

                      Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.


                      • Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                        How you did that ? Details ?
                        It is almost the same setup as in the two previous videos, I used another outside tube for this one, a smaller gap, and thinner material.

                        The amp draw is high, this one blew my fuse once.

                        The instant bubbling occurs when the water is already heated, and just flip the switch.


                        Just tried a 10 liter test,

                        start temp: 15 celsius
                        End Temp 98 celsius
                        Time: 17 minutes
                        Power use according to meter: 0,5 KwH



                        Tnx! I have one digit after the comma, I got a reading 0f 0,5 after 17 minutes. I did not see less as 0,5 , so I have to find out the resolution as well, to see if 0,5 is an accurate reading or the minimal reading.

                        Off tho the shop now to find a better temp measurement apparatus.
                        Last edited by Cherryman; 12-29-2011, 11:55 AM.


                        • Blending water?


                          Did you stirr water before you measured ending temp?

                          Kind rgds D

                          Originally posted by Cherryman View Post
                          It is almost the same setup as in the two previous videos, I used another outside tube for this one, a smaller gap, and thinner material.

                          The amp draw is high, this one blew my fuse once.

                          The instant bubbling occurs when the water is already heated, and just flip the switch.


                          Just tried a 10 liter test,

                          start temp: 15 celsius
                          End Temp 98 celsius
                          Time: 17 minutes
                          Power use according to meter: 0,5 KwH
                          "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

                          Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.


                          • Originally posted by daemonbart View Post

                            Did you stirr water before you measured ending temp?

                            Kind rgds D
                            Nope, I did time untill visual boiling, I'going to get a new temp meter this afternoon.

                            Still fighting with the math, but I will get there, I'm making an excel sheat to get a better understanding.

                            So I'm still in the dark, but your thumb up gives me a good motivation to figure it out !



                            • Math

                              Ok, lets see if I got this straight.

                              I entered your (example values) and mine in an excel.

                              Does this looks right?

                              As you can see I added a few green dots, do I put there the kWh reading from the Watts meter? Or if not available the: Average of (V x A) ?

                              The numbers are in red now, at row 9 I added the average VxA amount , At row 10 I just entered the reading from the power consumption meter (kWh)
                              Last edited by Cherryman; 12-29-2011, 01:51 PM.


                              • Quick check!


                                just did a quick check and it looks fine!

                                Now you can work with different setups, comparing with ourselfs is the only way right now i think?

                                Mixing water in container for better temp reading would give less good results I am afraid, keep the spirit anyway, experimenting is one key to getting better

                                Kind rgds D

                                Originally posted by Cherryman View Post
                                Ok, lets see if I got this straight.

                                I entered your (example values) and mine in an excel.

                                Does this looks right?

                                As you can see I added a few green dots, do I put there the kWh reading from the Watts meter? Or if not available the: Average of (V x A) ?

                                The numbers are in red now, at row 9 I added the average VxA amount , At row 10 I just entered the reading from the power consumption meter (kWh)
                                "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

                                Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.

