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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • @ osamaricu te

    Sorry for off topic.

    Hi osmaricu te,
    I would be very interested in any info on your friction steam boiler build.
    The best place to post any test results, pics, drawings, ect. would be

    Thanks, Gene


    • Originally posted by osamaricu_te View Post

      Any news to update us on the device you received and how about the test? I read on your other topic that you had Savic device shipped to a fellow researcher in France and he was going to do the tests and you stated we will get some results soon.
      Just wanted to ask if you got the device, is it tested and what are the results?

      In case you answered this on another topic I apologize but I couldnt find it.

      It is a fair question.
      I feel that the researcher in France has done a good job in testing the "Davey device" (DD), which Prof Savic provided a photo of already (see attached). This is not Prof Savic's most advanced device, he assures me, but is the one he sent for testing so we did so.

      Our French colleague had a very solid approach in his testing IMO -- he compared the heat rise in water using the DD with the heat rise in water using an electric kettle which he purchased. He then used a Watt-hour meter to apply the SAME watt-hours of input energy to each device, adjusting for the same amount of water.

      The result -- the DD produced less heat rise in the water than did the electric kettle, for the same energy input. Prof Savic has recommended certain tuning procedures, so the tests are not "finished" at this time.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by PhysicsProf; 02-07-2012, 06:02 PM.


      • Originally posted by PhysicsProf View Post
        Prof Savic has recommended certain tuning procedures,
        so the tests are not "finished" at this time.
        This sounds very casual. The tuning is thought to be absolutely crucial.

        I think we are confusing two devices:

        1. the double bell system of Peter Davey where each bell is ground
        down so that it rings at an octave of the local mains frequency, i.e.
        where the mains is 50hz, we would probably settle for 200hz or 400hz
        and where the mains is 60hz, we might use 240hz or 480hz.
        (The image in post 1759, above, seems to be of this type).


        2. the IKEA thermos flask double tube arrangement, an interesting
        development, but not the same, with various suggested frequencies.

        Last edited by wrtner; 02-07-2012, 06:04 PM. Reason: an imperfection


        • Forgive My insolence

          Osalami Te

          Since when do you go by nick of PhysicsProf ?

          My question was directed specifically to Prof.Steven and not to you.

          Forgive me I meant only to encourage.

          The words were meant for all....

          If you want to Change the world
          BE that change !!


          • Originally posted by PhysicsProf View Post
            It is a fair question.
            I feel that the researcher in France has done a good job in testing the "Davey device" (DD), which Prof Savic provided a photo of already (see attached). This is not Prof Savic's most advanced device, he assures me, but is the one he sent for testing so we did so.

            Our French colleague had a very solid approach in his testing IMO -- he compared the heat rise in water using the DD with the heat rise in water using an electric kettle which he purchased. He then used a Watt-hour meter to apply the SAME watt-hours of input energy to each device, adjusting for the same amount of water.

            The result -- the DD produced less heat rise in the water than did the electric kettle, for the same energy input. Prof Savic has recommended certain tuning procedures, so the tests are not "finished" at this time.
            Thank you very much for your answer professor. I personally have utmost respect for people like you.
            You act not only talk and you are unbiased, interested in greater good... all that said, that is why I wanted to hear this info from you.
            Thanks again for the answer.

            On a side note, like I said in previous post, I made a small replica of lloyd tanner friction device... Its not the same but works on same principle. Long story short, after various designs and testing, I got poor results on that one too.


            Anyone has any other suggestions for a replica to be made, but based on mechanical principle rather than electric circuits ???

            Something from forums or something interesting you would like to get tested?


            • Thanks:
              Thank you very much for your answer professor. I personally have utmost respect for people like you.
              You act not only talk and you are unbiased, interested in greater good... all that said, that is why I wanted to hear this info from you.
              Thanks again for the answer.
              I must add that the further development of this basic idea by DaemonBart (IKEA flask etc.) has NOT yet been tested by me nor my colleague in France -- and that I respect his work and the data he showed. I have not given up on this!


              • Originally posted by PhysicsProf View Post

                I must add that the further development of this basic idea by DaemonBart (IKEA flask etc.) has NOT yet been tested by me nor my colleague in France -- and that I respect his work and the data he showed. I have not given up on this!
                I personally think there might be something in this but honestly, I tried everything that I personally could have think of ... I didnt give up BUT I did run out of ideas on what to do, so I am watching this closely in case some new info shows up or I get some fresh ideas.



                • I've been avoiding this for a length of time that should be adequate for at least one person to properly replicate the mystery persons concept by now...

                  Before I read almost fifty pages of fluff,
                  has anyone succeeded with a replication ?

                  I only ask because all the tuning fluff was occurring in only air,
                  which has NOTHING to do with actual resonance WITH WATER.

                  Normally I would just make a few sandwiches and just read it all,
                  but I became sceptical early on due to incomplete data availability...


                  • Originally posted by We.The.People View Post
                    I've been avoiding this for a length of time that should be adequate for at least one person to properly replicate the mystery persons concept by now...

                    Before I read almost fifty pages of fluff,
                    has anyone succeeded with a replication ?

                    I only ask because all the tuning fluff was occurring in only air,
                    which has NOTHING to do with actual resonance WITH WATER.

                    Normally I would just make a few sandwiches and just read it all,
                    but I became sceptical early on due to incomplete data availability...
                    After reading all and figthing with many theories I must confess that even if neutrinos theory cannot be dismissed I simply think this is all about acoustic energy tapping additionally to electric heating . I'm very slow in building anything so I have little progress.
                    If I'm correct that kind of heater is good in closed water system with not big amount of water circulating.I have even found two sellers in my country with similiar electrode boilers with additional vibration energy (mechanical) tapping.One even got patent in 1992 for extremally simple device with assumed COP of 4-5 : a set of meshes with a lot of holes each set for one phase of power grid AC and between another meshes with ground connection. I estimate that water flowing through it and electric wattage (huge of course) would produce acoustic vibration of meshes and "energetize" water in closed loop system.

                    Closed loop system is important and a thin walls to allos mechanical vibration and sound producing when large current is flowing and steam is around electrodes (air -like situation,do you see ?)

                    Sorry,my english is not very good : by meshes I think about of metal thin plate with a lot of holes, like sieve
                    Last edited by boguslaw; 02-10-2012, 10:34 AM.


                    • Boguslaw, I'm curious about what you said:

                      I have even found two sellers in my country with similiar electrode boilers with additional vibration energy (mechanical) tapping.One even got patent in 1992 for extremally simple device with assumed COP of 4-5 : a set of meshes with a lot of holes each set for one phase of power grid AC and between another meshes with ground connection. I estimate that water flowing through it and electric wattage (huge of course) would produce acoustic vibration of meshes and "energetize" water in closed loop system.
                      Are these "sellers in [your] country" available for purchase, and for testing?
                      If so, please provide information regarding what company makes them and how one could go about buying them...

                      And thanks for this interesting information!
                      --Steven Jones


                      • Originally posted by PhysicsProf View Post
                        Boguslaw, I'm curious about what you said:

                        Are these "sellers in [your] country" available for purchase, and for testing?
                        If so, please provide information regarding what company makes them and how one could go about buying them...

                        And thanks for this interesting information!
                        --Steven Jones
                        Ok will see what I can do for you, but I won't contact that company.


                        • Can water become resonant ? I believe this is what happening inside sonic boiler.
                          Water keeps heat and sustaining it require much lower electrical and mechanical energy applied to water. This is water resonance method !


                          • Some interesting reading:





                            • Some more interesting reading:


                              Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), Volume 14, Number 6 - SpringerLink



                              • Just a quick note, I have been playing with some ideas and have come up with a new concept you guys might be interested in. It may be possible to vary your AC frequency using these ideas. Also if you choose to run two identical water power generators and wire them into the same boiler you could set two different variable frequencies on two separate rings. Two different frequencies is what some plasma researchers are finding creates anomolous effects, as noted in those links I posted.

                                The electrical output is not going to be huge at a potential 30 - 50 Watts (I am hoping for) but it may work to your advantage with the baseline water control test heating slower and so any anomolous heating will show up and be more obvious.

                                This is the gasifier thread my mind kinda wandered into, it's only short, but I hope you all like the concept.


                                All you sink scientists have fun now!


