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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Enclosed Container

    I heard back from Mr. "C". He said I needed to have my assembly fixed inside an enclosed container. He said the wood frame was not good because it would absorb water.

    I told him it was strictly for short term test purposes only.


    • Precision tools in transit

      You should have them Wednesday
      I'm going to NY again Wednesday I am not stopping till I find the Stupid can that Mr.C is using!!
      No offence but My feelings about Splicing cans together Is like
      Cutting a musical instrument apart and then adding sections.

      I can't take a chain saw to a stradivarious !!

      A beer can as we all Know Is a Delicate Instrument .... Balanced to perfection By Trained professionals!!

      Good news I forgot to mention ..The tools are metric as well as domestic!!
      At least we will be Speaking Mr.C's language when it comes to the Measurements!
      Last edited by RAMSET; 10-03-2011, 03:43 PM.
      If you want to Change the world
      BE that change !!


      • Warps in Stainless

        I got all the warps out of my stainless. I'll explain that later. So, we're ready for the next part soon. The warps were my main problem and I had to use an unconventional way to remove them which I've never used with stainless before.


        • Point Well Taken!!

          No offense taken. You make a very good point indeed. Initially he was talking about the can being 150mm in length and then he told me my can was to short and needed to be 200mm in length. I don't know if the 150mm went with the voltage in Europe and the 200mm with 115 volts here in US or what. At this point, I'm probably going to be experimenting with shorter cans too. I just want to see this baby work first and then we'll start tuning it and see what COP we can get out of it.

          Metric & English sounds good for the tools. Since he's talking metric, metric tools will work better because a fraction of an inch can be a real pain.

          Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
          I'm going to NY again Wednesday I am not stopping till I find the Stupid can that Mr.C is using!!
          No offence but My feelings about Splicing cans together Is like
          Cutting a musical instrument apart and then adding sections.

          I can't take a chain saw to a stradivarious !!

          A beer can as we all Know Is a Delicate Instrument .... Balanced to perfection By Trained professionals!!

          Good news I forgot to mention ..The tools are metric as well as domestic!!
          At least we will be Speaking Mr.C's language when it comes to the Measurements!


          • Alternate Ring Support Method??

            What do you think of this ring support method. I am not trying to deviate from the master's design but was looking for more stability in my supporting of the ring. With this method the ring is supported on two sides unlike the original "C" design which is only supported on one side. Is there anything potentially wrong with this design from the electrical side??


            • Charge only the ring

              Only the ring should be charged ?
              All bracing needs to be Non conductive ,,no alternate paths whatsoever

              And if Mr.C is adament about the device needing to be in a Manifold

              Unless its for safety?? [Faraday cage of sorts][yikes]
              *Note we should find out if there is a Health issue with this when not in the cage?? does it transmit harmful??

              But if the Manifold is required for the effect ,then IMO no deviation should be made until we manifest the effect ,extra metal bracing will seriously impede results if that is the case.

              But thats just my Not so Humble opinion.

              A hypothetical Approach [only after frustration sets in]
              Get the ring set to size ,be happy you have it right [checking with shims and such]
              Place the shim around the can ,cover the shim with release agent
              Slide the ring onto the shim ,cast the ring in epoxy with some sort of
              stiffeners[non conductive] going out to the outside manifold ring!

              *Note afore mentioned Manifold ring not a "stock" item!

              Set like a spider web to the manifold ring !

              I would Pitty you S ... But I'm right behind you!!

              Last edited by RAMSET; 10-04-2011, 11:51 AM.
              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • alternate ring scenario

                Thanks Chet. I had a feeling I shouldn't deviate from the original design for some reason. The tolerance of the 1.725mm gap is so close, I was hoping and extra support might be a viable option. I need to get things rolling again soon. "C" thinks I've abandoned the project I think and that's not good. My stainless was short pieces, so I was going to have to make my ring out of two halves, and so I thought what if I could connect each of these ends to a support. Thanks!!!

                Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                Only the ring should be charged ?
                All bracing needs to be Non conductive ,,no alternate paths whatsoever

                And if Mr.C is adament about the device needing to be in a Manifold

                Unless its for safety?? [Faraday cage of sorts][yikes]
                *Note we should find out if there is a Health issue with this when not in the cage?? does it transmit harmful??

                But if the Manifold is required for the effect ,then IMO no deviation should be made until we manifest the effect ,extra metal bracing will seriously impede results if that is the case.

                But thats just my Not so Humble opinion.

                A hypothetical Approach [only after frustration sets in]
                Get the ring set to size ,be happy you have it right [checking with shims and such]
                Place the shim around the can ,cover the shim with release agent
                Slide the ring onto the shim ,cast the ring in epoxy with some sort of
                stiffeners[non conductive] going out to the outside manifold ring!

                *Note afore mentioned Manifold ring not a "stock" item!

                Set like a spider web to the manifold ring !

                I would Pitty you S ... But I'm right behind you!!



                • Tell Mr.C about the "Honey Do List"

                  I don't know if they have them in Serbia?

                  Its all about peace on earth ......
                  And staying out of the dog House!!

                  If you want to Change the world
                  BE that change !!


                  • buy their women

                    The man is the boss in Serbia, no honey does. They have different customs.

                    Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                    I don't know if they have them in Serbia?

                    Its all about peace on earth ......
                    And staying out of the dog House!!

                    Last edited by Slovenia; 10-04-2011, 09:56 PM. Reason: changed wording


                    • So many things I could say here

                      But I won't.....................

                      If you want to Change the world
                      BE that change !!


                      • Mr. "C" Needs Some Stuff

                        Serbian Message from "C":

                        meni treba uređar jednofazni frekvencioni pretvarač sa sinusnim izlazom snage minimalno 1000 do 2000 Wati.
                        i treba mi lim od titanijuma debljine 0.1mm


                        Google Translate didn't translate a couple of words in his message.

                        1.) He needs some titanium sheet of .1mm thickness.

                        2.) He also needs some sort of single phase converter with sine output power of at least 1000 to 2000 Watts.

                        Anyway, does anyone know a good inexpensive place to pick up some of the .1mm titanium sheet? I would like to get some of this material for him. The converter is probably outside my price range. If can provide at least the titanium for his latest project that would show very good faith on my part. Thanks!!


                        • The Titanium sheet too

                          I got news for you Titanium is off your pay scale ,unless you have a rich uncle
                          {like sammy]....
                          I have seen it on Ebay cheap!
                          I'll do some looking around too.

                          What size sheet is he looking for ??
                          @ Holy Cow
                          Tons on Ebay here's a sheet thats Close
                          Titanium Sheet Commercially Pure Grade .040x7.25"x7.25" | eBay

                          1 mm is 0.03937 the above sheet is .040
                          Ask him for a manu/model # on the sine wave thingy

                          Tell him we'll send him some measuring tools also ............
                          So he can Blueprint the device??{only kidding }
                          Last edited by RAMSET; 10-04-2011, 10:57 PM.
                          If you want to Change the world
                          BE that change !!


                          • Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                            Serbian Message from "C":

                            meni treba uređar jednofazni frekvencioni pretvarač sa sinusnim izlazom snage minimalno 1000 do 2000 Wati.
                            i treba mi lim od titanijuma debljine 0.1mm


                            Google Translate didn't translate a couple of words in his message.

                            1.) He needs some titanium sheet of .1mm thickness.

                            2.) He also needs some sort of single phase converter with sine output power of at least 1000 to 2000 Watts.

                            Anyway, does anyone know a good inexpensive place to pick up some of the .1mm titanium sheet? I would like to get some of this material for him. The converter is probably outside my price range. If can provide at least the titanium for his latest project that would show very good faith on my part. Thanks!!
                            120v 60 cps
                            SUNFORCE PRO 1000W PURE SINE WAVE POWER INVERTER 11240 | eBay

                            He probably needs this one though...
                            240v 50cps
                            1000w/2000w pure sine wave power inverter dc12v ac 240v | eBay


                            • Thanks!!

                              Thanks Chet!! I'll get more information on the titanium and the other device too.

                              Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                              I got news for you Titanium is off your pay scale ,unless you have a rich uncle
                              {like sammy]....
                              I have seen it on Ebay cheap!
                              I'll do some looking around too.

                              What size sheet is he looking for ??
                              @ Holy Cow
                              Tons on Ebay here's a sheet thats Close
                              Titanium Sheet Commercially Pure Grade .040x7.25"x7.25" | eBay

                              1 mm is 0.03937 the above sheet is .040
                              Ask him for a manu/model # on the sine wave thingy

                              Tell him we'll send him some measuring tools also ............
                              So he can Blueprint the device??{only kidding }


                              • Thanks!!

                                Thanks Textron!!

                                Originally posted by TEKTRON View Post

