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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
    for those already ahead in discovering in their dream.....

    i hope this will inspire you: replace the ring with the caduceus

    The caduceus coil illustrated in Fig.1, basically consists of ordinary insulated copper wire wound in a double-helix around a ferrite core. THIS COIL HAS REPEATEDLY BEEN FOUND TO VIOLATE ESTABLISHED LAWS OF ELECTROMAGNETICS AND HERTZIAN WAVE THEORY WHEN A HIGH FREQUENCY CURRENT IS INJECTED INTO IT....
    ....First. This apparatus has zero impedance - unlike an ordinary coil. when fed electrical energy the wire in the Tensor coil does not get hot.

    Secondly. It has infinite resonance - unlike an ordinary coil which will resonate chiefly at its natural fundamental frequency and weakly on the second or third harmonic, the Tensor coil is capable of resonating strongly on any number of frequencies randomly spaced in the spectrum. The signal pumped into such a coil strangely enough cannot be quantified (detected) by standard RF (radio frequency) detection apparatus ( see: .) Many "Ham" radio operators and electronic technicians who have used these coils, are completely baffled by them

    Caduceus Wound Coil Experiments
    I was wondering if any of you guys have a frequency generator, a fixed core (quartz ) and a Caduceus wrapped around (the caduceus is your ring) spaced the same as the won't have to worry about tuning as it adapts to all frequencies ...I would really like to see someone try it as i don't have access to a frequency generator...
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • IKEA Flask (Update)

      IKEA Flask (Update)

      Well, cutting off the bottom of the two flasks and not making a mess of things is not as easy as I said it would be. I was using a dremel tool with cutoff wheel, but the dremel wasn't doing as good a job as I'd hoped it would and the job was becoming tedious. There are two separate bottoms on the inner tube. So, after cutting off the outside bottom with a dremel and making three more cuts with the dremel I decided to bring out the big guns. I have a steel cutting abrasive wheel saw I used to use for other cells, so I brought it out and just cut off the crazy thing. Anyway, it looks a lot more professional when you use the abrasive cutoff saw. I'll show you pics of my flask this afternoon.

      I will be trying out the flask to the original specs of the flask user. If my results are not that promising, I'll then switch back to incorporating Mr. "C" specs to the IKEA flask project. So, we'll give it a go and see what happens.


      • water crystal orientation

        HI everyone,

        sorry I'm not completely up to date but I just wanted to share what ibpointless shared at the crystal battery thread.

        Water, Energy, and Life: Fresh Views From the Water's Edge - YouTube

        In this lecture prof Pollack presents his findings about the crystal structure of water at the SURFACE AREA which is called exclusion zone(EZ).
        The lecture is awesome and a must see.
        I don't know how much it matters but it could be important that the boiler points upwards like in the first prototype.
        Just in case that the EZ plays a role that is.

        Keep it up!!! I'm currently enrolled in plenty of other projects but maybe I'll give this one a shot I will definitely advertise among friends




        • Originally posted by prato_braun View Post
          HI everyone,

          sorry I'm not completely up to date but I just wanted to share what ibpointless shared at the crystal battery thread.

          Water, Energy, and Life: Fresh Views From the Water's Edge - YouTube

          In this lecture prof Pollack presents his findings about the crystal structure of water at the SURFACE AREA which is called exclusion zone(EZ).
          The lecture is awesome and a must see.
          I don't know how much it matters but it could be important that the boiler points upwards like in the first prototype.
          Just in case that the EZ plays a role that is.

          Keep it up!!! I'm currently enrolled in plenty of other projects but maybe I'll give this one a shot I will definitely advertise among friends


          Thanks prato_braun, a new dimension to add to Water....quite an amazing element
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Ok mr. S You seem like a good guy and thank you for your posts as it seems they are a bit naive.
            I'am a lurker who reads this thread with intrest of outcome albeit i fear the longer threads go ,smaller is outcome as always on this OU forums.
            I don't know who your contacts are but I know that I know serbian language and all texts You provide are double google translated so confusion and inaccurancy are great.
            The reason I write this is that I dont want towatch struggle of a man who wants to accomplish something and we on the other side only watch and learn from you as seems every Your contact is hiding from you some information.
            So I appeal to all lurkers to do something and share their findings here to help brave man who started this thread out.

            1. MR.c. - from now on forget what he tells you because he wants to play with You more when he realizes that is all on public forum
            Bigger can and 300HZ ring are nonsense I perfectly tuned more Europe cans to 60 hz rather than to 50 Hz as I need.
            300Hz to match proper harmonics should be 480Hz ant that mistake from 1,7xxmm to 2,5 shold ring your bells

            2. Ikea flask - why do you cut it in first place? If you take common china made thermos flask 1l and grasp it not punch it it will give you 50Hz peak (not resonance peak) in audicity

            So if you contac says Ikea flask let him tell you how exactly is done dont let be fooled.

            On picture with pipes you show(thank you) there is no thermos flask anywhere, because there is no one it is simple pipe with two insert pipes , one rings at 50 and one with 400 Hz.
            And then they tell you it is not ok. If it gives COP 5 out ??? are we serious
            We have no working Cop 1 to say and somebody promisse you 12 and then we discredit 5 as too low - hey

            Now is time to ask Your contacts REAL questions or they should shut up, If it is possible to acomplish, we can get there anyway by ourselves
            So we should join forces. I appeal on all just lurkers to add up. Nothing counts if you have sonic boiler in your basement - share with people that is the greatest thing you can do in your life. Free humanity and Earth of oil and do something for Earth and pollution and future of our children.

            MonsieurM - calm your immagination, do only one focused thing at the time and ....


            • Originally posted by Ares123 View Post
              Ok mr. S

              MonsieurM - calm your immagination, do only one focused thing at the time and ....
              Thank you Ares123, imagination has been a great tool for many of my research and no can do

              but will help when i can....and thank you for joining us and I do appreciate your help...and any other help to achieve this goal

              My method is different. I do not rush into actual work. When I get a new idea, I start at once building it up in my imagination, and make improvements and operate the device in my mind. When I have gone so far as to embody everything in my invention, every possible improvement I can think of, and when I see no fault anywhere, I put into concrete form the final product of my brain.
              (Nikola Tesla Quote)
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-10-2011, 06:06 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • No offence please, you give positive references off all kinds to study. Thank You. But sometimes (when you focus on something) they are distractful.Positive for brain storming Yes but for serious job No.

                Engish is not my native language so please forgive me if i cant express properly/polite. I think positive and really like your responses and links.
                Last edited by Ares123; 11-10-2011, 06:28 PM.


                • sorry for the distraction, I tend to follow the wave where it takes me and i share it...will try to refocus on Slovenia's work...and mine with the copper tubes

                  note: the wave may seem to go in opposite direction but from personal experience, it tends to take me back to some informations that are quite relevant

                  ps: I do not take offense and completely understand your Point of View...time is of the essence...I know full well
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-10-2011, 06:26 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Welcome!

                    Please start sharing!
                    We want pics of your working setup!

                    Originally posted by Ares123 View Post
                    Ok mr. S You seem like a good guy and thank you for your posts as it seems they are a bit naive.
                    I'am a lurker who reads this thread with intrest of outcome albeit i fear the longer threads go ,smaller is outcome as always on this OU forums.
                    I don't know who your contacts are but I know that I know serbian language and all texts You provide are double google translated so confusion and inaccurancy are great.
                    The reason I write this is that I dont want towatch struggle of a man who wants to accomplish something and we on the other side only watch and learn from you as seems every Your contact is hiding from you some information.
                    So I appeal to all lurkers to do something and share their findings here to help brave man who started this thread out.

                    1. MR.c. - from now on forget what he tells you because he wants to play with You more when he realizes that is all on public forum
                    Bigger can and 300HZ ring are nonsense I perfectly tuned more Europe cans to 60 hz rather than to 50 Hz as I need.
                    300Hz to match proper harmonics should be 480Hz ant that mistake from 1,7xxmm to 2,5 shold ring your bells

                    2. Ikea flask - why do you cut it in first place? If you take common china made thermos flask 1l and grasp it not punch it it will give you 50Hz peak (not resonance peak) in audicity

                    So if you contac says Ikea flask let him tell you how exactly is done dont let be fooled.

                    On picture with pipes you show(thank you) there is no thermos flask anywhere, because there is no one it is simple pipe with two insert pipes , one rings at 50 and one with 400 Hz.
                    And then they tell you it is not ok. If it gives COP 5 out ??? are we serious
                    We have no working Cop 1 to say and somebody promisse you 12 and then we discredit 5 as too low - hey

                    Well, I have heard these flasks come in different sizes

                    Now is time to ask Your contacts REAL questions or they should shut up, If it is possible to acomplish, we can get there anyway by ourselves
                    So we should join forces. I appeal on all just lurkers to add up. Nothing counts if you have sonic boiler in your basement - share with people that is the greatest thing you can do in your life. Free humanity and Earth of oil and do something for Earth and pollution and future of our children.

                    Dont hear this!
                    MonsieurM - calm your immagination, do only one focused thing at the time and ....
                    Best rgds D
                    "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

                    Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.


                    • Mr. "C"

                      Hi Ares123,

                      Mr. "C" is not trying to put on a show for the forum. To be perfectly honest, I started sharing material from him which I didn't have permission to share on the forum. He saw my postings of his material here and said he was not angry and continued to share with me. I have built a mock up of his boiler and know that it works. It is a splendid thing indeed. My mock up system was not tuned yet, but I wanted something I could show to forum members quickly. Anyway, Mr. "C" is a great guy from Serbia who has continued to share with me. I have learned a great deal from him and have shared what I know about this boiler on forum with you guys.

                      Please show us pictures of your setup. Most people on this forum just watch us and we see no evidence that they are actually building anything. But, we have many critics who have not built the device and proved for themselves that it does in fact work very well. It is a phenomenal device to be sure.

                      Looking forward to see pictures of your device and learning all your details. Thanks for speaking out and being counted.

                      Best Regards,

                      Originally posted by Ares123 View Post
                      1. MR.c. - from now on forget what he tells you because he wants to play with You more when he realizes that is all on public forum
                      Bigger can and 300HZ ring are nonsense I perfectly tuned more Europe cans to 60 hz rather than to 50 Hz as I need.
                      300Hz to match proper harmonics should be 480Hz ant that mistake from 1,7xxmm to 2,5 shold ring your bells


                      • COP of 5 (IKEA Flask Project)

                        I just heard back from my IKEA contact with the boiler that has a COP of 5. He explained that I misunderstood a previous message from him. He said that the picture I posted of his boiler is in fact not the IKEA setup but a previous version which does not have a high COP. His current version which incorporates an IKEA flask has a COP of 5. He encourages me to continue to build his IKEA flask device because he is still very happy with it and thinks it can be improved. So, please disregard what I said about the IKEA flask earlier. The IKEA project is still a go, so don't destroy your flask but wait for further instructions on how to build and improve it.

                        Also, he recommended that the IKEA flask be used with an open top and bottom scenario to improve flow. He also said the IKEA flask needs to be pointed down for optimum results. Anyway, more information to come on this. So, don't destroy your IKEA flasks!! Wait for further instructions!!


                        • Chester is about to get busy

                          Made about 5 stops then I hit paydirt!!

                          Basically I went up the chain of supply till I found the local Stainless man
                          A wonderful guy who will work with me !!

                          I have rings for the thermos and Mr.C's device !! [all no charge]
                          I have enlisted the help of a young Man Here also !!

                          I see we have a new Kid "Ares123"
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by RAMSET; 02-10-2014, 02:13 PM.
                          If you want to Change the world
                          BE that change !!


                          • Thanks!! (Ares123)

                            Hi Ares123,

                            Thanks for clarifying your position to us. There are many detractors on this forum and now we know your intentions to us are positive. We look forward to hearing more from you. Also, if you haven't built a boiler yet, we would like to see you do that and share about it. You seem to have an interesting background from the way you speak. We appreciate all the positive help we can get.

                            Best Regards,

                            Originally posted by Ares123 View Post
                            No offence please, you give positive references off all kinds to study. Thank You. But sometimes (when you focus on something) they are distractful.Positive for brain storming Yes but for serious job No.

                            Engish is not my native language so please forgive me if i cant express properly/polite. I think positive and really like your responses and links.


                            • Nice!! (Wow)

                              Hi Chet,

                              Great to hear this!! It's very exciting. Disregard what I said about IKEA flask project earlier because there was a misunderstanding on my part. That project is still a go!!

                              Best Regards,

                              Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                              Made about 5 stops then I hit paydirt!!

                              Basically I went up the chain of supply till I found the local Stainless man
                              A wonderful guy who will work with me !!

                              I have rings for the thermos and Mr.C's device !! [all no charge]
                              I have enlisted the help of a young Man Here also !!

                              I see we have a new Kid "ares123"


                              • Pics

                                You said you had a link for pics ??

                                My forum space is running out
                                I love your stuff !! I share it in Many places !!

                                How do you post so many Pics and not use up your Allotment of space??

                                Prato welcome.............
                                If you want to Change the world
                                BE that change !!

