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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • My forum space is running out
    I love your stuff !! I share it in Many places !!
    Thanks RAMSET , I am registered with Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket

    I just upload it to the server, and copy the link to the forum

    you can find all the pics I uploaded here Pictures by MonsieurM - Photobucket , feel free to use them....that is why they are there spread the the vibe so to speak

    one condition though, mention this thread to enlist more people...winter is coming
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • I enlisted some soldiers

      Here's some pics of My soldiers

      You see the one pipe next to the Ikea thermos
      That was stretched from 80MM to 90MM [Thermos runs 87MM {i believe]]
      And I'll be stretching it a bit more!

      Last edited by RAMSET; 02-10-2014, 02:13 PM.
      If you want to Change the world
      BE that change !!


      • Pics (Don't Use Energetic Space)

        Hi Chet,

        It's easy to post pics on Energetic without using their space. You just get a link from a free photo posting site such as ( They are the site I prefer to use. Go to the Tinypic site and upload your picture to their site and then they'll provide you with some links that you post to your Energetic post. I use the link from the 2nd box from the top down. They have four choices for you at the Tinypic site. There are many other sites that have free picture hosting too but my experience has been that Tinypic works best for me. If you have any trouble using Tinypic, let me know and I'll give you some more direction.

        Best Regards,

        Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
        You said you had a link for pics ??

        My forum space is running out
        I love your stuff !! I share it in Many places !!

        How do you post so many Pics and not use up your Allotment of space??

        Prato welcome.............


        • Pipe Stretching

          Wow, that pipe stretcher really does stretch those pipes out nicely. I think the stretcher will come in very useful.

          Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
          Here's some pics of My soldiers

          You see the one pipe next to the Ikea thermos
          That was stretched from 80MM to 90MM [Thermos runs 87MM {i believe]]
          And I'll be stretching it a bit more!



          • IKEA Flask Boiler Experiment (Cutting of Bottom of Flask)

            IKEA Flask Boiler Experiment (Cutting of Bottom of Flask)

            Inside Outer Bottom of Inside Flask

            Bottom of Flask Totally Removed Exposing Two Separate Tubes

            Outside Bottom & Two Separate Inside Bottoms Removed from Flask


            • Photo Hosting

              All of my photos are hosted by tinypics except when tinypics is down.


              • Well done

                Good work men, I been tied up at work, ironically working on boilers and heating systems. I simply have no time at the moment to continue building. I have been doing some reading and when I get some time back (3-4 weeks) I'll be ready to roll and continue building. I started my next generation device using copper weeks ago but lost my free time.

                BTW One concept I was going with was using a 1:1 isolation transformer. This will allow you to 'un-ground' the neutral in a 110 volt system. Here you have a floating neutral like they had in the old days of delta transformers on power poles. If this is done then it becomes very important to run a ground wire into the system as there is no true ground on a floating neutral system. Also I figured this will create the best 'tank' circuit.

                In your current 110volt system the ground wire is really just there for redundancy in the event the neutral gets cut. Neutrals are really just ground they are tied directly to the ground rail.

                Good Luck! and keep it going



                • Wow

                  You'll have to walk me through that pic posting technique??
                  We'll come to think of it ,I have a helper on this project now
                  I'll have him figure it out !

                  Do you have any info on the drive ring size {ikea]
                  I am not cutting this one until I try the new Kids [Ares123]idea
                  I havent gotten the "AMP" from my son yet for Tuning ,but this thermos really does ring if you tap it ,may be Ares idea will yield results ,I'll place a ring and do a wet run with 220 ?
                  I can always cut it!!
                  Ring size??
                  I see Core just posted ,Good to see you Bud!!
                  Last edited by RAMSET; 11-10-2011, 11:43 PM.
                  If you want to Change the world
                  BE that change !!


                  • IKEA (Ring Gap)

                    Mr. IKEA said 5mm gap so I can figure that out for you for total length of ring, etc.. Mr. "C" said to stay with 2.52mm gap for USA & 2.1mm gap for Europe. He said that today.

                    Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                    You'll have to walk me through that pic posting technique??
                    We'll come to think of it ,I have a helper on this project now
                    I'll have him figure it out !

                    Do you have any info on the drive ring size {ikea]
                    I am not cutting this one until I try the new Kids [Ares123]idea
                    I havent gotten the "AMP" from my son yet for Tuning ,but this thermos really does ring if you tap it ,may be Ares idea will yield results ,I'll place a ring and do a wet run with 220 ?
                    I can always cut it!!
                    Ring size??


                    • Ouch

                      Thats 10mm oversize??
                      BIG GAP!!

                      I also need the Length {not Diameter]
                      If I lay the ring flat on the table How Tall is it??
                      You'll see my ring technique soon [once you give me that number!]
                      Mr. ikea ........ I like it!!
                      If you want to Change the world
                      BE that change !!


                      • My technique

                        Can you see my technique for the ring holder??

                        I wait for the Height measurement ?

                        That tab gets bent after the final cut ,acts as the mounting flange.

                        Last edited by RAMSET; 02-10-2014, 02:13 PM.
                        If you want to Change the world
                        BE that change !!


                        • found some info on what Mr C sais previously:

                          Originally posted by Arius Nowak View Post
                          Please see here:[/URL]
                          Full theory: Þ.Ñ. Ïîòàïîâ Ýíåðãèÿ âðàùåíèÿ
                          Enjoy Your time!
                          thanks for the links

                          I found the following from the above referenced link (in russian )


                          now unto the interesting part:

                          If such a process was in heat "Yusmar" it with such intensity that when the volume of water in a closed cycle of the vortex heat generator 10 liters it would lead to an increase in the deuterium content in water at 10 "5% per day for each kilowatt of heat source pump with continuous his work. It is a thousand times smaller than the average concentration of deuterium in natural water. Therefore, this process could lead to a substantial increase in the deuterium content in water, and therefore can not be easily detected experimentally.
                          If all the "extra" mass-energy of the vortex flow was emitted only through this channel, the water from each kilowatt of radiated energy would remain in the form of heat, just 0.52 Tues We also have a heat source "Yusmar" out of "excess" heat for at least 500 watts per kilowatt invested pump. Does it mean that the carrying away energy neutrino flux from the vortex heat generator is not as intense, and the rate of use of deuterium in it for at least 2 times lower than the limit calculated above?
                          It would seem that it should only have to please. For if most of the "excess" energy carried away by the all-pervading neutrino flux, we could not heat the water vortex heat with an efficiency significantly greater than unity. Utility boiler for our reaction (11.5), which, although at a low speed, but, apparently, is still in it, whereas in the other - in a gradual enrichment of water with deuterium, which then participates in other nuclear reactions that take place already with the release of heat remaining in the water.
                          A really, experience teploustanovok "Yusmar" showed that in many years of work without replacing the water in a closed cycle of the vortex heat generator's efficiency increases with time. This can be explained and the gradual accumulation of deuterium in water in excess of its expenditure.
                          Finally, the foregoing, if all true, explains the mechanism of formation of deuterium in stars. In [145] explains that the observations of astronomers for protostars (just emerging stars) have shown that they consist mainly of water molecules. Formed in the star, they are like giant
                          eras, emit radio waves over the length of 1.35 cm (water vapor line) and 18 cm (line hydroxyls OH), and proved that the nature of water astronomers protostars.
                          And as the stars of the eddy processes are as strong as anywhere else, as we discussed in section 7.7, it now becomes clear that these vortices are intense reaction (11.5) with the formation and accumulation of deuterium, which then becomes the primary "fuel" star.
                          But in high-temperature plasma formed stars, such as the Sun, the reaction (11.5) is unlikely, if there are no molecules with hydrogen bonds. Another thing, if the sun does in colder than outside, as it involves SM Zhuravlev from Chisinau. The word "cold" here we mean not cryogenic temperatures, and temperatures below 5000 degrees Celsius, which still can be saved hydroxyls. And they are actually observed in sunspots [6.119].
                          Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                          Thanks to Dragans, one of our Serbian members, we have a better interpretation of the Inventor's description of how his device works.

                          Sonic boiler catches the energy of the impact between neutrinos (Teslione), and crystal lattice of the metal. Traveling of the neutrinos is identical as the traveling of the sound wave. Particle pushes another particle. That’s why you have to tune the sonic boiler same as you tuning the musical instrument. Sonic boiler absorbs electrical component of one wave on ¼ wave length, ¾ of energy level of standing wave it uses(I didn’t understand this my self). As long as you have smaller diameter, and thicker hemisphere, you will have more output Energy. Excitation energy of input current, have to be the same as resonant sound frequency of the phase electrode of boiler, and harmonic frequency of zero electrode. (Phase electrode and zero electrode are connections 220v/50Hz, nothing more. In your case 110V/60Hz)
                          So Sonic boiler works as antenna for neutrinos in resonance.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • IKEA Flask (Diameter)

                            Hi Chet,

                            What's the exact diameter of your IKEA flast at the bottom where the ring will go? I need that info. My measurement is all over the place on mine or I'd just use my measurements off my IKEA flask. Mine is 87.4mm at the top.

                            I want yours to be precise so we get the best possible readings with your boiler!!

                            Best Regards,

                            Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                            Can you see my technique for the ring holder??

                            I wait for the Height measurement ?

                            That tab gets bent after the final cut ,acts as the mounting flange.



                            • Gap (US gap fro IKEA flask boiler)

                              Yes, the 5mm gap is a bit to wide for US if we are going to be using 110 volts to power this boiler. I think that we should use 2.52mm gap for USA.

                              Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                              Thats 10mm oversize??
                              BIG GAP!!

                              I also need the Length {not Diameter]
                              If I lay the ring flat on the table How Tall is it??
                              You'll see my ring technique soon [once you give me that number!]
                              Mr. ikea ........ I like it!!


                              • Thats not the number I need
                                I have that already 5mm gap equals 10mm over Thermos diameter

                                How Tall?? Long?? The length of the ring .......
                                5mm ? 10MM ? 20MM?


                                I see you said to try 110 first at 2.52 [i.m at 3mm now]
                                But I still need to make the last cut on my Tube, do you have a length spec?[on ring]
                                You are Amazing !! How do you find this stuff ?? Crystal ball??
                                seems right on the money for Mr.C"s Hypothesis
                                Last edited by RAMSET; 11-11-2011, 01:48 AM.
                                If you want to Change the world
                                BE that change !!

