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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Sanding the can

    To save your can from crushing when you want to sand it, before removing the top, fill full of water and put in freezer and when water is turned to ice you can sand the can in peace.


    • Slovenia, No
      I wanted to finish all my sanding before I emptied the can and cut off the top!
      I'm running this facility tonight so I can't work out in the shop
      {in case of emergencies I have to be available ={ ]
      You would not believe what kind of things can pop up in this place ,huge responsibility !!!

      I think once the Chef is done in the kitchen tonight I'll go in there and fire up the Savic Boiler! [real responsible HUH?? !=.]

      You realize I am most likely running the wrong gap ?
      Professor Savic calculated for a 65 MM European can at 60 HZ Its 2.52
      As I posted above my Can is 73MM, it would surprise me if its still 2.52

      Perhaps he didn't see my post ? maybe he can give me the gap? this is the biggest can available here in the US [and cheap .99]

      At this point any Data is good data ,[since we have none]
      And I am anxious to get this thing Wet [and sparky]

      I see Ahura 's comment on freezing ,I actually had very good success just leaving it Full ,and this way when I sanded to much it let me know By peeing on my Leg!

      To be honest fellows.. I really can't take a chance tonight ,I have to be available ,But tomorrow the day is much more open [like today] I have help coming in the AM!!

      Besides I don't want to rush it And maybe the professor can give us the proper Gap?? Please?
      Last edited by RAMSET; 11-11-2011, 11:29 PM.
      If you want to Change the world
      BE that change !!


      • 65mm Diameter Beer Cans

        Hi Chet,

        Sorry, I wasn't sure if you planned on firing the can up with the top still in place or not. I knew you'd at least have the contents drained out. That's the best sand job I've ever seen on one of these cans. The material on the sides of the cans is so thin, it's just a real pain to sand them empty. I was bending and kinking my first cans until I started supporting the area from inside the can where I was going to sand it on the outside. I have a special setup now I put in my vice and it works very well. It's kind of like a round anvil that fits inside the can just beneath the area you are sanding. I just keep turning the can with my left hand as I sand with my right so that I'm saning the whole can as evenly as possible.

        I recall somewhere in my notes where Mr. "C" said that 65mm diameter was the optimal diameter for this boiler. That figured out mathmatically somehow for a quarter wave if I remember right. Anyway, I think he figured the 2.52mm gap for our specific mains in USA. I think that gap was for 220 volts to but it may not make that much difference because I think the frequency is the same for 110 even though the 220 is more efficient I do believe.

        Anyway, for now I'd just use the 2.52mm gap with the wide can you are using now. I think the can for that tall energy drink I recommended some time back will fit the bill with a diameter very close to 65mm. I think that energy drink can was a lot thinner than the Arizona iced tea can. We'll have to ask our buddy about that who's tuning those energy drink cans.

        I'll keep getting information as I can.

        Best Regards,

        Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
        Slovenia, No
        I wanted to finish all my sanding before I emptied the can and cut off the top!
        I'm running this facility tonight so I can't work out in the shop
        {in case of emergencies I have to be available ={ ]
        You would not believe what kind of things can pop up in this place ,huge responsibility !!!

        I think once the Chef is done in the kitchen tonight I'll go in there and fire up the Savic Boiler! [real responsible HUH?? !=.]

        You realize I am most likely running the wrong gap ?
        Professor Savic calculated for a 65 MM European can at 60 HZ Its 2.52
        As I posted above my Can is 73MM, it would surprise me if its still 2.52

        Perhaps he didn't see my post ? maybe he can give me the gap? this is the biggest can available here in the US [and cheap .99]

        At this point any Data is good data ,[since we have none]
        And I am anxious to get this thing Wet [and sparky]

        I see Ahura 's comment on freezing ,I actually had very good success just leaving it Full ,and this way when I sanded to much it let me know By peeing on my Leg!

        To be honest fellows.. I really can't take a chance tonight ,I have to be available ,But tomorrow the day is much more open [like today] I have help coming in the AM!!

        Besides I don't want to rush it And maybe the professor can give us the proper Gap?? Please?


        • Sweet!!!

          Very good idea Ahura!!! Thanks for sharing that. It was such a simple remedy I didn't even think of it. Elementary my Dear Watson as Sherlock Holmes would have said. Good Show!!

          Originally posted by AhuraMazda View Post
          To save your can from crushing when you want to sand it, before removing the top, fill full of water and put in freezer and when water is turned to ice you can sand the can in peace.


          • Like polishing shoes

            Remember the old days,, in the city they had the guys on the sidewalk that Buffed your shoes.
            The way I set up the can [unopened and filled] in the vise its just like polishing...
            the sanding belt removes material at crazy speed as you Buff away!!

            The only reason I sanded thru was the can has small imperfections below the "grade" that I was trying to remove [small paint specs].

            Once you have everything set up this goes quick .. rings are a pain but still no more then ten minutes ,then I just stretch to the Gap size!! [not to easy].

            Tomorrow is gonna be a big day for testing [hope I sleep tonight]
            I think I'll go for the ikea too...........
            Start Nice and early ,Lets see what these babies can Do??

            This is the first time in months I actually have some down time [and I'm working] weird ,but the owner here spends 10-12 thousand a month to heat theses buildings
            during the winter months ...and as I told you before they help kids and young adults get there lives back ...and way to often he just ends up not even charging....
            Good people here ,the kind of people this world needs more of !

            I hope this works they'll be able to help a lot more people!!

            Last edited by RAMSET; 11-12-2011, 02:04 AM.
            If you want to Change the world
            BE that change !!


            • like a bolt out of the blue

              Hey guys proud of you … what great advances.. I want to get back I miss you guys here .. still In passing something you were all investigating has sent me off on a tangent, and Its proved to be so very very important I dare not leave it alone. I hope to come back and repay the information with interest. On all fronts the energy strangle hold is being broken!! In fact its the death throws we are watching.. Its friends,understanding, helping persistence and determination that’s doing it!
              Strange you guys have a dream and post it here and I end up tangling with a very real incarnation of it. .. your blessed guys just keep doing it!!
              ps.. sanding the can ,,, just sanding the can there's a rap or dance or some thing there Im sure
              Last edited by Duncan; 11-12-2011, 09:06 AM.
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • Starting up!


                When starting for the first time it is natural to be a little scared, I think of two concerns:

                1. I am afraid it will blow up! Dont worry it wont do that!

                2. I am afraid it wont work! Dont worry it works, but it may take some time to get it working with full potential!

                So put it in the water and "do it"

                Kind rgds D
                "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

                Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.


                • Keep up your work!

                  Nice to hear!

                  Let us know if you need assistance in some way!

                  Kind rgds D

                  Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                  Hey guys proud of you … what great advances.. I want to get back I miss you guys here .. still In passing something you were all investigating has sent me off on a tangent, and Its proved to be so very very important I dare not leave it alone. I hope to come back and repay the information with interest. On all fronts the energy strangle hold is being broken!! In fact its the death throws we are watching.. Its friends,understanding, helping persistence and determination that’s doing it!
                  Strange you guys have a dream and post it here and I end up tangling with a very real incarnation of it. .. your blessed guys just keep doing it!!
                  ps.. sanding the can ,,, just sanding the can there's a rap or dance or some thing there Im sure
                  "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

                  Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.


                  • Pictures of IKEA Flask

                    Flask Pics submitted by Mr. IKEA himself from somewhere in Eurasia.

                    Pictures of IKEA Flask

                    Sideview of Flask with bottom removed from both flasks

                    Top view of Flask showing both inner & outer tubes.
                    Last edited by Slovenia; 11-12-2011, 04:30 PM. Reason: Gave Credit for Pics


                    • IKEA Flask (Instruction)

                      When you cut off the bottom of the thermos exposing both the inner and outer tubes you will notice that one tube is touching one side. This is normal. You need to work with the inner tube to insure that it doesn't touch the outer tube. This can be accomplished best by working through the threaded end with an oak rod of similar dimensions to the thermos opening. The inner tube doesn't need to be centered but just moved enough to one side that it doesn't touch the outer tube any where.

                      This is best accomplished with a belt sander and you hold your thermos firmly with a oil filter holder.


                      • Afraid

                        I was afraid to put my boiler in the water too, but when I did everything was okay and nothing bad happened. The key is to ground the water in the test tank holding the boiler and then everything should be okay. Wear insulated shoes and don't stand in water.

                        Good job, thanks for sharing.

                        Originally posted by daemonbart View Post

                        When starting for the first time it is natural to be a little scared, I think of two concerns:

                        1. I am afraid it will blow up! Dont worry it wont do that!

                        2. I am afraid it wont work! Dont worry it works, but it may take some time to get it working with full potential!

                        So put it in the water and "do it"

                        Kind rgds D


                        • Message from Mr. "C"

                          Mr. "C" said:

                          Instruction for Sonic Boiler
                          1) Polish your can to 60 Hz if in USA or 50 Hz if in Europe.

                          2) Measure the diameter of the cans after polishing and then make your ring with a gap of 2.52 mm for USA or 2.1 mm for Europe.

                          The ring must be in the harmonic frequency noise with tin for example the frequency is 60 Hz to 120 Hz, 180 Hz, 240 Hz 300Hz best that is as close to the frequency currents. Math calculations width of the ring is complicated to explain, and it is based on frequency values ​​ekspermentalne cup and it is for cup diameter 80 mm, 0.5 mm deljina 200 Hz. Cup height is 40mm.
                          If you know some math to calculate its volume of cans if not I will calculate them for you.


                          • Be safe and you will be

                            You want to get scared??
                            Go do a systems check on a recip aircraft at take off power chained to the ground... 10 ft prop screaming inches away.

                            And there is absolutely nothing special about it ,you do what you do!

                            This device is so passive in operation it will be boring ...
                            But S is right pay attention !! Same way you do when you step off the curb to cross the street!!

                            In the US we use the neutral and ground to the same Buss [inside the box]
                            If you are not sure that Grandpa put the hot lead in its proper position on your outlet ,take your AC meter and probe between the ground and the other two blade holes ...when the meter does not react you have your neutral when the meter reads mains voltage you have your Hot,now you have your polarity
                            and you have also checked your ground connection [very important]

                            Stepping off the curb is much scarier than this ............

                            Play time.....

                            If you want to Change the world
                            BE that change !!


                            • Scared!

                              That would sure scare the sh** out of me

                              But we are all afraid this boiler is not OU

                              Not me anymore

                              Keep up the good work, this will happen!!!

                              Kind rgds D

                              Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                              You want to get scared??
                              Go do a systems check on a recip aircraft at take off power chained to the ground... 10 ft prop screaming inches away.

                              And there is absolutely nothing special about it ,you do what you do!

                              This device is so passive in operation it will be boring ...
                              But S is right pay attention !! Same way you do when you step off the curb to cross the street!!

                              In the US we use the neutral and ground to the same Buss [inside the box]
                              If you are not sure that Grandpa put the hot lead in its proper position on your outlet ,take your AC meter and probe between the ground and the other two blade holes ...when the meter does not react you have your neutral when the meter reads mains voltage you have your Hot,now you have your polarity
                              and you have also checked your ground connection [very important]

                              Stepping off the curb is much scarier than this ............

                              Play time.....

                              "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

                              Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.


                              • Mr. daemonbart
                                Thank you for the encouraging words.

                                I am working on my Tuning now ,since the beginning Professor Savic has said use "YOUR" {my] computer sound to get the right frequency of the mains where you are going to use his Boiler.

                                How can I get feedback bounce from this computer audio ??
                                I feel pretty dopey asking this but I don;t play with sound !

                                I saw that Ahura posted a sound link but Mr.C says I must use the sound where I am ,It can vary from one location to the next.
                                I am going to Tune off the same outlet I run the device on!

                                Any ideas??

                                I will of course document my tuning procedure with photos !!

                                If you want to Change the world
                                BE that change !!

