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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Thanks for the reply, PhysicsProf.
    I am also of the opinion that trying to patent this heater will result in deception for the inventor, and suppression for everyone else.
    History has shown that it is impossible to patent an overunity system.

    Sadly for the inventor, official recognition will never happen from the governments. Instead, many problems WILL happen personnally to him.

    He has to make a difficult decision regarding the future of his invention, or rather re-discovery of Tesla's technology. If he was more fluent in english and had a few years of experience on the forums on overunity, that decision would not be difficult, he would understand the complications involved.

    This is the very sad reality of this corrupted world.
    I don't know if someone could easily explain that to him.
    I just hope that history will not repeat itself again.



    • Professor Savic Sharp Fellow

      Hi Altair,

      Professor Savic is a very sharp fellow indeed. He's highly intelligent and highly educated too. He also watches this forum very carefully and knows what we do here. He doesn't speak English, but he knows how to communicate really well and he also knows how to interpret everything posted on these forums. He doesn't miss much. It's like he can almost read minds or something. Every time I talk to him I learn something.

      Thanks for sharing here!!

      Best Regards,

      Originally posted by Altair View Post
      Thanks for the reply, PhysicsProf.
      I am also of the opinion that trying to patent this heater will result in deception for the inventor, and suppression for everyone else.
      History has shown that it is impossible to patent an overunity system.

      Sadly for the inventor, official recognition will never happen from the governments. Instead, many problems WILL happen personnally to him.

      He has to make a difficult decision regarding the future of his invention, or rather re-discovery of Tesla's technology. If he was more fluent in english and had a few years of experience on the forums on overunity, that decision would not be difficult, he would understand the complications involved.

      This is the very sad reality of this corrupted world.
      I don't know if someone could easily explain that to him.
      I just hope that history will not repeat itself again.



      • Thanks Monsieur M.
        I am also of the opinion that the system is scaleable in size.
        As the dimensions seem to be tuned to harmonic multiples of specific frequencies, it would theoretically be possible to build it in a different scale.

        I would really like to have a reply from Dr Savic on the questions I asked in my earlier post. (Slovenia ?)
        If he confirms that yes, resonance could also be obtained with a different length & thickness of tube, then we might have more options to build a replication.

        But I don't know to what point it is important that the tube resonates well at 60Hz (or 50). The beer can is extremely light to be used as a resonating hmmm... bell ! If the walls were thicker, I think it would be much more resonant.
        In an electronic analogy, there would be less damping, so the Q is much higher.

        But again, we don't know what are the goals to pursue in developing this system.
        Is mechanical 60Hz resonance more important , or is electric 1.15MHz resonance more important ?



        • Just thinking out loud here,
          if the 60Hz resonance of the tube is important, would it be possible to affix a machined steel ring to the end of the tube that, because of its mass, would be much more resonant...
          It could be tuned to the exact frequency by filing or sanding the end...



          • Merry Christmas all!!

            Thought I would post an update from me.... Still no luck tuning beer cans..I cant find a 200 MM can anyplace in southern indiana/Northern Kentucky. And am having zero luck trying to get any other size to tune to 60 Hz.
            Professor Savic, your family and son are in my familys prayers. I sincerely hope all is well.
            Altair, you have asked some good questions! Those are ones I have been asking myself the past week. great work all!! Was admiring all of the pipes on the pipe organ at church last week.I am going to start in a direction of custom cylinder......any ideas?? I have machine tools..Was wanting to get my tuning correct before I put in water..there is no doubt in my mind that this works well!! Thanks again to all that contributes, and Thank you Prof. Savic.
            Merry Christmas to all!!!


            • Originally posted by Altair View Post
              Is mechanical 60Hz resonance more important , or is electric 1.15MHz resonance more important ?


              I was wondering where the 6 went, in this system...60 hz...harmonic math 60 is 6

              42712.2 x 9 = 384409.8 Hz
              384409.8 x 3 = 1.153229.4 MHz

              An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways
              . a harmonic cascade effect
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Try the same operation for 50 hz....using the 5 2 8 triangle ....counterclockwise for the calculations

                42712.2 x 8 = Y
                Y x 2
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-24-2011, 02:06 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Serbian Beer Can Boiler

                  Hi Altair,

                  The professor is getting a COP of 12 for USA mains and a COP of 10 for European mains. To get the higher COP, the beer can needs to be tuned precisely to 50 Hz EU and 60 Hz USA. The beer can model does work and has heated his home for quite some time now.The IKEA boiler was built by an experimenter with the thought of getting away from the aluminium beer can and going to stainless steel application. The IKEA has it's own proprietary method of tuning to the proper frequency. Tuning is the big problem with the boiler. For optimum results, you must tune the device to either 50 Hz EU or 60 Hz USA. If you have your device tuned optimally, you can use it for many things other than just heating. You can make steam; make hot water; generate electricity; and/or generate hydrogen. Professor Savic is a very busy full time Physics professor, so he doesn't have time to answer all questions posted to him. He may choose to answer yours.

                  Best Regards,

                  Originally posted by Altair View Post

                  I would really like to have a reply from Dr Savic on the questions I asked in my earlier post. (Slovenia ?)
                  If he confirms that yes, resonance could also be obtained with a different length & thickness of tube, then we might have more options to build a replication.

                  But I don't know to what point it is important that the tube resonates well at 60Hz (or 50). The beer can is extremely light to be used as a resonating hmmm... bell ! If the walls were thicker, I think it would be much more resonant.
                  In an electronic analogy, there would be less damping, so the Q is much higher.

                  But again, we don't know what are the goals to pursue in developing this system.
                  Is mechanical 60Hz resonance more important , or is electric 1.15MHz resonance more important ?



                  • Good Vibrations...

                    Hi everyone,

                    Quick update on where I am with this:

                    50 Hz Nerve Tuning Fork

                    Angelic Gate :: Tuning Forks

                    Scroll down the page until you see it. Note the weights that were used to set the frequency at the factory. The knurled knobs suggest it is tightened in position and is therefore moveable. Scribe an accurate mark for both weights on the fork, after you have tested it's frequency, to see if the scribe marks change the cycles per second. Alternatively use a permanent marker. You can now set it to 50 or 60 Hz at leisure

                    Measuring the Frequency of Sound

                    The Frequency of Sound

                    There is an easier way...

                    Tuning fork frequency measurement - YouTube

                    And there is an even easier way...

                    Freeware: How Frequency Analyzer Works

                    This is a freeware Frequency Analyzer that uses the sound card on your computer and a calibrated desktop microphone (or any microphone). You now have the ability to precisely measure and test your parts for frequency. Use the tuning fork to calibrate accuracy

                    The coil pickup in the microphone replaces the coil in the video above, and the software and computer replace the equipment in the video.

                    Here is a more powerful tool...

                    ARTA Home

                    I especially like the part:

                    The STEPS program enables the measurement of the frequency response with a high dynamic range and a high noise immunity. Simultaneously with a frequency response measurement the STEPS estimates levels of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and higher order harmonic distortions.

                    And calculate your harmonics here:

                    Electrical Harmonics Calculator

                    Now let's have a look at how the 50 or 60 Hz frequency coming out your mains electricity socket is generated and controlled...

                    We start by learning about the alternator which converts rotary moment into electrical potential difference:

                    Alternator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Now let's look at a particular permanent magnet alternator:

                    Permanent Magnet Alternator Wind Blue Low Wind

                    I want you to note here that an alternator has a particular frequency dependent on the speed it is spun at and the number of poles it has. The voltage and current are however in a fixed ratio.

                    Now let's learn about the AC alternator a bit more and the waveforms generated:


                    and a bit more:


                    before we eavesdrop on some electrical power generation engineers telling you all their secrets...

                    Steam turbine generator speed control - clarification

                    Of particular note here is that the AC frequency is a strictly controlled “constant” and the voltage and current are variable. The exact opposite of our alternator!

                    Now lets examine our circuit and pay particular attention to the Neutral...

                    Household Electric Circuits

                    and then we find out how new the clarification of what it actually does is...

                    Electrical Contractor: Neutral or Not?

                    and then we learn about it a bit more and we keep going until we got it... eureka!


                    (My current method to imagine how this works is consider the hot the same as a red positive in a dc circuit, and the neutral the same as the black. Instead of the electricity only going one way, it goes forward and back at a rate set by it's frequency. In addition the neutral (black) is also connected to a distribution manifold of neutrals to balance over volt condition and prevent surface charge building up, the neutral (black) is also connected to earth ground. Please enhance or correct this understanding as appropriate).

                    Here is some light reading on frequency...

                    Nexus - The Schumann Resonances and Human Psychobiology

                    So, now let's talk about practical application of all that knowledge...

                    Steel Pipe Flanges | Stainless Steel Fittings - Pipes

                    The people who know me will instantly recognise this page

                    and cheap zinc collets... amongst other things

                    Advanced search :: Search results - Technobots - Electronic & Mechanical Components

                    and highest quality semi split stainless steel collars...

                    Drill Bushes, Jig Bushes, Dowel Pins and other precision engineered parts by Boneham & Turner Ltd - Precision Engineers

                    I will now be able to take the pipe I acquired to build turbine nozzles for the canceled HELT project, and cut them to length, measure the frequency using my computer and see the waveform, as well as measuring for higher order harmonics

                    So after Christmas I will be able to tell you all what length to cut the pipe to, for a particular schedule of pipe, to achieve your desired frequency, in the pipe sizes I have. I should also be able to identify where the nodes (does not vibrate) and anti nodes (vibrates) are and mark them approximately defining their wavelength.

                    This will be important information but gets even better when you know a secret...

                    If you select two sizes of schedule pipe that have an OD and an ID (bore) that leave a gap between them of a couple of mm (up to you) you will be able to roll an appropriate o-ring down between the tubes by sliding one tube inside the other. Once you have the first one in, add a second and roll that down as well and you will find that the inner tube is perfectly centered, stiff and hard to move, but held on rubber bushes (o-rings) and the two tubes will oscillate You just have to keep trying until you get both of them positioned in their own node, and then test the frequency to make sure it is not being dampened

                    This works like a dream...

                    On a final note I will leave you with something to ponder...

                    If you followed my gasifier stuff then you will know about primary and secondary shaft sleeving so if I say to you that tomorrow (if the missus let's me) I am going to work on a BSP IKEA... you got a head start on the next stage

                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by evolvingape; 12-24-2011, 06:28 AM. Reason: Forgot the pictures and lost my "Nerve" :) it is late!


                    • Professor Savic (Not Energetic Member)

                      Professor Savic is not a member of Energetic Forum. I forgot to mention that. So, he's not in a position to answer your posts directly.

                      Originally posted by Altair View Post

                      I would really like to have a reply from Dr Savic on the questions I asked in my earlier post. (Slovenia ?)



                      • No Success

                        Hi Jason,

                        Nice to hear from you. In lieu of 200mm aluminium cans, why don't you try some very thin stainless shim stock rolled into a tube the proper length. You could rivet it together with stainless rivets. You could custom make it to whatever length or width you wanted.
                        It's fairly inexpensive too.

                        The aluminium can will get holes in it quickly if not tuned to the appropriate frequency. Daemonbart had his getting holes within two hours.

                        Best Regards,

                        Originally posted by cornfused View Post
                        Thought I would post an update from me.... Still no luck tuning beer cans..I cant find a 200 MM can anyplace in southern indiana/Northern Kentucky. And am having zero luck trying to get any other size to tune to 60 Hz.
                        Professor Savic, your family and son are in my familys prayers. I sincerely hope all is well.
                        Altair, you have asked some good questions! Those are ones I have been asking myself the past week. great work all!! Was admiring all of the pipes on the pipe organ at church last week.I am going to start in a direction of custom cylinder......any ideas?? I have machine tools..Was wanting to get my tuning correct before I put in water..there is no doubt in my mind that this works well!! Thanks again to all that contributes, and Thank you Prof. Savic.
                        Merry Christmas to all!!!


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          I was wondering where the 6 went, in this system...60 hz...harmonic math 60 is 6

                          42712.2 x 9 = 384409.8 Hz
                          384409.8 x 3 = 1.153229.4 MHz

                          An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways
                          . a harmonic cascade effect
                          I was just reviewing some numbers posted in this thread and started with

                          an info posted by Prof Savic :

                          1.725mm electrode distance is 60 Hz. 300 Hz and the negative electrode has to play the sonic boil
                          Reduction is one of the method used in Harmonic Math (also called Rodin Math )

                          1.725 = 1 + 7 + 2 + 5 = 15 = 6
                          60 Hz = 6
                          300 Hz = 3

                          I think 2.1mm was the space between the can and the ring so the ring should be 70.2mm
                          2.1 mm = 3
                          70.2 mm = 9

                          I hope you see the Pattern...just find the 3 6 and 9

                          last but not least:

                          Early in this thread, Prof Savic wrote that the inside diameter of the beer can was very important because it had to be the quarter wave length of the frequency 1.1530479 MHz
                          1.1530479 MHz = 1 + 1 + 5 +3 + 4 + 7 + 9 = 30 = 3

                          I think you'll Appreciate this one:

                          Sonic boiler are trying to make a 110 Volt 60 Hertz has a COP = 6.93

                          What you supply area of the apartment, you calculate the width and thickness of the electrode, zero reba to resonate at 300 Hz. Fuse will die if you are using electricity for over 15 Amperes.
                          300Hz = 3
                          15 Amp = 6

                          a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-24-2011, 01:44 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                            If you understood the above statement , you'll understand the following

                            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            just on a side note: the double spiral water closely resembles the double mobius coil mentioned earlier

                            Step 1

                            2 wires of six feet each to be made into 2 mobius wires (you end up with 2 mobius wires that are 1/4 the length of 6 feet )coiled at 45 degrees (see how to build a mobius coil Mobius Coil Tutorial )

                            Step 2

                            Coil the first Mobius Wire as previously indicated in a Caduceus Manner (three times / three crossing maybe )

                            Step 3

                            Coil the Second Mobius wire 180 degrees opposite of the first Coil

                            Step 4:

                            Connect as previously indicated start with post #1271

                            enjoy the experimentation

                            An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways
                            . a harmonic cascade effect
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-24-2011, 03:03 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • The Secret of 3, 6, 9... according to me

                              Hi everyone,

                              I believe I cracked the secret of 3, 6, 9, a few years back... some of you might recognise this

                              I will not give you my explanation just yet, I want you to think about it for yourself and see if you can figure out what is going on...

                              Merry Christmas 2011

                              Attached Files


                              • Originally posted by evolvingape View Post
                                Hi everyone,

                                I believe I cracked the secret of 3, 6, 9, a few years back... some of you might recognise this

                                I will not give you my explanation just yet, I want you to think about it for yourself and see if you can figure out what is going on...

                                Merry Christmas 2011

                                nice finding evolvingape...

                                ps: A fractal exist on multiple to be more precise you have discovered one facet of 369

                                a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                                here is a 3D version of your finding

                                vortex like, isn't it
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-24-2011, 04:00 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

