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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • read this, you'll learn much:

    Wind Chime Design by Lee Hite

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Heineken Can Query

      How long is your Heineken can? It doesn't look to be 200 mm. Thanks!!

      Originally posted by HairBear View Post
      Got one right here... just like this one...

      Ahhh!(burp) Ok, what's the next step?


      • Connector Fun

        Some of these connectors are not that easy to make and it's kind of fun designing them. They have to be easy to make and functional.


        • Water Only

          I think one of these babies will run your car on water only. Mr. "C" said it's easy but he's only given me a couple of hints. I told him I was more interested in the water application than heat and he seemed amused. The heater runs off AC and the water for fuel device runs off DC. He said it did other things too but he didn't elaborate on that aspect.

          I thought this might add a little more interest to the discussion.
          Last edited by Slovenia; 09-27-2011, 10:02 PM. Reason: added


          • Gordon, Holy Cow!!

            Now thats some amazing stuff for the Fabricators !
            Looks like I'll be studying that for some time!!
            Tons of useful info!!

            Thank you Buddy !!

            If you want to Change the world
            BE that change !!


            • Gordon Query

              Where are you at with your sonic boiler project? Please share. You may have a nicer mouse trap.


              • Thanks Ramset for posting this elsewhere as I had been missing out on the fun of this one. I think the best part of this device is that you need an empty beer can.... and of course there is only one right way to empty that beer can

                I'm saving the info here but haven't had the chance to get through it all yet. Sounds fairly simple. Has anyone had success yet? I'm guessing that making the outside circle adjustable so it could be easily tuned will be very helpful until you find the resonant size.

                I'll just add one little tip I thought of after reading some of the PDF's that have been referenced here. Using tin snips or similar to cut the top off the beer can will likely result in a lot more distortion and uneven cuts than using a good sharp knife, box cutter or razor knife. They can easily get through the beer can and will make a much cleaner cut if done carefully.
                Last edited by ewizard; 09-28-2011, 05:00 AM.
                There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                • Not That Easy

                  Even though the project at first blush would appear stupidly simple, this is a precision device and everything manufactured on it must be very very precise or it will not work as desired. Everything must line up perfectly. The can mounting hole and the ring mounting hole for ring bracket must be in perfect alignment. The hole in the ring bracket on the ring assembly must be perfectly lined up with the center of the ring. The hole in the bottom of the beer can must be perfectly lined up as well. So, even though this seems all to easy guess again. If you screw up on any of these areas your boiler will not work right and it will be your fault and not the boilers.

                  Anyway, I've been trying to put one of these together, and have had a lot of fun with it. Some exasperation actually.
                  Last edited by Slovenia; 09-28-2011, 11:07 AM. Reason: changed word


                  • My Ring Assembly

                    This is what my ring assembly looks like. This is my third bracket design and I've already designed a better one than this. The bracket must be very rigid and secure to prevent vibration causing the ring and cup to make contact.


                    • Micrometer

                      Yes I believe Mr.C has some wicked fabricating skills!!
                      I believe Harbor frieght sells some inexpensive Micrometers. To me the hardest part in all of this will be maintaining the "Gap" perfectly around the circumference of the can. Putting a Mic or vernier caliper to this can will be ruff as well as the ring ID.

                      All things being said ,Its a lot easier than trying to build A TK device with
                      A hundred or more unknown components Circuit boards from old Russian Tv's And
                      Soyuz space capsuls ETC............

                      I also believe This pulsing Coil......Will teach us a lot .

                      This is A gift..............
                      And I will give you back the Gift of a sincere replication attempt.

                      Thank you
                      I went looking in my area again {CT} for cans
                      I found really big 12" .7 litre [to wide]
                      And tall pepsi size {6"} they start to Curve in about 1/2 inch from the top
                      I am determined to find the european cans.
                      And I know they will be in the City!
                      i Just saw your post above THAT LOOKS GOOD!!
                      Are you Brazing?? Sodering??
                      Last edited by RAMSET; 09-28-2011, 11:20 AM.
                      If you want to Change the world
                      BE that change !!


                      • Simplicity

                        Hi Chet,

                        I wasn't trying to insult anyone with my post. You are right, this is the easiest looking project we've had ever. I just wanted everyone to know that fabrication skills are necessary on this one. Thank God we don't have all the electronics of some of the other projects. I can handle this type of replication a lot easier. Warpage in the ring is I think what will get most folks if all the other alignments don't. The ring is 5 mm wide and the flat is about 10.5 inches long once bent, so when you try to radius it, it has a mind of it's own. All the various layers if you use steel can material want to go their own direction. Any deviation in the ring is very bad because the gap is so close. I'm still thinking that at least two stabilizers will be needed to hold the ring steady. The ring doesn't need to vibrate, so steadying it at two different points shouldn't affect it's working ability.

                        Anyway, I was just trying to say that this easy project will probably stump most of the guys trying to make it. No offense was intended to you Chet.

                        (Brazing with high heat solder.) I had to hold my parts together with a large vice and it was acting like a heat sink not allowing me to solder with a soldering iron. My blow torch was talking back to me when I made that solder attempt. I'm not proud of the way it looks but making things look attractive also take a lot more time and I want this baby on line as soon as practically possible.

                        Best Regards,

                        Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                        Yes I believe Mr.C has some wicked fabricating skills!!
                        I believe Harbor frieght sells some inexpensive Micrometers. To me the hardest part in all of this will be maintaining the "Gap" perfectly around the circumference of the can. Putting a Mic or vernier caliper to this can will be ruff as well as the ring ID.

                        All things being said ,Its a lot easier than trying to build A TK device with
                        A hundred or more unknown components Circuit boards from old Russian Tv's And
                        Soyuz space capsuls ETC............

                        I also believe This pulsing Coil......Will teach us a lot .

                        This is A gift..............
                        And I will give you back the Gift of a sincere replication attempt.

                        Thank you
                        I went looking in my area again {CT} for cans
                        I found really big 12" .7 litre [to wide]
                        And tall pepsi size {6"} they start to Curve in about 1/2 inch from the top
                        I am determined to find the european cans.
                        And I know they will be in the City!
                        i Just saw your post above THAT LOOKS GOOD!!
                        Are you Brazing?? Sodering??
                        Last edited by Slovenia; 09-28-2011, 11:46 AM. Reason: Added solder statement.


                        • There's no Hurt feelings in base ball!!

                          We gonna Knock this one outta the Park!!

                          In your PDF Mr.C tells us How to Tune.......
                          Next to your computor as it transmitts your Mains Frequency!!

                          Several members here have given the same advice [transformer Hum
                          Don't tune a Sensitive instrument to some one elses Frequency and expect success.

                          Gotta Go to NY [work]
                          See Yah
                          In the PDF Mr.C uses a word {in the tuning section] that seems to Imply EXTREME sensitivity!!
                          I just realized I've been asking the wrong guy for antennae advice!
                          Ben 4Kzep is the guy for this. I will beg His eyes to have a look [maybe the rest of him will follow]
                          Last edited by RAMSET; 09-28-2011, 01:19 PM.
                          If you want to Change the world
                          BE that change !!


                          • Excited

                            Yes, I'm pretty excited about this too. Mr. "C" says the tune is paramount or it's useless. So, there you have it and the rest of the build is not a walk in the park either because of the close tolerances. Have fun!!


                            • @ Slovenia, I'm currently working on several projects at the same time...which in itself is a bit over my head...but hey, i love to experiment

                              so I am closely following your progress ...when i get done with a few of them experiment and research, I'll be able to focus on the heater


                              @all, this you will like:

                              Frequency resonance heater - Google Patents

                              An AC voltage is applied to feeder end points of an electrode assembly enclosed within a body of liquid through which current is conducted to generate heat. The current path has a minimum effective length of a quarter wave antenna of the single wire dipole type from which electromagnetic wave energy is radiated at a radio frequency that is a harmonic of the alternating frequency of the AC voltage applied.
                              1. In combination with a source of electrical energy having a relatively low pulsating frequency, an electrical heater, comprising an elongated container, a body of liquid confined to the container, electrode means mounted in the container for establishing an electrical current path within the body of liquid from which heat is evolved, and power terminal means connecting the source to the electrode means at fixedly spaced feeder end points between which the path extends for establising resonance conditions under which electromagnetic waves are propagated within a frequency band having a relatively high fundamental frequency that is a harmonic of the relaively low frequency of the source to generate said heat within the body of liquid.

                              2. The combination of claim 1 wherein said current path has a minimum length corresponding to a quarter wavelength dipole antenna from which energy is radiated at the fundamental frequecy of 223.5 MHz, where the frequency of the source is 60 Hz.

                              3. In combination with an AC source of electrical energy having a predetermined alternating frequency, an electrical heater, comprising an elongated container, a body of liquid confined to the container, electrode means mounted in the container for establishing an electrical current path within the body of liquid, and power terminal means connecting the source to the electrode means at fixedly spaced feeder end points between which the path extends for establishing resonance conditions under which electromagnetic waves are propagated within a radio frequency band having a relatively high fundamental frequency that is a harmonic of the frequency of the source, said current path between the feeder end points having a minimum length of 12 inches corresponding to a quarter wavelength dipole antenna from which energy is radiated at the fundamental frequency of 223.5 MHz, where the frequency of the source is 60 Hz.
                              check it out for the principle in action

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Thanks

                                I understand. I've got three other experiments waiting on this one. This one just popped up out of nowhere and seemed to show the most promise.

                                Good Luck on your other experiments!!

                                Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                                @ Slovenia, I'm currently working on several projects at the same time...which in itself is a bit over my head...but hey, i love to experiment

                                so I am closely following your progress ...when i get done with a few of them experiment and research, I'll be able to focus on the heater

