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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • I wasn't able to get the 1.725 mm gap to work for me, so I chickened out and went with the European 2.1mm gap instead to start with. I just couldn't get a clear gap between the can and the ring with the 1.725mm gap. That 1.725mm gap is murder for sure. Does anyone have any ideas??

    Originally posted by RAMSET View Post

    WOW I see your adding more pics...Looks like you have the Gap nailed!!


    • Ground Wire

      I still need to add my ground wire so I don't get electrocuted on the first attempt at experimenting with this device.


      • You cant get shocked [with proper precautions

        Just try it out side with an extension cord if your nervous
        Like anything else ,the first time is the scariest!!
        Fire it up from 25ft away and then sneak up on it!!
        Don't have anybody around [distractions]!

        You'll see !!
        If you want to Change the world
        BE that change !!


        • Language Barrier Applies

          You may be right. The language barrier had been a negative. Google Translate is the only Serbian translate provider I know and they aren't getting it that good most of the time. There are many other services but most of them don't translate Serbian.

          I need to show Mr. "C" some pictures so he'll stay with me a little longer.

          Originally posted by Core View Post
          BTW - My interpretation of the PDF, regarding the length of the can, was that if you didn't have the right length can you needed to thin the can out more?



          • Thanks!!

            Great Idea!! Thanks!!

            Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
            Just try it out side with an extension cord if your nervous
            Like anything else ,the first time is the scariest!!
            Fire it up from 25ft away and then sneak up on it!!
            Don't have anybody around [distractions]!

            You'll see !!


            • Know your panel?

              Do you understand your service panel?
              What breaker works what circuit??
              Pick a week one [10 amps would be nice]
              And run the rig off that circuit [nothing else]

              Or dedicate a breaker and set up a 5 amp to start,there cheap at most hardware stores!

              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • Ideas

                Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                I wasn't able to get the 1.725 mm gap to work for me, so I chickened out and went with the European 2.1mm gap instead to start with. I just couldn't get a clear gap between the can and the ring with the 1.725mm gap. That 1.725mm gap is murder for sure. Does anyone have any ideas??
                That gap is tight, I noticed on mine that amps ran higher with a smaller gap. I also noticed visually that higher amps did not translate into more steam.

                In your case I would go to your local Home Depot and purchase some nylon washers. From here you can file the washers down to 1.725mm. Then carefully cut the nylon washer into small segments. With the washers cut into small segments divide the ring into quadrants. Using a good adhesive attach them on to the inside of the ring. Let them dry. Note: Nylon washers are EZ to cut and file. Cut them small enough to not interfere with the 'curve' of the ring. As an example make the width of the nylon washer 2mm and the length the width of the ring.

                Also build a safety whip like I did. Place the fuse on the 'Hot' leg. Verify the hot leg on the outlet. These fuses have a time delay like a breaker in a panel box, so they can take a small surge. As you saw I was using 10 amp fuses.

                In my case I have dedicated outlets going to my workbench so there was no chance of overloading the wire back to the panel. Try to use a dedicated outlet or shut appliances to prevent overload.

                Everything I mentioned is general safety, keep in mind there are people who run miles of Christmas lights on one 15 amp breaker, that also does there refrigerator, with 18 gauge cord.

                Just an idea.



                • Thanks

                  Thanks for the information. Good idea.

                  Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                  Do you understand your service panel?
                  What breaker works what circuit??
                  Pick a week one [10 amps would be nice]
                  And run the rig off that circuit [nothing else]

                  Or dedicate a breaker and set up a 5 amp to start,there cheap at most hardware stores!



                  • Thanks For Sharing

                    Very nice ideas. Thanks for sharing them. Yes, the 1.725mm gap is going to allow the ring to touch the can if no alternate arrangements are made.

                    Originally posted by Core View Post
                    That gap is tight, I noticed on mine that amps ran higher with a smaller gap. I also noticed visually that higher amps did not translate into more steam.

                    In your case I would go to your local Home Depot and purchase some nylon washers. From here you can file the washers down to 1.725mm. Then carefully cut the nylon washer into small segments. With the washers cut into small segments divide the ring into quadrants. Using a good adhesive attach them on to the inside of the ring. Let them dry. Note: Nylon washers are EZ to cut and file. Cut them small enough to not interfere with the 'curve' of the ring. As an example make the width of the nylon washer 2mm and the length the width of the ring.

                    Also build a safety whip like I did. Place the fuse on the 'Hot' leg. Verify the hot leg on the outlet. These fuses have a time delay like a breaker in a panel box, so they can take a small surge. As you saw I was using 10 amp fuses.

                    In my case I have dedicated outlets going to my workbench so there was no chance of overloading the wire back to the panel. Try to use a dedicated outlet or shut appliances to prevent overload.

                    Everything I mentioned is general safety, keep in mind there are people who run miles of Christmas lights on one 15 amp breaker, that also does there refrigerator, with 18 gauge cord.

                    Just an idea.



                    • Spider Manifold

                      I don't believe it is a good idea to dampen the vibrations with shims at this point?

                      From your test we see that this will definately "do something"
                      Its the reason for the rest of the device that must be figured, if we just placed a ring within a ring [no can]
                      it would also do something.

                      I am hoping that the reason for such a hair thin can, a PDF and such critical tolerances has Merit?

                      @The spider manifold I mentioned before
                      if you look from the Top,You would run string in four places from 12:00
                      3:00 6:00 9:00 to the outer canister?
                      Pull the ring where ever it needs it?? [checking with a guage]

                      Perhaps a light wire would be good [I just worry about trace interference]
                      Then we could just "Kink" the wire to adjust?

                      Figuring a way to do this will most likely take some thought,Perhaps when Slovenia sends his pics to Mr.C he will make suggestions??

                      How do I copy your images??

                      I hope you fire it up today !!
                      I just had a happy little thought!! {like Mr. Rogers}
                      Wouldn't it be nice if whatever forces are at work here "Center" the ring themselves Because its "ROUND".

                      Perhaps a "Standing Wave"??

                      Last edited by RAMSET; 10-12-2011, 12:06 PM.
                      If you want to Change the world
                      BE that change !!


                      • How To Copy Images

                        1.) Left click on the image to make it full size.
                        2.) Right click on the image and your computer will give you the option to save the image to your computer.
                        3.) Click on that option, save the image, and the image is saved to your computer.

                        Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                        How do I copy your images??

                        I hope you fire it up today !!
                        I just had a happy little thought!! {like Mr. Rogers}
                        Wouldn't it be nice if whatever forces are at work here "Center" the ring themselves Because its "ROUND".

                        Perhaps a "Standing Wave"??



                        • Fire Today

                          I plan to fire today. I was going to take the boiler apart and secure the ring better and also glue my two piece can together at it's joint, but it was such a hassle adjusting my gap I'm just going to fire it the way it is and hope for the best. I did secure my ring with some super glue as a temporary measure. If there's any heat involved the super glue won't work to well at the ring support connection.

                          We got to see if we're on the right track or not.

                          Are you having any luck copying the pics Chet?

                          Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                          I hope you fire it up today !!


                          • .2mm Ring Thickness Scenario

                            Well, I figured out how to make a .2mm ring after all. You just laminate two .1mm strips together. When I folded them and bent a radius on them I was warping the unsecured bottom side of the ring material. It was an ever so slight warp but it was enough to make my thickness .5mm which was not good.

                            Anyway, you cut your .1mm X 5mm strips out and then glue them together with super glue with the shiny side outside. You glue the strip and then secure the glued strips together with a vice while they are drying. You'll have to divide your strip into three separate sections and glue from one end to the other. Once you've glued up the strips, you put a radius on them with a fence post as I described earlier on this thread. It works very well.

                            Go sparingly with the super glue. You just want it to bond the two surfaces together. Anyway, this method works!!

                            Glue the strip in three separate operations working from the left to the right. and only gluing the are you can immediately clamp together with your vice. You will need a vice if you don't have one.


                            • Center Your Ring Anchor

                              Haste makes waste. I didn't center my ring anchor hole in the side of my experimental boiler. I sighted by eye and got it about 1/4" off center on the side of my vertical acrylic cylinder. I should have measured. Because of this misaligned hole I had a heck of a time adjusting my gap. I had to bend the ring at it's anchoring tab and that's tricky. If I'd drilled the hole at the right point, everything would have lined up nicely.

                              So, a word to the wise!!


                              • No Luck with images [I'm a putz with these things]

                                One of my customers just called I have to go down to NY

                                I'll check in later
                                I believe the super glue is going to go By By? [heat]
                                But that remains to be seen??

                                I might stop at Harbor frieght on the way ,,they have a "tail pipe expander" that will probably be worth its weight in gold
                                [Will Stretch the ring to size [A LOT]
                                I'll send it to you.
                                Last edited by RAMSET; 10-12-2011, 01:42 PM.
                                If you want to Change the world
                                BE that change !!

