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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Hi ramset quite right the time to heat a fixed quantity of water and of course the power taken! Consider for a moment a holiday tea maker this sort of thing Travel Immersion Water Heater - Dual Voltage | Going In Style Travel Accessories
    so you plug the thing in and it pulls 4 amps come hell or high water, as you pointed out ramset that is effectively resistance heating, every second that passes the water heats up by the same amount!
    If you drew a graph of temperature to current it would be a straight line! This indeed is exactly how the classical explanation of water heating works!
    With “The spoons” and presumably Peter Davey's contraption Linear “anything” is out of the window, watch the meter carefully and you will see its anything but linear.
    This means of course that the Impedance of the circuit is changing throughout the heating operation ….. frequency obviously comes into play now! In short we are now searching for the maximum change of temperature in the minimum time for the least amount of current and then tune these cones (or the flow of water) to that point. Moving water (as in the Russian guys machine) is a very different proposition quickly try this and you will see,

    half fill a test tube with water,put a cork in the end, heat the test tube and time how long it takes to blow the cork out.

    Repeat the experiment only this time just heat the test tube until the water is just starting to simmer,
    Turn the test tube through 90 deg and watch what happens, clean the floor and then dig the cork out of your dry wall.

    Its a bit of a task to tackle over a forum, there are so many variables different voltages,different frequencies,and if this thing wont work with milk in it what about mineral content, hard water and soft water ect ? Even our measuring systems are different Deg C and Fahrenheit BTU s and so it goes on. all told are we not perhaps trying to “tune to the water” In our particular area? Not that there is anything wrong with that we are all just trying to learn “how to”
    Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
    You are absolutely Correct 100 %
    This Resistance heating will manifest in the presence of two spoons
    or whatever one chooses!

    The real thing to measure here is Time to heat,and once we get a few replications going ,we can establish a test protocol for this.
    We have a friend here "Tinsel Koala" who has assisted many times with measurements.
    I will not pester him until it becomes obvious we have something special going on here!

    Thank you so much for your contribution

    Gotta get back to work...............

    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


    • Muddy waters..........


      A true replication [as close as possible]
      This device and Davey's may be working in similar ways,however
      I can't take that to the bank!
      There is a critical "TUNE" where things should start Jumping!! cop 12 is monstrous!! It will be quite evident when we hit the sweet spot!!

      We have a PDF , a man who has a running unit and will answer questions .

      Thats the direction to go, a replication of the Professors device!

      Ans yes there are a slew of variables !

      We think alike Duncan.

      Lets do this.............

      S whatcha fixin??
      If you want to Change the world
      BE that change !!


      • Power Steering Pump

        Hi Chet,
        Power steering pump and accessories problems on a 1992 Toyota Celica. Had a hard time getting the dumb thing off to replace it and then broke the vacuum valve while trying to remove it from the old pump. That vacuum valve was a bear to find and cost me over $94 just for the valve. Anyway, it's been a real pain repair and I'm ready to get back to the boiler bad.
        Best Regards,

        Originally posted by RAMSET View Post

        S whatcha fixin??


        • Jump in and out of tune

          I believe the can should have several tune spots,just like when we cut a wire for a given frequency 1/4 wave 1/2 wave ETC.
          It seems ludicrous that we are tuning a can for 60hz ,but as you saw with your own eyes IT DOES.......... It may be razor thin slices or axe sized chunks?

          Have we even established a 200mm can with .65mm diameter?
          Is there such a thing? ,I am stuck away from Home working {LOTS}
          very little time for Chet...........

          Yes that can be a pain to get out,
          I remember once when I was doing a job in the tunnel in NYC the Honda gave up the alternater
          The fix was pull the motor to get it out ,
          Had a sawzall and grinder went right threw the floor ......... [20 minutes]
          should a Utubed that one!!
          Last edited by RAMSET; 10-25-2011, 01:35 PM.
          If you want to Change the world
          BE that change !!


          • Pulley

            I had to pull the pulley off before I could access the top bolt and had to make a special tool to hold the pulley so I could loosen the nut on the pulley shaft. Struts are a snap to change out but this has truly been a nightmare but we're about there if my air control valve ever gets here. That's the part that was locktighted in at the factory and wouldn't budge for me so I got mad at it.

            Great to see all the activity. I know this bug/boiler works because I trust the inventor. How to actually apply it in a useful context might be the real hard part. I think Mr. "C" pumps the steam and water through a radiator and then back to the boiler for reheat.

            Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
            Yes that can be a pain to get out,
            I remember once when I was doing a job in the tunnel in NYC the Honda gave up the alternater
            The fix was pull the motor to get it out ,
            Had a sawzall and grinder went right threw the floor ......... [20 minutes]
            should a Utubed that one!!


            • Your tuning procedure??

              So Jason.......

              Gonna post that Tuning Vid????????

              Speaking of Vids?
              @Slovenia ,did you ever figure out how to post Movies from your camera?
              Is that even possible with an older style Camcorder?

              I'm getting a chance to go home for a few days [tomorrow] ,so I'll be posting some sexy polish beer can Movies [I hope its the right size Can].

              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • Movies on Camcorder

                Hi Chet,

                No, I got side tracked on some other home projects which kept me from playing with my camcorder. My wife's not sure about this project and she had a lot of other things for me to do and then the car had it's problem. We'll get back to the project soon hopefully.

                Best Regards,

                Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                Speaking of Vids?
                @Slovenia ,did you ever figure out how to post Movies from your camera?
                Is that even possible with an older style Camcorder?


                • Chet.....
                  Sorry I didn't get to video the tuning yet, trying to beat the rain thats coming tonight. I'm running out of weather!! And things didn't go my way at all today........ Ya all know how it is. Maybe can video later tonight I'll do my best.


                  • hope you don't get that snow.........

                    Yes I certainly do know how things can Go!!

                    If you want to Change the world
                    BE that change !!


                    • Good Job!!


                      You are doing a great job and it's nice to have you working with us on this!!

                      Best Regards,

                      Originally posted by cornfused View Post
                      Sorry I didn't get to video the tuning yet, trying to beat the rain thats coming tonight. I'm running out of weather!! And things didn't go my way at all today........ Ya all know how it is. Maybe can video later tonight I'll do my best.


                      • A question to my friend

                        sometimes you talk about antennas , and how they can bring in extra
                        Like this??
                        {from Shokac at OU... TK thread]

                        Chaos I

                        The Chaotic Circuit I

                        I know this is off topic I just want your opinion!
                        Thank you
                        If you want to Change the world
                        BE that change !!


                        • Stainless Ring Material

                          Here is a link to some really good stainless ring material cheap. You get twelve foot long strips .25mm in thickness by 1/2". This is the best deal I've located so far!!

                          Stainless Steel Strip .010x1/2'' (16) (k+s7151) K-S Hobby and Craft Metal Sheets Metal Strips


                          • Conductive Glue

                            This conductive glue may come in handy with our ring manufacture. Solder is a pain in the neck and I think this glue is the answer and would also look much better. I'll have a go with it soon and let you know how it turns out.

                            Amazing Wire Glue-The Electronic Goldmine


                            • Antenna

                              Somewhere Mr. "C" referred to the can as an antenna too, if I remember right, and I'm pretty sure I saw that somewhere.

                              Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                              sometimes you talk about antennas , and how they can bring in extra
                              Like this??
                              {from Shokac at OU... TK thread]

                              Chaos I

                              The Chaotic Circuit I

                              I know this is off topic I just want your opinion!
                              Thank you
                              Last edited by Slovenia; 10-27-2011, 12:36 AM. Reason: typo correction


                              • Power1 HHO Parts for Liquidation

                                I have a lot of Power1 HHO Experiment parts for sale. I have three large pond foggers with one power supply and a powerful 40 KHz piezo vibration module. I need to raise some money quickly so that I can do some more intense things with this current project, including some help to Mr. "C". If someone in continental US would like these items, I'll make them a special deal and sell the previously mentioned items as a package. The powerful 40 KHz piezo module cost me $38 by itself. I have a lot of other stuff too including some heavy duty equipment necessary for the Power1 project. I got side tracked off the Power1 project and never got back to it. Now I'm really heavy into this project and need to scrape up some funds as soon as I can and the only way I know to do this is by selling off some of my experiment/project stuff.

                                I have an oscilloscope; really nice as new function signal generator; hot plate with magnetic stirring; and zinc oxide in unopened bag.

                                I don't want to ship outside continental US.

