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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Stainless Water Bottles

    Hi Eternalightwithin,

    Glad to see you working on this boiler with us. Yes, the stainless steel water bottles would probably not be the way to go. The beer and pop cans are only .1mm thick and that's about where you need to be. Plus, the beer cans have been proven to work and the stainless steel water bottles haven't yet. I'd suggest the cans and I'll find you a source for 24 oz domestic cans soon. I'll try to have something by tomorrow.

    Best Regards,

    Originally posted by eternalightwithin View Post
    I couldn't find any fruit juice can, or any other can for that matter, on a google search or in the stores.

    But I did pull up those 24oz stainless steel water bottles, several google pages in. They look about the right height and diameter. I'd have to go to walmart and compare to a monster drink can to be sure. No problem getting these.

    The only issue I can see is that these would be thicker than a aluminum can.
    But if they are longer, then this would nullify the thickness issue.


    • Electrolysis (Polarity Issue Maybe)

      Make sure your can is hooked to the power and your ring to the neutral. Otherwise, you will have an electrolysis issue and the boiler won't work as designed, invented. The ring has to be made of a good stable material such as but not limited to 304L stainless or titanium.


      • I just wanted to make a remark, you know guys that guitars or any musical instrument can come in any sizes and yet still be tuned the right personal opinion is we are building a "musical instrument" if you can't find the right size, you can still adapt

        by the way spoons are also used as musical instrument:
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-29-2011, 07:41 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • US Domestic Beer 24 oz Can

          US Domestic Beer 24 oz Can

          Black Star Beer 24 oz cans (US Domestic Beer)


          • Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
            US Domestic Beer 24 oz Can

            Black Star Beer 24 oz cans (US Domestic Beer)
            Wow! Seems you have the SOLUTION !


            • Yes


              Thanks!! Yes, but they'll have to be ordered from Montana or Idaho so that also presents a logistics problem and expense of ordering but they are available for order.

              Best Regards,

              Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
              Wow! Seems you have the SOLUTION !


              • Pure Water in a Can (24 oz Can of Water)

                Pure water in a can (Denver Based Company) 24 oz cans


                • Message from Mr. "C"

                  Message from Mr. "C"

                  Oct. 29, 2011
                  Post to forum:
                  The sonic boiler diameter 65mm = 1 / 4 wavelength of the wave he catches .= = 260mm 65x4 = 1.1530479 MHz wave


                  • Also,

                    Slovenia, does the ring material have to be 0.010" thick material?
                    Can it be 0.020" ?

                    That stainless steel strip hobbystore link you gave us is great. But if I want to use titanium, McMaster-Carr only goes down to 0.020" thick.



                    • tune ..... KISS

                      Gents just a suggestion bearing in mind I have only just seen this PDF ---- The general Idea I have is this arrangement is using reactive power although a couple of spoons thrown in a jam jar is certainly not (as chet suggested) good enough to “Take to the bank” It does however indicate that this does indeed have merit, I have no doubt that the sound tuning thing would and does work but I suspect we are trying to tune to an overtone far above 50 or 60 Hz .. shall I bother telling you how good I'm going to be at this vibrating nail thing? My Luck I'll probably end up with a hole like this punter Doctor X Water Dissociationanyway I would much rather a system that was Tunable and so usable in the US or Europe or in fact anywhere and so Here is what I have in mind when I get my hands on a bit of nylon Threaded bar.
                      Can we agree The effect we are looking for is probably caused by careful capacitive tuning ? That being the case let me remind you of the bee hive trimmer Redirect Notice

                      Really as you can see just a variable capacitor you simply screw the top down onto the bottom to tune to whatever capacitance is required. We want a custom one and so I propose The next bit of the operation would be to get any two tins that are any where in the approxamate size of our diameters such that one will slide inside the other. Connect the two tins with plastic or nylon Threaded rod, capacitance area something like that shown in the PDF . Only for the brave hearted but I think It would be possible to tune a working submerged unit to minimum current at a specific water temperature (perhaps) just an idea to consider, big bang if they touch of course MIT Physics Demo -- Dissectible Capacitor - YouTube
                      Last edited by Duncan; 10-29-2011, 09:24 PM.
                      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                      • Ring Thickness??

                        Hi David,

                        Mr. "C" called for the following measurements on his ring:

                        Negative Ring Electrode
                        Ring Width: 5mm
                        Ring Thickness: .2mm

                        Ring Inside Diameter:
                        US 68.45mm (Old Spec. for 1.725mm gap) (I need to figure it for new gap.)
                        European 69.2mm (With Regard to 2.1mm gap)

                        P.S.: The McMaster Carr titanium is to thick @ .5mm

                        I have a cheap source for .1mm. That's the thickness I used on my test boiler and it worked splendidly. Let me know if you want the info and I'll send it to you.

                        Best Regards,

                        Originally posted by eternalightwithin View Post

                        Slovenia, does the ring material have to be 0.010" thick material?
                        Can it be 0.020" ?

                        That stainless steel strip hobbystore link you gave us is great. But if I want to use titanium, McMaster-Carr only goes down to 0.020" thick.



                        • New Gap (for USA Boiler)

                          Important Update!!!

                          New Gap (for USA Boiler)

                          2.52mm Gap

                          REQUIRED Length of Ring Material = 252.23mm

                          NEW USA Ring ID: 70.04mm

                          Recommended Specs:
                          Thickness of Ring Material: .2mm
                          Width of Ring Material: 5mm


                          To figure the diameter of your ring and how much material you will need, you'll need to know the OD of your can. Since we're working with cans with slightly different diameters, this is VERY Important!! You need to know the diameter of your can and plug all this info into the following formula:

                          Diameter of Ring = Diameter of Can + 2(Gap)

                          70.04mm = 65mm + 2(2.52mm)

                          This needs to be exact!! So, if your can diameter is not 65mm, you need to plug your values into the above equation and figure out what your ring diameter is!!!

                          You also need to figure out the circumference of your ring so that you'll know how much material you'll need. Remember, the ring thickness should be .2mm and the width should be 5mm. You also need to know the length and that is the circumference. Remember to add enough extra material for your tab so that you can stick the tab of the ring into the ring holder.

                          Allow at least 1/2" of extra material on each end of the ring material. I'd also allow at least an extra 1/4" on one end as a flap to be folded over the end of the tab to hold it in place. I'll take some pics of this when I make my new ring tomorrow. I'll post those pics as soon as possible.

                          Circumference = (Pie)3.14 X ring diameter
                          219.93mm = 3.14 X 70.04mm
                          Circumference = 219.93mm

                          Remember to add 1/2" on both ends of the ring material plus 1/4" for fold over tab. So, do the following to get the amount of ring material you'll actually need:
                          Circumference + (tab material for both ends) + (fold over tab material) = ??
                          Circumference (Length of ring material) + 2(12.9mm) + (6.5mm) = ??
                          219.93 + 2(12.9mm) + (6.5mm) = 252.23mm = New Ring Material Length!!
                          Last edited by Slovenia; 10-30-2011, 12:21 PM. Reason: Typo; Added Info


                          • Ring (New USA Specs)

                            I'll be making a new ring tomorrow out of titanium and I'll be taking pics of the whole process to share with all of you. I'll show you the easy way to make one of these rings. With the fold over tab I'll show you, you'll see you don't have to solder or glue anything. The device holds itself together very well!!
                            Last edited by Slovenia; 10-30-2011, 12:46 AM. Reason: Added Line


                            • Nor Easter Socs Me in.........

                              No power,Except the wire running to the Winnabago!

                              Any Hoo ,...Duncan for an idea I proposed taking a slice of the can and an equal size Drive ring and seeing what it does? [Sort of like your capacitor].

                              Just so we have an idea as to what the can adds to the equation?

                              If I get my power back on I will have some time to play tommorow,
                              As Gordon says Its a musical instrument so we should be able to Tune things?

                              I believe I can get that size can here ,I have seen Those ?
                              I will check when I can get out ,to much snow and the trees still had there leaves ,worse outages than we had with the Hurricane!!

                              Good to see More fellows joining in Here,Lets figure this out........
                              Open Source Of Course!!

                              If you want to Change the world
                              BE that change !!


                              • Nice!!

                                Hi Chet,

                                Sorry to hear you are snowed in. Glad to hear you may be able to get a good can there!! I'll be working on a new titanium ring tomorrow and document the whole process with my digital camera for other's reference.

                                Yes, this thread is gaining interest. Very nice indeed.

                                Best Regards,

                                Originally posted by RAMSET View Post

                                I believe I can get that size can here ,I have seen Those ?
                                I will check when I can get out ,to much snow and the trees still had there leaves ,worse outages than we had with the Hurricane!!


