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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Skype Download

    Hi Chet,

    Yes, it's very easy indeed. I think you are younger than I am. Just go to and download the Skype software from the Skype website. Once you've downloaded the program, load it and you are ready to go. You will have to become a member of Skype to use it, but it's all free unless you call a land phone or a cell phone. Just get a headset and call another person who has skype and a headset and you can talk free over the computer. If you can't catch you're friend on line when you are, just type them a message and they'll get that just like e-mail and respond back to you when they're available. You will have to load your contacts into the program. That's pretty easy too. When you are done with using Skype at the facility, just remove it from the computer and there will be no worries. When the Skype program is not in use, just turn it off because it does draw some ram.

    Let me know if you need more info.. It's a great program. You can send large files quickly with Skype and do other things also.

    P.S.: Supposedly it even has an Israeli program embedded into it that can tell you if the person you are talking to is lying or not. I heard this from a corporate spy.

    Best Regards,

    Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
    Can you teach me how to Skype?? [I feel so old]
    You know I am using the facility's Computer so I can't really Download [crazy stuff].


    • Thanks Old man

      Heh Heh ..

      Now I'll pick up a head set tomorrow!


      Sorry for your troubles Bud
      I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!![Ruff times indeed]
      Last edited by RAMSET; 11-27-2011, 10:32 PM.
      If you want to Change the world
      BE that change !!


      • Looks like Witts

        Just picked up My Skype Phones ,I'll be trying it out shortly.
        In looking at the professors rendering of the Davey device above it looks an awful lot like Timmy's Device?

        [] World's Most Efficient Overunity Water Heater ... from WITTS [] - YouTube

        If you want to Change the world
        BE that change !!


        • Timmy Device??

          Well, from the outside of Timmy's device there is at least some similarity. I don't see an upper electrode at the top of the sphere, but he probably has the lower electrode inside the sphere. It would appear that Peter Davey's invention is being utilized at least to some extent. Mr. "C"s diagram is of the Peter Davey device.

          Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
          Just picked up My Skype Phones ,I'll be trying it out shortly.
          In looking at the professors rendering of the Davey device above it looks an awful lot like Timmy's Device?

          [] World's Most Efficient Overunity Water Heater ... from WITTS [] - YouTube



          • Sir Timothy Thrapp [AKA "Timmy"]

            I believe we will be breaking Timmy's Heart pretty soon

            I BELIEVE !!

            S we have a young man from Russia came to visit last Night
            Perhaps we can figure something out [translations][Skypes?]

            Gotta Go
            If you want to Change the world
            BE that change !!


            • Tiger

              Hi Chet,

              I've got a contact who says he may be able to get me in touch with Tiger directly. If that works out, I'll need your Russian to help me translate. Thanks!! Tiger knows how to get 10 KW and I think he'll share that with us if I can get into contact with him.

              Best Regards,

              Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
              I believe we will be breaking Timmy's Heart pretty soon

              I BELIEVE !!

              S we have a young man from Russia came to visit last Night
              Perhaps we can figure something out [translations][Skypes?]

              Gotta Go


              • Things are moving forward

                Yes you will [have an interpreter]

                Good stuff S !!

                I feel we have help from Above on this one!!!

                If you want to Change the world
                BE that change !!


                • My Peter davey sonic boiler attempts

                  Hi All, I have been following this topic for about a month trying to catch up with all the posts and developments.

                  Back in 2008 or 2009 I built a sonic boiler from Patrick Kelly's fine Ebook using stainless steel measuring cups. I believe it was a 1/4 cup and a 1/3 cup with a hole drilled in the center of each. On hand in my materials area was a section of a childs plastic play structure. This plastic "rod" had two slots running the entire length of it and was about the only thing around that I could think of to keep two 240 volt wires apart for this heater attempt. This "rod" was smoth on all sides except for the two slots so I threaded threads on it so that I coud attach nuts and electrical mounting eyelts etc.... I also separated the two cups with nylon washers until I had about a 1 mm spacing at the EDGES.

                  Before assembly, I mounted each cup to the rod seperately and tried to get a mechanical resonant frequency by tapping them to see if they were close to something good. I used a software program (spectrum lab) and my computer's sound card and microphone to identify the main resonance.

                  Here is my post from another forum:
                  "Re: Finding the resonant freq part deux.

                  I have used that method to find mechanical resonances with the following


                  It also has signal generator functions built into the software so you can output
                  one or a mix of frequencys etc.... and then see the result on the spectum
                  analyzer display."

                  I don't think I was aiming for any low freq of 60 hz but a higher harmonic.
                  Anyway, the results were mixed:

                  The sonic boiler placed in a 5 gallon bucket of water heated it up very quickly to a boil. No data survives of this experiment, however, and I have looked for the device now for a few days to upload a pic but I cannot find it now.

                  The water in the bucket turned a very brown yucky color, as did the stainless steel cups, but they were still physically ok.

                  The copper covered aluminum 14 AWG wires (magnet wire insulated) deteriorated and broke showing corosion powder at several spots.

                  The plastic threaded rod melted causing the distance from each cup to change and the mounting to become loose.

                  Becasue of these setbacks and no other suitable replacement parts or money, the project was abandoned.
                  Last edited by kenssurplus; 11-30-2011, 04:46 AM. Reason: outdated speclab link corrected


                  • Thanks!!

                    Nice to hear from you and thanks for sharing here!!

                    Originally posted by kenssurplus View Post
                    Hi All, I have been following this topic for about a month trying to catch up with all the posts and developments.

                    Back in 2008 or 2009 I built a sonic boiler from Patrick Kelly's fine Ebook using stainless steel measuring cups. I believe it was a 1/4 cup and a 1/3 cup with a hole drilled in the center of each. On hand in my materials area was a section of a childs plastic play structure. This plastic "rod" had two slots running the entire length of it and was about the only thing around that I could think of to keep two 240 volt wires apart for this heater attempt. This "rod" was smoth on all sides except for the two slots so I threaded threads on it so that I coud attach nuts and electrical mounting eyelts etc.... I also separated the two cups with nylon washers until I had about a 1 mm spacing at the EDGES.

                    Before assembly, I mounted each cup to the rod seperately and tried to get a mechanical resonant frequency by tapping them to see if they were close to something good. I used a software program (spectrum lab) and my computer's sound card and microphone to identify the main resonance.

                    Here is my post from another forum:
                    "Re: Finding the resonant freq part deux.

                    I have used that method to find mechanical resonances with the following


                    It also has signal generator functions built into the software so you can output
                    one or a mix of frequencys etc.... and then see the result on the spectum
                    analyzer display."

                    I don't think I was aiming for any low freq of 60 hz but a higher harmonic.
                    Anyway, the results were mixed:

                    The sonic boiler placed in a 5 gallon bucket of water heated it up very quickly to a boil. No data survives of this experiment, however, and I have looked for the device now for a few days to upload a pic but I cannot find it now.

                    The water in the bucket turned a very brown yucky color, as did the stainless steel cups, but they were still physically ok.

                    The copper covered aluminum 14 AWG wires (magnet wire insulated) deteriorated and broke showing corosion powder at several spots.

                    The plastic threaded rod melted causing the distance from each cup to change and the mounting to become loose.

                    Becasue of these setbacks and no other suitable replacement parts or money, the project was abandoned.


                    • Welcome

                      Good to have you here!
                      Yes finding the frequency that your device resonates at is Key!
                      I believe AhuraMazda Shared a link for this also?

                      I am anxious to get back at this , my Home heating is Out of service at this time .
                      your input here is much appreciated!!

                      If you want to Change the world
                      BE that change !!


                      • Gonjna have some Fun tonight

                        Gonna heat some water for the TK crew with a light bulb [base line]

                        Raw materials

                        Last edited by RAMSET; 11-30-2011, 11:04 PM.
                        If you want to Change the world
                        BE that change !!


                        • first things first

                          the proof of concept

                          See Now I'm gonna have some Fun !!!

                          So whatcha think ??
                          A 1 liter baseline ??

                          Ok sounds Good!!
                          I'll be back.................
                          Last edited by RAMSET; 11-30-2011, 11:34 PM.
                          If you want to Change the world
                          BE that change !!


                          • Very slow connection tonight

                            1 liter 10 minutes 15C start temp 20.2 finish temp [5.2 rise ] No watts measured in ten minutes

                            Running another test until I get .01 Killowatt hours [however long it takes]

                            I'll be back

                            This may not be perfect {yet}
                            But I believe we can do some pretty good," Raw" {very raw} tests this way?
                            I'll be back..............
                            Last edited by RAMSET; 12-01-2011, 12:14 AM.
                            If you want to Change the world
                            BE that change !!


                            • 1 liter 14 minutes 17.6 -C start temp 23.2-C finish temp [total rise 5.6 C }
                              Total Killowatt Hrs .01

                              Not bad actually ??

                              So it took 14 minutes to use .01 Killowatt hrs.[10 Watts], I stopped the test as soon as the meter tripped marked the time , 14 minutes and the temp rise 5.6 C

                              Can't see why this method Could not be modified to test Wesley's watt usage??

                              Very cool

                              Last edited by RAMSET; 12-01-2011, 02:31 AM.
                              If you want to Change the world
                              BE that change !!


                              • Hi.

                                Nice work there on practical skills, but I dont understand what you are trying to accomplish there?

                                You heat water with losses of light bulb?

                                You have 150W light bulb (15min-0.01Kwh) = 4*0.01 = 0.04 * 3600 = 144W

                                So you consume equal as normal light bulb without its primary purpose to create light. With its losses you heat the water, otherwise air around is heated.
                                You know that is not possible to heat your house just with lights on(1 per room). It is possible with (15Kw for house) 15000W/150W= 100 incadecent light bulbs. Also position of lamps is very important for airflow.

                                Maybe this way(with water) is more efficient to catch heatlosses(80%) of light bulb if you build some sort of container around bulbs and get wather flowing through but than purose of light emmiting would be hindered.

                                So you end up again much less efficient than common electic 15Kw water heater.

                                On Mrc boiler.
                                I discovered that you cant be certain of resonance frequency just with trial in audicity. When can gets thin enough it may happen that acoustic frquency is not the same as mechanical frequency (where screw bounces) so that makes whole thing a bit harder, because can must be polished here an there until bouncing reached. And that can be time consuming.
                                Did somebody reached frequency around 50Hz with american cans?
                                With europe cans I am more around 60Hz. And in my view this is right - bigger can lower freq and not the way around as MR.C suggests.
                                Please MrS if you still have contact plase ask him about that.

