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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Practical use for heat

    Hello all!
    I still do not have nothing great to report on my tuning of the can. Time to play with this has been extremely non-existant lately, and Mrs. Cornfused does'nt seem to share the enthusiam as I do on these kind of things. So, as the saying goes...When Mama aint happy aint nobody happy!!!! Im hoping over Christmas break to be able to get my can in the water and get my "feet wet" so to speak, even if my can isnt in perfect tune.
    I have also aquired some stainless pipe to construct a device out of...just needs cut and turned down/boared to proper size.....and of course tuned.
    As a practical way to use the hot water/steam heat from the boiler...A car radiator and a box fan or table top fan. The radiator already has a safety release mechanism for over pressure(cap).
    A boy down the road has an outside wood boiler, he pumps 180 degree water from that to a radiator out of a 70's model chevy truck that is slid into the filter slot of his furnace. he disabled the heating elements of the furnace so when the thermostat turns on the air handler when the house gets cool, it blows through the radiator and heats the whole house through existing duct work. For a water pump, google hydronic heating parts. you can get a nice pump for 100$, will last for years. Hope this helps get some wheels turning in people's heads, when I have more to report I will.
    Cheers!!, Jason


    • Thanks for the update

      Thanks for the update

      Yes, don't push it with Mama. I'm in the same boat and have been continuing to do some things and it hasn't been going to well either at home.

      Originally posted by cornfused View Post
      Hello all!
      I still do not have nothing great to report on my tuning of the can. Time to play with this has been extremely non-existant lately, and Mrs. Cornfused does'nt seem to share the enthusiam as I do on these kind of things. So, as the saying goes...When Mama aint happy aint nobody happy!!!!


      • I've been following this thread more recently and find the developments most encouraging! This is one arena where I expect great things in the next three months as we march into 2012.

        My sincere congratulations to those of you working on the Sonic Boiler and variants, Mr C, Slovenia, Chet, Mr IKEA, Daemonbart and all.

        I've already awarded a small token of appreciation to one of you, as described in this thread:
        Eight prizes or grants have gone out so far, from proceeds from my father's inheritance, and I'm glad to do this -- To encourage you and further development of breakthrough energy devices for the betterment of mankind, worldwide. Great work!

        As for myself, I've been working lately on a dual resonant-LC/LCR circuit as exemplified by Armagdn03; but I would like to work on this project as well.

        Today I noted a tunable Helmholt-type resonator that might be of interest here; see attachment. Basically, one varies the resonant frequency by sliding the lower cylinder in or out -- a lot easier than sanding! if it works for this purpose...

        Also, what do you fellas think of Timothy's devices, of WITTS (linked to by Chet recently)?? Don't want to get spread too thin; but I thought this was interesting. I want one for Christmas, too, CHET!

        E.g., The Worlds Most Efficient Generator...from WITTS! [] - YouTube
        Last edited by PhysicsProf; 06-19-2013, 01:35 AM.


        • Welcome to the thread!!

          You represent everything that is Right with this community!
          I salute you for all you do ,and thank you for helping members here!

          I can tell you that the Witts heater has been a passion of mine for some time!
          Don't give them a Penny!!Not a Cent [please]. They use this tech everyday for a century or more ,and just like Mithernika in Switzerland [slaughtered the spelling] They think their special....
          I think Their special Too, I think there is a very special place in Hell for Men like these!!

          I once had correspondence with Sir Timothy Thrapp Thru A friend in Finland,
          I was Working on A gravity Wheel at the time,And He wanted to Play "If you show me Yours I'll show you Mine""
          Chester Don't Play that Game!!
          Timmy Is a Creep................

          Lets play with his Heater Shall we??[I Like the Helmotz you posted, I believe Gordon showed something Similar?

          Last edited by RAMSET; 12-08-2011, 12:34 PM.
          If you want to Change the world
          BE that change !!


          • PhysicsProf


            Great to have you here with us PhysicsProf!!


            • Thanks for the warm welcome, Chet and Slovenia.
              I see you don't think too highly of inventors who HIDE their candle under a bushel, Chet... And I agree with you -- we need to get these devices out to the PEOPLE of the world, open source finally, else they are really of no use.

              To be fair, this fellow Timothy says he is disclosing the technology in China (with a book he wrote, evidently) and Japan, not in the USA (perhaps legal isssues??) in this video I came across this morning:

              WITTS Independent Verification # 298 (Richard Lobwein) [] - YouTube

              This PESWiki article has more info:
              Directory:World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries - PESWiki

              All in all, I agree with your conclusion Chet --
              Lets play with his Heater Shall we??
              Yes, and be grateful to the people here who are willing to share what they have learned about this technology so WE CAN GET IT OUT THERE TO THE PEOPLE!
              Thanks, Chet.


              • RE: my Peter Davey boiler replication

                Hi all,

                I rooted around in my vast pile of failed ou attempts and found my boiler still mostly in one peice.

                Here is the photo of it:

                Image11 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

                Anyway, after looking it over it looks like the edge spacing is at 2mm not the 1mm I originally thought.


                • Application Help Requested

                  Application Help Requested

                  We have a good working boiler here in the Serbian Boiler and now all we need is a way to apply it to real life. Some of us don't have any experience in hvac and when it comes to actually utilising this boiler in a real life scenario, we need to know how to apply hvac methods. So, I am requesting the help of all you guys who know how to make manifolds for the furnace and/or piping applications for powering a steam engine or Tesla turbine for powering an electrical generator to make free electricity. We need to think out of the box now and help one another.

                  We experimenters really need your help if you have any suggestions for how we can apply this boiler in real life.

                  If you know anything about pulsed dc, we could also use your help from the standpoint of which circuits might work best for us, etc.. It has been suggested by several experimenters that this device will make enough hydrogen to power a car or at least reduce fuel costs in a big way.

                  I'm looking forward to hearing from some of you. Thanks!!


                  • Spectrum Lab tests

                    I decided to do a quick resonance check in Spectrum Lab of my old boiler just to see what it was. I tapped each bell with a pencil, and here is the results:

                    SL davey heater bells resonance | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

                    The outer bell is from 14:06 to 14:07 and the inner bell from 14:07 to the top.
                    as you can see the harmonics are scattered all over the place and not tuned to each other or to 60 hz. In fact when I made this iteration, no attempt was made at tuning.

                    According to Patrick Kelly's Ebook, Stanley Meyer possibly cut slots in the end of his tubes to match frequencies. I wonder if we could do the same with the IKEA or other stainless tubes to match the resonant frequencies?


                    • Cop


                      When testing standard resistance heater with same setup as my new setup of sonic boiler, the cop for res heater was 0.7. If I calculate cop for sonic boiler compared with res heater, my running setup have cop 6,7 .

                      As slovenia said: Tuning is possible during running of this heater, dont expect perfection from start. Try to figure out how to apply this in heating system.

                      I have had about 25 different sonic setups heating my house for about 8 weeks now. I need to work on some other stuff now to get some income for hollidays.

                      Keep up the good work many things to discover here

                      Next I will start working on hydrogen setups, rectified mains at different freq is first

                      To professor!

                      Best Rgds D
                      "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

                      Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.


                      • Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
                        Application Help Requested

                        We have a good working boiler here in the Serbian Boiler and now all we need is a way to apply it to real life. Some of us don't have any experience in hvac and when it comes to actually utilising this boiler in a real life scenario, we need to know how to apply hvac methods. So, I am requesting the help of all you guys who know how to make manifolds for the furnace and/or piping applications for powering a steam engine or Tesla turbine for powering an electrical generator to make free electricity. We need to think out of the box now and help one another.

                        We experimenters really need your help if you have any suggestions for how we can apply this boiler in real life.

                        If you know anything about pulsed dc, we could also use your help from the standpoint of which circuits might work best for us, etc.. It has been suggested by several experimenters that this device will make enough hydrogen to power a car or at least reduce fuel costs in a big way.

                        I'm looking forward to hearing from some of you. Thanks!!
                        If you have a good working version of the boiler then why don't you share the information publically? Up to now I thought you were using the 110V 60Hz supply then where does a pulsed DC come in to this?

                        I am sure there are many qualified engineers here who would like to help, me included but most of us have been round the block and would be caucious of spending effort on something that we know nothing about.


                        • Good Working Version

                          Hi AhuraMazda,

                          I have shown you all I have up to now. I'm still working with 110 volts ac. I am however not the only one experimenting with this device. There are others who are claiming very efficient results with regard to heat at much higher voltages. Also, there are those who have experienced production of high levels of hydrogen with pulsed dc. One chap claimed very good results with hydrogen production using a 12 volt pulsed dc setup. Even though I have not seen any of these other devices operating, I do believe these fellow's claims of efficiency regarding heat and high levels of hho production with pulsed dc.

                          Anyway like you, I have been in this game a long time and have spent a lot of time, money and effort with regard to hydrogen generation with not so good results. I made a lot of hydrogen the conventional way by brute force and the use of electrolytes. This device when designed properly will generate a lot of hho gas with no gunk production and also just using tap water with no electrolytes.

                          I suggest that you and some of your engineering buddies get on board with us and either make some heat or hho depending on your preference. We can use both. We'll just be using them for different things. We don't want any hho in our furnace manifold for obvious reasons.

                          I am retired; have a very low budget for these experiments; and need some good help from other participants. If we all get our heads together, I think we can have some very nice working devices very soon. This boiler generates a lot of heat quickly even when it's not tuned properly and it's very easy to make. I have provided much information in this thread that would enable anyone with any mechanical skills to build this device.

                          Anyway, jump in here and let us see what you can do. We could use your help and the help of your friends too. Once you participate in this endeavor, you'll see for yourself just how easy this project really is. The hardest part will be applying this device to real world applications such as home heating, electrical generation; and/or hydrogen production on demand. We need some engineers to come forward and help us in the application areas. I know we have those who could help here but up to now they have not been showing themselves to us. I fear many of them may be lurking here for other reasons.

                          Best Regards,

                          Originally posted by AhuraMazda View Post
                          If you have a good working version of the boiler then why don't you share the information publically? Up to now I thought you were using the 110V 60Hz supply then where does a pulsed DC come in to this?

                          I am sure there are many qualified engineers here who would like to help, me included but most of us have been round the block and would be caucious of spending effort on something that we know nothing about.


                          • Great News!!

                            Hi Daemonbart,

                            Great update!! Thanks for sharing with us. You are keeping the interest in this thread going. Thank-you!!

                            Best Regards,

                            Originally posted by daemonbart View Post

                            When testing standard resistance heater with same setup as my new setup of sonic boiler, the cop for res heater was 0.7. If I calculate cop for sonic boiler compared with res heater, my running setup have cop 6,7 .

                            As slovenia said: Tuning is possible during running of this heater, dont expect perfection from start. Try to figure out how to apply this in heating system.

                            I have had about 25 different sonic setups heating my house for about 8 weeks now. I need to work on some other stuff now to get some income for hollidays.

                            Keep up the good work many things to discover here

                            Next I will start working on hydrogen setups, rectified mains at different freq is first

                            To professor!

                            Best Rgds D


                            • Computer Mishap

                              Computer Mishap

                              I was updating my operating system yesterday and had a very bad mishap. I lost all my notes on the Serbian boiler and I had over 500 pages. I use Ubuntu 10.10 for my OS, so I was never worried. I've never lost any of my files in Ubuntu before. I have a backup system but I never bothered to back the Serbian boiler files up because I felt very confident they were safe. So, I've been scrambling for the last day and a half to try and put some files together again. This happening was a great misfortune for me. I have a $500 backup drive. I just wish I had used it.

                              Take the time to back up all your files.

                              I did backup all my Mr. "C" correspondence on line, so I will at least be able to follow up on that. All my Skype online history was lost too. So, be very careful. This could happen to you.


                              • Slovinia,
                                Take this as a good omen so that you may let go of what was perhaps mis-information and rely on your own experiments.

                                Last week I was very tired and firefox was playing up and I deleted a directory which was wiped streight away and I lost all my bookmarks ( several years worth) and can not book mark any site now!

