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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Very exciting results, daemonbart -- and thanks for the warm welcome!

    Originally posted by daemonbart View Post

    When testing standard resistance heater with same setup as my new setup of sonic boiler, the cop for res heater was 0.7. If I calculate cop for sonic boiler compared with res heater, my running setup have cop 6,7 .

    As slovenia said: Tuning is possible during running of this heater, dont expect perfection from start. Try to figure out how to apply this in heating system.

    I have had about 25 different sonic setups heating my house for about 8 weeks now. I need to work on some other stuff now to get some income for hollidays.

    Keep up the good work many things to discover here

    Next I will start working on hydrogen setups, rectified mains at different freq is first

    To professor!

    Best Rgds D
    I think this is a phenomenal achievement:
    I have had about 25 different sonic setups heating my house for about 8 weeks now.
    Sincere congratulations and best hopes for the future.

    So sorry to hear about your computer crash, Slovenia. Same thing happened to my Apple about ten months ago; but happily it "came back" after sitting flat and unused for a couple of days, long enough for me to back up everything important (that had not already been backed up).


    • Originally posted by AhuraMazda View Post
      ... I deleted a directory which was wiped streight away
      and I lost all my bookmarks ( several years worth)
      Find your application data directory,
      find the mozilla/firefox/profiles subdirectory hierarchy,
      you will find one (or more) alpha-numeric.default subdirectories.

      Under that is a folder named "bookmarkbackups",
      all your suff is backed up there as an HTML page of links.
      (they are all dated automatically as they are backed up...)

      once you know where they are,
      go back to firefox and browse menus
      and find the "Import" option (varies by version number).

      backup the newest filedate somewhere first,
      then import the same back into firefox second.

      hope this helps you recover.
      Last edited by We.The.People; 12-09-2011, 04:22 AM.


      • I've been down with the flu for a couple of days, feeling somewhat better. I've have taken the opportunity to review the clip of the "water heater" with "resonator" pointed to by Chet earlier -- noting Chet's caveats!. "World's Most Efficient Overunity Water Heater ... from WITTS" it is claimed.

        [] World's Most Efficient Overunity Water Heater ... from WITTS [] - YouTube

        Perhaps a few notes from watching that and pondering will be of benefit as we move forward. I am NOT saying that this fellow Timothy has all the answers, and we learn from PESWiki and PESN that he is NOT revealing details of how this "water heater" works. I certainly don't like that -- but I appreciate the "open source" nature of our discussion here which is MUCH more likely to get a novel breakthrough energy source out to people who NEED IT world-wide.

        (Note that the youtube clip above was posted in February 2008, nearly 3 years ago, and we-the-people still don't have this secretive technology of WITTS..... )

        Ok -- here goes, late at night but I've been sleeping some during the day.

        1. 11" diameter sphere. Made from two hemispheres.

        2. Made of stainless steel.

        3. Powered (he says, and it looks like it) by a 9V battery.

        4. The internal probe, which he removes and displays, is he says a "negative" "Probe".

        5. Says that the "resonator" powered by the 9V battery sets up "a set of vibrations" between the inside probe and outside shell.
        4&5 together suggest that he is using pulsed DC of some sort.

        6. A simple DMM measures the input current at 0.18A from the battery. This implies an input power of approx IV = 0.18*9 = 1.6(2) Watts.

        7. He notes that the shell holds about 1.7 gallons of water.

        8. He measures the temp outside the shell at 101 F to start, and after 2 minutes of running, he measures 184 F. When he pours out the water into a bucket, it shows steam coming off.

        A. Q = C * M * (T2-T1), C= 4.19 J/g-DegC for water.

        So Q = 4.19 (1.7gals * 3785g/gal) * (84.4 C - 38.3 C)
        = 4.19 * 6434 * 46
        = 1.24 MJ

        So Pout~ 1.24MJ/120 seconds ~ 10 KW
        if I did the late-night math correctly (someone pls check)

        From a 9V battery at ~ 0.18 A, ~ 1.6 W input.
        Pretty impressive, but suspicious to have such a large Pout/Pin... Did I make an error? probably; pls re-check.

        B. Note the spherical geometry rather than cylindrical geometry primarily under discussion here. Something to consider in future developing.

        C. He does NOT describe the workings of the resonator attached to the SS shell. Note that a simple circuit such as the blocking oscillator could provide a saw-tooth or quasi-sinusoidal waveform of consistent frequency -- or it could simply be pulsed DC.

        D. In any case, it would be easier to tune the frequency of the "resonator"/oscillator to the needed frequency (of the sphere) than to tune a cylinder to precisely 50 or 60 Hz (IMHO).

        Cheers! and TTFN. (Ta Ta For now)
        Last edited by PhysicsProf; 12-09-2011, 08:19 AM.


        • Hi Slovinia

          i feel you pain there m8 as i have lost lots of important data in this way!
          This little console app may help you Foremost

          Grab foremost:

          sudo apt-get install foremost

          Have Foremost audit your drive for recoverable files:

          sudo foremost -w -i /dev/hda -o /recovery/foremost

          Have foremost recover files:

          sudo foremost -t jpg -i /dev/hda -o /recovery/foremost

          Here is the complete list of recoverable filetypes for usage with the "-t type" switch:
          Available types:

          jpg Support for the JFIF and Exif formats including implementations
          bmp Support for windows bmp format.
          exe Support for Windows PE binaries, will extract DLL and EXE files
          along with their compile times.
          mpg Support for most MPEG files (must begin with 0x000001BA)
          riff This will extract AVI and RIFF since they use the same file for‐
          mat (RIFF). note faster than running each separately.
          wmv Note may also extract -wma files as they have similar format. mov
          ole This will grab any file using the OLE file structure. This includes PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Access, and StarWriter
          doc Note it is more efficient to run OLE as you get more bang for your buck. If you wish to ignore all other ole files then use this.
          zip Note is will extract .jar files as well because they use a simi‐
          lar format. Open Office docs are just zip’d XML files so they are extracted as well. These include SXW, SXC, SXI, and SX? for undetermined OpenOffice files.
          cpp C source code detection, note this is primitive and may generate documents other than C code.
          all Run all pre-defined extraction methods. [Default if no -t is specified]

          Hope that helps! Best regards - Jay
          The history of science shows that theories are perishable.With every new truth that is revealed,we get a better understanding of Nature and our conceptions and views are modified. - Nikola Tesla


          • A few screen shots from Tim's vid might help you visualize the spherical geometry.

            Note that the "negative" probe in his hand is of such a length as to reach approx to the center of the sphere, in which case, at resonance one would expect to have a 3-dimensional spherical standing wave... Fun!

            Running off a battery has advantages (safety, etc). Why doesn't he just make 1,000 or 10,000 and sell them all at once? (Unstoppable, at that point. ) For say, $1K each? I'm in favor of a FAIR profit and rapid, distributed manufacture.

            Instead, his "secret" languishes along with millions of suffering people in Haiti, Kenya, Phillipines, Peru, Mali, Alto Plano... (places where I've sent my Solar Funnel Cooker, for free!)
            Attached Files
            Last edited by PhysicsProf; 12-09-2011, 09:19 AM.


            • @PhysicsProf

              You calculated the power input from the battery in your previous post. Assuming this system truely works, that means either additional power is pulled in to the sphere or, the water molecules are manipulated to boil with a lower energy. In either case I am sure the frequency and the wave form applied would not be constant as the dynamics of the liquid change as the temperature rises.

              This would mean the power consumption would not be constant during the boiling cycle.


              • It's called Fractal Resonance...more info here:

                Frontiers in electromagnetics - Douglas H. Werner, Raj Mittra - Google Books

                and the way it works is related to the coil used in the center of the ball observed

                That is what i think
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-09-2011, 11:24 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • and he maybe using barium titanate with a the coil around it

                  Gregory Hodowanec: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (10 'Cosmology Notes')

                  from the above link:

                  I. Speculations on the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA)

                  The operation of this circuit recently was described by McClain and Wootan on the Keelynet BBS and in the January 1995 issue of New Energy News. Basically, the circuit consists of a low-level sine wave generator operating in the order of 20 KHz to 40 KHz driving a specially wound 1:1 ratio transformer using a barium ferrite magnet as a core. The input and output coils had about 150 turns of magnet wire. The driving source was coupled to the transformer through a large barium titanate (?) piezo element making this in fact a series resonant circuit. The output coil was coupled to a bridge rectifier to develop a DC output power across an external resistive load. You are referred to the original releases for more data on this circuit. The important factor here is that in the original test the apparent real input power may have been only about 0.7 watts, but the DC output power developed in the load was about 2.75 watts! If these measurements were realm then there was about a 4 times power gain developed here! Where did this extra power come from?

                  II. Crude Test of an MRA-Type Circuit

                  While I did not have the actual circuit elements as used by McClain and Wootan, I felt that this circuit was but a specialized application of a typical series resonant circuit consisting of a capacitance and an inductance having some unavoidable series resistance. I had available an old tube-style signal generator which ranged from 20 Hz to about 200 KHz which could develop only about 4 mW of real power across its 5 KOhms internal output load (at 100 KHz). The unloaded voltage output was about 4.5 volts (AC rms) and they short-circuit rms current was about 0.9 ma. I had plenty of capacitors (including some 'piezo' type ceramics) to test in this circuit. For the transformer, I had some small potted transformers in which the coils were wound on a ferrite core (unmagnetized) having a 1/4" diameter and a length of 3/4". The primary winding appeared to have in the order of 500 turns of about #30 magnet wire, while the secondary may have had 1/5 of this number of turns. The original purpose for these units was unknown, but the units were marked as 5.0 mH and a 5:1 ratio. Since the possible output was expected to be low-level, the load in the output was made an LED device rated at 10 ma at 1.85 volts DC
                  Joel McClain & Norman Wootan: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier ~ Collected Papers

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-09-2011, 12:12 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • A little more info on Barium Titanate :


                    Asymmetric Hysteresis Loops and the Pyroelectric Effect in Barium Titanate

                    Dynamic pyroelectric techniques have been used to study single crystal BaTiO3 hysteresis loops which have been reported in several recent investigations to be asymmetric with respect to both the polarization and electric field axes. It is shown that an apparent polarization bias occurs because of electrode‐edge effects and that this bias may be shifted with an appropriate application of a dc field which serves to alter the direction of the polarization in fringe regions which contribute to the observed pyroelectric signal. The pyroelectric hysteresis loops are symmetric with respect to the polarization when electrode‐edge effects are eliminated. These data strongly suggest that asymmetric remanent polarizations reported in several piezoelectric and pyroelectric investigations may have been due to edge effects. The pyroelectric hysteresis loops are found to be biased with respect to the electric field axis in the same manner as that reported in a recent piezoelectric study. Small residual pyroelectric signals observed at temperatures above the Curie point of the bulk material do not result from fringe effects, and the earlier interpretation of the residual signals in terms of a polarized surface layer is consistent with the present results.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Goose Bumps............

                      This gives me The Chills [Good ones]
                      @ Gordon ,You are an info Monster!!

                      I believe we are on the trail of how this works?
                      @"We the Peeps" [posted above] ,Aren't you the fellow with Marine Transponder skills??
                      @ Ahura,
                      As Slovenia Pointed out ,And Daemon Reiterated,
                      ""Tune On the Fly""
                      Of Course Things will change "Be Ready" !!

                      I'm On A Thirty Hour Time schedule to get My Heat fixed And get back to the facility.[3 hr Drive each way ]
                      Gotta Go...........
                      If you want to Change the world
                      BE that change !!


                      • My First Love...............


                        9900C Created By Pressure, A sonic Event!!

                        This is my Mascot..... our Creator Put him here to inspire !
                        He did his job "I'm inspired"

                        you tube Pistol Shrimp - Bing Videos

                        A sonic event...............
                        Last edited by RAMSET; 12-09-2011, 02:31 PM.
                        If you want to Change the world
                        BE that change !!


                        • MonsieurM --
                          Barium titanate is interesting material alright -- I worked with it as an undergraduate in physics, years ago. I recall getting a decent shock out of the stuff... Of course, at the time, I was not thinking about OU.

                          You noted as a source "Keely Net". In this vid, Timothy says his water heater is based on "Keely's sympathetic vibration physics" -- does that make any sense to you?

                          And note that I'm not saying the spherical geometry is necessarily better than a cylindrical geometry -- just something to Ponder about.

                          Safe travels, Chet!


                          • Originally posted by PhysicsProf View Post
                            MonsieurM --
                            Barium titanate is interesting material alright -- I worked with it as an undergraduate in physics, years ago. I recall getting a decent shock out of the stuff... Of course, at the time, I was not thinking about OU.

                            You noted as a source "Keely Net". In this vid, Timothy says his water heater is based on "Keely's sympathetic vibration physics" -- does that make any sense to you?

                            And note that I'm not saying the spherical geometry is necessarily better than a cylindrical geometry -- just something to Ponder about.

                            Safe travels, Chet!
                            did some research on Keely found this:

                            PowerPedia:John Keely - PESWiki

                            Some believe that the research of Nathan Stubblefield and his Earth battery system utilizing copper rods and iron rods. One could sink them in, probably, even at best, utilize Stephan Reiss's method for water-production by drilling very deep into the rock to hit fresh water - so Keely connected with Stubblefield, and Reiss hinted at equals battery-power from the earth's magnetic field using the earth-battery or magnetic induction amplifier of stubblefield, then this can be used for voice transmission over long distances, and also then a specific shape vibrated and driven into the ground, for water-receival.
                            Water disassociation
                            SVPVRIL Water Disassociation page - Keely's Dissociation of Water - General Description of Apparatus and Demonstrations

                            (from Keely's physics):
                            The Dissociation of Water.
                            Frequency of Hydrogen- 42,800 / 6562.79 (Hydrogen) = 6.5216.
                            Frequency of Oxygen- 42,800 / 7775.43 (Oxygen) = 5.5045.
                            (Note: Dissociation occurs at about 5.5 and 6.5 times the frequency of hydrogen and oxygen).
                            "He (Keely) discovered that it is impossible to use the (A)ether in any way other that as a medium for other forces. These forces have to do with the polar stream of the earth and are tuned to by Keely's system of "sympathetic vibration" (i.e. by resonance of certain harmonic chords). In following a course of research in resonance phenomena, Keely achieved a very advanced understanding of the Universe"...
                            Exploding water with 42712.2Hz

                            Post From JoesCell2 (this is the opinion of a private person):
                            Keely found that water will explode at a frequency of 42,712.2 Hz. ... did it with a Quartz Bowl....Think Quartz and how symmetry applies to magnets because that is how quartz crystals are formed, via symmetry. The 42,712.2Hz was applied to a quartz bowl with distilled water at which time it EXPLODED and disappeared. After this experiment Keely began studing geometric shapes that hold these specialized frequencies which can manipulate matter and the mind. So the power of the mind possibly can be realized by the special shapes that Keely discovered from special frequencies. if you know how this works you wouldnt even need a Joe Cell to make power and after a while not even the special shapes because you could use your voice.[B] i will add that if you want your joe cells to work better place it on a 10 or 12 point tesseractmade on copper foil. You can get it at lowes home improvement in their building materials section.

                            replace Quartz with Barium Titanate, hope this helps

                            Alpha Quartz has a helical shape...I would recommend you go through the thread ...much info on quartz...Slovenia and Ramset have been following along...always good to read you guys
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-09-2011, 07:01 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • @ Gordon ,You are an info Monster!!
                              Can't help it ...I should have gone with the surname Mr Hyde
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Thanks, MonsieurM. Yes, this is the right fellow no doubt:

                                "He (Keely) discovered that it is impossible to use the (A)ether in any way other that as a medium for other forces. These forces have to do with the polar stream of the earth and are tuned to by Keely's system of "sympathetic vibration" (i.e. by resonance of certain harmonic chords). In following a course of research in resonance phenomena, Keely achieved a very advanced understanding of the Universe"...
                                Exploding water with 42712.2Hz
                                Hmmm... lots to ponder. Timothy said he had THREE wave systems/vibrations/chords? going in his sphere... What frequencies would you guess are in his spherical boiler?

