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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Getting there...

    Here is an explanation I found useful:

    I do not fully understand all this yet, but I am getting there...

    Night all



    • Sharing

      Hi Rob,
      Thanks for getting involved in our project. We appreciate the help.
      Best Regards,

      Originally posted by evolvingape View Post
      Here is an explanation I found useful:

      I do not fully understand all this yet, but I am getting there...

      Night all



      • Message from Mr. "C"

        Message from Mr. "C"

        December 23, 2011

        This is sonic boiler:
        Sonic the boiler resonance device is ostensibly a simple but very complex to understand as a Tesla coil.
        *Sonic boiler drains the energy of high-frequency quarter-wavelength from the system transmits high-frequency and low frequency in the system as heat.
        *The vacuum is full of neutrinos.
        Sonic boiler draws energy neutrinos (Tesliona) high frequency.
        Neutrinos originate from our sun and hit the crystal lattice of metal and break out of the last electron orbital.
        *Electron for a moment lost in kavntnom field (leave this dimension) and cried when he returns to collapse with him seven times more energy than he received.
        *It is this energy that captures the resonance.
        Diameter electrodes sonic boiler is a quarter wavelength, which he catches a current frequency of 50 Hz is only its excitation frequency.
        Neutrinos are like sound waves moving particle pushes the particle.
        And because the sonic Boiler tunes as playing a musical instrument at 50 Hz.
        Sonic boiler a musical instrument not only heater.
        Because God is an artist not only a scientist.
        The higher the frequency of excitation current and higher voltage streuje boiler and pressure, the greater the COP sonic boiler.
        This is why Tesla did with high voltages and high frequencies so that the more free energy catching environment.
        Tesla says, "Each generation of electricity and transmission resonances without the dead weight loss."
        Energy is free and therefore should give people free to use.
        Declare this my explanation on energetic forum.
        I wish all a Happy New *2012 and Christmas holidays
        prof.Savić, Serbia.


        • I am Of course Clueless

          Professor Savic,
          It would seem that your explanation on where the extra energy is Coming from
          Could also be applied to other Media and devices?

          I am very excited to see How this progresses,we most certainly have an anomoly of some type going on Here?

          Have a wonderful Holiday ,We are all praying for you and your Family ![especially Branislav]

          With all respect

          If you want to Change the world
          BE that change !!


          • Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
            Message from Mr. "C"

            December 23, 2011

            This is sonic boiler:
            Sonic the boiler resonance device is ostensibly a simple but very complex to understand as a Tesla coil.
            *Sonic boiler drains the energy of high-frequency quarter-wavelength from the system transmits high-frequency and low frequency in the system as heat.
            *The vacuum is full of neutrinos.
            Sonic boiler draws energy neutrinos (Tesliona) high frequency.
            Neutrinos originate from our sun and hit the crystal lattice of metal and break out of the last electron orbital.
            *Electron for a moment lost in kavntnom field (leave this dimension) and cried when he returns to collapse with him seven times more energy than he received.
            *It is this energy that captures the resonance.
            Diameter electrodes sonic boiler is a quarter wavelength, which he catches a current frequency of 50 Hz is only its excitation frequency.
            Neutrinos are like sound waves moving particle pushes the particle.
            And because the sonic Boiler tunes as playing a musical instrument at 50 Hz.
            Sonic boiler a musical instrument not only heater.
            Because God is an artist not only a scientist.

            The higher the frequency of excitation current and higher voltage streuje boiler and pressure, the greater the COP sonic boiler.
            This is why Tesla did with high voltages and high frequencies so that the more free energy catching environment.
            Tesla says, "Each generation of electricity and transmission resonances without the dead weight loss."
            Energy is free and therefore should give people free to use.
            Declare this my explanation on energetic forum.
            I wish all a Happy New *2012 and Christmas holidays
            prof.Savić, Serbia.

            Amen, Professor

            Merry Christmas , I ll have a little prayer for you and your family ...may they protect you
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Food for thought ?

              Hi everyone,

              I have been busy all day and made a lot of progress in figuring out how to mechanically tune the components to the desired frequency. I was just about to start condensing and writing that up for you when I read Professor Savic's explanation on how he thinks the Sonic Boiler works... and bang... my mind was no longer interested in what it had been doing. So I decided to tell you where my thoughts went instead...

              Neutrinos were a big study area for me years ago and was part of what directed me to write this:

              Reader: EM SPHERE discussion

              At the time I believed the Neutrino field was static and massless and that the interaction was coming from the velocity of our greater mass passing through the Neutrino field. Anyway, I have not done much thinking at all on this subject for years, been too busy.

              But the last few hours I did begin thinking about it again and some things jumped out at me:

              ASP: How Fast Are You Moving When You Are Sitting Still?

              RASC Calgary Centre - How Fast Are We Moving?

              It is easy to think your sitting still right now, so big surprise when you find out just how fast your actually moving!

              So moving along:

              Neutrino - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Most neutrinos passing through the Earth emanate from the Sun. About 65 billion (6.5×10^10) solar neutrinos per second pass through every square centimeter perpendicular to the direction of the Sun in the region of the Earth.

              Solar neutrino problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Neutrino oscillation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Harmonic oscillator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Is it possible that the sonic boiler is acting as a harmonic resonant antenna and causing some of the billions of Neutrino's passing through it every second to “change flavour”, releasing energy in the process, which is transferred to the water and manifests as a rise in temperature ?

              Something to ponder over the holiday's anyway...



              • Originally posted by evolvingape View Post

                Is it possible that the sonic boiler is acting as a harmonic resonant antenna and causing some of the billions of Neutrino's passing through it every second to “change flavour”, releasing energy in the process, which is transferred to the water and manifests as a rise in temperature ?

                Something to ponder over the holiday's anyway...


                Some sort of Spider Web for neutrinos....
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Resonance frequency

                  Hi everyone,
                  I'm new on this thread. I've read it entirely before posting.

                  Early in this thread, Prof Savic wrote that the inside diameter of the beer can was very important because it had to be the quarter wave length of the frequency 1.1530479 MHz
                  He said that the diameter of the can had to be 65mm.
                  Doing the calculations, the wavelength of that frequency is 260.18mm.
                  260.18 / 4 = 65.045
                  Close enough.

                  Recently, Monsieur M posted an excerpt from another web site that read:
                  "But what you have to realize is that he left us a clue....Exploding water with 42712.2Hz...and Harmonic Math will definitely allow you to find the frequency to boil water"

                  So I did a little calculation to see if there was a relation between the two frequencies. Let's apply the harmonic math to the frequency that explodes water:

                  42712.2 x 9 = 384409.8 Hz
                  384409.8 x 3 = 1.153229.4 MHz !
                  Pretty close to the frequency Dr Savic mentionned isn't it ?

                  I did a search for the frequency he mentions but no results come out, except the forum pages here, and at O.U.R.

                  So, my first question to him would be:
                  Did you arrive at that frequency by the same calculations I did ?

                  Second question is:
                  How did you determine the optimum length of the can ?
                  Could we obtain the correct mechanical resonance of the can with thicker wall and longer length ? (As opposed to very thin wall and length limited by what is available on the shelves of beer stores)

                  Thirdly, I would like to know if the gap of 2.52mm has been determined also by harmonic calculations, and if it is based on 60HZ or its harmonics.

                  I would like to thank you sincerely Dr Savic, for bringing the information on this technology.
                  But in order to succeed, we must absolutely understand the principle by which this system works. Otherwise, we will never be able to build efficient replicas. The whole point of participating on this forum, and doing experiments, is to bring new knowledge to the world, and stop the suppression of efficient technologies.
                  This water heater is the most promising simple technology at the moment, and if we manage to get it known worldwide, this will probably trigger the start of the real disclosure of free energy technologies in the entire world.

                  Sincerely yours.


                  • Thanks for the posts and information.
                    This water heater is the most promising simple technology at the moment, and if we manage to get it known worldwide, this will probably trigger the start of the real disclosure of free energy technologies in the entire world.
                    YES, it could be that big.

                    I also have an email from the good Professor Savic in Serbia. He asked me to post it here on the forum, so here it is below.
                    My best wishes to all for a wonderful Christmas!

                    PS -- I haven't made an overseas phone call yet; working on it.

                    Dear Dr. Professor,
                    Google translator translates my bad messages to you.
                    I found the antenna rezonanatni heater works on the same principle as the sonic boiler and has an average COP = 52 when the water warms to 50 degrees Celsius. I have not patented it.

                    Price is 50 Euro patent in Serbia. expensive when the money will file a patent application as I am a poor man and Tesla.

                    This is sonic boiler:
                    Sonic the boiler resonance device is ostensibly a simple but very complex to understand as a Tesla coil.
                    Sonic boiler drains the energy of high-frequency quarter-wavelength from the system transmits high-frequency and low frequency in the system as heat.

                    The vacuum is full of neutrinos.
                    Sonic boiler draws energy neutrinos (Tesliona) high frequency.
                    Neutrinos originate from our sun and hit the crystal lattice of metal and break out of the last electron orbital.
                    Electron for a moment lost in kavntnom [not translated properly IMO]
                    field (leave this dimension) and cried when he returns to collapse with him seven times more energy than he received.
                    It is this energy that captures the resonance.

                    Diameter electrodes sonic boiler is a quarter wavelength, which he catches a current frequency of 50 Hz is only its excitation frequency.
                    Neutrinos are like sound waves moving particle pushes the particle.
                    And because the sonic Boiler tunes as playing a musical instrument at 50 Hz.
                    Sonic boiler a musical instrument not only heater.
                    Because God is an artist not only a scientist.
                    The higher the frequency of excitation current and higher voltage streuje boiler and pressure, the greater the COP sonic boiler.
                    This is why Tesla did with high voltages and high frequencies so that the more free energy catching environment.
                    Tesla says, "Each generation of electricity and transmission resonances without the deadweight loss."

                    Energy is free and therefore should give people free to use.
                    Declare this my explanation on energeticforum.
                    I wish all a Happy New 2012 and Christmas holidays
                    prof.Savić, Serbia.


                    Thanks Prof. Savic!!

                    PS -

                    Note that Prof Savic has not yet applied for a patent but is planning to do so... Gotta run this afternoon, but there are reasons why I would NOT recommend seeking a patent, i.e., disclosing to the government that you have a working device!

                    Perhaps others will comment on the advisability of seeking a patent in this field?
                    Last edited by PhysicsProf; 12-23-2011, 08:37 PM.


                    • Wow!!

                      Wow, this is great stuff!! Thanks for sharing here. Now I am really confused and have to do a lot more study. I thought I was finally about to get this all figured out and then wham. It's a big universe isn't it??


                      • Altair thank you so much for the calculations.... wow you made my day

                        now unto the details about thickness, length etc...

                        first of we have to realize that this set up is scalable (let's assume for now it is )
                        from that statement above, you should realize that it is not about having a fixed size to succeed but the relation of all the component have to each other just like a musical instrument....a violin does not have the same chord as a guitar

                        Sonic boiler a musical instrument not only heater.
                        Because God is an artist not only a scientist.
                        prof.Savić, Serbia.
                        think of how you build a Resonant Circuit RLC or LC if you Prefer ( for the electronics wizard ) it takes a special combination to reach resonance

                        Not all Resonant Circuits are alike and yet they are Resonant

                        Electron for a moment lost in kavntnom [not translated properly IMO]
                        field (leave this dimension)
                        I think the word is Quantum field


                        One last analogy

                        Not all Spider webs are the same , and yet they still manage to catch flies

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-23-2011, 09:36 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Happy Holliday!

                          I wish you all a happy holliday!

                          Also I will start to use my steam before 2012, atleast I decided to work hard on it! I am steaming away 30l of water/24 h now, that is many many litres of steam . Cop is still going in the right direction! Output from serial transformer is tricky but getting better also

                          Kind rgds D
                          "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

                          Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.


                          • Are you sure you want to patent a "Divine" Musical Instrument ...but if the need arises ...go for it ...just remember history...I am only informing you not trying to raise an argument

                            please do not take offense..not trying to....much love on this side

                            Merry Christmas
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • You speak the truth Gordon

                              It is Completly impossible to Patent a device that claims more power out than in!
                              I think the number is 6000 something patent attempts in the last 50 years
                              of this type ?
                              ALL have been siezed with absolutely no benefit to the inventor!!
                              It becomes a crime ........

                              History..... It speaks for itself!

                              Never hand a man a stick to beat you with!!

                              Open source !!

                              If you want to Change the world
                              BE that change !!


                              • Some of you may wonder where did the following come from:

                                42712.2 x 9 = 384409.8 Hz
                                384409.8 x 3 = 1.153229.4 MHz

                                from the post:

                                Water is a ready and fit subject for vibratory research on account of its "differential volume" and gravity of its gases. Even on simple thirds the differential action between hydrogen and oxygen causes antagonism and dissociation. The differential of mass is such that the hydrogen and oxygen become thoroughly repellant and thereby exhibit thousands of times more force than could be induced by heat on the same amount of water. Vibration of antagonistic thirds, sixths and ninths on the mass chord will compel progressive subdivisions and to get the best effect on water, the instrument is set on all of these. First, the focalizing chord of sixths induces perfect harmony to the mass chord.

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

