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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Question to Professor Savic

    Hi Weeb1e,

    Just title your question, question to professor Savic, and then ask your question directly to Professor Savic. He may find time to respond to your question directly then. Otherwise, he may miss your question to him all together. He responds to some things but not to others.

    Best Regards,

    Originally posted by weeb1e View Post
    Good day and Merry Christmas to all,

    I have been following this thread since it was very young and I would like to congratulate everyone who has had a part in the progress that has been made. I would like to thank everyone who has make their development open source, especially the professor. Anyone who has done a fair amount of research into suppressed energy technologies knows there is no other way to get such a device out into the world.

    I have been researching this kind of device for years now and I am really excited about future possibilities for implementation.

    I am intrigued by the professors explanation about where the excess energy comes from, as I came to the conclusion that cavitation is the key.

    Temperature inside collapsing bubble four times that of sun: Temperature inside collapsing bubble four times that of sun
    Sonofusion Experiment Produces Results Without External Neutron Source: Sonofusion Experiment Produces Results Without External Neutron Source
    Collapsing bubbles have hot plasma core: Collapsing bubbles have hot plasma core : Nature News

    The following is some information I have gathered about this phenomenon, it may not be extremely accurate and some parts may very well be wrong, as much of it was not written by a conventional scientist. But I'm hoping it will be enough to give you an idea about it.

    I would be very interested to hear what the professor thinks about this.



      Pistol Shrimp - YouTube

      Who could deny Cavitation does something special in the water??{ Many thanks to St Buzz]

      Last edited by RAMSET; 12-25-2011, 06:03 PM.
      If you want to Change the world
      BE that change !!


      • Mr. "C" Reply to Weeb1e

        Reply to Weeb1e

        Cavitation is the ultrasound above 18000 Hz with sonic boiler is only resonances.
        Read my explanation in previous posts.
        Energy can not get out of nothing
        Sonic boiler works as a heat pump extracts energy from on high frequency resonances of the system and fed to the low frequency system.
        The frequency of excitation current must be the same as the sound frequency electrodes.
        The higher frequency of current and voltage and pressure in the water, more energy can be rooted out of the vacuum.
        Collapse of the electron capture energy from vacuum a high frequency resonances are drawn to our low-frequency system.
        prof.Savić, Serbia.


        • Questions for Professor Savic (from Altair Dec. 23, 2011)

          Резонантна учестаност
          Здраво свима,
          Ја сам нови на овој теми. То сам прочитао у потпуности пре слања поруке.

          Рано у овој теми, професор Савић је написао да могу да унутрашњег пречника пива је веома важно јер је морао да буде четвртина таласне дужине од фреквенције 1.1530479 МХз
          Он је рекао да је пречник може морао да буде 65мм.
          Радили калкулације, таласна дужина која фреквенција је 260.18мм.
          260.18 / 4 = 65.045
          Довољно близу.

          Недавно, Господин М послали извод из друге веб сајт који гласи:
          "Али оно што треба да схватите је да је он нам је оставио траг .... експлозија воде са 42712.2Хз ... и хармонична Математика ће сигурно омогућити да пронађете фреквенцију да кувате воду"

          Тако да сам мало рачунања да ли постоји веза између две фреквенције. Хајде да се примењују хармоника математику фреквенција која експлодира вода:

          42712,2 к 9 = 384409.8 Хз
          384409,8 к 3 = 1.153229.4 МХз!
          Веома близу фреквенције др Савић ментионнед зар не?

          Сам потрази за фреквенције он помиње, али без резултата изађе, осим форума страницама овде, и на нашем

          Дакле, моје прво питање му би:
          Да ли сте стигли на ту фреквенцију од стране исте прорачуне сам урадио?

          Друго питање је:
          Како сте одредити оптималну дужину могу?
          Можемо добити тачан механички одјек може са дебљим зидом и дуже трајање? (За разлику од веома танких зидова и дужина ограничена оним што је доступно на полицама пива продавнице)

          Треће, желео бих да знам да ли разлика од 2.52мм је такође одређен хармонијске прорачунима, а ако се заснива на 60Хз или хармоника.

          Желео бих да вам се захвалим искрено др Савић, за довођење информације о овој технологији.
          Али да би успели, морамо потпуно разумети принцип по коме овај систем функционише. У супротном, никада нећемо бити у стању да изгради ефикасан реплике. Цела поента учешћа на овом форуму, и раде експерименте, јесте да увођење новог знања на свету, и зауставити сузбијање ефикасних технологија.
          Овај бојлер је највише обећава једноставне технологије у овом тренутку, и ако успемо да се то у свету познатих, то ће вероватно изазвати почетак стварне откривање слободне енергије технологија у целом свету.

          С поштовањем.


          • Thank you for taking the time to respond professor Savić.

            Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
            Reply to Weeb1e

            Cavitation is the ultrasound above 18000 Hz with sonic boiler is only resonances.
            Read my explanation in previous posts.
            Energy can not get out of nothing
            Sonic boiler works as a heat pump extracts energy from on high frequency resonances of the system and fed to the low frequency system.
            The frequency of excitation current must be the same as the sound frequency electrodes.
            The higher frequency of current and voltage and pressure in the water, more energy can be rooted out of the vacuum.
            Collapse of the electron capture energy from vacuum a high frequency resonances are drawn to our low-frequency system.
            prof.Savić, Serbia.


            • What Prof. Savic says here, about the higher frequency system feeding energy from the aether back into the low-frequency system, reminds me of the Don Smith devices...


              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                one more thing...

                Btw all the value necessary for building the Davey Sonic Boiler or The Doulble Caduceus mobius are found here

                so I figured I'd take a look at 369 Magic Square...found the following

                the Seal of the Moon: Planetary Seal of The Moon

                just try..and you'll see...slice the number (for ex 2.52 into 2 and 52 )

                Check the numbers surrounding 2 have 1 for 2.1 and 52 for still have 42 74 43 3 11 51

                Happy holidays

                I just wanted to add that if you want to find a pattern based on the numbers we already have (thank you Prof Savic )

                Take the above table and make another table in which you will reduce all the numbers to a single digit present in the first table (Rodin Vortex Based Math or plain Harmonic math ) and overlay the second table on top of the first one the first one.

                Then compare to the values we already have

                a little more complicated version of BINGO
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Years ago, I worked with a small crystal sphere (approximately 7 cm diameter) that had a small-neck opening to admit water. On the side of the sphere, I had attached a piezo-electric transducer that allowed me to transmit ultra-sonic vibrations into the sphere.

                  I had a lot of fun, learning with this device. By tuning the frequency from a signal generator, I was able to generate cavitations in the water in various patterns in the sphere. Beautiful sight -- to see the bubbles forming and collapsing inside the water. That was at least a dozen years ago, and was before I retired. I don't even know where that sphere is now... I am now an Emeritus Professor, with access to the lab equipment -- if I could find that sphere! I could make another one I suppose.

                  The goal was to see whether cavitations in heavy water D2O would result in deuteron-deuteron fusion events, which would produce neutrons. However, with my device at the time, I did not see any neutron production from cavitations. I tested for neutrons using a sophisticated helium-3 filled detector, which is still available to me!
                  Last edited by PhysicsProf; 12-26-2011, 05:01 PM.


                  • Originally posted by PhysicsProf View Post
                    Years ago, I worked with a small crystal sphere (approximately 7 cm diameter) that had a small-neck opening to admit water. On the side of the sphere, I had attached a piezo-electric transducer that allowed me to transmit ultra-sonic vibrations into the sphere.

                    I had a lot of fun, learning with this device. By tuning the frequency from a signal generator, I was able to generate cavitations in the water in various patterns in the sphere. Beautiful sight -- to see the bubbles forming and collapsing inside the water. That was at least a dozen years ago, and was before I retired. I don't even know where that sphere is now... I am now an Emeritus Professor, with access to the lab equipment -- if I could find that sphere! I could make another one I suppose.

                    The goal was to see whether cavitations in heavy water D2O would result in deuteron-deuteron fusion events, which would produce neutrons. However, with my device at the time, I did not see any neutron production from cavitations. I tested for neutrons using a sophisticated helium-3 filled detector, which is still available to me!

                    Professor you have reproduced Fuller's Experiment with the sphere :

                    also a thread on sonofusion


                    in the water in various patterns in the sphere
                    see also:
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-26-2011, 05:14 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • one more detail about the two overlaid tables using Rodin Math.... you can assign a color to each number as the following example:

                      the pattern will surely appear to you

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-26-2011, 05:26 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Thanks for the links, Monsieur M. Ah, sonofusion -- the good old days -- but nostalgia just isn't what it used to be!

                        Now this comment I found googling,

                        The earliest reference to the term "sonofusion" seems to be by Steven E. Jones, a professor at Brigham Young University. A graduate student of his at BYU, Jeannette Lawler, was involved in a search for "sonofusion" in D2O as early as December 10, 1992. A theoretical discussion was given in 1992 by Terry Bollinger. Jones provided another overview in 1995. [see next post]

                        In 1992, Seth Putterman of UCLA indicated that his group had reached 100,000 C in sonoluminescence experiments, and thought 1 million C was possible. Roger Stringham claimed to have produced confined nuclear fusion via ultrasound in 1993. Also in 1993 Fukushima and Yamamoto wrote an article entitled "Sonofusion: Maximum Temperature Hot Spots".
                        And the brief article of mine referenced and linked in the above; but I'll have to use a separate post as its just too long to post here.


                        • OK, here's the 1995 essay I wrote on sonofusion; not that this is what Prof. Savic or DaemonBart or others are seeing (necessarily):

                          Newsgroups: sci.physics.fusion
                          Subject: RE: Sonoluminescence and Fusion
                          Date: 2 Mar 95 13:32:16 -0700
                          Organization: Brigham Young University

                          Dear colleagues:

                          There have been several postings lately regarding sonoluminescence(SL),
                          and a possible connection to fusion. Our work continues on searching for
                          neutron emissions associated with bubble cavitation in sound fields,
                          using our sensitive neutron detectors, deep underground, in Provo Canyon
                          (Utah). I should report that we have not yet detected any neutron emissions
                          from SL, in deuterium-filled bubbles in aqueous solutions. We have, however,
                          achieved both multi-bubble and single-bubble (clock-like) SL using D2
                          bubbles. Terry Bollinger and I suggested a possible connection between SL
                          and fusion back in 1992 on this net, and I spoke briefly on the subject at the
                          ICCF-3 meeting in Nagoya in October 1992. But nothing has panned out yet. We have not given up still.

                          Below I send updated information from a previous post to s.p.f.:

                          I would like to call your attention to two interesting articles on
                          sonoluminescence (SL). The first was written by Lawrence Crum of
                          the Univ. of Washington, one of the true gentlemen of modern
                          science. His article appears in this month's issue of Physics
                          Today (Sept. 1994). Appended to this post find an earlier
                          commentary on Prof. Crum's colloquium at BYU in January 1994 and
                          related ideas. Note that in that post the notion of fusion during
                          bubble cavitation in SL is advanced -- indeed, this idea was
                          discussed here on s.p.f. as early as 1992 (Jones, Bollinger, etc.).
                          Well, Prof. Crum is bold enough to advance the idea in his Phys.
                          Today article:

                          "The strong probability that SBSL results from an imploding shock
                          wave has now made this curious phenomenon one of considerable
                          interest. ...This spherically symmetric implosion has the
                          potential for creating some exotic physics... Calculations suggest
                          that temperatures as high as 10^8 K are to be expected. This
                          result has in turn prompted calculations of the possibilities of
                          inertial confinement fusion with a deuterium-tritium gas mixture,
                          which yield a qualified estimate of 40 neutrons per second under
                          ideal conditions [ref. 9]."

                          Whoa -- we can easily see 40 neutrons per *day* in our detector in
                          the Provo Canyon tunnel laboratory.

                          So we look at ref 9, which is a paper in Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 (1994)
                          1380-1383 by Bradley Barber et al. from UCLA. (The second must-
                          read paper.) The calculation there is based on a shock-wave model
                          by Wu and Roberts which I have discussed previously here, found in
                          PRLett. 70 (1993) 3424. The idea, in brief, is that the spherical
                          sound wave in the water impinges on a bubble (here D2+T2) in the
                          center of a spherical flask. As the bubble collapses, a shock wave
                          forms which rapidly heats the gas near the origin. After
                          reflection, the outgoing shock wave further heats the gas just
                          heated by the incoming shock -- and the result 0.1 ps after
                          focussing is a remarkable 3 X 10^8 K (!).

                          Bradley et al. then use standard formulas for d-t fusion, based on
                          sigma-v for d-t at 10 keV (10^8 K) to estimate a fusion yield of
                          40 n/s.

                          I have extended this calculation to hoped-for conditions of our
                          experiments using sigma-v values for d-d fusion (collapsing bubble
                          of deuterium simply), to get:

                          Temp. in shock-heated D2 fusion neutron yield
                          ------------------------ ---------------------
                          10 keV 1400 n/hour
                          5 keV 10 n/hour
                          2 keV 0.2 n/hour

                          Since our detector has an efficiency of 15% for 2.45 MeV neutrons
                          (from d-d fusion) with a background rate of 0.65 counts/hour, the
                          5 keV number (fusion yield of 10 n/h) would have to be achieved in
                          order for us to detect a signal.
                          Of course, if we could use D2+
                          tritium in the bubble, D2+T2, then a much lower temperature would
                          allow us to see the (14.1 MeV) neutrons from d-t fusion. Indeed,
                          a temperature of 1 keV (11,600 K) would give a yield of about 10
                          neutrons/h for d-t fusion -- again easy to see in our detector in
                          Provo Canyon. But I think we'd better stick with D2 for the
                          present. Stay tuned.

                          I am intrigued also by Prof. Crum's comment that there is evidence
                          for occasional "super shocks" in which "internal shock waves would
                          occur that would be similar to those postulated for SBSL [see
                          below] but driven at much higher initial velocities. Because of
                          the transient nature of the phenomenon it would be very difficult
                          to determine if and when these "super shocks" occurred." [Phys.
                          Today, p. 28]

                          I suggest that neutrons from fusion may provide a probe for such
                          unusual events. [snip]

                          My January 1994 post below is reposted to provide background for
                          those who missed it:

                          Prof. Lawrence Crum of the University of Washington provided a
                          colloquium on the subject of "Synchronous Picosecond
                          Sonoluminescence" (SP-SL) at BYU on January 21, 1994. Here is his
                          abstract for his talk:

                          When an acoustic wave of moderate pressure amplitude is propagated
                          through an aqueous liquid, light emissions can be observed. This
                          conversion of mechanical energy into electromagnetic energy
                          represents and energy amplification per molecule of over eleven
                          orders of magnitude! Recently, we made the discovery that a
                          single, stable gas bubble, acoustically levitated in a liquid, can
                          emit optical emissions each cycle for an unlimited period of time.

                          Presumably, the oscillations of the bubble cause the gas in the
                          interior to be heated to incandescent temperatures during the
                          compression portion of the cycle. We have no current explanation
                          for how this mechanical system sustains itself. Furthermore, some
                          recent evidence from Putterman and colleagues at UCLA indicates
                          that the lifetime of the optical pulse is less than 50 picoseconds,
                          and that the temperatures elevated in the interior of the bubble
                          for times on the order of tens of nanoseconds, it is likely that
                          some rather unusual physics is occurring. The best guess is that
                          a shock wave is created in the gas which is then elevated to high
                          temperatures by inertial confinement. If shock waves are the
                          mechanism for SL emission, then optimization of the process could
                          lead to extraordinary physics. A general review of this intriguing
                          phenomenon will be presented as well as the latest explanations for
                          the anomalous behavior.

                          Here I provide notes based on his talk and our discussions
                          together, along with other literature.

                          First, it is important to distinguish stable, SB-SL from the
                          previously known *transient* sonoluminescence (T-SL). These appear
                          to be quite different phenomena, as a table will demonstrate:

                          Transient (garden-variety)SL Stable single-bubble SL [SB-SL]
                          ----------------------------- --------------------------------

                          Multiple cavitation sites One cavitation site (or few)
                          with random spatial and with same bubble(s) repeatedly
                          temporal distribution collapsing

                          (To simplify discussion, I will consider the SB-SL case of a single
                          bubble at the center of a spherical flask full of H2O or D2O.)

                          Can be produced by traveling Requires standing sound waves (SW)
                          or standing waves of sound

                          Easily obtained, with much Very difficult to realize; requires
                          gas dissolved in liquid <5% dissolved gasses. Bubble must
                          be *injected* into liquid.

                          Discovered 1933 by N.Marinesco Discovered 1988 by D. Gaitan, L.
                          & J. Trillat. Crum and C. Church.

                          Emitted light spectrum shows Emitted light shows no distinct
                          distinct lines, e.g., N+N --> lines; rather, spectrum fits black
                          N2; so chemiluminescence curve quite well.

                          Bubles tend to collapse asym- Bubbles tend to collapse symmetric
                          metrically, thus introducing "developing an imploding shock wave
                          liquid into bubble, which is within the gas." [L.A. Crum, J.
                          heated by adiabatic compression. Acoust. Soc. Am. 94(1993) 1 ]

                          From above, Temp ~ 5000 K From above, Temp up to 100,000 K
                          deduced, during cavitation. deduced during cavitation.

                          Normal physics, no shock "Extraordinary physics"; shock waves
                          waves needed. implied.

                          Time between pulses quite Time between pulses clock-like;
                          random; pulse-length typically pulse-length < 50 *pico*seconds
                          several nanoseconds.

                          (Sychronous picosecond SL:

                          !__________!__________!__________!__________!_____ _____!____
                          Time between light-flashes ! = 50 microsec +- 50 Picosec
                          for 20 kHz driving field; sound source good to 1 part in
                          10^4, light source stable to 1 part in 10^6. )

                          No fusion possible. Fusion during cavitation possible?
                          like inertial-confinement approach
                          with holraum-like target. Allows
                          compression with less heating than
                          ablation approaches IMHO. No
                          experimental tests yet. I suggest
                          comparing p-d,d-d and d-t targets
                          (gases in cavitating bubble).

                          Additional notes from Barber and Putterman, Nature 352 (1991) 318:

                          1. "SL is a non-equilibrium phenomenon in which the energy in a
                          sound wave becomes highly concentrated so as to generate flashes
                          of light in a liquid. We show here that these flashes, which
                          comprise over 10^5 photons, are too fast to be resolved by the
                          fastest photomultiplier tubes available. Furthermore, when SL is
                          driven by a resonant sound field, the bursts can occur in a
                          continuously repeating, regular fashion."

                          2. "These bursts represent an amplification of energy by eleven
                          orders of magnitude."

                          3. "The flash widths that we find are so short that one wonders
                          whether some phenomenon stimultes the atoms to fire in usison.
                          Known cooperative phenomena include laser action, super-radiance
                          and super-fluorescence. Any cooperative phenomenon underlying our
                          observations must be of a spherical nature, however, because a
                          randomly oriented dipose emission would lead to a broad spread in
                          the distribution of pulse such broadening is seen.
                          Nevertheless, it is reasonable to expect that some type of
                          correlation characterizes the outgoing photons, because the spacing
                          between light-emitting sources is much less than the wavelength of
                          the emitted light."

                          4. "The huge, spontaneous (non-equilibrium) amplification factors
                          discussed above are noteworthy in that they are controllable and
                          reproducible. In this respect, stable synchronous SL differs from
                          other phenomena (such as dust explosions, ball lightning and highly
                          speculative conditions for nuclear fusion) that also require large
                          spontaneous energy concentrations. [Note evident reference to cold
                          fusion.] If we could understand the mechanism behind synchronous
                          SL, we might see a way to achieve large but controllable energy
                          concentrations more generally."

                          With colleagues, we are now preparing experiments to study stable,
                          single-bubble SL as a possible means of achieving nuclear fusion
                          reactions. Our neutron detectors are capable of unambiguously
                          identifying neutron emissions at a rate of a few neutrons per hour.
                          A previous posting describes our redundant detectors, employing
                          fast waveform digitizers, in a deep tunnel in the Wasatch mountains
                          near the campus of Brigham Young University.

                          --Steven Jones (1995)


                          • Steam energy!


                            I started my use of steam that goes away from my heater "project"

                            For start I calculated that converting 30 l of water into steam needs about 19 kWh input of energy into water that allready is boiling.

                            From this boiler I use also about 8-10kW heating my radiators. My input from grid is around 40 kWh/24h

                            So my total output should be around 260 kWh and input around 40.

                            COP = 6,5

                            Use of steam will be a good way i think

                            I will see how much steam i can get without running heat to radiators

                            Kind rgds d
                            "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

                            Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.


                            • Ouch !
                              That language barrier is getting taller, or I'm getting shorter
                              Anyone who think they might help with that one ?

                              Last edited by Altair; 12-26-2011, 10:36 PM.


                              • How big is the space you are heating?

                                Mr. DB
                                How big a space will you be heating??
                                Whats the average outside temp?
                                Inside temp?

                                My walls in my Home are 16 inches thick [polyisocyanurate] Roof about the same
                                My living Space in the winter is very small 700 sq,Ft
                                when the Temp is 30F average it takes about 60kwh/24h [elec heat]
                                to maintain 65 -70 F.

                                Curious to see what size you are heating and your temps??
                                a little House Calorimetry??

                                Last edited by RAMSET; 12-26-2011, 10:43 PM.
                                If you want to Change the world
                                BE that change !!

