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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Mr. "C" Message to Osamaricu_te

    Message for Osamaricu_te

    Dear Sir,
    I'm very sorry that you were unable to create a sonic boiler you have spent "a lot of money and time" But be persistent, not easy to make a sonic boiler because it is a musical instrument and heater, I will help you in this your work.
    I do not speak English. I feel I know the Serbian language and is fluent in English so I asked you to be my translator on Google translator because energetic forum very bad translations.
    This will contribute to the project and open sours that people in the world for less heat
    Greetings from your homeland prof. Savic
    Last edited by Slovenia; 01-09-2012, 04:20 PM. Reason: removed something


    • Mr. "C" Reply to Boguslaw

      New English Translation Added (Compliments of osamaricu_te)

      Reply to Boguslaw:

      Frequency of 200 Hz is good, but you need to find proper distance between electrodes.
      Distance between electrodes is not the same at 100, 200 or 400 Hz.
      Cap or ring must play at least 1 octave higher than then can, which must play at 50Hz for EU or 60Hz for USA.
      Be persistent you will make it. Sonic boiler is not just a heater, it is musical instrument as well.
      Building an instrument is not easy.
      For ring part use steel and aluminium for the can, or brass for ring and steel for the can.

      Greetings prof.Savic Serbia


      • Thanks!!

        Much easier to understand translation than Google Translate. Thanks!!

        Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
        New English Translation Added (Compliments of osamaricu_te)

        Reply to Boguslaw:

        Frequency of 200 Hz is good, but you need to find proper distance between electrodes.
        Distance between electrodes is not the same at 100, 200 or 400 Hz.
        Cap or ring must play at least 1 octave higher than then can, which must play at 50Hz for EU or 60Hz for USA.
        Be persistent you will make it. Sonic boiler is not just a heater, it is musical instrument as well.
        Building an instrument is not easy.
        For ring part use steel and aluminium for the can, or brass for ring and steel for the can.

        Greetings prof.Savic Serbia


        • Originally posted by osamaricu_te View Post
          thats unusual to hear from you... I never said time invested is lost or did I say its crap. I just said that with the equipment I bought solely for this experiment, that can change frequency of AC as desired to match ANY frequency you can come up with has shown no change what so ever in COP.[snip]

          I am truly glad for you and if one day I manage to do the same will post it.

          Until then...
          osamaricu_te -- do I understand correctly, that you speak Serbian? this is great if so!

          Secondly, are you located in or near Serbia?

          You wrote: " the equipment I bought solely for this experiment, that can change frequency of AC as desired"

          Can you describe this equipment for us? I'm very interested in what you have.

          And thanks for jumping in and doing experiments! as I have also done, but I feel like I'm just getting started.


          • Originally posted by PhysicsProf View Post
            osamaricu_te -- do I understand correctly, that you speak Serbian? this is great if so!

            Secondly, are you located in or near Serbia?

            You wrote: " the equipment I bought solely for this experiment, that can change frequency of AC as desired"

            Can you describe this equipment for us? I'm very interested in what you have.

            And thanks for jumping in and doing experiments! as I have also done, but I feel like I'm just getting started.
            I know several languages, other than mentioned and no, I am not in or from Serbia.

            Equipment is from past but I just needed something stronger. I did experiments before with sound amplifier, but it wasnt strong enough so yes, I bought the strong more expensive one just for this purpose. Should you chose this very versatile solution you will need a VERY strong sound amplifier hooked to your PC. If you have such device will be glad to to assist should you need any of assistance.

            To be honest above post was for you and cheryman, playing with tubes needs to have some direction to it. As you can see professor, I am sort of a champion of random testing and testing without some calculations before so I suggest you check my long post above before you decide to test some tubes, cause you need some sort of a plan so I have been reading about it, will post in case I get a breakthrough...


            • Originally posted by osamaricu_te View Post
              I know several languages, other than mentioned and no, I am not in or from Serbia.

              Equipment is from past but I just needed something stronger. I did experiments before with sound amplifier, but it wasnt strong enough so yes, I bought the strong more expensive one just for this purpose. Should you chose this very versatile solution you will need a VERY strong sound amplifier hooked to your PC. If you have such device will be glad to to assist should you need any of assistance.

              To be honest above post was for you and cheryman, playing with tubes needs to have some direction to it. As you can see professor, I am sort of a champion of random testing and testing without some calculations before so I suggest you check my long post above before you decide to test some tubes, cause you need some sort of a plan so I have been reading about it, will post in case I get a breakthrough...
              Put signal that consist of two sines 50 and 400 hz at the imput of strong audio amplifier .

              Use small electrides, like two cups.. NOT beer can. If we use current that consists of two harmonics than we DO NOT need beer can, nor special metal objects that resonates at particular frequency, we just need two electrodes that are ELASTICLY mounted , so they can FREELY vibrate at frequency of vibration which is produces by the current passing electrodes and water gap.

              If you have posibility, please make such experiment and post results.. Try to vary frequency of base signal, and to tune higher harmonic precisely and watch the results ..


              • My message to prof Savic

                Mr Savic

                I think that two frequencies 50hz and 400Hz produce beat frequency which is the rotor part of this device causing beer can walls to deforming around cimcumference 65mm.Water viscosity help rotate water inside like in Tesla turbine.Sound 50hz is "smeared" around like when someone is rubbing beer can around edge 9or a wine glass too).Proper gap is needed and proper tuning of ring/cap above beer can to create such beat. From my intuition I suspect that beer can will oscillate at 50hz due to large current anyway (but polishing it to ge real 50hz resonance will help with amplitude of this oscillations).
                If the effect is the same as in singing tibet bowl when water inside is rotated then with sound we produce the same high speed like in big cavitation steamers.
                If you would be so kind , please confirm or correct that theory.

                Best regards


                • Thank you for your responses -- and for your research, osa... much appreciated.

                  I have received an email from Prof Savic, which he asked that I post here.
                  I do so (with the caveat that I do not share his views regarding neutrino effects here). I did not get the Serbian this time, just the translation:

                  PROF SAVIC: How does the sonic boiler:

                  90% vacuum is composed of neutrinos.
                  Neutrinos travel faster than the particle pushing svetlosti.Čestica as a sound wave,because the tunes as musical instrument.
                  neutirno guess when the crystal lattice of metals, ends the last electron orbital.
                  Affected by the electron is lost from this dimension in the field kvantnome a moment when he returns to pick up on the collapse of 7 times more energy than he had.
                  The energy we spend the resonances to 1 / 4 wavelength to the diameter of a hemisphereand a ball or cylinder sonic boiler.
                  It's pure electricity is condensed on the ball or hemisphere, or cylinder.
                  The electricity is passed through a otprnik to the water, creating heat,
                  The water molecules resonate and viibriraju on the same wavelength and energy of itssubmission to the radiator rezonanacon transferred to the air and our body resonates and absorbs the energy from the air and we feel the heat.
                  Sonic boiler captures high-frequency waves (microwaves) from the high-frequency systemwhose shape and dimensions and translates into a lower frequency electric resistanceheat dif water.
                  Sonic boiler used the electricity network as the excitation frequency and energy of thequantum fields that are condensed into a ball heater. and therefore has a COP greater than 1

                  Publish this on forum


                  • Originally posted by grizli View Post
                    Put signal that consist of two sines 50 and 400 hz at the imput of strong audio amplifier .

                    Use small electrides, like two cups.. NOT beer can. If we use current that consists of two harmonics than we DO NOT need beer can, nor special metal objects that resonates at particular frequency, we just need two electrodes that are ELASTICLY mounted , so they can FREELY vibrate at frequency of vibration which is produces by the current passing electrodes and water gap.

                    If you have posibility, please make such experiment and post results.. Try to vary frequency of base signal, and to tune higher harmonic precisely and watch the results ..
                    I MOST CERTAINLY WILL! Thank you for that idea, didnt think of it (ili ti razumijes ovako?)
                    will post results... stay tuned... tomorrow

                    Originally posted by PhysicsProf View Post
                    Thank you for your responses -- and for your research, osa... much appreciated.

                    I have received an email from Prof Savic, which he asked that I post here.
                    I do so (with the caveat that I do not share his views regarding neutrino effects here). I did not get the Serbian this time, just the translation:
                    Hi prof. I have translated that message 100% correct just waiting for prof.Savic to say it is ok and it will be posted here. Do notice, when I translate I do NOT make and deviations from words of original message. Everything is translated word to word in a way that is completely understandable. If there is anything I changed according to my opinion, it will be put in as remark right aside with original translation.


                    • Thanks for your help in translating, osa...
                      Prof Savic just sent the Serbian which you can look at:

                      90% vakuuma se sastoji od neutrina.
                      Neutrini putuju brže od svetlosti.Čestica gura česticu kao zvučni talas. i zato se štimuje kao muzički instrument.
                      kada neutirno pogodi kristalnu rešetku metala, izbija zadnji elektron na orbitali.
                      Pogođeni elektron se izgubi iz ove dimenzije u kvantnome polju za trenutak a kada se vrati on kolapsom pokupi 7 puta više energije nego što je imao.
                      Taj energiju mi hvatamo rezonanacom na 1/4 talasne dužine a to je prečnik polulopte i lopte ili cilindra sonic boilera.
                      To je čist elektricitet on se kondenzuje u lopti ili polulopti, ili cilindru.
                      Taj elektricitet se propušta kroz otprnik a to je voda stvarajući toplotu,
                      Molekuli vode rezoniraju i viibriraju na istoj talasnoj dužini i svoju energiju predaju radijatoru koji rezonanacon prenosi na vazduh a naše telo rezonira i upija tu energiju iz vazduha i mi osećamo toplotu.
                      Rezime :
                      Sonic boiler hvata talase visoke frekvencije (mikrotalase) iz sistema visoke frekvencije svojim oblikom i dimenzijom i prevodi nižu frekvenciju u toplotu preo električne otpornosti vode.
                      Sonic boiler koristi elektricitet mreže kao pobudnu frekvenciju i energiju iz kvantnoga polja koja se kondenzovala u lopti grejača. i Zato ima COP veći od 1


                      • Originally posted by grizli View Post
                        Put signal that consist of two sines 50 and 400 hz at the imput of strong audio amplifier .

                        Use small electrides, like two cups.. NOT beer can. If we use current that consists of two harmonics than we DO NOT need beer can, nor special metal objects that resonates at particular frequency, we just need two electrodes that are ELASTICLY mounted , so they can FREELY vibrate at frequency of vibration which is produces by the current passing electrodes and water gap.

                        If you have posibility, please make such experiment and post results.. Try to vary frequency of base signal, and to tune higher harmonic precisely and watch the results ..
                        I Have seen that technique before, I will try to find it.

                        I t was a Japanese professor if I remember correctly, and used the same technique to produce Hydrogen.

                        Tnx For the Input.

                        Edit: Could not find the video (yet) but his cell looked like this:

                        Thin plates horizontal aligned, vertical stacked, connection to one side and free to resonate. He was able to make enough power on demand with it to run a car (If My memory serves well)
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Cherryman; 01-09-2012, 11:18 PM.


                        • I like this Post

                          Duncan made some observations on Reactive power and other interesting things


                          OK even with a pair of spoons and very careful adjustment I can get amazing results, But what are we tuning to?
                          I have an Idea sort of “roughed out” which I'd like to float It starts with considering a radio system.
                          Or even a TV system I'm sure most of your have played about with CB radio for instance. At first it would seem to have nothing to do with the electric grid but of course all the same bits are in place a/ the Transmitter (which is analogous of the generator) b/The cable feeding the antenna (which is analogous of the grid itself c/The antenna Itself which is analogous of our equipment receiving the power (heater,motor whatever) and lastly the antenna launches the signal into the Aether this is analogous to how you perceive the energy heat,movement,light whatever.
                          If you have ever connected a TV or one of these CB things you will find that Coaxial cable is the stuff to use, you will also find that it has a “Characteristic Impedance” typically 75 ohm and some times 50 ohm but I guess by design it can be anything. Our electric grid also has a “Characteristic impedance” and so I think a little thought on the matter is in order.
                          This coax and 75 ohms where would you measure it with your meter? The answer is if course you cant.
                          The Transmitter is by design is manufactured to transfer 100% of its power at a certain frequency into an Impedance of 75 ohms. The coax in turn delivers the power to the Antenna which again by design has a Impedance designed to be 75 ohm and it in turn is physically made to launch your power onto the Aether. It is a little bit like pass the parcel but each of the four people involved has to be suited to handle the load and pass it to the next guy.
                          and so what happens if the transmitter changes frequency ? Well each transmitter has one of these
                          It can be adjusted to “fool” the transmitter into seeing 75 ohms and so give you the adjustment required to put everything “bang on tune”
                          If things are not On tune some most unpleasant things occur,if they are for instance 100% out of tune all the power from the transmitter is reflected straight back like throwing a ball against a wall and normally blows up the transmitter.
                          If you get it 75% tuned most of the power goes out onto the Aether 25% is forced to stay on the coax if fact if memory serves they refer to it a “a standing wave” In practice you can actually go along the coax with a neon or small fluorescent tube and it will light and dim as you follow this wasted power and you will actually feel hot spots on the coax..
                          Radio Amateurs go to inordinate lengths to reduce standing waves because they cause what they refer to as “Spurious emissions” that is they transmit bursts of power that can appear anywhere.
                          I'm sure at some stage you have heard police or Taxi drivers or CB operators crashing through onto your phone or TV on a frequency far away from where they should be . That is because of this “evil twin” of the sine wave.
                          Now it so happens that “The grid” is exactly the same sort of system. Vastly different powers and currents and frequencies involved but essentially the same.
                          Electrical engineers such as myself are taught exactly the same subject as radio engineers but in an entirely different fashion, with different terms and different units and Its extremely difficult to marry the two. And so we end up with a situation where allied trades are discussing the same subject but not able to understand each other.
                          There is for instance a subtle 90deg phase shift introduced in the “radio transmission” teaching of things to sort of pat things into shape a bit Its not really required in electrical engineering so its just “omitted” The maths route is really a “bear” of a line to go down BUT … Eric Dollard is one of the few that is obviously well versed in both fields and has noticed the anomalies and been after them like a terrier after a rat his writing is recommended (gives me head ache) so I can only take small bites.
                          It does become very clear that big lumps are missing or altered in such a way that the cap is forced to fit the head.
                          So much for a extremely hashed version of a radio transmission what of our grid? It has a “Transmitter” a generator in fact lots of them joined together they will have a maximum power transfer impedance (just like the CB radio) although Its going to be very low, Its also going to have lots of this evil twin the standing wave sitting solidly on the grid except they call it re-active power.
                          Much like the spurious radio signals it arrives any were with full power unannounced.
                          It blows up transformers, It loves eating semi-conductors, Its probably responsible for spontaneous combustion. It generates heat on the grid, the supply people have to put in much bigger cables to cater for reactive power,standing wave, watt-less component (call it what you will)
                          And to me It rather looks like some of this worthless expensive watt-less component is being “tuned “ and used to heat water,. With total respect to Mr C just to get a little closer P = VI is what the standard house meter is reading.
                          Power =VI cosφ
                          is what a typical factory meter would be reading in order to encourage Power factor correction. Power factor correction doesn't really cure the problem anyway it simply throws it back on the grid. And ups the Ante
                          these are all known and accepted … BUT and its a big BUT what if As I am starting to suspect we are tuning to the reactive watt less component that the power companies hate and turning it into heat. And so doing them a great kindness. Do you think we could heat our homes and send them a bill for removing the watt-less component?
                          Yeh I'm sure they'd be highly delighted. It would be very interesting to see one of these heaters that is working really well disconnected from the grid and connected instead to a battery and a true sine wave inverter.
                          A/ It would remove the shock hazard (to a certain extent)
                          B/ It prove/dis prove the tuning to a specific frequency
                          C/ It would give direct current volts amps reading
                          D/If it does what I suspect we can all buy and use the same inverter

                          What I suspect it will do …. Not having access to the spurious emissions, reactive power,wattless component call it what you will (a rose by any other name) It will draw most of the power which it is tuned to receive
                          from the Aether In the same fashion as all these machines

                          New Free Energy by George Mitchell - YouTube

                          ThaneCHeins's Channel - YouTube

                          ThaneCHeins's Channel - YouTube

                          F.M.CHALKALIS ENERGY MULTIPLIER - YouTube

                          This absolutely free un patentable god given energy flooding vertically into these machines and only visible as it mixes with the ambient light frequencies is what I suspect is heating the water although we of course can't see the interaction.
                          It simply remains to confirm in tests I know from calculation that even with my crude set up I am at least “very efficient” To make a tuner such as this
                          is to a Transmitter antenna for our heater and the grid connection is an ambition, but perhaps an inverter we could all buy regardless of country and connect to a standard construct is also not a bad way to go, and the power utilities can be left to sort out their own life choking, planet strangling, "evil power" which this power of which we have been deprived for many years is in direct opposition to “in every respect.”.
                          I notice when I draw attention to the above links on other relevant threads they tend to DRY UP for some reason I hope that isn’t the case here!
                          spurious emissions Light tubes lite up under powerlines without plugs? EMF Cra - YouTube
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Bold
                          If you want to Change the world
                          BE that change !!


                          • Chet:

                            What I suspect it will do …. Not having access to the spurious emissions, reactive power,wattless component call it what you will (a rose by any other name) It will draw most of the power which it is tuned to receive
                            from the Aether In the same fashion as all these machines

                            New Free Energy by George Mitchell - YouTube

                            ThaneCHeins's Channel - YouTube

                            ThaneCHeins's Channel - YouTube

                            F.M.CHALKALIS ENERGY MULTIPLIER - YouTube

                            This absolutely free un patentable god given energy flooding vertically into these machines and only visible as it mixes with the ambient light frequencies is what I suspect is heating the water although we of course can't see the interaction.
                            It simply remains to confirm in tests I know from calculation that even with my crude set up I am at least “very efficient” To make a tuner such as this

                            is to a Transmitter antenna for our heater and the grid connection is an ambition, but perhaps an inverter we could all buy regardless of country and connect to a standard construct is also not a bad way to go, and the power utilities can be left to sort out their own life choking, planet strangling, "evil power" which this power of which we have been deprived for many years is in direct opposition to “in every respect.”.
                            I notice when I draw attention to the above links on other relevant threads they tend to DRY UP for some reason I hope that isn’t the case here!
                            Thanks for the re-post Chet; the two bolded links above have
                            "dried up" ... at least they don't work for me. Can you try again?


                            • I'll send him a mail..........

                              Thanks for pointing that out Steve ...

                              If you want to Change the world
                              BE that change !!


                              • Message from Mr. "C"

                                English Translation (Compliments of osamaricu_te)

                                90% of vacuum is composed from neutrinos.
                                Neutrinos travel faster than light. One particle pushes the other particle like a sound wave and that is why it is tuned as musical instrument.
                                When neutrino strikes the crystal bar of metal, it pushes out the last electron on orbital.
                                Electron that was pushed out, gets lost out of this dimension in quantum field for a moment and when it returns, by collapsing it collects 7 times more energy compared to what he had.
                                That energy is captured by resonance at 1/4 of wave length and that is half diameter of half sphere and of sphere or of sonic boiler cylinder.
                                That is pure electricity and it is condensed in sphere, half sphere or cylinder.
                                That electricity is passed through a resistor, resistor being water which in return creates heat.
                                Molecules of water resonate and vibrate at same wave length and transmit their energy to a radiator who by resonance transfers it to the air and then our body soaks that energy through the air and we feel warmth.

                                Sonic boiler catches high frequency waves (microwaves) from a system of high frequency with its shape and dimension, then converts lower frequency into heat through electrical resistance of water.
                                Sonic boiler uses network electricity as exciting frequency and energy of quantum field which is condensed in ball of heater (this part here "ball of heater" I believe it is sphere of heater, do notice that is my understanding and word to word translation is ball of heater) and that is why it has COP >1


