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Peter Daysh Davey Water Heater Query

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  • Bob
    yes the "tune" is Key ,the Savic Sonic boiler thread was all about that "tune".

    we never got the crazy high Cop's claimed By Professor Savic.[TUNE ????]

    what you are describing [9V battery] sounds Like our Amish friends
    WITTS claim.
    and yes I do agree.

    If you want to Change the world
    BE that change !!


    • Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
      yes the "tune" is Key ,the Savic Sonic boiler thread was all about that "tune".

      we never got the crazy high Cop's claimed By Professor Savic.[TUNE ????]
      What Savic does not seem to understand is that one cannot simply tune anything to any frequency. An item will have its natural frequency, and that is that. Cutting bits off his beer can will make the natural frequency go in the wrong direction, i.e. up.

      I cannot remember what frequency he was chasing. In the high double figures, I suspect. His beer can would need to be the size of a small dustbin.

      Dumas is interesting but nothing to do with Peter Daysh Davey.


      • Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
        The Dumas Effect strikes me as quite similar to the one being discussed. Maybe it's the same idea. Dumas himself made everything open-source, and it seems people in France are using it to heat their homes with a 116%COP. Here's a video that I've cued up to where Dumas himself speaks. It's in French with Eng subtitles; lots more in French as well:
        Damn, wish I'd seen this video before now! I expended much effort a few years ago on the Davey heater only to end up with an expensive and very dangerous way of boiling water. This seems much more promising, maybe I'll give it another go. Thanks for posting this.


        • Paul
          the Savic device was based on a Tesla resonant water tube heater as I recall.
          the beer can was merely an attempt by a very smart fellow with No resources to investigate within his budget ,and perhaps pass some time too...

          and to be clear a harmonic is a harmonic ..but quite true the closer you get to the Main frequency the less fussy the tune becomes.

          repost of Bob's link

          If you want to Change the world
          BE that change !!


          • Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
            the Savic device was based on a Tesla resonant water tube heater as I recall.
            the beer can was merely an attempt by a very smart fellow with No resources to investigate within his budget ,and perhaps pass some time too...

            and to be clear a harmonic is a harmonic ..but quite true the closer you get to the Main frequency the less fussy the tune becomes.

            repost of Bob's link

            Dear Chet,

            Interesting. What Tesla water heater? Which of his patents?

            I can't remember about Savic but Davey is not about harmonics; he is about octaves.


            • Paul

              Professor Savic had either sent a link To David or posted it in the Sonic boiler thread ?
              but I do remember seeing it, and comments were made that this patent was in Libraries over _There_ but no longer over here???

              It would be nice to speak with David again[slovenia]
              I'll ring him before our turkey holiday.

              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • Hello!

                Nice to see some action here!

                Still working on my understanding of this.. anyway i hop to crack the code soon. Many setups to run.
                Thanks D
                "Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to unteach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard. Master these thoroughly, and the rest will follow. What one fool can do, another can."

                Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.


                • very nice
                  looks like I'll be Calling more than One Old Friend.
                  thx for the smile

                  If you want to Change the world
                  BE that change !!


                  • Originally posted by wrtner View Post
                    Dear Chet,

                    Interesting. What Tesla water heater? Which of his patents?

                    I can't remember about Savic but Davey is not about harmonics; he is about octaves.
                    Octaves ARE harmonics. Each successive octave is double of the preceeding harmonic, ie: 2,4,8,16...


                    • I wonder if the system absolutely HAS to be in the form of a sphere, or cylinder.
                      What if it was made of two flat plates separated by insulated washers of the correct thickness? The important thing seems to be the spacing between the two electrodes.


                      • Originally posted by Altair View Post
                        Octaves ARE harmonics...
                        ...but harmonics are not octaves (probably).

                        All horses are four legged animals
                        All four legged animals are horses



                        • Originally posted by Altair View Post
                          I wonder if the system absolutely HAS to be in the form of a sphere, or cylinder.
                          What if it was made of two flat plates separated by insulated washers of the correct thickness? The important thing seems to be the spacing between the two electrodes.
                          Interesting observation.

                          I have wondered if a tuning fork with insulated plates araldited to the prongs would serve. The frequency is certain (although the gluing may shift it a bit). Then drive with a sig gen through a regular Hi-Fi amplifier, being sure that the output impedance is reasonable (or the amp will be blown).

                          I suspect that cavitation is involved and curved bodies focus the effect to the centre of curvature in some relevant way.
                          Last edited by wrtner; 11-26-2014, 03:29 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Altair View Post
                            I wonder if the system absolutely HAS to be in the form of a sphere, or cylinder.
                            What if it was made of two flat plates separated by insulated washers of the correct thickness? The important thing seems to be the spacing between the two electrodes.
                            When I tried this, my spheres were definitely non-spherical - SS egg-cups of various sizes, therefore oval, simply because I couldn't source any appropriate spheres at the time. And still can't - can anyone point to an online source? I also tried a square-wave of a couple of hundred watts, varying its frequency - nothing, although I wasn't surprised then as I presumed that this was far too low a power level.

                            I also tried varying the distance between the 'spheres' to no effect - but not to the 1.6mm that Dumas suggests (for safety reasons obviously). Without these 'natural' ratios (according to him), it cannot work, which would explain my failure.

                            Also, even though this would seem to deliver a terminal blow to the COE, is it really an 'efficient' (1.16 COP) way of heating your home? He claims to heat his home for 500W, that's 12kWh, or running full-time, 4380kWh per year. A bit of searching shows that a low-energy German home uses 50kWh/m2/annum. Whereas this link deals with average house sizes. Since France isn't quoted directly, I'll use the UK figure which is 76m2. This says that a typical low-energy European house requires 3800kWh per annum to heat. Ok, it wouldn't be running 24/7, but how long would it take 500W to heat a house from say 5degC to 20degC? And then to sustain it at a comfortable level? 500W seems way way too little - heating a small room with 500W would be a struggle. And that miserly COP wouldn't dig it of this hole either! Or am I mistaken?


                            • Originally posted by sprocket View Post
                              Also, even though this would seem to deliver a terminal blow to the COE, is it really an 'efficient' (1.16 COP) way of heating your home?
                              A COP of 1.16 is a waste of space.

                              This is soaked up by someone measuring mains voltage during the advertisements of a popular TV show (when everyone rushes out to put the kettle on and so they have to drop the voltage a bit to cope with the demand) and then using that figure later as a basis for the experiment.

                              It is well within experimental error.


                              • Originally posted by wrtner View Post
                                A COP of 1.16 is a waste of space.

                                This is soaked up by someone measuring mains voltage during the advertisements of a popular TV show (when everyone rushes out to put the kettle on and so they have to drop the voltage a bit to cope with the demand) and then using that figure later as a basis for the experiment.

                                It is well within experimental error.
                                I was indirectly quoting the video and agree that these COP's are borderline experimental-error. Claiming OU but not shown any measurements is always a red-flag as well. And that 500W to heat his home is downright suspect even at a cursory glance.

