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What is going on in a coil?

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  • What is going on in a coil?

    When we pulse a coil, we create a pulsing magnetic field and we can recover most of the energy in that coil using

    We get losses based upon the resistance of the wire and this can be measured in the rise in temperature. My question is, does the magnetism cost us any energy or is it a free byproduct?

    In a normal motor we get increased power draw because a motor slows and generates less BEMF. If we pulse a motor that produces BEMF we still have the problem of putting energy in to overcome the BEMF but I haven't been able to work out if the magnetism is costing us anything.

    Most Info that I have found says the energy input is converted to torque in the motor and assumes no recovery, but when we recover the pulses should the torque drop?

  • #2
    the Magnetism in my Opinion itself is free, even, if not Energy is Magnetism.
    The Magnetism around a Wire or a Coil is like a flexible Tube, where the Energy runs inside. They are both tied together. Magnetism is even the dominant Part, you can see that at the Magnetic Amplifier, what been showed here.
    Homemade Magnetic Amplifiers.
    There you can see, that Magnetism can restrict Energy from flowing.

    But figure a Magnet when it is made. 'something is flowing trough and it creates the aligment from the Atoms, or the Material. There it does make no matter, if it has high Resistance or low, the Magnetfield will allways equal to the Energy what flows through.
    Heat in the Coil is mostly a Matter from to much Energy through a Coil, and it are actually no losses, only a Resistance, what lowers the Efficience.
    The cost for the Magnetfield occur at the Counter EMF, what works like a Jam, and the higher Amount what then needed is, to break through the Jam.

    For the Coil you want to match them to your Load ideally, to less resistance cause a Short back the Source, and faster depleting from the stored Energy.
    To high Resistance at the Coil cause to much eddy Current and, literally, jam allready at the Wire without Load.
    The Role from the Duty Cycle at powering the Coil is, to saturate the Coil to the Point, where it is optimal saturated, but not longer as it is needed, to keep the Magnetism up, ie for a Drive Coil.
    Not lesser Duty Cycle as it s efficient and not more, as you waste unneeded Time to powering the Coil.
    This Point of saturation from a Coil is my understanding from not to Destroy the Dipole.
    You take Energy from a Source, but even close enough, that it dont makes a short, but enought, that the Coil is right saturated and dont cause (to much) Counter-EMF by itself.
    For the Energy itself, i am about, to think, it are only Vibrations in Crystals at the Material, what interact with Crystals in the Air, no moving 'Electrons' but Waves, what create new Waves.
    I researched Air today, but the closest what i could think of, what this Crystals are, is Carbon. Might be, that the 'Magic Material or Crystals' are not found in the Air, but anywhere else.
    Cheaper Cost for a stronger Magnetfield may can only be reached with a better or more clever arrangement from the Inductor.
    But so far it seems the standard left-Right Windings. then the next Layer been the simplest Way, what most can think of.
    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


    • #3
      for the reply I need people with electrical knowledge to help me.

      Hmmm that explains some things I did not know about what is going on in a motor.

      When I tested a version of a Lindemann rotary attraction motor, the speed and therefore torque increased with recovery from the coils. As I understand it this recovered energy is what was stored in the coil so no new energy is created, yet when I collected what had passed through the motor before the recovery the maths added up with normal theory but when I included the recovery and the motor power. I seem to have more energy than the input (joules). Either the standard theory is incomplete or I got it wrong. If the magnetism is stored energy it makes sense but why was my total energy more?

      Using a Bedini type circuit in the motor the charging efficiency was low so there is less radiant, I believe this is because of a closed magnetic circuit. Using a regenerative circuit the charge efficiency was higher, lots of amps but volts were a little lower until a certain point then as the voltage rose it became like a Bedini circuit.

      What you say about duty cycle makes sense too.

      At the moment I don't have the spare cash to build test models so I am using mathematical models and I am finding the same problem, the maths don't add up. The model tells me I have amps similar to the input but no volts but it would not be possible to get the amp flow without having the volts across a resistance. Ok I know computer models have limitations and will not allow more output than input but my experiments seem to show an excess.

      What is working on the model and in reality is the amps but on the model there is no volts whereas in reality there is

      The Bedini circuit can easily demonstrate overunity when the mechanical power of the motor is included all be it small. I think it is possible to demonstrate overunity with a motor if it is pulsed at a high enough frequency using regenerative circuits.

      I ran a test, I put 24v as a supply in my Lindemann motor, put a 12v battery in the return to collect the power that passed through the motor. The collapse of the field was collected in a regenerative circiuit. I measured the power provided bu the motor and the basic maths showed I had more out than in, slightly. Ok this is 1 input and 3 outputs but If this proves to be true something is happening that does not follow the laws. The magnetism and therefore the torque is the free energy and all we are doing is powering the losses and not the load.

      Sorry for rambling on but my brain is trying to reboot

