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What happened to Ieuan Thomas (ie Energy From the Vacuum 19)?

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  • What happened to Ieuan Thomas (ie Energy From the Vacuum 19)?

    I recently purchased a copy of Energy From the Vaccum 19 which I watched yesterday. For those who haven't seen it here is a trailer:

    Energy from the Vacuum Trailer - Part 19 - Cold Heat from Canada - YouTube

    In the documentary Thomas explained that using a specially made inductor cold air that was blown through one end of the inductor resulted in the temperature of the air exiting the other end of the inductor to increase. This discovery was later incorporated into a torus-like generation system that eventually became self-sustaining. While I enjoyed watching the video, which consisted of a 1970's interview of Thomas talking about his technology, I was somewhat disappointed as I was expecting John Bedini or Tom Beardon to provide further insight as to what happened to Thomas' cold heat technology. There were a number of question left in my mind such as:

    - what became of Thomas between the time of the original 1970's documentary and his death?
    - what happened to the generator?
    - it was mentioned by Thomas that a large portion of Designex's staff (about 50 if I recall correctly) were working at one time on the technology once it was apparent how revolutionary it was. What became of the staff members? Have any attempts been made to track any of them down? Surely there must of been at least one young engineer on the staff at the time who worked on the device.
    - why hadn't I, and probably the majority of the people on this forum, heard or read about Thomas up until recently? We've all heard of the likes of Moray, Searl, Papp, Gray, Howard Johnson, etc yet here we have an individual who invented a free energy device in recent times (late 1960's/early 1970's) that had the potential to produce industrial amounts of energy who had dozens of eyewitnesses verify it's operation yet no mention of Thomas or his technology is made in the numerous videos and texts on free energy technologies that we've come across. It makes you wonder how many technologies are out there that have been yet to be discovered or lost forever.

    I eagerly await for the DVD document file on the technology that will provide further insight. Hopefully it will answer some of my questions but if anyone can do so I would appreciate it.
    Last edited by phi1.62; 09-06-2011, 10:42 AM.

  • #2
    I recently purchased a copy of Energy From the Vacuum 31, which answers the questions that I was left with from Energy From the Vacuum 19. The trailer is shown below:

    Energy from the Vacuum Trailer - Part 31 - THE ZERO-FUEL ENGINE - YouTube

    As informative as the DVD was William Doyle Jr., who is interviewed in the DVD, had the habit of going off on tangents and talking about other topics when asked questions. As a result I had to watch the DVD twice and type notes to get a better understanding of the history of the Cold Heat Engine. While some of the information Doyle Jr. presents is based on his own experiences most was based on what had been told to him by Ieuan Thomas, Doyle Sr. and information he had read from books relating to the work allegedly involving Designex.

    William Doyle Jr. was the son of William Doyle Sr., a wealthy Associate Broker/Dealer for Fleetwood Financial in Ottowa. Ieuan Thomas met Doyle Sr. in 1957 as Thomas was seeking bridge financing to maintain cashflow for his company Designex. Designex was profitable at the time Thomas met Doyle Sr. but since government projects were a major source of Designex's income and this income took time to reach Designex this was the reason for the need of bridge financing. Doyle Sr. was eventually made aware of the existence of the Cold Heat Engine and agreed to provide funding for it. Amongst the staff at Designex were Dr. Bert England and his assistant Ian Taws.

    The Cold Heat Engine had been designed sometime in the 1950's. It was a later version of the original engine known as the Zero Fuel Engine, which had its named changed due to the negativity generated by being called "Zero Fuel". The only difference between the two engines was that the original engine used an axial compressor. Three of these engine were installed at Designex's head office and were used to provide power to the building. They ran for three years before being taken apart and transported to another location.

    Designex also did a lot of work for Avro Canada, the developers of the infamous VZ-9 saucer. Doyle claims that Avro was working on a project to construct two working saucer craft, one being the Miethe saucer and the other being Project Silverbug, which Doyle claimed looked exactly liked the Saratov Saucer based upon a model that Ieuan Thomas had shown him. The director of the saucer project was Thomas T Brown, whose electrogravitic work was incorporated into Silverbug. The development of the saucer craft was based largely upon research material, which included Schauberger's implosion research, that had been brought to America after being acquired from Nazi researchers, who also worked at Avro on the saucer craft. While the electrogravtic systems of Silverbug could neutralise a large portion of the craft's weight (about 80%) it had difficulty neutralising the remaining weight and for this reason implosive technology was incorporated in the craft. Thomas, England and Taws also worked on the saucer project not only for incorporating the Cold Heat Engine into Silverbug but interpreting the Nazi research and incorporating it into the saucers. England and Taws were also responsible for the design and construction of magnetic materials used in the saucer crafts.

    Avro also had employees from major oil companies, including Exxon, and representatives from Russia observe the work being done at the company, including the saucer craft. The reason why there were Russians at Avro was that, according to Doyle, America and Russia had been in a Mutually Assured Destruction Treaty since the late 1950's that meant that neither country would attack the other while the existence of the Cold War would continue to be fed to the public as a means to keep them complacent. America hoped that by demonstrating their technological capabilities it would eventually influence the Russians to become a Capitalist state without the need of going to war with them.

    According to Doyle, the downfall of Designex came about after the use of their Cold Heat Engine in Project Betatron, a project involving a weapon that would vaporise living objects. After a demonstration of Betatron at China Lake in California several prototypes of the weapon were manufactured. Eventually, Nelson Rockefellar found out about Betatron from Exxon engineers and had President Eisenhowser cancel project development at Avro not only to prevent oil from no longer being a major source of fuel but out of concern that the Russians would perceive Betatron as breaking the MAD Treaty and potentially starting another World War. Once project development was cancelled at Avro, Designex had the intellectual property of the Cold Heat Engine and other associated technologies put into another company in the hope that they could gather support for the Cold Heat Engine without damaging the reputation of Designex. Doyle Sr. also decided to withdraw funding for the engine believing that it would never be developed, particularly due to the high negativity from Canadian government scientists who refused to believe that the engine operated as claimed. In spite of the company restructure Designex found it increasingly difficult to obtain new contracts despite the company's experience, most likely due to their work at Avro, and the company eventually closed down. All support for the Cold Heat Engine eventually dried up and Ieuan Thomas passed away in 1999.

    Out of concern that the technology would be lost Doyle Jr. convinced Thomas, England and Daws to come out of retirement and teach an engineer that he had located as to how most of the systems of the Cold Heat Engine worked. Doyle Jr. also had the engineer taught in the hope that someone with enough wealth would approach Doyle to have the engine manufactured and use the engineer to assist in its redevelopment. If this doesn't occur Doyle is willing for the Cold Heat Engine to be forgotten.

    In addition to all of the documents generated by Designex relating to the Cold Heat Engine, Doyle Jr. also claims to be in possession of four Cold Heat Engines, the magnetic components necessary to make several more engines and an example of the Betatron weapon. Anthony Craddock makes a note towards the end of the DVD that the existence of this hardware was not verified.

