I've saw since some years ago that some people have built some circuits where they charge the caps in parallel, discharge the cap bank from the power source, and then change the capacitor connections to series and connect to the load to perform work.
Some people have also found the Captret effect, so I think this circuit need to be built and tested to see if something quite interesting happens. Since this circuit is very easy to build, I'm going to build it and see if something that I could find interesting or curious happens.
The caps I have are 16 Volts, 330uF electrolytic ones.
Some people have also found the Captret effect, so I think this circuit need to be built and tested to see if something quite interesting happens. Since this circuit is very easy to build, I'm going to build it and see if something that I could find interesting or curious happens.
The caps I have are 16 Volts, 330uF electrolytic ones.