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OH - NO - FTL been discoverd

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  • OH - NO - FTL been discoverd

    Hi there my fellow FE/OU researchers'n'experimnters,

    well well, another day in our little physical world

    this has every thing to do with FE/OU, guess why ...

    BBC News - Speed-of-light experiments give baffling result at Cern

    Faster-than-light neutrinos? Astounding! - Technology & science - Science -

    Particles found to break speed of light | Reuters

    ok, this explains the 2012 prophecies - you know, FTL, Divide By Zero, End of Time !!
    Last edited by anomalyx; 09-22-2011, 11:04 PM.

  • #2
    Whatever, those hacks are over 100 years BEHIND the truth.

    Tesla said particles can travel faster than light and he did it many times over. Einstein's relativity is crap "physics" more akin to fairy tales as Tesla stated.

    Speed of light is that, it's the speed of light and has no application to particles. Common sense.

    Speaking of fantasies and lies, 2012 is ridiculous and I can't believe any one with any brain cells and a clue to what's really going on in the world would buy into such crap. They made a big movie about it, how much more mainstream can you get. Mainstream = Propaganda = Lies.


    • #3
      The speed of light is an interesting subject. It is possible that there is no travel in light, or in light waves, at all. As what we are calling the speed of light, is the rate at which light polarizes, but, it is not actually "traveling" from point A to point B, as we are still being taught in school.
      There is no light or heat coming from the Sun to our planet. Light as well as heat is being produced on our planet, and in our atmosphere, and other planets with atmospheres that can polarize their planets photosphere to produce light on the side facing towards their suns.
      Space travel also deals with "traveling" in a similar way as light "travels", which does not involve actual traveling or movement, at all. There are also different polarization rates of light, or energy waves, that we can also ride on, like sending a DNA code through a laser like radio signal or microwave signal, and rematerializing a physical form on the other end.

      Tesla in one of his experiment send a person through space that
      re-materialized a mile away. But the man died. I have no idea if that story was ever really true, as things like that are stranger than fiction... But space travel may not have to exist, or be restricted to, spaceships "traveling" like we think, in order to get from one place to another.


      • #4
        There is no light or heat coming from the Sun to our planet.
        Now thats a bold statement. How do you account for the rise in temperature during the day? Why do I feel the heat coming down on me instead of up from the Earth?


        • #5
          I've heard this theory before (no light or heat coming from the Sun) but no real proof or theory to back it up. Do you have a source for this idea? Is this a Wilhelm Reich idea? I can't remember where I heard this.

          As far as light, to me it's as Tesla said - longitudinal waves in the ether. Basically "sound waves" in the ether.

          Do you have a source for the Tesla story? With no source, I have to call it bogus. So many people lie about Tesla and cause all sorts of confusion. Without a direct source, I would call it an interesting story and nothing more without proof. I remember reading this also from a fake source, so I call this story fake.

          Sorry but we should be very careful about our sources and what we get from it. Being sloppy with that, we get nowhere but add more BS to the already confused field.

          Originally posted by NickZ View Post
          The speed of light is an interesting subject. It is possible that there is no travel in light, or in light waves, at all. As what we are calling the speed of light, is the rate at which light polarizes, but, it is not actually "traveling" from point A to point B, as we are still being taught in school.
          There is no light or heat coming from the Sun to our planet. Light as well as heat is being produced on our planet, and in our atmosphere, and other planets with atmospheres that can polarize their planets photosphere to produce light on the side facing towards their suns.
          Space travel also deals with "traveling" in a similar way as light "travels", which does not involve actual traveling or movement, at all. There are also different polarization rates of light, or energy waves, that we can also ride on, like sending a DNA code through a laser like radio signal or microwave signal, and rematerializing a physical form on the other end.

          Tesla in one of his experiment send a person through space that
          re-materialized a mile away. But the man died. I have no idea if that story was ever really true, as things like that are stranger than fiction... But space travel may not have to exist, or be restricted to, spaceships "traveling" like we think, in order to get from one place to another.
          Last edited by SilverToGold; 09-23-2011, 03:25 PM.


          • #6
            i am pretty sure that as stated by nickz that light and heat are effects generated by wave interaction with a particle of proper energy configuration.

            if heat came from the sun the upper atmosphere would be very intensely hot and it is not the most heat is generated within the earth at a specific region underground at a point where the charge value is related to 642 ohms/circular mil most transparent items do not heat well by radiated energy therefore not the proper relation but they do convect heat.

            light seems to be the same i cannot remember were i first read this but the article made perfect sense. i am thinking it was a paper by victor schauberger.

            i have also read that charged particles can be excellerated faster than the speed of light as well though i have no means to varify this it seems to be readily excepted so why only charged particles?


            • #7
              explain day and night?

              Then why does it get cooler at night when the sun goes down?(my ten year old nephew wants to know??)


              • #8
                Aliens have been speeding more than light for millions of years


                • #9

                  if the charge base is altered from during the day as the earth cycles going around the sun the side to the sun has more charge present than the night side so any field action is out of balance and the 642 ohm / circular mil is upset and heating is not generated.


                  • #10
                    How about SuperLight-the speed of light squared?

                    Dr. John V. Milewski - Presents, The Wonderful World of Advanced Materials.

                    Something to stretch your mind?



                    • #11
                      Hmmm An interesting concept.

                      If the heat and light are radiant, as we know they are, they do not need a medium in which to travel. so how could they have an effect on earth. This goes to the question of what is light and heat, is it a particle or a wave? a particle is matter of sorts and light comes in the form of photons so I understand.

                      It just shows what crap science is Heat is not a particle and is a wave ie infra red, light is a different frequency.

                      To me it has to be the aether and as i understand it the aether is a sea of charge in equilibrium. the waves could propagate through it in vibrations whereas a photon could be a defined area of disturbance in the aether with with speed and direction or a wave.

                      I think the speed of light may be the resonant frequency of the aether.

                      We know light travels in a straight line but we also know it can be bent by gravity. This would suggest mass, so maybe the aether has mass all be it very small.

                      Now if these waves or disturbances in charge come into contact with matter they will cause it to vibrate and therefore generate heat as we understand it. The denser the matter the mote heat will be generated as the particles of matter bump int each other.

                      That would explain why the earths core is kept so hot and why is is hotter in the dense lower atmosphere than the cold wispy upper atmosphere. Maybe it explains why dense atoms become radio active as they break up under bombardment of vibrations from the aether.

                      I know there are holes in this explanation but I'm trying to explain something I don't fully understand.


                      • #12
                        I think NickZ is kinda right and it makes sense to me.

                        This is what I'm thinking,

                        Visible light is only a small band of the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

                        Spectrum table.
                        Electromagnetic Spectrum

                        Lets say 99% of the radiated energy getting to Earth is from the Sun.

                        I'm thinking the solar radiation comes mainly in the highest possible frequency for the emitted energy when it's emitted, as in hard x-rays or gamma rays, or maybe longitudinal waves, then as these waves of energy encounter things (mass) (matter) some energy would be lost from the waves and transformed to other forms of energy waves with a lesser frequency. Some make light some just heat.

                        It's all energy in waves and we can see how sound and light waves can impart energy on other things to make them vibrate at different frequencies and energy levels. Just my thoughts.

                        Basic theory is, Raw Energy comes from Sun strikes stuff (atmosphere) and makes waves. Light waves, and heat waves I guess.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          I think NickZ is kinda right and it makes sense to me.

                          This is what I'm thinking,

                          Visible light is only a small band of the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

                          Spectrum table.
                          Electromagnetic Spectrum

                          Lets say 99% of the radiated energy getting to Earth is from the Sun.

                          I'm thinking the solar radiation comes mainly in the highest possible frequency for the emitted energy when it's emitted, as in hard x-rays or gamma rays, or maybe longitudinal waves, then as these waves of energy encounter things (mass) (matter) some energy would be lost from the waves and transformed to other forms of energy waves with a lesser frequency. Some make light some just heat.

                          It's all energy in waves and we can see how sound and light waves can impart energy on other things to make them vibrate at different frequencies and energy levels. Just my thoughts.

                          Basic theory is, Raw Energy comes from Sun strikes stuff (atmosphere) and makes waves. Light waves, and heat waves I guess.

                          Interesting. The theory would agree with high school explanations of colors. Then the next question, what about artificial light? And is there some way we could produce an artificial light whose source would not be visible? (IE, you wouldn't actually see the light coming from the light bulb)
                          Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's ~BW~ It's kind of fun to do the impossible ~WD~ From now on, I'll connect the dots my own way ~BW~ If I shall be like him, who shall be like me? ~LR~ Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s ~AN~


                          • #14
                            iknow this will sound out of place but heat as a wave respondes to color as does light so there is more of a connection

