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plasmic transistion process?

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  • plasmic transistion process?

    John Rohner recently moved to Las Vegas to start educating those who would want to work on adapting different engine types to his new patented process.(may 9,2011) I am currently adapting a VW type 1 engine base to his process. It uses a similar method used by Josef Papp, in his engines in the 70's-late 80's, using a group of noble gases in a 2-cycle process, with no intake or exhaust. This makes the engine an expansion engine, not an explosive one. The "fuel"is only used up at the rate of 2 atoms per cycle,and is expected to be usable up to 7000 hrs of operation. It uses an electromagnetic coil mounted around the top of the cylinder to move the plasma charge to expand the gasses against the piston to initiate movement against the crank and transfer kinetic flow to the flywheel. A charge of fuel costs about 75 cents (usd) The engine I am adapting will produce approx. 1HP/ CC. Being an opposed cylinder arrangement, I can really expect some heavy torque, and don't want the engine block to self destruct, so I reduced the size of the pistons and cylinders from 88mm to 40mm to accomodate a straighter throw and less side to side chattering in the cylinder. The timing of the plasma and the control of the process are where the key lies to proper operation. By restricting the plasma ball (created in a hemispherrical chamber split between the head and the piston), the heat created (some say equal to the temp of the sun)is absorbed by em coils to power the coils on the opposite end of the process. This allows the pistons to be constructed of thermoplastic(CVPC),with less weight being thrown around. The process is constantly recycled; compressing , then expanding the gasses, over and over, all with no pollution or high cost of operation. Since it uses a small bit of the air we breathe, and that air can be recharged to regain that status as fuel, this looks to be one of the best solutions for mass or individual transit needs.

  • #2
    PlasmERG the company

    Found this topic in the pjkbook. Never got my attention before. Saw some article about a Canadian company investing about 10 million recently. Truly fascinating and should start surfacing in people's consciousness, hopefully DOJ and patent office will not be able to stop it by labeling as a fraud. I want one, may need it soon just to get by if we lose our power grid sometime... Better than a solar cell eh? Drop one of these under the hood!!! So what kind of personal resources are you able to allocate to do this? Did you get a consulting contract? Making any procress? At least you have made this post here. Looks like more of sure thing than trying to get things running on water...
    Up, Up and Away


    • #3
      Off the top 5 list of most promising technologies at PESN this fall

      Originally posted by sampojo View Post
      Found this topic in the pjkbook. Never got my attention before. Saw some article about a Canadian company investing about 10 million recently. Truly fascinating and should start surfacing in people's consciousness, hopefully DOJ and patent office will not be able to stop it by labeling as a fraud. I want one, may need it soon just to get by if we lose our power grid sometime... Better than a solar cell eh? Drop one of these under the hood!!! So what kind of personal resources are you able to allocate to do this? Did you get a consulting contract? Making any progress? At least you have made this post here. Looks like more of sure thing than trying to get things running on water...
      PESN network has posted that this company's marketing is getting ahead of itself. seal problems at a minimum to prevent gas leakage locks up engine, Uses noble gases it says.
      Up, Up and Away

