Originally posted by T-1000
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Neat little Motor Generator
Great work Mark!
Hi Mark,
Great work and thanks for sharing what you have been working on.
I think you have already kind of posted how you are doing this. If people would go back to some of your recent posts they could figure it out too.
I think I know what you are doing and it is very simple when you think about it. I believe it's the way you have the coils setup and they way they are phased. To me it appears that you have the trigger and the motor coils out of phase and the generator coils are supplying the energy to either attract or repel the rotor magnets.
Also having the trigger coil adjusted ATDC is giving you the right timing.
Of course, I could be way off the mark. I'm just throwing out what I think is happening.
No need to respond if you don't wish. I would rather see people think about it and replicate it for themselves, rather than being spoon fed. Sorry to all the watchers!
John K.
I was going to wait 24 hours before I posted this but I wanted to make sure no one tore their kits apart or spent money they didn't need to. It's a neat little motor generator thats all, not free energy and not perpetual motion. And Jetijs a 9 volt battery is bigger than my coils, I have three 12 volt batteries hidden in one of the coils. I hope this was a nice distraction for everyone and may have sparked some new ideas for you.
Nice one, thanks
QUOTE=Mark;159630]I was going to wait 24 hours before I posted this but I wanted to make sure no one tore their kits apart or spent money they didn't need to. It's a neat little motor generator thats all, not free energy and not perpetual motion. And Jetijs a 9 volt battery is bigger than my coils, I have three 12 volt batteries hidden in one of the coils. I hope this was a nice distraction for everyone and may have sparked some new ideas for you.[/QUOTE]It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.
Yes,I thought there was something funny going on. It was
well done. If it was a fake that is, now we need proof of that i'm afraid.
You almost had me, but I could kinda feel the video reaching out and challenging
me to work out how on Earth such a thing could work with no circuit.
Then I figured because of the way you posted it and the fact you've been
around a while, that it might be a test or something.
Three 12 volt batteries you say, they must be very small. Or is it 1.2 volt batteries ?
Thanks for the joke ...
Btw, adding an AC Cap to a Generator Coil can help a bit.
I made lately 2 Coils over eachother (one thicker Wire only over the half from the lenght of the thin Wires, at one from them put a Pot on it and a normal Light and a Diode from one E, connected over a normal SG circuit
Adding a Capacitor between the Pot to the 3 Pins, (the unconnected one also) did increase the Light, but the Capacitance from the Coil increased also a Bit.
I used a 0,22µf AC Cap, 1µf was to big, because when they discharge, they do a certain Time, no matter if they still get powered or not.Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.
shorted coils
Reminds me of Mervace's shorted coil method.
Mervace said the power came from a cb radio later on - but he never actually
showed that.
What you're showing Mark can be done without batteries. And I don't see
3 X 12v batteries fitting in any coil. If that is the case, that would be as
impressive if not more than making it self run without batteries.
A lot of these methods, in bits, are in the old book on magnetos regarding
shorting coils.Sincerely,
Aaron Murakami
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Originally posted by Mark View PostI was going to wait 24 hours before I posted this but I wanted to make sure no one tore their kits apart or spent money they didn't need to. It's a neat little motor generator thats all, not free energy and not perpetual motion. And Jetijs a 9 volt battery is bigger than my coils, I have three 12 volt batteries hidden in one of the coils. I hope this was a nice distraction for everyone and may have sparked some new ideas for you.
I've got 12 volt batteries that are half the length of a AAA battery and about the same diameter. Common for car alarm remotes.
Personally I am not thrilled about wasting time on this. I spent some time yesterday looking at things as a result of this. And to fool everyone just seems childish. If it had posted right up front as being a trick and left as a question for everyone to figure out how it was done that would be fine for those who have the time and desire to figure out puzzles.There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
What fun times we live in
Now there's the question of it really being a fake
Ok, well, theory of the video presentation:
There is a hair thin wire on the top coil half way down it.
The generator spins down gently on the first couple of spin ups and then you use your (raised) thumb to connect the contact on that last spin, the spin itself seeming to be slightly slower than the other two and gave me that thought.
The cellphone type camera being used to reduce resolution in the showing at the start and why the camera was kept low for the rear of the generator.
However, I too think it's a very possible device, with the way the RPM's only slightly increase. Also, your history here and postings suggest you're very able to create a 'real' one. Very neat indeed.
Actually i am happy with the 12 V Batteries.
Something else more, its not a bad Idea to put the Generator at a 45° away from the Driving Impuls,
but also the Distance from the Coils to the Rotor is importend.
It should be close as it generates enough without placing to much Drag at the Rotor.
That is a Point also, what need to be balanced, after you have a Core and a load on it.Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.