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capacitors and condensors pumping e field

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  • #31
    Ok, some more. This is getting a bit more complex and is taking on some new turns.

    First the tested effect would need to be done in a vacuum. However once that occurs then there is a real possibility of the two plates 'fusing', not surprising as this is the casamir effect.

    My main goal is to find a way to 'tap' the e-field and start an avalanche. Now where have I heard this before? Oh yes the 'multipactor' Not new to anyone here I'm sure. It's funny how cyclical these things are.

    Here's how I 'test' out an idea and move forward. I'll give birth to an idea, then I research and draw upon 10^10 interconnected ideas. From this a cohesive thought will emerge and I can then focus the related ideas into one. From there a structure needs to be made and then from that I can start to figure out what equations and relations need to be made. Then this will give me a better idea of what the physical model may need to be and how it will perform.

    This has a an advantage in that I don't need a lot of research money, however it does require a fair amount of 'free' time to develop and build the theory. Oh wait, I do have to spend money on notebooks and pens.

    Back to topic, the idea is to generate a negative potential or more accurately a positive excess that would be the 'sink' for the electron flow. lots of historical research has been done in so many different electronic fields and applications it has become more of a manner of seeing the 'other' use or combination of them to arrive at the wanted effect.

    In relation to the multipactor and it's use of 'electron optics' it can be modified with the penning trap. It's no real suprise how inter connected the different branches of physics are, it may no longer be taught as to why the majority of the dielectric equations are the way they are, you need to go back to the early yrs to see it. So while the multipactor design is researched for it 'fusion' properties I'm after the electron cascade effect in order to generate a potential difference that will self oscillate as a dynamic capacitor.

    Now off to figure the equations....

