Hi everyone!
I have been studying Nikola Tesla's amazing work for approximately 11 months.
A few days ago I came across Imhotep's brilliant Radiant Oscillator Lite. I read most of the 80 odd page thread with great interest and gathered that people had started moving onto Joule Thief and Joule Ringer circuits.
It got me thinking very deeply about Tesla's achievements and also Thomas Moray's device.
Tesla's wireless transmission patent's were in applied for in 1897.
I think we need to pay more attention to the Patent 685,957 - Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy from 1900 & 685,958 - Method of Utilizing of Radiant Energy from 1901.
Tesla Patent 685,957 - Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy
Tesla Patent 685,958 - Method of Utilizing of Radiant Energy
I have combined Tesla's & Imhotep's work to come up with this circuit:
I am gathering the parts to build the circuit, but have no idea what capacitors to use.
This video is also very helpful: PaulTheAngel's Channel - YouTube
Here's one of Tesla's resonant inductive oscillator circuits they definately didn't want you to see:
Thoughts please
I have been studying Nikola Tesla's amazing work for approximately 11 months.
A few days ago I came across Imhotep's brilliant Radiant Oscillator Lite. I read most of the 80 odd page thread with great interest and gathered that people had started moving onto Joule Thief and Joule Ringer circuits.
It got me thinking very deeply about Tesla's achievements and also Thomas Moray's device.
Tesla's wireless transmission patent's were in applied for in 1897.
I think we need to pay more attention to the Patent 685,957 - Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy from 1900 & 685,958 - Method of Utilizing of Radiant Energy from 1901.
Tesla Patent 685,957 - Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy
Tesla Patent 685,958 - Method of Utilizing of Radiant Energy
I have combined Tesla's & Imhotep's work to come up with this circuit:
I am gathering the parts to build the circuit, but have no idea what capacitors to use.
This video is also very helpful: PaulTheAngel's Channel - YouTube
Here's one of Tesla's resonant inductive oscillator circuits they definately didn't want you to see:
Thoughts please