Don Smith
This is the diagram I posted at the Smith thread

At the time I posted this diagram of the coil windings I knew energy was bidirectional but hadnt realized it could be done with just one coil
This vid showed me we only need one primary
электромеханический резонанс соленоида - YouTube

We only need one primary and it can be run with ac
If we watch the first part of this vid with the sound off and think of the coil being shown as the primary in our device, the field being shown as the electric field around the coil, watch it switch
Oscillators, the Basic Tank Circuit 2 - YouTube
Ok we know the field switch's if we us a tank circuit or ac
If our secondary's are wound cw and ccw we catch the field on one side but when the field switch's we miss that pulse because our secondary's are wound wrong for that side
This is why the caduceus winding is important no matter which way the field is oriented we have a winding to catch the field.
A shorted coil produces a standing wave or standing electric field, so by shorting one of the windings on each side we create a standing electric field on both sides of our primary, when the electric field of our primary switch's it catch's the field on one side in the shorted coil but the other side we collect, then when it switch's again we do the same but in the opposite direction
We should be able to catch all the fields allowing energy to flow naturally with no loss or lenz effect.
This is the diagram I posted at the Smith thread

At the time I posted this diagram of the coil windings I knew energy was bidirectional but hadnt realized it could be done with just one coil
This vid showed me we only need one primary
электромеханический резонанс соленоида - YouTube

We only need one primary and it can be run with ac
If we watch the first part of this vid with the sound off and think of the coil being shown as the primary in our device, the field being shown as the electric field around the coil, watch it switch
Oscillators, the Basic Tank Circuit 2 - YouTube
Ok we know the field switch's if we us a tank circuit or ac
If our secondary's are wound cw and ccw we catch the field on one side but when the field switch's we miss that pulse because our secondary's are wound wrong for that side
This is why the caduceus winding is important no matter which way the field is oriented we have a winding to catch the field.
A shorted coil produces a standing wave or standing electric field, so by shorting one of the windings on each side we create a standing electric field on both sides of our primary, when the electric field of our primary switch's it catch's the field on one side in the shorted coil but the other side we collect, then when it switch's again we do the same but in the opposite direction
We should be able to catch all the fields allowing energy to flow naturally with no loss or lenz effect.