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The electric field of a magnet

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  • Something you should know .... is that most of the elements ( amino acid / dna / rna etc.... ) has left Chiral

    Untitled Document

    Additionally, because of the geometry of the way carbon works as the backbone of organic molecules, it is possible to create molecules that are right- or left-handed. This ability is called chirality. It should be noted that not all organic molecules are chiral: some can be symmetrical. The chiral molecule, however, has properties that are crucial to the working of the chemistry of life. As far as life on Earth is concerned, all normal chiral molecules associated with life processes are left-handed.

    In terms of basic chemistry, left- and right- chiral molecules are identical, but their behavior can be vastly different. This is because the chemistry of life depends on the ability of molecules to form atomic bonds at several points simultaneously, to create new compounds. The molecules, however, are three-dimensional structures and to make the bonds work they must be turned round and fitted, much as a jigsaw puzzle would be put together. The consequence is that molecules must be the correct shape, in order to form the required bonding, as well as being chemically correct.

    Players of the computer jigsaw puzzle game, Tetris, will appreciate the problem. Some pieces are handed - they are chiral - and however they are turned around and manipulated, they will not fit into the available slots. In fact Tetris would soon become incredibly and boringly easy, if the chiral pieces were not present.

    So, in terms of bio-chemistry, you can see that it is impossible for the "wrong-handed" molecule to be used in a particular process, even if it is chemically correct. This characteristic of some organic molecules is key in the processes of life, particularly in replication, such as in the behavior of DNA.

    Let us now return to the humble carbon atom and think about its role when considering life elsewhere, off planet Earth. The unique characteristics of carbon give it a versatility and functionality like no other atom in the periodic table. These are why carbon is the basis of life here. Additionally, carbon is only beaten in abundance by hydrogen, helium and oxygen, at least within the Solar System. It is ten times more abundant than silicon and a million times more abundant than boron, which have also been suggested as alternative base elements for living molecules.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-20-2012, 04:55 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by Dave45
      hmmmmmmm then maybe its the right cw that is dangerous
      but the interesting thing is they are normally separated
      I think we need to separate them as well, and create two generators, we may have to short one side if its dangerous but this should make the other side draw more energy.
      Which is merging both of your original ideas .... shorted "bucking coill ) on one side and the other not
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • hmmmmmmm then maybe its the right cw that is dangerous
        but the interesting thing is they are normally separated
        I think we need to separate them as well, and create two generators, we may have to short one side if its dangerous but this should make the other side draw more energy.
        Look at what UFOpolitics is doing - he's putting a reverse diode in front of the hot lead coming off his coils, blocking the hot electricity and allowing the cold to flow from the negative terminal.

        Standard textbook models of electricity promote hot electricity as flowing from positive to ground, and totally negate the existence of cold electricity. Cold electricity flows in the exact opposite direction. It is much safer to work with, and seems to be associated with negentropic processes with are life-promoting and healing.

        In terms of coils, I suspect that CE is directly associated with the negation of EM waves (e.g., as found in Tesla bifilar pancake coils or others wound in cw-ccw fashion mentioned above in this thread).
        The aetheric plot thickens...


        • magnetic scalar waves

          hi dave,

          i posted this in the don smith thread but you might not have seen it so i just repost it here:

          @dave45 your sketches remind me a lot of the work Professor Konstantin Meyl who seems to have a fully working theory on magnetic longitudinal waves and I think you should check out his material. he definitely has some books published in english.
          here are two of his papers:

          Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling, Volume 6, Number 1 - SpringerLink

          DNA and Cell Resonance: Magnetic Waves Enable Cell Communication | Abstract
          i also found one of his books online:

          Meyl - Scalar Waves (First Tesla Physics




          • Originally posted by Dave45
            Ah, it remain me my condensing coil laying in dust for over a year now. Took me whole month to make it he he , I think now I could do it in weekend..... maybe someday I will power it and that will be the great moment...
            sorry, I couldn't resist


            • Love that picture...Isaac from CARET...

              Originally posted by Dave45
              Or maybe we could build it like this
              Hey Dave,

              Nice picture!!...Do you know about this "Artifact"?
              It came in a File...from CARET (Commercial Applications Research Extraterrestrial Technology) Palo Alto the middle 80's...
              It is an Anti-gravity Field Engine...
              The material...Oh, the material...It is composed of subliminal layers of electronic circuitry (executing hardware, processors and controllers)
              Guess what are the "Inscriptions"?
              The ET's commercial brandnames?...
              Nope, the Prime Linguistic Symbols are like the written software commands encrypted in a surface that "reads" them and interpret them (execute) like we write on a keyboard and appears on the Screen...but in Codes. "Press Enter not required"...


              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-22-2012, 10:52 PM.
              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • I can definitely say you have lost me, with the green pointy thing. Although it does look like a double torus, as in:
                Originally posted by Dave45
                This is a 2D image

                of this

                TPU anyone?


                While in the shower yesterday I was thinking about Birkeland current(s), and how the originating currents flow in just one direction. One of the things that came to me was the idea of: what if there is only CW, with the CCW just a matter of orientation from the point of observation.

                For example if you had a see through clock (with only the hands, and no numbers or markings to tell which side is which). One side would go CW while looking through the other side, it would be going CCW. The clock would be pointless, but it would show the point.

                Another thing that came to me was that we should keep in mind that the earth is a combination of a magnet and capacitor at the same time.

                The old experiments of generating a magnetic field from a rotating disk or spinning sphere. When at rest, their just charged with no magnetic fields, but in movement they generate magnetic fields. It’s funny how it’s a single charge.

                On a different note:
                Does anyone remember Teslas description of how he would transmit energy through the air and to other planets. I wouldn't be surprised if he came across what later became known as Birkeland current(s) while at Colorado springs when doing his experiments. And managed to “direct” them, for use as the means of transmitting energy.

                The following quotes are from the following page: Birkeland current - (The Plasma Universe Wikipedia-like Encyclopedia)

                Blue text is my highlighting.

                A Birkeland current usually refers to the electric currents in a planet's ionosphere that follows magnetic field lines (ie field-aligned currents), and sometimes used to described any field-aligned electric current in a space plasma.[3] They are caused by the movement of a plasma perpendicular to a magnetic field. Birkeland currents often show filamentary, or twisted "rope-like" magnetic structure. They are also known as field-aligned currents, magnetic ropes and magnetic cables).

                In 2007, the Themis satellite "found evidence of magnetic ropes connecting Earth's upper atmosphere directly to the sun".[10] apparently consistent with Kristian Birkeland's theory of the aurora, "that a current of electric corpuscles from the sun would give rise to precipitation upon the earth" (See preface to The Norwegian Aurora Polaris Expedition 1902-1903).

                Describing plasma cables, Hannes Alfvén wrote:

                "Plasma cables seem to be reasonably stable formations which can be considered as structures important for the understanding of plasma phenomena. (Of course, their interior structure should be described by classical theory.) The plasma cables are either filaments or 'flattened filaments' (sheets with limited extent). They carry an electric current parallel to the magnetic field, and this is what gives them their properties. The cables are often very efficient in transferring electromagnetic power from one region to another. They are embedded in passive plasmas, which have essentially the same properties in all directions around the cables. They are 'insulated' from their surroundings by a thin cylindrical electrostatic sheath (or double layer) which reduces the interaction with its exterior. In the magnetosphere and upper ionosphere, the density in the cable is sometimes lower than the surrounding passive plasma (Block and Fälthammar, 1968)[11]. In other cases, the density in the cable may be much larger than the surroundings because ionized matter is pumped into the cable from the outside. By selectively doing so, the chemical composition in the cable may differ from that of its exterior (Marklund, 1978, 1979)[12] (see Marklund convection). Besides the cylindrical electrostatic sheath, there are often longitudinal double layers, in which a considerable part of the power which the cable transmits may be converted into high energy particles. The double layers sometimes explode, and this produces excessively high energy particles." [13]
                Last edited by Savvypro; 05-23-2012, 02:33 PM.

                . . .
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                Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


                • Something else to think about:

                  From: Current sheet - (The Plasma Universe Wikipedia-like Encyclopedia)

                  A current sheet is an electrical current that is confined to a surface, rather than being spread through a volume of space. Current sheets feature in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), the study of the behavior of electrically conductive fluids: if an electric current flows through part of the volume of such a fluid, magnetic forces tend to expel it from the fluid, compressing the current into thin layers that pass through the volume.

                  The largest occurring current sheet in the Solar System is the so-called Heliospheric current sheet, which is about 10,000km thick, and extends from the Sun and out beyond the orbit of Pluto.

                  In astrophysical plasmas such as the solar corona, current sheets may have an aspect ratio (breadth divided by thickness) as high as 100,000:1 By contrast, the pages of most books have an aspect ratio close to 2000:1. Because current sheets are so thin in comparison to their size, they are often treated as if they have zero thickness; this is a result of the simplifying assumptions of ideal MHD. In reality, no current sheet may be infinitely thin because that would require infinitely fast motion of the charge carriers whose motion causes the current.

                  Current sheets in plasmas store energy by increasing the energy density of the magnetic field. Many plasma instabilities arise near strong current sheets, which are prone to collapse, causing magnetic reconnection and rapidly releasing the stored energy. This process is the cause of solar flares and is one reason for the difficulty of magnetic confinement fusion, which requires strong electrical currents in a hot plasma.

                  . . .
                  Regular service Signature:
                  Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


                  • Im thinking out of the box again. Gets lonely out here in space so ponder or throw it away.

                    I can definitely say you have lost me, with the green pointy thing
                    That device is a hoax.

                    My thought on this was if spun at hyper speeds it would create a a single toroid field.

                    The old experiments of generating a magnetic field from a rotating disk or spinning sphere. When at rest, their just charged with no magnetic fields, but in movement they generate magnetic fields.

                    Some other thoughts.

                    The wood siding on my house is not at rest. The atomic structure is constantly in motion and being held together with micro magnetic bonds. Just like the butterfly that just flew by. Both would seem to have an electric field. The butterfly should produce more if for no other reason than the electrostatic field in the atmosSPHERE. There is a reason why the planets and stars are sphere like. Also there axis orientation. Mars is the only planet in our solar system whos axis is not offset. From my view of the universe the sphere dominates. Not including dark matter.

                    Is there a link to Ufos cold circuit experiments?

                    One more thought that crossed my 2 hemispheric brain.
                    For me closing my eyes when trying to visualize something helps. When your eyes are open the brain is processing objects,colors,heat,cold etc: Thats a lot of processing. Closing your eyes would seem to increase the processing time of information quicker. Less load on the ram as it were.


                    • Originally posted by Iotayodi View Post
                      Some other thoughts.
                      The earth is slightly compressed at the poles and expanded at the equator.
                      See: Strange but True: Earth Is Not Round: Scientific American

                      On your drawing, the poles should get closer together and the equator would expand out, the faster the sphere turns, especially if there is a mass imbalance.

                      . . .
                      Regular service Signature:
                      Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


                      • On your drawing, the poles should get closer together and the equator would expand out
                        Yes if there were a precession like Earths it would. With zero precession,a balanced mass and hyper spun I see it turning into an elongated string. Like taking a dough ball or silly putty ball and rolling it back and forth in your hands. Same mass but just distributed in a linear string fashion increasing the distance between the 2 poles like in the Einsteins Idiots video. Once in this state any mass added from an external source to a single pole of this string would have to be distributed evenly along the string to keep it balanced. If not then the added mass,or possibly an outreaching magnetic field, at a single pole would start precession at both poles creating vortexes on both poles. The center of gravity is now no longer distributed evenly along the whole of the string, but now resides more or less at the zero center of the string. The Precession starts the cw and ccw direction of the poles rotating around its axis or center of gravity. The center of gravity within a perfect sphere is the center of the sphere and has zero gravity which has been shown by Scientists. When the precession widens it widens on both poles. If it becomes wide enough then both poles fields would come into contact attracting each other and eventually turn into a toroid. This is what Im seeing.
                        Good educational thread in my opinion.


                        • Scalar Faraday Disc & Magnetic Spin - YouTube
                          This is a very important simple experiment.
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                            Scalar Faraday Disc & Magnetic Spin - YouTube
                            This is a very important simple experiment.
                            From 1:04 he begins describing the direction and the polarity of the charges.
                            From 4:12 he shows the polarity.

                            It is interesting that the faster it spins, the higher the differences in the charges of the positive and negative. Basically potential difference at will, just from rotation.

                            . . .
                            Regular service Signature:
                            Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


                            • That was interesting. I would have liked to seen the readings with the orientation to the earths magnetic fields in the 4 directions. Im also wondering about any magnetic fields put out by the drill and any fields coming off any fluorescent lighting if any. An even better one would be 2 spheres connected in this manner.
                              Good stuff!


                              • Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

