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The electric field of a magnet

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  • #61
    nueview, would you agree that we live in a harmonically fractal universe.

    The light spectrum is defined by the rate of vibration (UV , infrared etc... )....

    you can also perceive Magnetism and Static electricity as existing in the same spectrum just defined by a different rate of vibration...
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • #62
      Wow what do i believe?
      that is kind of hard to explain i am presently cought at a point of trying to seperate it all out.
      i know allot of things that seem to point toward something wonderful but i see it also as a great curse at the same time.
      i read a paper by a man that was out for peer review and he was talking about impericle knowledge of energy fo a unified field theory in it he was talking about energy and field actions and forces and how there could be energy passing through energy without influencing the other fields it was passing through. sounds like what we now call dark energy.
      the formula he proposed was for such things as we could quantify out of this energy such as different effects of energy by related forces and actions he stated it as energy=force the difference of force all are vectored i do not no how to do this type of equation by typing.
      i keep going back here because if it is fractal or homoginous waves or tensor string it seems he addressed the root of energies different actions.
      i know this seems as clear as mud but it actually was very insightful. it actualy has cleared up alot of confussion for me and made me see things like the electron as a distraction i see why tesla thought that the ether was exceedingly hard. a russian paper talked about the physical vaccuum i love this term as it is a great discription of the vaccuum state. how can there be gasses with dielectric states higher than a vacuum i think it is freon 114 or 113 i was wanting to make capacitors using this as they would be very high dielectric and still be self sealing better and faster than oil. thats for you dave.
      as for light let's say that all the same frequencies are present at night as during the day then why do we see better during the day than at night something has to be different if we look at radio we get a clue because you change power settings for day and night for broadcast power and this goes for the fact that the sun side of the planet is more charge density than the dark side so charge density despite all we are told in the mit lecture is not the same at all points on a sphere. sorry but this is true. carbon soot can be transparent so this goes for energy can pass through without an effect and yet change its charge value and it becomes black absorbing all radiation. why does charge alter this. also this holds true for batteries and other systems.
      how does water evaporate and if you say heat you aren't thinking at all. because heatis just an energy excitation and a real poor one at that.
      you folks here on this forum are beginning to ask if light is the same as real power the better question is how much power is required for an amount of light. light is a reaction of the energy aligned fields so it could be very efficient i see people here lighting flouresent tubes with 20- 100 ma well i have a solar panel that does that sitting in my shop from the lights in there.
      so guess i would wonder why someone has not built a closed structure and seen if they can run the light off the solar cell enclosure just to see how close it gets to self run this would end the question about if the power was real i did this with an induction motor and generator there was a 30% gap even running a resonant resurqulation on the motor. but at least i know how big the gap i need to close is just to get to unity.
      magnetism and static the two basic interwoven pairs seperate but interconnected in matter i think Higgs was right here that there is a reaction that brings these two together and creates matter or its pieces maybe i should say constituant parts. i should probably try to get a picture or two for this. it might help some but then it might not i have only certain observations to work with. some things i may think may be wrong and i may change my mind on them yet again but i am pretty sure a magnet is just one field spin i have used a static machine to spark allot of magnets and they usually arc from the outside center to the pole face so the quadrant apearence seems to be as victor schauberger and tomas searl are saying and if this is the flow patern then we go to faradays law of attraction and repulsion for spinning charges same direction then attraction different or opposite spin and repulsion the quadranting seems to be due to this flow and then comes into play atomic structure as well hutchison i am sorry i am sure the spelling is wrong demonstrated the centripital and centrofugance charge effects for atomic manipulation.of these forces.the softining of solid materials is an internal heat function i believe at this time. it would be nice to here his views if but yes or no. i know there is magnetic induction heating but there is the point as well were a magnetic field stabalizes energy action to align structure and reduce heating effects and internalizing energy at the atomic level.
      i hope this explains some of what i think but there is not the time now to right a book.


      • #63
        This may complement what you just said Dave:

        Magnetic fields set the stage for the birth of new stars

        ( -- Astronomers at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy have, for the first time, measured the alignment of magnetic fields in gigantic clouds of gas and dust in a distant galaxy. Their results suggest that such magnetic fields play a key role in channeling matter to form denser clouds, and thus in setting the stage for the birth of new stars. The work will be published in the November 24 edition of the journal Nature.

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • #64
          yeah as for the magnetic i had a chart on the magnetic pole orientation for the planets and it is real interesting as either jupiter or saturn the pole is almost equatorial and the they reverse on the further out planets it is interestinglike mapping a wave so the internal is inverse to the outer.
          if we look at what they call chakras then the layers come into play and within the layers different effects global heating can be due to layers growing further out as the energy influences the planet energy structure.
          satrs seem to be the building place for matter they cook up the heavier elements so energy restructuring seems to make sense and also field fluctuation change.
          Dale Ponde goes into this and i find his findings to be in line with what i would expect that to create matter you need more forces than what is out in the vacuum of space mainly heat charge gravity influence these and you create heavier elements.
          last night i got a bit upset and my wife told me to just stop posting and go back to work on my own. maybe she is right i am now on my eight computer in three years. i put out information and get no credit for anything.
          i am beginning to think she is right.
          our group is trying to get a private research site up but even that has had computer problems seems like no good dead shall go unpunished.
          sorry i just get down!


          • #65
            nueview , cheer up ; we've all been through the fact that some won't comprehend the truth (that is your own ) your are trying to convey to them...
            accept this will come when it is due ....just keep on sharing and don't let your pride get in the way, it will only increase your frustration

            Know that many people asking themselves the same questions about this reality we live in will stumble on you posting and some may find the answers thanks to you....karma will repay you back...

            Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.”
            Terence McKenna

            The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want - SomRochedo - YouTube

            All eyes do not see with the same vision,
            for to one an object appears of
            one form and colour
            and to a different eye of another.

            So also the infinite fire,
            changing from colour to colour,
            is never the same from day to day.
            from: Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion
            The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals-a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like Wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces."
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-18-2011, 09:02 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • #66
              yeah as for the magnetic i had a chart on the magnetic pole orientation for the planets and it is real interesting as either jupiter or saturn the pole is almost equatorial and the they reverse on the further out planets it is interestinglike mapping a wave so the internal is inverse to the outer.
              Do you have a picture of that, if so i would really like to see it
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • #67
                yeah karma is a funny thing we had a guest last night he left me a book he had written and it was very interesting we all look for answers i hope some of you get something out of all this.
                it has taken me a few years of pushing the flip flop circuit for the joule thief circuit and my own JT circuit on you tube and the folks that wrote and wanted answers now they use it on the joule ringer and it is some guy in france all this was posted at overunity a year ago by me to help out guess it did i just wonder when they will start using the circuits i posted here and if i will get any credit probably not.
                when they do they will be really surprised what is there to be found.
                has anyone else ever looked to see how long the power companies radiated wave form is in the ground it is like sound waves not the same length. it is interesting to see like the speed of sound in glass water and steel. air is different from the ground so you need the location to get the best power and then the right timing for triggering the action.

                recognition opens doors that without it remain closed!


                • #68
                  oh as for the chart i think i got my copy at edmonde's scientific it shows the planets of our solarsystem and it was first seen by me on a junior high school science room wall it is amazing what we miss when not actually looking.
                  the writer who stayed last night was talking about some of the projects i have about the house and shop said that nuts is the greatest compliment they can pay you.
                  the quote on the other post bottom is from Tesla.
                  i am ok just would like to do so much more with what i am learning.


                  • #69
                    Your work and knowledge is built on previous explorers, if you had to list all the time every person who contributed to your knowledge would just be a long list

                    you want people to try it or build you happen to have a video link to it ...I'm sure people reading the thread would be much interested...especially if it allows for new designs...sort of trying to push it to the limit....

                    just would like to do so much more with what i am learning.
                    You and me and pretty much everyone contributing with all their heart in this forum...the good part is; we are quickly no matter the road taken, we'll meet at the Free Energy Station
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • #70
                      Do you think Walter Russell's theory of everything is true? I have been reading it. Have already read half of universal one, and secret of light. It seems to make sense. Of course I'm not understanding quite everything yet, so cannot be 100% sure....

                      But if it is the truth... are all of you reading it? And if not, why not?
                      And does his book hold the answer on how to draw unlimited energy? Does it say that it's possible?
                      ‎"It's all in the MIND"


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
                        Do you think Walter Russell's theory of everything is true? I have been reading it. Have already read half of universal one, and secret of light. It seems to make sense. Of course I'm not understanding quite everything yet, so cannot be 100% sure....

                        But if it is the truth... are all of you reading it? And if not, why not?
                        And does his book hold the answer on how to draw unlimited energy? Does it say that it's possible?
                        Yes I do believe that Walter Russell's theory of everything is a Truth that will resonate with some ...I have not read it to be able to walk the middle path in my research but he is one of the pillar of my research that I encouter throughout this exploration.

                        It seems to make sense. Of course I'm not understanding quite everything yet, so cannot be 100% sure
                        It is don't need to understand everything in one swoop...what you don't understand are questions that needs to be answered...and this is your "Alchemical" path...That is how you shape your knowledge...and don't hesitate to ask others ....there is no such a think as a stupid question (unless you mean it to be )
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • #72
                          i think there are several ways of understanding what is written by other poeple such as tesla, keely, russel,schauberger, and others.
                          as an example get five people to read a book and you will get five different interpretations. if you read electronic manuals you get a description of so much value then there is the rest that they didn't tell you.
                          as an example fifteen circuits are made all the same except for component values fourteen work to perform outstanding due to component tolerance and one burns up or performs so badly it is useless.
                          as this is absolute and can be established easily we accept it as fact that tolerance of components makes a difference.
                          in my life i have seen many efficiency ratings change because of suttle change in design and understanding of how energy is used and how it reacts and peoples personnel perception of the interprited facts.
                          in the end it is like taking my 3 year old son to see starwars the image was all faqked but to him it was so good he wanted all those devices. some day they may all exist as we now have rail guns that fire projectiles at 33 mps and high power lasers hollow graphe projections submarines and so on.
                          just keep studing and an open mind some papers will be discarded because of a better understanding of the subjects some will become more inportant.

                          MM i have been working on two motors trying to get a grip on how they work they came to me by chance but i do not see how they worked and resonant triggering is not my best electrical ability.
                          so it may be some time before i show it.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Dave45
                            Im still stuck on glass it has some interesting quality's, Its effectively separating the magnetic field from the electric field, this is very interesting.

                            Glass caps are hard to get but easy to make

                            What if we made a circular cap with aluminum and glass plates, aluminum connected with strips every other one.
                            Then inserted this into a coil's core, a sink? would we have to pulse the coil?
                            Or would the glass strip the electric field from the magnetic field lines effectively, could we increase the field with a well insulated iron rod through the center?
                            Dave I think, you'll like this one:

                            When it comes to churning out electrons, metal glass beats plastics

                            By adding carbon nanotubes to a glass-like metal compound, researchers have devised a new breed of field emission electrodes. This technology, which produces a stream of electrons, may have promising applications in the consumer electronics industry.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • #74
                              hi dave
                              i have been looking over dr stiffler videos and the tuning some coils we tune to the magnetic flow and some to the e-field flow so mass becomes critical.
                              in the article he talks about double coils so am wondering if they are for different tuning and thus more field action i would love a picture of this radio circuit.
                              i had another crystal radio circuit and it used an actual frequency band crystal with the tuning coil and it would drive a small speaker as well it was a boot radio from ww2.


                              • #75
                                this is some amazing info Dave...the more i read...

                                Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                                Magneto-optic effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                A magneto-optic effect is any one of a number of phenomena in which an electromagnetic wave propagates through a medium that has been altered by the presence of a quasistatic magnetic field. In such a material, which is also called gyrotropic or gyromagnetic, left- and right-rotating elliptical polarizations can propagate at different speeds, leading to a number of important phenomena. When light is transmitted through a layer of magneto-optic material, the result is called the Faraday effect: the plane of polarization can be rotated, forming a Faraday rotator. The results of reflection from a magneto-optic material are known as the magneto-optic Kerr effect (not to be confused with the nonlinear Kerr effect).

                                In general, magneto-optic effects break time reversal symmetry locally (i.e. when only the propagation of light, and not the source of the magnetic field, is considered) as well as Lorentz reciprocity, which is a necessary condition to construct devices such as optical isolators (through which light passes in one direction but not the other). (The other, less useful, way to break time reversal symmetry is to rely upon absorption loss.)

                                Two gyrotropic materials with reversed rotation directions of the two principal polarizations, corresponding to complex-conjugate ε tensors for lossless media, are called optical isomers.

                                Kerr Rotation and Kerr Ellipticity

                                Kerr Rotation and Kerr Ellipticity are changes in the polarization of incident light which comes in contact with a gyromagnetic material. Kerr Rotation is a rotation in the angle of transmitted light, and Kerr Ellipticity is the ratio of the major to minor axis of the ellipse traced out by elliptically polarized light on the plane through which it propagates. Changes in the orientation of polarized incident light can be quantified using these two properties.

                                Circular Polarized Light

                                from Dave's post:

                                This train of very short uni-directional pulses causes a very strange field to expand outwards. This field resembles a stuttering electrostatic field but has a far more powerful effect than would be expected from an electrostatic charge. Tesla was unable to account for the enormous voltage multiplication of his apparatus using any of the electrical formula of his day. He therefore presumed that the effect was entirely due to radiant transformation rules which would have to be determined through experimental measurements. This he proceeded to do.
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-22-2011, 03:53 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

