There are those that sit atop the mountain and think they are kings but when the capstone is set there can only be one and they will be thrown down as well, for he hates God's creation and tries to position himself above all that is.
No announcement yet.
The electric field of a magnet
So tell, if anyone knows
If the twin towers represented the sun and moon why did they take them down, they replaced them with the One World trade center.
Time is getting short.
The Hidden Symbolism Of One World Trade Center. - YouTubeLast edited by Dave45; 06-22-2013, 02:12 AM.Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question
My ignorance is obvious but Im learning
Age of Aquarius
A person's disdain for Christ is a sign of polarization as well
Its a path a narrow pathHalf of the Answer is knowing the right Question
[7] "This ignorance, my child, is the first torment; the second is grief; the third is incontinence; the fourth, lust; the fifth, injustice; the sixth, greed; the seventh, deceit; the eighth, envy; the ninth, treachery; the tenth, anger; the eleventh, recklessness; the twelfth, malice. These are twelve in number, but under them are many more besides, my child, and they use the prison of the body to torture the inward person with the sufferings of sense. Yet they withdraw (if not all at once) from one to whom god has shown mercy, and this is the basis of rebirth, the means and method. [8] From here on, my child, keep silence and say nothing; if you do so, you will not obstruct the mercy that comes to us from god. Henceforth, my child, rejoice; the powers of god purify you anew for articulation of the word."Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question
Originally posted by Dave45 View PostThere's no doubt there's knowledge built into the pyramids, and thats amazing but dont let yourself bedazzeled they represent someone, who.
Are you still afraid of the dark Dave?
ZZ = 22 mirrored becomes 55 = SS
Originally posted by Dave45 View PostWho tempted Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge,
Hey Dave do you ever wonder why on the OTHER SIDE of the WORLD or 'on the other side of MOUNT MERU', the folks in the Orient depict DRAGONS/SNAKES/SERPENTS as both GOOD and BAD?
Hey Dave when you put your bible of choice? down, do you ever wonder or figure FIGURATIVELY anything for yourself or do you take as gospel truth everything LITERALLY told to 'ewe' as written down in black and white in your bible?
Originally posted by Dave45 View Postwhen we were kids we played king of the mountain, this is still being played out today who is king of the mountain here.
Hey Dave do you ever wonder why MOUNTAINS (moses) and CAVES (mohammed) and bodies of WATER like the Sea of Galilee (jesus) can make folks feel great?
Hey Dave do NEGATIVE ions have a POSITIVE effect on ME?
Hey Dave can we use BOTH swastikas (CW and CCW) to represent POSITIVE and NEGATIVE?
So maybe even the NEGATIVE swastika can have some POSITIVE aspects to it too.
Originally posted by Dave45 View PostI worked for an old man for years and one of his favorite sayings was if you dont use your head you might as well have two butts.
Let me introduce you to my better half, I call him Edward and he authored a book sitting on his SS aSS!
Just like jeSuS who rode an aSS!
But Edward was a civil engineer not a carpenter.
Hey Dave did you know that the SS = Holy Spirit?
the source of that image can be found here:
52 – Aztec Calender Stone and Calendar Wheel – OLLIN – PhaiStoS disc – OMphalos – the SwaStika as KEY | Alternative Thinking 37
Take your time going through that link King Dave-id and you might realize why the associations between the SWASTIKA and the AZTEC Calendar Stone and AZTEC Calender Wheel actually helps to prove that the Maya 2012 event (that never happened) was based on hyped up IGNORANCE being spread by paranoid 'end times Christians' ....
SS Holy Spirit symbol
In fact the SS was a designation for St. Peter and St. Paul.
Hey King Dave-id if you hold the SS Symbol up to a MIRROR a secret will be revealed to you!!
Holy Spirit = SS = 22 surrounded by 7 doves
22/7 = pi = Holy Spirit
How important is pi to math and physics?
Thus Dave you have a twisted double helix sister (devil) inside of you, just like the yin/yang suggests.
BTW King Dave-id I AM the fella who *recovered* the DNA Code in the Ten Commandments.
37 and ‘The 10 Commandments’ and ‘root 3′ | Alternative Thinking 37
Peace my brother and sister
Last edited by Raphael37; 06-22-2013, 12:52 PM.
Originally posted by Dave45 View PostMy ignorance is obvious but Im learning
Age of Aquarius
A person's disdain for Christ is a sign of polarization as well
Its a path a narrow path
Dave does a hierarchy exist between Christ, Krishna, the Buddha, etc. etc. etc. ?
Are they all equal?
Is it a level playing field?
Does one take precedence over the others?
Does the swastika offend you?
selah V
Originally posted by Raphael37 View PostI suspect the entity called 'unity' is a judeao-christian?
Why do I suspect that?
Because the info that I presented that gets ignored by Judeao-Christians, in fact threatens the integrity of their belief system.
That is why they do the hop/skip/quantum jump over the SWASTIKA information and what it represents.
What can the swastika be shown to be associated with?
ALL of the following in fact!
Spirals and light
Rhythm of Reality
Metaphysical meanings of mathematical/geometric complexes.
Black holes
Vortexes/spirals and pyramids
Positive and Negative
Magnetism and electricity
The swastika is also associated to the works of Dewey Larson and Walter Russell.
Hey unity my list looks just like yours
selah V
p.s. Why the LAW of ONE is a FAIL >>>
The Law of ONE is just another BS theory that was EXPOSED by the passage of time.
2012 has come and gone, and 'we the sheeple' still have not figured out how to share the road and be courteous when driving?
Originally posted by Dave45 View PostSo if we are to enter between the two pillars to see and get in touch with our inner self, who does the pyramid represent.
The pyramid is eight sided with the capstone makes nine.
I feel there is trickery afoot, the stakes are very high its our souls that way in the balance.
We are not God we are made in the image of God.
He has the power to destroy our souls, No one else does, as I said the stakes are high.
For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul.
Pyramid after pyramid charged by the crystal and initiate were designed to balance the incoming energy of the One Creation with the many and multiple distortions of the planetary mind/body/spirit (humans).
If you will picture with me the side of the so-called pyramid shape and mentally imagine this triangle cut into four equal triangles, you will find the intersection of the triangle, which is at the first level on each of the four sides, forms a diamond in a plane which is horizontal. The middle of this plane is the appropriate place for the intersection of the energies streaming from the infinite dimensions and the mind/body/spirit complexes of various interwoven energy fields. Thus it was designed that the one to be initiated would, by mind, be able to perceive and then channel this, shall we say, gateway to intelligent infinity. This, then, was the second point of designing this specific shape.
And then this could probably help with The Great Pyramids relation to they ley lines:
Imagine, if you will, the many force fields of the Earth in their geometrically precise web. Energies stream into the Earth planes, as you would call them, from magnetically determined points. Due to growing thought-form distortions in understanding of the Law of One, the planet itself was seen to have the potential for imbalance. The balancing pyramidal structures were charged with crystals which drew the appropriate balance from the energy forces streaming into the various geometrical centers of electromagnetic energy which surround and shape the planetary sphere.
Taken from The Law of One Category Pyramids
Hey Dave do you ever wonder why your Christian narrative only depicts SERPENTS/SNAKES/DRAGONS as BAD?
Hey Dave do you ever wonder why on the OTHER SIDE of the WORLD or 'on the other side of MOUNT MERU', the folks in the Orient depict DRAGONS/SNAKES/SERPENTS as both GOOD and BAD?
Hey Dave when you put your bible of choice? down, do you ever wonder or figure FIGURATIVELY anything for yourself or do you take as gospel truth everything LITERALLY told to 'ewe' as written down in black and white in your bible?
Do you get offended if others try to knock Christ down off his pedestal?
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
You asked if I knew why people feel better around water (lakes, rivers ect.)
Genesis 1:2
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
The knowledge written into the text of the Bible is immeasurable if you would take the time to read it.
daveHalf of the Answer is knowing the right Question
David in Ancient Hebrew is:
These letters are explained as thus:
‘The meaning of the dalet is door, the meaning of the vav is nail. The meaning of this symbol when it is combined is the door to heaven and the door to earth is combined by the “Messiah” who comes to rule the earth as the king of mankind with a rod of iron, just as David did.’
Most believe only three nails were used in crucifixion but archeological evidence is showing they drove the nails through the heal and this would have taken four nails.
Archeological evidence for the accuracy and reliability of the Bible
I took four nails, turned one so they pointed in, two at the top, two at the bottom, then merged them and the evil six pointed star is visible.
The evil six pointed star the Unicursal Hexagram
Last edited by Dave45; 06-24-2013, 03:22 PM.Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question
"Do what thou wilt" is a direct contradiction to what Yeshua taught "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"
John 5:43
I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question
Originally posted by Dave45 View Post"Do what thou wilt" is a direct contradiction to what Yeshua taught "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"
Christ came pointing the way to the Father not claiming to be God, but another will come claiming to be God and will be accepted.
The bible has bi-polar disorder Dave ... full of contradictions and paradoxes.
Dave you do know that quotations from the bible seem to support many idEAs?
Love thy neighbor before you slit their throat?
sorry but you lost me the moment you started preaching.
I can be a preacher teacher too.
Matthew 10:34
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
What else ya got Dave?
Having been re-incarnated so many times Dave I have heard it all time and again.
What else ya got?
your LITERAL theories based on a theory called jesus ignoring the FIGURATIVE and ALLEGORY is laughable sir.
Just because it helps YOU get through the day and shleep through the night does not address the harm that the Judeao/Christian patri-idiots are doing over in Iraq and maybe soon Iran.
Now can we stick to facts and ignore the prophecies that suggest those that embrace Christ are special and have the inside track on the truth?
Stick to the facts sir and NOT the scripted HIS-story that has received no archaeological support re: the son of god who walked on water.