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The electric field of a magnet

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  • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

    1 ¶ Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,

    22 Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,
    Re: I want to address your image and quotes referring to 'snow' 'hail' and 'whirlwinds'.

    Did you know that snowflakes are in fact ASYMMETRICAL!
    What is the relationship between ASYMMETRY and CRYSTALS and LIfE?

    Crystals, asymmetry and LIfE

    Defects do not cause the non-centrosymmetricity. It is inherent in the basis of the crystal.

    Definition: A crystal is defined by a set of lattice points and a basis. The lattice points are defined by three vectors. A basis is placed at each point. The basis can be just one atom, two atoms spaced a distance apart, a molecule etc.

    In the case of a crystal that is not centrosymmetric, the basis also has no inversion symmetry (translating all points to their negative does not give the same basis). Also, if the lattice has no inversion center, then neither does the crystal. Here's a webpage with a picture of the 32 crystal classes. 21 have no inversion center.


    Interesting to know also that alot of other properties cannot happen in crystals with an inversion center. For example, pyroelectricity and piezoelectricity. Also, a crystal with an inversion center cannot have second order non-linear optical properties (if that means anything to you).
    ...interesting when discussing science and religion merging...

    I wrote a thread about snowflakes and god here on this forum we are on.
    U R invited to attend and comment if you please.

    6 Facts about Snow that both Dave and Neale D. Walsch are not aware of/ignorant of.
    Megadunes and Hoar Frost: 6 Facts About Snow : Discovery News
    Ignorant of what 'just is' is as depicted accurately by science.

    Neale Donald Walsch who claims to have spoken with god is in fact *exposed* as a fraud because evidently the god Neale spoke with was ignorant about this fact too, that snowflakes are really ASYMMETRICAL in their underlying structure.

    And this is the simpleton science AHA fact which is overlooked when folks like yourself IGNORE the obvious and develop theories around the SYMMETRICAL snowflake which has a hexagon/star of david geometry.

    IF I ask you to go this next link I can predict what will happen:
    “…The Amphora, the Rosetta Fractal, DNA and the Holy Grail” | Reconciliation of Science and Religion

    scroll down the page if you like or read the blog till you get to this image here:

    ... attempt to solve the two puzzles.

    Then go to the solution when ready, if stumped, or impatient and read the evidence that illustrates how the Star of David, the Yin Yang, and seed/flower of life geometry ALL DEFAULT to swastika geometry easily linked to the Basque Lauburu..

    Lauburu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Since the Basque language is unrelated to Indo-European, it has long been thought that they represent the people or culture who occupied Europe before the spread of Indo-European languages there. A comprehensive analysis of Basque genetic patterns has shown that Basque genetic uniqueness predates the arrival of agriculture in the Iberian Peninsula, about 7,000 years ago.
    I predict no response from you that wants to debate what 'just is' is, thou I predict you will go into a state of cognitive dissonance and ignore this lesson of simpleton geometry that defaults to what can NOT be hidden but must be vEILed with I37 LEvI LIEs including aLIEns.

    I predict you will ignore ME and this evidence, and the beat goes on...

    King Dave-id please do comment on this relationship between the 'geometry' that exists between the star of david and the hexagon/six pointed star also called the seal of solomon, and Drunvalo's blah blah seed/flower of life geometry to the geometry of the swastika?

    Raphael + Ezekiel + WHIRLWIND

    you know we can link to that idea of the whirlwind to the chariot and ezekIEL and the Man, the Eagle, the Lion, and the Ox (i.e. earthly 'bull****')

    King Dave-id please pay attention to the numerous references to IEL or EL in names of prophets and archangels and events...

    Associating EL to 37 is not uncommon.

    IEL rotated is 73I and I37 read from right to left

    Is LEvI a tribe of priests who are cognizant with alpha/aleph/alif a.k.a. the fine structure constant I/I37 and its 'inverse' 137?
    What is the connection between I/I37 and the EM fIELd of the earth Dave, do you know?

    Is LEvI a tribe or an idEA, maybe both, that is MORE than hinting at theories about the EM fIELd of the earth, which is directly influenced by both the SUN and the MOON?

    And what in the heck do the SUN and the MOON have to do with anything going on down here on EARTH?

    LEvI rotated out of phase 180 degrees becomes I^37
    Physics is all about rotations, reflections (mirror), and translations of the plane.

    Why do I get the feeling that after a long long long time the idEA about 3-fold or 4-fold rotations, and Krishna reflections gets lost in the translations?

    This next image/text is from a Tarot deck (Oswald Wirth) that inspired the modern ones!
    Read what I highlighted in mellow yellow.

    Man - 1, Eagle - 3, Lion - 7, Bull - 6
    Now is it another coincidence that we can link '137' to the evolution of the Tarot too, note the numbers assigned to the Man -1, the Eagle - 3, the Lion - 7, and the Bull -6 compared next to the most fundamental of ALL lengths in physics, the Planck length?
    (1/6)^37 – Planck Length – and the Tarot | Alternative Thinking 37

    King Dave-id needs to be reminded that there are NO coincidences, remember?
    So what are these coincidences 'evidence' of?

    Last edited by Raphael37; 06-29-2013, 03:59 PM.


    • Iv been reading of the gnostic and their supposedly higher spiritualism and how they have hid this knowledge from the rest of the world but what Im wondering is if they have attained this higher knowledge and awakened their inner eye why are they the very ones that seek to rule the world, to use their newfound wisdom to do evil.
      I read and the writers make it sound like we all should awaken our third eye, why to do evil like the rest that have opened their so call third eye, some cultures consider this the evil eye, no thanks, if this is what it does I want no part of it.
      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


      • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
        Iv been reading of the gnostic and their supposedly higher spiritualism and how they have hid this knowledge from the rest of the world but what Im wondering is if they have attained this higher knowledge and awakened their inner eye why are they the very ones that seek to rule the world, to use their newfound wisdom to do evil.
        I read and the writers make it sound like we all should awaken our third eye, why to do evil like the rest that have opened their so call third eye, some cultures consider this the evil eye, no thanks, if this is what it does I want no part of it.
        How many sheeple do you know personally that have opened their third eye and can confirm your evil eye hypothesis?
        I mean really can you start naming ALL of the people or sheeple who have opened their 3rd eye?
        How many people do you know who have opened their 3rd eye?
        And how can you tell for sure they have accomplished this feat?

        Talk is cheap King Dave-id.
        Anybody can make grand claims on the internet it seems.
        You really should dig deeper.
        Your conclusions based on conjecture, rumor, and hype, are childish.

        IGNORANCE is our greatest challenge.

        "you are the change" is the mantra these days.

        It is not difficult to find information about the 3rd eye on the internet.
        What you presented is 'lacking' in its scope.
        It is typical of Christian thinking and reaction and ignorance.
        i.e. If it doesn't fit in well with the jesus narrative, ignore it.

        The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring to a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight.[1] In certain dharmic spiritual traditions such as Hinduism, the third eye refers to the ajna, or brow, chakra.[2] In Theosophy it is related to the pineal gland.[3] The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In New Age spirituality, the third eye often symbolizes a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras,[4] precognition, and out-of-body experiences. People who are claimed to have the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as seers.

        The third eye is a concept found in many meditation schools and arts, such as in yoga, qigong, Aikido.

        Hindu tradition associates the third eye with the sahasrara, or crown, chakra.[1] Also, in the Tantra yoga system it is associated with the sound Om, and is known as the Ajna chakra. In Tantra, the crown is believed to be the Shivatic lotus of ten thousand petals.

        According to the neo-gnostic teachings of Samael Aun Weor, the third eye is referenced symbolically and functionally several times in the Book of Revelation 3:7-13, a work which, as a whole, he believes describes Kundalini and its progression upwards through three and a half turns and seven chakras. This interpretation equates the third eye with the sixth of the seven churches of Asia detailed therein, the Church of Philadelphia.[8]

        Third eye - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
        The Crown Chakra is associated with the evil eye and 10,000 petals.
        please do recall in the QaBaLaH the swastika is associated with the Crown/Kether, and in China the swastika or 'wan' as it is called has a value of 10,000!

        The Pineal gland is associated with the evil eye too.

        Church of philadELpIa as scripted in the bIbLE too.
        Revelation 3:7-13?

        I have a theory that revolves around the numbers I37 and the letters LIE, do you want to hear it?

        137 | Search Results | Alternative Thinking 37

        It is simpleton.
        It starts with understanding that the QaBaLaH has a gematria value of '137'

        Q = 100
        B = 2
        L = 30
        H = 5

        It starts with understanding that the QaBaLaH contains the seeds of quantum mechanics.
        It starts with understanding that LEy LInEs can be spelled LEI LInEs.
        It starts with understanding the Chinese have another name for the swastika called the LEI Wen.

        selah V
        Last edited by Raphael37; 06-30-2013, 01:02 PM.


        • Lets see there were the pharaohs of egypt that started it all, countless cults that sacrafieced their own children at alters of baal, the freemasons that are still in control, allister crowly satanist, madam blavatsky satanist, the catholic church they also use the all seeing eye as their symbol, this list goes on and on.
          Are these the enlightened higher spiritualist you want to emulate,your hero's, those that want you to open your third eye, no thanks.
          911:Occult symbolism - Wiki
          THE HOUR OF OUR TIME - YouTube
          Last edited by Dave45; 07-01-2013, 01:42 AM.
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
            Lets see there were the pharaohs of egypt that started it all, countless cults that sacrafieced their own children at alters of baal, the freemasons that are still in control, allister crowly satanist, madam blavatsky satanist, the catholic church they also use the all seeing eye as their symbol, this list goes on and on.
            Are these the enlightened higher spiritualist you want to emulate,your hero's, those that want you to open your third eye, no thanks.
            911:Occult symbolism - Wiki
            THE HOUR OF OUR TIME - YouTube

            Are you serious about all of that nonsense/caca?

            I think I might know why you think Madame HP Blavatsky is a satanist.
            This quote must be a clue to why the average ignorant Christian dislikes the Madame...?

            "The Svastica is the most philosophically scientific of all symbols, as also the most comprehensible. It is the summary in a few lines of the whole work of creation, or evolution, as one should rather say, from Cosmo-theogony down to Anthro-pogony, from the indivisible unknown Parabrahm to the humble moneron of materialistic science, whose genesis is as unknown to that science as is that of the All-Deity itself.

            The Svastica is found heading the religious symbols of every old nation.

            It is the Alpha and the Omega of universal creative Force, evolving from pure Spirit and ending in gross Matter. It is also the key to the cycle of Science, divine and human; and he who comprehends its full meaning is for ever liberated from the toils of Mahamaya, the great Illusion and Deceiver."

            -Madame HP Blavatsky
            ooouch are you seeing red Dave?
            Did she say Alpha and Omega?

            But but butt that title is reserved for ole' what' his name?
            The Deceiver and great Illusion called Jesus?

            Dave I find it funny that you post your silly bible babble responses, but to who exactly?
            Apparently your responses do not address ONE WORD I say....????
            Do you know what cognitive dissonance is Dave?

            YOU SUFFER FROM IT
            better look it up, it is a life threatening dis-ease of the MiNd and the heART, and it is eternally fatal.
            It causes those who suffer from it to reBLEAT HIS-story over and over and over again forever...

            King Dave-id you must be a fan of that wanker 'I am jesus' David Icke?
            Your mini rant is a page out of his manifesto.

            Clearly you watch too much TV, and way too much EWEtube, get yourself a library card and put down your bible for a spell, it will do you good.

            besides the fact that jesus would not like you JUDGING all of those other people who seem different than you.

            clearly YOU need to do more personal work.

            EWE are the change King Dave-id
            Last edited by Raphael37; 07-01-2013, 04:31 AM.


            • p.s.

              Will King Dave-id take the SWASTIKA challenge on his thread?

              The challenge is that you King Dave-id can use Jesus to describe and explain the 'electric field of a magnet' and then I will use the SWASTIKA to explain the 'electric field of a magnet'
              Jesus vs. SWASTIKA

              May the best SUPERHERO teacher/preacher win!

              EWE first King Dave-id.

              And then for an encore we can use the SWASTIKA to explain the miracle about how the propaganda camPAIN called jesus fed 5000 of 'we the sheeple' using only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, but of course I will let you first explain how Jesus did it using 'christian science'.

              I betcha King Dave-id that the SWASTIKA explanation regarding 2 fish and 5 loaves is far more interesting than anything your programmed mind can conjure up sir.

              Well let's go dude.
              The SWASTIKA challenge is on!
              EWE first.

              p.s. jesus kinda sucked at science eh?
              he certainly did not like to give science lessons, he preferred lessons on morality etc.

              you would think the 'son of god' would leave us some decent clues to a theory of everything eh?

              ...and in fact he did!
              Last edited by Raphael37; 07-01-2013, 07:10 PM.


              • Aquarius - The Age of Evil (Full) - YouTube
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • this is your response to my jesus vs. swastika challenge?

                  cut and paste paranoia in full swing?
                  sad sad sad
                  every generation of christians believe theirs is the special one.

                  I guess 2012 was a flop eh Dave?
                  The world NOT ending was probably a let down for you?

                  do the world a favor and stay away from the kiddies Dave

                  do not ever beget another copy of ewe.
                  too much evil in the world remember...



                  • Ralf my quest is not to debate you, I search for facts your agenda has been exposed.
                    You seem to have dreams of grandeur you claim to be a mystic and prophet, I claim to be a humble servant, I would rather sweep the floors in heaven than be a king in your mythical kingdom, Yeshua gave his life on the cross for you so you could have eternal life a life of love all you have to do is accept His gift, I will pray for you my brother.

                    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                    • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                      Ralf my quest is not to debate you, I search for facts your agenda has been exposed.
                      Yes my agenda is expose your BS agenda that uses a prop called jesus to turn good people into puppets and killing machines.

                      Here we go again:

                      Will King Dave-id take the SWASTIKA challenge on his thread?

                      The challenge is that you King Dave-id can use Jesus to describe and explain the 'electric field of a magnet' and then I will use the SWASTIKA to explain the 'electric field of a magnet'

                      Jesus vs. SWASTIKA

                      May the best SUPERHERO teacher/preacher win!

                      EWE first King Dave-id.

                      Well the topic of this thread is the electric field of a magnet.
                      It is clear what we have here by the author is bait and switch?

                      I came to discuss the electric field of a magnet, and I find a bible babbler?

                      Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
             claim to be a mystic and prophet,
                      And yes I can prove it, IF you the humble servant is willing to embrace the swastika challenge?
                      How else do I prove my claim?

                      Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                      I claim to be a humble servant, I would rather sweep the floors in heaven than be a king in your mythical kingdom,
                      There are no kings in my kingdom, we all serve and wait.
                      I promote a level playing fIELd.
                      Where I come from unlike the hierarchy that is part and parcel of your beLIEf system we are all equal.

                      Prince = Pauper

                      Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

                      Yeshua gave his life on the cross for you so you could have eternal life a life of love all you have to do is accept His gift, I will pray for you my brother.

                      In fact it is you who seek the grandeur by aligning yourself with what you believe to be a winner.

                      Ya see that is what your SS i.e. Self-Serving beLIEf system needed to incorporate into their dogma dude to get losers like you to think they were joining a winning team.

                      Sadly as witness we have history and a HIS-story that ignores HER-story, that illustrates how the Christians have proved time and time again that they have in fact become the 'handmaidens' of those devils they fear.

                      YOU NEED TO BE REMINDED OF A FACT
                      Hitler could never have gotten the Buddhists to do the goose-step waving the swastika in their faces, BUT he easily got the ignorant Christians to do his bidding by pointing his finger at the problem he was shopping around trying to sell, the 'jew'.

                      think about it...your programming track has been laid down and it is intact and when monsters like Hitler and patri-IDIOTS like GW Bush are activated all they have to do is find the right button to push and viola, a Christian killing machine has been put into service thinking it is doing the work of god.

                      EWE are naive and part of the problem Dave spreading your stupid FEARS and PARANOIA.

                      like I said, keep your idiot beLIEfs to yourself and stay away from the kiddies.

                      why are you using a thread about the electric field of a magnet to spread your 'jesus loves ewe' dogma and 'the world is out to get you' paranoid theories?

                      And now of course that my agenda has been exposed, you can add me to your list of bogey men.

                      Last edited by Raphael37; 07-02-2013, 02:58 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Dave45
                        Notice the star that gives them their "star" power

                        Eye's to see
                        yes Dave you are an servant.
                        but your IGNORANCE clearly has you serving the devil EWE fear.

                        and as the saying goes ... "forgive them because they do not know what they do"

                        geesh Dave I wonder what gives them their star power?

                        King Dave-id you are an IGNORANT man helping to keep the kiddies IGNORANT.

                        What is the real significance of that GEOMETRIC SHAPE?
                        I wonder if you know?

                        137.5 degrees separates IGNORANCE from TRUTH...
                        Currently Dave, ewe and me are 137.5 degrees apart.

                        Imagine two classrooms side by side giving a lesson about geometry featuring the pentacle.
                        EWE in one classroom preaching your BS about eastern stars and devils and me in the other room teaching the kiddies about 'phi' along with everything else golden that King Midas touched.

                        Dear Dave why do paranoid full of fear IGNORANT Christians like yourself who spread your literal BS to the four corners of the globe, helping to infect the minds of others, claim to be a servant?

                        Oh my there can be only one answer?
                        Your ignorance serves only the devil and you use Jesus as 'cover'.

                        But rejoice because others can see the art in the heART of the creator and ultimately contribute as this next video shows.
                        Nature by Numbers - YouTube
                        Unlike ignorant you Dave this fella is a real servant to what 'just is' is and pay attention and you will see in this video why I mentioned the angle of 137.5 degrees.

                        Sadly you are a FAILure as servant Dave to jesus but a WINNER when promoting devilish ideas!
                        You are unable to make the simpleton connections.

                        I.e. What is the connection between the inverted star, phi/golden spiral and the Seal of Melchizedek?

                        Place two phi spirals opposite each other.
                        One turns inward the other one spirals outward.

                        Gravity vs. Radiation
                        Centripetal vs. Centrifugal
                        CCW vs. CW

                        One phi spiral is based on the upward pointing star and the other phi spiral is based on the downward pointing star.

                        You are NOT a servant.
                        EWE are a stupid human spreading BS, the kind of ignorant drivel worthy of a middle ages peasant who is living in FEAR of the church, god, and nature.

                        There is a direct correlation between the geometry of the pentagon/pentagram/pentacle/5 pointed star and the golden mean, which is a ratio that yields the golden triangle, golden rectangle, and golden spiral.

                        there is also a beautiful relationship between phi and the orbit of Venus too!

                        But an ignorant christian like yourself of course only sees devils and sheeple needing to be saved?

                        F A I L

                        take the swastika challenge and EWE will learn more about yourself than a jesus promoting FEAR can ever teach magnetic U about the world.

                        Last edited by Raphael37; 07-02-2013, 03:54 PM.


                        • Do you think I dont know where your headed.
                          Do you think I have not seen it with my own eyes.
                          Will I trade my soul for free energy- NO
                          ¶ Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death.

                          The golden rectangle- dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                            Do you think I dont know where your headed.
                            Do you think I have not seen it with my own eyes.
                            Will I trade my soul for free energy- NO

                            wrong wrong wrong

                            dude remember I AM the mystic and prophet and ewe are an ignorant servant of the devil that EWE fear.

                            so please leave the prognostication (and research) to me...

                            I am NOT an advocate of FREE energy because I do not beLIEve in FREE lunches.
                            There is no such thing as a FREE lunch, all bills eventually come due and payable.
                            I learned that raising kids not scaring them with devil drivel.

                            Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

                            The golden rectangle- dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant

                            PhDUH yeah so what?

                            I AM not easily impressed because:
                            ’11258′ the DENDERA Zodiac the 4 ROYAL Stars the Marian Cross the Freemasons and phi | Reconciliation of Science and Religion

                            IF phi is related to the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant then clearly this geometric 'timing' based on the numbers 1,1,2,3,5,8, is also related to the Ark of the Covenant.


                            So Dave I do admit that your bible babble incorporated sacred geometry + the zodiac into its narrative.

                            PhDUH it was the least they could do being COPY CAT scribes!

                            Does that suggest that we can find science lessons embedded in scripture?

                            Here is something I bet a paranoid full of fear ignorant christian like you did NOT know?

                            Does CARD X of the Tarot - the Wheel of Fortune depict the birth of Jesus?

                            Where do we find the birth of jesus who is connected to phi in the bible discussed in detail?

                            eh bible babbler?
                            give me the quote that depicts the birth of the propaganda camPAIN called jesus?
                            was the birth of jesus another CYCLE as depicted by a 'phi spiral'?

                            Cat got yer tongue Dave?
                            Why are there NO CATS in the bible Dave?
                            But King Solomon loved Cats as did the Egyptians?
                            It is not difficult for a dick like me to tease a pussy like ewe with just the facts.

                            The quote depicting the birth of Jesus is easy to rEMEMber using the MEME tarot CARD X or CARD XXI

                            The birth of jesus is found in the gospel of ...
                            Matthew 1:18-25

                            So is there a connection between Jesus and phi?
                            Is there a connection between the 114 sayings found in the Gospel of Thomas and the 114 Surahs in the Koran?

                            The Next Level :: View topic - Nature by numbers = 5th GOSPEL of THOMAS = Fibonacci 112358

                            I would love to see IGNORANT Christian Dave and a Muslim having such a discussion, trying to agree on what 'just is' is.

                            But till that day arrives it appears that IGNORANCE rules the roost and the Daves of the world are the chicken littles running around with their heads cut off claiming the sky is falling.

                            ...and IMHO aLIEns are LIEs too, just like jesus who veils the FIBonacci science lesson ...

                            Last edited by Raphael37; 07-02-2013, 04:38 PM.


                            • You talk but have you built anything, have you seen it work

                              I have

                              Your all babel and bs
                              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                              • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                                You talk but have you built anything, have you seen it work

                                I have

                                your cracks are beginning to show bible babbler.

                                you as a servant of jesus, and we all have a little of the boy wonder in us, let's see what you built, show the jesus in me what a devil like you built...?

                                after all you are my servant (and your brother's keeper) so show me what you built that apparently in your simpleton mind makes EWE better than ME?

                                Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                                Your all babel and bs
                                No you are the supreme BS artist full of babel and BS.
                                Why do you refuse to take the SWASTIKA vs. JESUS challenge?

                                Show me what you built mr. LIAR LIAR that works for EWE?
                                What did you build that set you FREE that sets a bible babbler like you apart from ME?

                                A ladder to help climb outta your box?

                                Good for you....the Qabalah and the Freemasons also have ladders to help climb the tree of life to help set the sheeple free too!

                                Well then King Dave-id show the world what you built that makes EWE so special in your puny mind?
                                what page of this thread can I find it?

                                Last edited by Raphael37; 07-02-2013, 04:53 PM.

