Originally posted by Dave45
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Did you know that snowflakes are in fact ASYMMETRICAL!
What is the relationship between ASYMMETRY and CRYSTALS and LIfE?
Crystals, asymmetry and LIfE
Defects do not cause the non-centrosymmetricity. It is inherent in the basis of the crystal.
Definition: A crystal is defined by a set of lattice points and a basis. The lattice points are defined by three vectors. A basis is placed at each point. The basis can be just one atom, two atoms spaced a distance apart, a molecule etc.
In the case of a crystal that is not centrosymmetric, the basis also has no inversion symmetry (translating all points to their negative does not give the same basis). Also, if the lattice has no inversion center, then neither does the crystal. Here's a webpage with a picture of the 32 crystal classes. 21 have no inversion center.
Interesting to know also that alot of other properties cannot happen in crystals with an inversion center. For example, pyroelectricity and piezoelectricity. Also, a crystal with an inversion center cannot have second order non-linear optical properties (if that means anything to you).
Definition: A crystal is defined by a set of lattice points and a basis. The lattice points are defined by three vectors. A basis is placed at each point. The basis can be just one atom, two atoms spaced a distance apart, a molecule etc.
In the case of a crystal that is not centrosymmetric, the basis also has no inversion symmetry (translating all points to their negative does not give the same basis). Also, if the lattice has no inversion center, then neither does the crystal. Here's a webpage with a picture of the 32 crystal classes. 21 have no inversion center.
Interesting to know also that alot of other properties cannot happen in crystals with an inversion center. For example, pyroelectricity and piezoelectricity. Also, a crystal with an inversion center cannot have second order non-linear optical properties (if that means anything to you).
I wrote a thread about snowflakes and god here on this forum we are on.
U R invited to attend and comment if you please.
6 Facts about Snow that both Dave and Neale D. Walsch are not aware of/ignorant of.
Megadunes and Hoar Frost: 6 Facts About Snow : Discovery News
Ignorant of what 'just is' is as depicted accurately by science.
Neale Donald Walsch who claims to have spoken with god is in fact *exposed* as a fraud because evidently the god Neale spoke with was ignorant about this fact too, that snowflakes are really ASYMMETRICAL in their underlying structure.
And this is the simpleton science AHA fact which is overlooked when folks like yourself IGNORE the obvious and develop theories around the SYMMETRICAL snowflake which has a hexagon/star of david geometry.
IF I ask you to go this next link I can predict what will happen:
“…The Amphora, the Rosetta Fractal, DNA and the Holy Grail” | Reconciliation of Science and Religion
scroll down the page if you like or read the blog till you get to this image here:

... attempt to solve the two puzzles.
Then go to the solution when ready, if stumped, or impatient and read the evidence that illustrates how the Star of David, the Yin Yang, and seed/flower of life geometry ALL DEFAULT to swastika geometry easily linked to the Basque Lauburu..

Lauburu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since the Basque language is unrelated to Indo-European, it has long been thought that they represent the people or culture who occupied Europe before the spread of Indo-European languages there. A comprehensive analysis of Basque genetic patterns has shown that Basque genetic uniqueness predates the arrival of agriculture in the Iberian Peninsula, about 7,000 years ago.
I predict you will ignore ME and this evidence, and the beat goes on...
King Dave-id please do comment on this relationship between the 'geometry' that exists between the star of david and the hexagon/six pointed star also called the seal of solomon, and Drunvalo's blah blah seed/flower of life geometry to the geometry of the swastika?

Raphael + Ezekiel + WHIRLWIND

King Dave-id please pay attention to the numerous references to IEL or EL in names of prophets and archangels and events...
Associating EL to 37 is not uncommon.
IEL rotated is 73I and I37 read from right to left
Is LEvI a tribe of priests who are cognizant with alpha/aleph/alif a.k.a. the fine structure constant I/I37 and its 'inverse' 137?
What is the connection between I/I37 and the EM fIELd of the earth Dave, do you know?
Is LEvI a tribe or an idEA, maybe both, that is MORE than hinting at theories about the EM fIELd of the earth, which is directly influenced by both the SUN and the MOON?
And what in the heck do the SUN and the MOON have to do with anything going on down here on EARTH?
LEvI rotated out of phase 180 degrees becomes I^37

Physics is all about rotations, reflections (mirror), and translations of the plane.
Why do I get the feeling that after a long long long time the idEA about 3-fold or 4-fold rotations, and Krishna reflections gets lost in the translations?

This next image/text is from a Tarot deck (Oswald Wirth) that inspired the modern ones!
Read what I highlighted in mellow yellow.

Man - 1, Eagle - 3, Lion - 7, Bull - 6
Now is it another coincidence that we can link '137' to the evolution of the Tarot too, note the numbers assigned to the Man -1, the Eagle - 3, the Lion - 7, and the Bull -6 compared next to the most fundamental of ALL lengths in physics, the Planck length?

King Dave-id needs to be reminded that there are NO coincidences, remember?
So what are these coincidences 'evidence' of?