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The electric field of a magnet

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  • Im sorry by behavior has been lacking, I should not resort to petty comments.
    However I will not argue with you anymore.
    Have a good day Ralf

    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


    • Chariot wheels found in the red sea where the Israelite's crossed and the Egyptians tried to follow.
      Red Sea Crossing
      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


      • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
        Im sorry by behavior has been lacking, I should not resort to petty comments.
        However I will not argue with you anymore.
        Have a good day Ralf

        I accept your apology.

        Have you seen this image of Apollo the SUN/SOLAR god in his chariot?

        What is he indicting?
        What is that symbol we see on his chest over his heART?

        Who is the swastiKA copy KAt?
        The Buddha or Apollo?

        Go west young man?
        To the land of the SET-ting sun?
        Why did the Christians flee to the west and the SETting sun and establish a New World Order in the Merikas?

        I never could understand that...why flee west to the where the sun sets instead of to where the sun rises, in the east?

        Why Dave?

        Last edited by Raphael37; 07-03-2013, 04:03 PM.


        • One basic principle:
          Ether manifest itself in the form of a magnetic field.
          Electricity flowing in a wire creates an imbalance in the ether therefore the ether seeks to correct the imbalance and also seeks the source, it flows back towards the source, we see this as bemf.

          Windings can be made besides just winding in a circle, remember if electricity flows in one direction the ether flows in the opposite direction.


          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

            Chariot wheels found in the red sea where the Israelite's crossed and the Egyptians tried to follow.
            Red Sea Crossing
            I bet Dave has never put these two statements into his browser to see what the internet dishes out?

            1/ was it the RED SEA or the REED SEA?

            2/ the exodus never happened

            try it Dave...

            I want to add that crossing the REED Sea could be a reference to Moses the Egyptian using hieroglyphs using his brother Aaron as Hebrew scribe.

            Language - Hebrew is an invention of the LEFT Brain.
            Hieroglyphs/graven Images are associated with the RIGHT Brain.

            The corpus callosum is the REED Sea and the REEDS form GRIDS like the 3x3 Lo Shu Magic Square and the 3x3 Ho Tu
            Those two grids made of woven reeds form the basis of the I-Ching too!

            King Dave-id do I have proof that we can use REEDs woven into GRIDs to manipulate weak minded sheeple?

            PhDUH I have PhD proof in fact.
            Swastika as Dynamic Pattern Underlying Psychosocial Power Processes

            The Exodus is an event that happens in the brain dude.
            It is all in your head fred.

            So Dave please tell me why the world's tallest statue has a SWASTIKA over its heART?

            Eh why would the Chinese do that?
            To piss off the Jews and Christians?

            Last edited by Raphael37; 07-03-2013, 04:26 PM.


            • You know I bet your right Ralf, someone just went out and made this thousand year old boat impression just for kicks

              Then they carved out these anchor stones for no good reason, right

              Then they went and sunk priceless golden egyptian chariot wheels in the red sea, right

              Them crazy Christians and Jews, then they went to a Holy mountain set up alters and carved images in the rocks for no good reason right

              And they done all this just in their imagination, right

              And lets not forget they built the Ark of the Covenant put it in a cave deep underground chiseled a crack to the surface and poured blood through the crack to hit the Ark just in their imagination right Ralf, this was their right brain talking to their left, is this what you are trying to tell me.
              Dude take your babel somewhere else it doesnt work here.
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


              • I just vaguely outlined the archeological evidence for the truth of the Bible, here is the site A1 Finds: Noah's Ark, Ark of Covenant and other discoveries! why dont you go read the site look at the archeological evidence then come back here and explain to me once again how each was just their right brain talking to their left brain.
                Im sorry brother but I have had it with your satanic mumbo jumbo take it somewhere else, I dont want to hear it.
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                  You know I bet your right Ralf, someone just went out and made this thousand year old boat impression just for kicks
                  P.T. Barnum immediately comes to mind.

                  hARK hARK I hear the angel RaphaEL singin' in the reign, pulling on the reins of his chariot.

                  BTW rain and reign are both associated with THUNDER and LIGHTNING and the SWASTIKA and the lord YHVH

                  and reins is what they put on an ass to guide it, are you familiar with them?

                  Sorry but I need to use my 'imagaination' to see what EWE see in those rocks ... only ARKaeologist bible babblers see what you do ... other ARCHaeologists do NOT.

                  conclusion - FAIL #1

                  Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

                  Then they carved out these anchor stones for no good reason, right
                  PhDUH silly man.
                  In fact there is a reason a boat would need an anchor and ballast.

                  I guess that anchor/rock has 4004 BCE stamped on it?
                  With Noah loves Emzara etched into it?

                  conclusion - FAIL #2

                  Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

                  Then they went and sunk priceless golden egyptian chariot wheels in the red sea, right
                  Your WHEEL looks very much like this Egyptian OMPHALOS and the Aztec SOLAR wheel in fact....I wonder if the idea of a WHEEL is important?
                  PhDUH how important is the idea of the OMPHALOS to a CULTure?
                  OM-phalos – Nav-ELs – Wheels of Fortune – Geodetic Center | Alternative Thinking 37

                  And your ONE wheel does not make a chariot, nor does it prove that the Exodus happened in fact.
                  Actually Egyptian history does NOT acknowledge the Exodus ...and there is plenty of proof to illustrate the REAL significance of the chariot to the bigger picture.

                  I already illustrated how the chariot wheel is connected to the swastika/movement and a story about hELIos >>> BOTH are associated with the SUN before the LIE jesus showed up and assumed the reins of the solar chariot....

                  Helios (/ˈhiːli.ɒs/; Ancient Greek: Ἥλιος Hēlios; Latinized as Helius; Ἠέλιος in Homeric Greek) was the personification of the Sun in Greek mythology. Homer often calls him Titan or Hyperion, while Hesiod (Theogony 371) and the Homeric Hymn separate him as a son of the Titans Hyperion and Theia (Hesiod) or Euryphaessa (Homeric Hymn) and brother of the goddesses Selene, the moon, and Eos, the dawn. Ovid also calls him Titan.[1]

                  Helios was imagined as a handsome god crowned with the shining aureole of the Sun, who drove the chariot of the sun across the sky each day to earth-circling Oceanus and through the world-ocean returned to the East at night. Homer described Helios's chariot as drawn by solar steeds (Iliad xvi.779); later Pindar described it as drawn by "fire-darting steeds" (Olympian Ode 7.71). Still later, the horses were given fiery names: Pyrois, Aeos, Aethon, and Phlegon.

                  As time passed, Helios was increasingly identified with the god of light, Apollo. However, in spite of their syncretism, they were also often viewed as two distinct gods (Helios was a Titan, whereas Apollo was an Olympian). The equivalent of Helios in Roman mythology was Sol, specifically Sol Invictus.
                  And note the reference Hesiod made to hELIos found in Theogony 37I

                  You should pay more attention to those numbers 37I that we can associate to hELIos and alpha 1/137.
                  Funny how we can actually find temples DEDICATED to the Buddha or hELIos, unlike the wanker jesus where not ONE temple built in his honor in his time exists to this day....

                  conclusion HUGE FAIL #3

                  Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                  Them crazy Christians and Jews, then they went to a Holy mountain set up alters and carved images in the rocks for no good reason right
                  Which holy moly mountain?
                  Do ya think the jews/christians were the only mountain climbers?

                  Buddhist Sherpas have proved they can show christian mountain climbers how to get to the top of the world?????

                  Many folks in the world prefer Mt. Meru as the holy moly mountain NOT Mt. Ararat.
                  Many folks also prefer the Buddha over the propaganda camPAIN called 'jesus loves ewe' ...

                  Mt. MERU?
                  The Symbolism of Mount Meru?

                  And it is a well known fact that places like Rome and 'Troy' were built over the pagan sites that pre-date them.
                  Rome has '7' levels and Troy has '9'.
                  Why is it IF I start digging around Christian churches I will find swastika evidence of the CULTures deposed?

                  Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

                  And they done all this just in their imagination, right
                  King Dave-id I have placed a portion of the oldest image found in Egypt next to the one you posted.

                  Clearly we can see the idea of a WHEEL and of a Man placed between two lions. And both of those images/ideas would endure till this day in fact!

                  source of my image can be found here:
                  The Next Level :: View topic - Swastika + pi + phi + Speed of Light = Great Pyramid

                  Yes imagination helps Dave, too bad yours has been put on hold by the stupid narrative EWE follow as a literal truth.

                  Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

                  And lets not forget they built the Ark of the Covenant put it in a cave deep underground chiseled a crack to the surface and poured blood through the crack to hit the Ark just in their imagination right Ralf, this was their right brain talking to their left, is this what you are trying to tell me.
                  Dude take your babel somewhere else it doesnt work here.
                  LOL LOL LOL
                  You apparently will beLIEve anything ewe are told at bedtime, SEEDs that are planted just before ewe drift off into lalala land...

                  That is a nice sketch, do you like the one I posted beside it?
                  source of my image:
                  Swastika on Christ's heart, Narbonne (F) / XIV century (?)

                  Is Jim Pinkoski the artist of your sketch a famous ARCHaeologist or just another bible babbler ARKaeologist incognito with a great imagination and a hidden agenda...?

                  What is the hidden agenda?
                  Clearly Judeao Christians are the handmaidens of the devil they FEAR.

                  'forgive them for they do not know what they do' comes to mind

                  King Dave-id your idiot-savant presentation as i-servant of the lord was a FAIL in all respects.

                  You have not gained my respect by PEDDLING the same old boring BS that clearly suggests you lack an imagination as a reBLEATing bible babbler.

                  Your self imposed ignorance and lack of imagination is all I need to know about EWE.

                  selah V
                  Last edited by Raphael37; 07-04-2013, 02:10 PM.


                  • this is a p.s. to the above entry.

                    and Dave it really is the knockout punch.
                    I want to thank you for being a sparring pardner Dave.
                    I love doing the I-Ching cha cha cha goosestep with the I37 JC LEvI dEvILs.

                    you said:

                    Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                    And lets not forget they built the Ark of the Covenant put it in a cave deep underground chiseled a crack to the surface and poured blood through the crack to hit the Ark just in their imagination right Ralf, this was their right brain talking to their left, is this what you are trying to tell me.
                    Dude take your babel somewhere else it doesnt work here.
                    NO Dave it is not me about to tell you anything, it is Neil McGregor.
                    YES Dave it is becoming clear that awakened sheeple become aware that their RIGHT brain is talking to their LEFT.

                    In a world with a North and South pole I would wager many of 'we the sheeple' are in fact Bi-polar.

                    Now here comes the combination of knockout punches which naturally would involve a Left (jab) and a Right (uppercut).

                    Neil MacGregor is director of the British Museum and his book 'A History of the World in 100 Objects' was part of a BBC Radio 4 program.

                    The human brain then carries on evolving steadily over thousands of years. And what's really interesting, is that our brain starts to become asymmetrical as it gets to grips with a whole range of different functions - logic, language, the co-ordinated movement needed for tool-making, imagination and creative thought - quite unlike the ape's brain, which remains smaller and symmetrical. So what we're looking at in this chopping tool is the moment at which we became distinctly smarter and with an impulse not just to make things, but to imagine how we could make things 'better'.
                    So what is being discussed is the 'chopping tool' nearly 2 million years old.
                    Hey Dave as BS artist are you seeing red yet?

                    Next quote by Neil sets ME and the swastika up and continues to expose your lack of knowledge regarding any kind of history or HER-story that falls outside the boundaries of your HIS-storical perspective centered on the propaganda camPAIN called "jesus loves ewe"

                    Recently scientists have looked at what happens neurologically when a stone tool is being made.[/B] They have used modern hospital scanners to see which bits of the brain are activated as knappers work their stone. Surprisingly, the areas of the modern brain that you use when you are making a handaxe overlap considerably with those you use when you speak.

                    It now seems very likely that if you can shape a stone you can shape a sentence.

                    A History of the World in 100 Objects
                    -Neil MacGregor
                    So Dave can we make a connection between the handaxe and the swastika.
                    So Dave what is the connection between the fact the SWASTIKA is ASYMMETRICAL and CHIRAL and the fact all biological is in fact CHIRAL and all building blocks from matter/anti-matter to DNA/amino acids/etc. to the macroscopic hELIosphere are ALL asymmetrical.
                    So Dave can we make a connection between the evolution of the meanings associated between the ASYMMETRICAL CHIRAL SWASTIKA, the HANDAXE, our asymmetrical L/R hands, our asymmetrical brain and the evolution of SPEECH?

                    That image is just for starters my dear deluded friend when linking the ax to the hammer of thor, the judge's gavel and finally to the origin of the species, the swastika.

                    Can the deluded Judeao-Christians who beLIEve themselves to be chosen, who have lost their way via GNeSiS, can they find GNoSiS in a place called GNoSSoS sometimes spelled KNoSSoS?
                    Egyptian – Cretan – Labyrinths – DNA – String Theory – I Ching – Swastika | Alternative Thinking 37

                    IGNORANCE = SATAN SANTA nonsense

                    In fact I bet King Dave-id celebrates Christmas complete with all of the I37 EvIL LEvI vEILed ELIjah ezekIEL danIEL mIchaEL gabrIEL dEvIL trimmings.

                    IMHO you are a prime candidate for the 13-step program and sheepish ewe should be FORCED to work/study/learn in a Buddhist monastery for the rest of your mortal I37 EvIL dEvIL LIfE.

                    Buddhist aLIEns should abduct EWE and brand your silly hide with a SWASTIKA to SEAL your heART just like the Buddha buddy.

                    Hey mister Judeao Christian who thinks he is better than do you see the difference between mystic insightful ME and an ignorant servant of the lord like EWE?
                    You tell me to go to hell and I tell you to go for a long vacation to a Buddhist monastery.

                    The swastika being a SEAL for the Buddha's heART is just ONE of MANY applications for the 'divine' 'geometrically blessed' swastika as this link shows.
                    NANO World APPLICATIONS for the SWASTIKA – the true blue AVATAR | Alternative Thinking 37

                    Dave are you not curious about how the ArchangEL RaphaEL plans on healing 'we the sheeple' using the swastika?

                    EWE should be really curious herr bIbLE babbler.

                    selah V
                    Last edited by Raphael37; 07-04-2013, 02:14 PM.


                    • Raphael37 doing a good work spreading disinfo, gosh.


                      • Ralf I in no way think I am better than you or anyone else, as a matter of fact Im not a very good Christian I fail everyday,everyday I must ask for forgiveness thats why Im so thankful for the work Yeshua did on the cross or we would all be lost.
                        I hope you find your way, something must have happened in your life to make you hate so much, Christ can heal your heart my brother if you would give Him the chance.
                        Take care
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • Originally posted by unity View Post
                          Raphael37 doing a good work spreading disinfo, gosh.

                          I would love for you to point out what is not true of what I presented?

                          hey fellas try to remember a fact of life

                          Christians have a HIS-story of trashing libraries or wiping out other races who they see themselves in a race against ...

                          I wonder what kind of info IGNORANCE lashes out against?
                          Well if jesus survived I wonder what got buried by the big LIE called jesus?

                          you folks have no imagination I imagine.



                          • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post

                            I would love for you to point out what is not true of what I presented?

                            hey fellas try to remember a fact of life

                            Christians have a HIS-story of trashing libraries or wiping out other races who they see themselves in a race against ...

                            I wonder what kind of info IGNORANCE lashes out against?
                            Well if jesus survived I wonder what got buried by the big LIE called jesus?

                            you folks have no imagination I imagine.

                            I don't care about the validity. But you keep steering the topic away from the concepts that Dave is talking about. Not sure if you're doing it with intention or not though. I wont go into religious discussions.

                            Dave45, here is some concepts of the vortex you might find interesting.

                            Twin Opposing Vortexes and the Illusion of Pull
                            [PDF] Twin Opposing Vortexes and the Illusion of Pull

                            The physics of Dewey B. Larson should interest you as well. He came to conclusions that all matter is in essence motion, vibrations. That the whole universe is based on movement.
                            Dewey B Larson - Reciprocal Systems - Science (Nature's Law) vs Psyence (Man's Invention) Part 1 - YouTube
                            Last edited by unity; 07-04-2013, 02:56 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                              I hope you find your way, something must have happened in your life to make you hate so much, Christ can heal your heart my brother if you would give Him the chance.
                              Take care

                              do you think a REAL truth messenger wastes his time hating?

                              christians ALWAYS think I hate them

                              waste of valuable precious time hating a LIE or a FIB don't ya think?

                              there is a reason the Buddha has a swastika as SEAL for his heART bible babblers...why don't ya investigate why?

                              so Dave and all other christian zealots, is Jesus better than the Buddha or Krishna?

                              well ... is jesus one rung higher than the rest of the other 'idols'?

                              tell me why?
                              IF he is, it must be because he is the devil himself?

                              selah V


                              • Originally posted by unity View Post
                                I don't care about the validity. But you keep steering the topic away from the concepts that Dave is talking about. Not sure if you're doing it with intention or not though. I wont go into religious discussions.

                                Dave45, here is some concepts of the vortex you might find interesting.

                                Twin Opposing Vortexes and the Illusion of Pull
                                [PDF] Twin Opposing Vortexes and the Illusion of Pull

                                The physics of Dewey B. Larson should interest you as well. He came to conclusions that all matter is in essence motion, vibrations. That the whole universe is based on movement.
                                Dewey B Larson - Reciprocal Systems - Science (Nature's Law) vs Psyence (Man's Invention) Part 1 - YouTube
                                And, don't fear exposing free energy in regards to The One Creator, we are energy. The only ones having a problem with this are those already profiting from energy sources established on earth. They have gone far to silence the truth of free energy throughout history already.

                                Teslas highest dreams was to give humanity free energy judging from the Ra Material.

                                Questioner: How was Tesla’s work supposed to benefit man on Earth, and what were its purposes?
                                Ra: I am Ra. The most desired purpose of the mind/body/spirit complex, Nikola, was the freeing of all planetary entities from darkness. Thus, it attempted to give to the planet the infinite energy of the planetary sphere for use in lighting and power.

                                Questioner: Would this freeing from darkness be commensurate with the Law of One or does this have any real product?
                                Ra: I am Ra. The product of such a freeing would create two experiences.

                                Firstly, the experience of no need to find the necessary emolument for payment, in your money, for energy.

                                Secondly, the leisure afforded, thereby exemplifying the possibility and enhancing the probability of the freedom to then search the self for the beginning of seeking the Law of One.

                                Few there are working physically from daybreak to darkness, as you name them, upon your plane who can contemplate the Law of One in a conscious fashion.


