Freedom of religion in America
I wish to enlighten you about a little something in America called Freedom of religion. but before I explain I would like to show 2 quotes from one of our founding fathers.
James Madison Quotes:
A watchful eye must be kept on ourselves lest while we are building ideal monuments of Renown and Bliss here we neglect to have our names enrolled in the Annals of Heaven. – Letter to William Bradford (9 November 1772)
(wow, A very astute observation that mirrors your own statement about darkness on the move.)
Religion & Govt. will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together. – Letter to Edward Livingston (1822-07-10)
(Whoa, somewhat of an about face here isn't it.)
The explanation of this in my view is that freedom of religion first starts with what is religion. Quite frankly religion is nothing more than a social/personal construct of how the universe is run and how to get to your ultimate goal. All religions in the eyes of the law should simply be interpreted as "PROTECTED GLORIFIED OPINION!" This also includes atheists as even someone with no religion has an ultimate goal. Maybe you should make enough room in your tightly bolted down interpretation of the working of the world that to realize that to give you freedom of your religion they have to not cram any religion down anyone's throat. No government employee, or institution should lead or advise on religion as part or execution of their duties. By this same logic they should not interfere with private worship unless it infringes upon the personal rights or well being of another.
Religious Beliefs are your responsibility to pass on not the states or the federal government. In fact I am vehemently against marriage in the government as it is accepted by and large as a religious institution and as such should be relegated back to churches, temples, mosques, fairy rings and the stone age where it belongs. If you want to claim someone as a financial co-dependant, go ahead you only get one. I don't care who they are I could pick my brother if he was down and out and he and his kids needed insurance then I could claim them on my taxes. (Marriage implies sex, a financial co-dependant doesn't.)
So please stop with the whole we are "doomed from god not being in government" he's not supposed to be there in the first place. and if you disagree please feel free to move to Vatican city.
Originally posted by Dave45
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James Madison Quotes:
A watchful eye must be kept on ourselves lest while we are building ideal monuments of Renown and Bliss here we neglect to have our names enrolled in the Annals of Heaven. – Letter to William Bradford (9 November 1772)
(wow, A very astute observation that mirrors your own statement about darkness on the move.)
Religion & Govt. will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together. – Letter to Edward Livingston (1822-07-10)
(Whoa, somewhat of an about face here isn't it.)
The explanation of this in my view is that freedom of religion first starts with what is religion. Quite frankly religion is nothing more than a social/personal construct of how the universe is run and how to get to your ultimate goal. All religions in the eyes of the law should simply be interpreted as "PROTECTED GLORIFIED OPINION!" This also includes atheists as even someone with no religion has an ultimate goal. Maybe you should make enough room in your tightly bolted down interpretation of the working of the world that to realize that to give you freedom of your religion they have to not cram any religion down anyone's throat. No government employee, or institution should lead or advise on religion as part or execution of their duties. By this same logic they should not interfere with private worship unless it infringes upon the personal rights or well being of another.
Religious Beliefs are your responsibility to pass on not the states or the federal government. In fact I am vehemently against marriage in the government as it is accepted by and large as a religious institution and as such should be relegated back to churches, temples, mosques, fairy rings and the stone age where it belongs. If you want to claim someone as a financial co-dependant, go ahead you only get one. I don't care who they are I could pick my brother if he was down and out and he and his kids needed insurance then I could claim them on my taxes. (Marriage implies sex, a financial co-dependant doesn't.)
So please stop with the whole we are "doomed from god not being in government" he's not supposed to be there in the first place. and if you disagree please feel free to move to Vatican city.
