The electric field runs 90 degrees to the magnetic field, one of the first to discover this field was Ehrenhaft

Is pretty basic the magnetic field is a charge carrier, the ions and electrons spiral around the magnetic field at 90 degrees, well I think the angle is more like 60 degrees

I happened upon this field when I started freezing coils in ice

The coil is vertical in this pic.
Since a metal detector coil is wound like a solenoid its sending the magnetic field into the ground, it all depends on how the coil is wound, like a solenoid or like a toroid.
The only way to stop a magnetic field is to shut off its power, it cant be shielded we see this with permanent magnets but the electric field can, we strip electrons from the magnetic field in our generators, passing a magnet past a copper wire will strip electrons from the field.
We just have to find a way to do it more efficiently.

Is pretty basic the magnetic field is a charge carrier, the ions and electrons spiral around the magnetic field at 90 degrees, well I think the angle is more like 60 degrees

I happened upon this field when I started freezing coils in ice

The coil is vertical in this pic.
Since a metal detector coil is wound like a solenoid its sending the magnetic field into the ground, it all depends on how the coil is wound, like a solenoid or like a toroid.
The only way to stop a magnetic field is to shut off its power, it cant be shielded we see this with permanent magnets but the electric field can, we strip electrons from the magnetic field in our generators, passing a magnet past a copper wire will strip electrons from the field.
We just have to find a way to do it more efficiently.