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The electric field of a magnet

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  • pulsed dc?


    Kindof strange they say dc runs from neg to pos but with rectified ac that seems to be not the case, hard to get your head wrapped around.
    Last edited by Dave45; 12-25-2011, 03:31 PM.
    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


    • seems I was wrong the direction is opposite of the way the symbol indicates
      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


      • @ Myenergetic
        i am glad you posted this as it is a big part of the problem as i am seeing it.
        the speed of energy fields seems to be as tesla stated near infinite in the vacuum and slowed in mass.
        therefore the energy in mass must be both exclusive and inclusive under the proper conditions.
        tesla worked on the concept of the dielectric K constant and made mention that it could when altered move volumes of energy up to 200 times what was considered normal. if i just charge capacitors and arc them off i see this state but to limited effect.
        in antenna theory if the magnetic field is driven from the closed loop state a broken off closed loop state as theory goes then the loop should travel along as an energy packet as is assumed for photons and the like.
        i wish i had this all figured out but i am still working on it but this is the begining.

        dave and MM
        i have been thinking on don smith and something is bothering me if you go to high voltage and then he says the turns of the primary are divided into the voltage and that voltage is then applied to each turn of the secondary the amps should follow suit as well so i would think the wire size should be greater for the secondary so as to keep pace with the voltage change.
        i have been to busy to try this out but will when i get time.


        • JJ
          Iv been reading up on the EH antenna, I dont understand the model they made explaining their setup, I just dont see it, if we put voltage across a coil the magnetic field runs the length of the coil, maybe Im missing something.
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • Magnetic field runs the length of the coil

            @ Dave45:
            Quote” Iv been reading up on the EH antenna, I don't understand the model they made explaining their setup, I just don't see it, if we put voltage across a coil the magnetic field runs the length of the coil, maybe I am missing something.”

            If we try to come out of the rectilinear thinking of electric and magnetic field for a moment, we may understand the concept better. It is important to realize that the total length of the antenna is a small fraction of the wavelength making the cylinders work as capacitors with negligible inductance.

            The electric charge in dynamic electrons has two components, FORWARD and SPINNING. The electromagnetic field of the dynamic charge consists of two complex components, two separate and distinct electromagnetic fields. The properties of these two electromagnetic fields are different in space.

            1, Hertz antennas work on forward flow of electric charges(current) in the conductors.

            1a, While in EH antennas the cylinders have some conventional FORWARD flow electric charges (current) but the SPINNING component of the electrons is dominant by setting a condition in creating magnetic streams counter to those of the tuning coil of the EH Antenna.


            1b, The magnetic field from the tuning coil penetrates the cylinders of the EH antenna as anti-phase to the magnetic field caused by currents in the antenna phasing coil (Where you statement resides the voltage across the tunning coil, the magnetic field runs the length of the tunning coil)

            1c, High voltage is created across the resonant tuning coil which is terminated by the cylinders. This creates an intense E field between the cylinders and the air gap between the cylinders working as dielectric. The high voltage E between the ends of the cylinder along the length of the cylinder L, causes the flow of electric charges (current) along the surface of the cylinders typical to the conventional current caring conductor. These currents allow the EH Antenna to produce the same type of radiation as any conventional Hertz antenna but in the diameter direction of the cylinder, even though the antenna is very small compared to the actual wavelength (less than 2% of the wavelength λ)

            1d, In conventional Hertz antenna the electromagnetic waves EH are due to current flow. In EH antennas a new vector is introduced the Hz vector. The Hz vector represents a magnetic component due to the spinning motion of an electric charge. It is important to note that the Hz vector has not previously been known and is therefore not available in classical textbooks. This is a new physics concept.

            @ Dave45

            I like your cone shaped coil and the simplicity, I hope it works with idea of the spinning electron wave Hz field.

            @ nueview
            U are in the right direction

            Sorry form this long reply
            I hope it helps
            Last edited by myenergetic; 06-22-2012, 07:45 AM.


            • Hey JJ thanks for the reply very interesting so it seems their using a capacitor type setup instead of an induction coil
              I really need to freeze a capacitor to see the field configuration, for this I'll need ultra pure water and high voltage, I have a 300 vdc power supply will see what I can do, the problem will be to stop it from electrolyzing.
              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


              • Originally posted by nueview View Post
                @ Myenergetic
                i am glad you posted this as it is a big part of the problem as i am seeing it.
                the speed of energy fields seems to be as tesla stated near infinite in the vacuum and slowed in mass.
                therefore the energy in mass must be both exclusive and inclusive under the proper conditions.
                tesla worked on the concept of the dielectric K constant and made mention that it could when altered move volumes of energy up to 200 times what was considered normal. if i just charge capacitors and arc them off i see this state but to limited effect.
                in antenna theory if the magnetic field is driven from the closed loop state a broken off closed loop state as theory goes then the loop should travel along as an energy packet as is assumed for photons and the like.
                i wish i had this all figured out but i am still working on it but this is the begining.

                dave and MM
                i have been thinking on don smith and something is bothering me if you go to high voltage and then he says the turns of the primary are divided into the voltage and that voltage is then applied to each turn of the secondary the amps should follow suit as well so i would think the wire size should be greater for the secondary so as to keep pace with the voltage change.
                i have been to busy to try this out but will when i get time.
                Hey Martin, Don Smith setup stays on my mind alot it matches my understanding of the electric field configuration, I think one of the biggest problems everyone's having is their not regulating the power supply to the primary and the primary's configuration, Im also not so sure we need such high voltage it would seem it could be done with lower voltage if the primary and secondary were matched and I agree the mass of the secondary's needs to be large
                I built the setup once and all I got was high voltage in everything its hard to take measurements when high voltage induces voltage in everything including your meters.
                Toranarod did an experiment where he put an aluminum ring on a iron cored coil which is quite interesting and educational, this is where I formulated the transformer theory and also applies to the Don Smith setup.
                But we have to crawl before we learn to walk so Im going back and look at the fields in ice again, I really think we need to see whats happening with a cap so this is my next project.
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • ok here is something to make a point it will seem odd but it has merit to my point down the line.
                  i was making a sorter at one time for fish eggs and started with marbles for initial testing the light source was adjustable and variable as was the sensor reception in all ways meaning placement and intensity.
                  the solinoid was to push the dark detected item out of the normal path to another path.
                  now you would think a circuit with current moving at the speed of light would be almost instantainous but in actuality there is quite a bit of time lag and the smaller the egg size the bigger the lag problem becomes. as the string of marbles comes by the sensor as dark and light and dark and dark so every between balls has to be made a marker to seperate the difference between to dark marbles or light marbles and this occurs 1000 times a minute.
                  this got me thinking about the time factor of passing electrical waves and how fast actually an instant is or even right now for timing and detection.
                  if you want to catch a AM radio signal you have to be in time with it and how much variance does atmospheric conditions introduce from point to point.
                  myself i think that timeing is the major problem with capturing wave energy.
                  the charge is like the marbles fast but not as fast as the potential and they have field drag to contend with as well or locked charge .
                  if you can collect a radio waves power the it could be collected from any source.

                  Sorter.gif picture by geshbeddin - Photobucket


                  • Martin that sorter you built is cool very ingenues

                    Iv been thinking about bemf, we are collecting it all the time in transformers, the femf or applied field runs through the primary and stops the created field then crashes into the secondary and we have a transformer, but

                    what if we took the bemf and put it into another coil then the bemf from that coil into another coil, into another coil, as many coils as you want, we would never lose the bemf created but we would be using it to create more fields.
                    I havent thought this through yet but its forming
                    Something else the guy that is replicating the tpu cant think of his name at the moment, Im terrible with names anyway he said the small unit was put together with bailing wire, thats a clue
                    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                    • What would happen if I pulsed this coil arrangement one time

                      I think we would get six returns sounds like energy amplification to me
                      What if we also used this coil arrangement

                      I think a plan is coming together
                      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                      • after looking at the pic I may not have the polarity's right but you get the idea the secondary fires another coil before being collected which in turn fires another, which in turn fires another
                        do you see what I see

                        if this whole system were made to resonate
                        Last edited by Dave45; 12-27-2011, 01:07 PM.
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • this makes more sense

                          bear with me, Im working through this
                          Last edited by Dave45; 12-27-2011, 01:34 PM.
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • maybe
                            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                            • still working, hope you are starting to see it

                              I dont like the way the electric fields are counter to each other in some coils I think they should all run the same direction and I think they can if wound from top to bottom or bottom to top or cw,ccw
                              I'll have to think on it, but there is energy amplification here.

                              After consideration I think their ok
                              Last edited by Dave45; 12-27-2011, 02:35 PM.
                              Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                              • where does the other leg from the secondary's go
                                just one pulse

                                leftover apple pie mmmmmmmmmm I love it, but when I think of others that dont have enough I feel guilty, we have to change this world
                                Last edited by Dave45; 12-27-2011, 02:51 PM.
                                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

