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  • Freedom of religion in America

    Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
    We in America and the world are coming to very perilous times we have taken God out of our schools and tried to kick Him out of our country, people dont realize when the Light is removed darkness automatically moves in, its just a consequence when One is absent the other is present.
    I wish to enlighten you about a little something in America called Freedom of religion. but before I explain I would like to show 2 quotes from one of our founding fathers.

    James Madison Quotes:

    A watchful eye must be kept on ourselves lest while we are building ideal monuments of Renown and Bliss here we neglect to have our names enrolled in the Annals of Heaven. – Letter to William Bradford (9 November 1772)

    (wow, A very astute observation that mirrors your own statement about darkness on the move.)

    Religion & Govt. will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together. – Letter to Edward Livingston (1822-07-10)

    (Whoa, somewhat of an about face here isn't it.)

    The explanation of this in my view is that freedom of religion first starts with what is religion. Quite frankly religion is nothing more than a social/personal construct of how the universe is run and how to get to your ultimate goal. All religions in the eyes of the law should simply be interpreted as "PROTECTED GLORIFIED OPINION!" This also includes atheists as even someone with no religion has an ultimate goal. Maybe you should make enough room in your tightly bolted down interpretation of the working of the world that to realize that to give you freedom of your religion they have to not cram any religion down anyone's throat. No government employee, or institution should lead or advise on religion as part or execution of their duties. By this same logic they should not interfere with private worship unless it infringes upon the personal rights or well being of another.

    Religious Beliefs are your responsibility to pass on not the states or the federal government. In fact I am vehemently against marriage in the government as it is accepted by and large as a religious institution and as such should be relegated back to churches, temples, mosques, fairy rings and the stone age where it belongs. If you want to claim someone as a financial co-dependant, go ahead you only get one. I don't care who they are I could pick my brother if he was down and out and he and his kids needed insurance then I could claim them on my taxes. (Marriage implies sex, a financial co-dependant doesn't.)

    So please stop with the whole we are "doomed from god not being in government" he's not supposed to be there in the first place. and if you disagree please feel free to move to Vatican city.


    • Nathan Stubblefield / Edward Leedskalnin Iron coil Monopole Motor. - YouTube
      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


      • I never stated religion should be relegated by the government but we have always been a christian nation but laws are being passed that inhibit our christian beliefs. The old saying is true "you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink"
        so be it

        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


        • Thank you John
          crystal lattice of iron

          Last edited by Dave45; 07-07-2013, 04:47 AM.
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
            Thank you John
            crystal lattice of iron

            yes that is correct King Dave-id

            The crystal lattice of iron in the Age of Iron seems to confirm what exactly???

            How about we use the Iron Cross to represent the entire jesus christ passion play?

            I love the IRONy that is unfolding just like a Torah scroll or a Maya codice as the Age of Iron comes to a close?

            Ok in your 'Age of Iron' crystal lattice I see the following pattern.

            1 in the center
            surrounded by 6
            another ring of 12
            another ring of 18

            yes it is ALL about PATTERNS!

            I count a total of 37 in the first layer....
            Well EWE played right into my hands again!

            What is the meaning of 37?

            hey end of world bible babbler guess what?

            Dave maybe all you are lacking is a proper education?
            It seems that all of these AHAs being revealed by modern science confuses you and your default position. i.e. your POV based on the miracle worker 'jesus loves you' (yes he does)

            It seems to have handicapped you from seeing the bigger picture that involves ALL OF HUMANITY not just the chosen!!! also known as 'we the sheeple'.

            Buddhist 37 point mandala offering next to iron lattice...

            Fruit, flower, seed of life = 37 next to the iron lattice...and a 3D CUBE.

            Dave how many RED, WHITE, and BLUE mini squares are VISIBLE to our field of vision when looking at a CUBE?

            37 is the answer ye seek.

            IMHO the ABCs of XYZ = 37

            IF you pay attention jesus actually might be able to teach IGNORANT christians a bit about science!!!

            Something the church may not have liked, after all they were promoting the idea called the 14 Stations of the Cross!
            Stations of the Cross - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Here is another thing you need to know about jesus and the 14 stations of the cross .... guess how many unique crystal lattices there are in 3 dimensions....?

            When the crystal systems are combined with the various possible lattice centerings, we arrive at the Bravais lattices.[2] They describe the geometric arrangement of the lattice points, and thereby the translational symmetry of the crystal. In three dimensions, there are 14 unique Bravais lattices that are distinct from one another in the translational symmetry they contain. All crystalline materials recognized until now (not including quasicrystals) fit in one of these arrangements. The fourteen three-dimensional lattices, classified by crystal system, are shown above. The Bravais lattices are sometimes referred to as space lattices.

            The crystal structure consists of the same group of atoms, the basis, positioned around each and every lattice point. This group of atoms therefore repeats indefinitely in three dimensions according to the arrangement of one of the 14 Bravais lattices. The characteristic rotation and mirror symmetries of the group of atoms, or unit cell, is described by its crystallographic point group.

            Crystal structure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            "In this sign conquer" >>> as a christian have you every heard of it?
            ‘IN THIS SIGN CONQUER’ the Great Pyramid and the Sacred Cut by Tons BrunĂ©s leads us to Nikola Tesla and the Philosopher’s Stone | Reconciliation of Science and Religion

            go back to shleep dude....

            To anybody else reading this posting the idea of '37' is nothing new or original.
            It has been documented by many others before ME through time.
            I AM just its voice...its echo.

            Everything you ever wanted to know about '37' but did not know what to ask....
            37 | Search Results | Alternative Thinking 37

            Last edited by Raphael37; 07-07-2013, 03:31 PM.


            • as a postscript to the previous post by me I need to say this...

              Jesus is not** very original at all.

              **other than the part of him coming back to life soon after being crucified, this must be why judeao/christians LOVE and LInE up to see zombie MOOvies

              and jesus' immediate resurrection, not needing to wait to be incarnated like the buddha buddy...was a nice twist that the scribes scripted in - that act set him apart from the rest I do admit...

              Let's face it there exists too much proof put forth by many researchers/scholars that jesus is a copy cat, an intrinsic part of a propaganda camPAIN designed to increase market share, based on a 'winning formula' that had been passed down through the ages.
              Advertising works the same way.
              As this image shows.

              These two images are separated by 51 years, but apparently AMERICA'S MEAT ROUNDUP appeals to 'we the sheeple'.


              Clearly Jesus is clearly an amalgamation of everything that has come before him.

              I have NO problem with that ... especially IF it can be shown that jesus was preaching/teaching science too!

              PhDUH why not??
              Hey Dave show me the science lessons in the bIbLE given by jesus...the lessons on morality blah blah blah are all there ... but where is the science/geometry in his teachings?

              Was the 'son of god' kinda stupid when it came to geometry, and other sciences studied at that time...does jesus mention Pythagoras in his teachings ... or how about EucLId?
              He should have known about EucLId!

              Euclid's Elements has been referred to as the most successful[5][6] and influential[7] textbook ever written. Being first set in type in Venice in 1482, it is one of the very earliest mathematical works to be printed after the invention of the printing press and was estimated by Carl Benjamin Boyer to be second only to the Bible in the number of editions published,[7] with the number reaching well over one thousand.[8] For centuries, when the quadrivium was included in the curriculum of all university students, knowledge of at least part of Euclid's Elements was required of all students. Not until the 20th century, by which time its content was universally taught through other school textbooks, did it cease to be considered something all educated people had read.
              EucLId's Elements or EL-ements?

     mystic I see the names EL MENES and the T for Tau in the word ELEMENTS.

              So why didn't the boy wonder leave us clues to a TOE or GUT, helping to unify humanity?

              Clearly bringing jesus into discussions about science is moot considering the wanker did not even know about the ELements as propositions put forth by EucLId...

              I like the way EucLId is spelled.
              He is definitely a I37 = LEI = ELI messen-jah too!

              Why did jesus just preach morality and metaphysics and not teach the sciences?

              Or did he teach the sciences and geometry too...?

              King Dave-id YOU have admitted to ME and this forum that the swastika has some primacy and is 'somehow' connected to magnetic fIELds...but you refuse to go there...on this thread?

              I am starting to see red

              IF I was the moderator I would lock this thread because clearly you have drifted off course and have exhibited ulterior motives ...

              your M.O. is simpleton
              "All is fair in love and war and the spreading of the gospEL"

              Your kinda of IGNORANCE should NOT be tolerated under the guise of freedom of speech or your ability to practise your rELIgion.

              Last edited by Raphael37; 07-07-2013, 11:39 AM.


              • You see the pattern but what you dont understand is the pattern was a example of things to come ie everything copied and pointed to Jesus and the work he did on the cross, for you see it was written in the stars from the beginning, look and find out what the true meaning of the zodiac is.

                We know the magnetic field has a six fold pattern we see this in the design of the snowflake that forms in the earths magnetic field this sixfold pattern is why iron is attracted to a magnet or rather a magnetic field, the crystal pattern of the iron matches the sixfold pattern of the magnetic field.

                The truth will set you free
                The Meaning of the Zodiac
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                  You see the pattern but what you dont understand is the pattern was a example of things to come ie everything copied and pointed to Jesus and the work he did on the cross, for you see it was written in the stars from the beginning, look and find out what the true meaning of the zodiac is.

                  The truth will set you free
                  The Meaning of the Zodiac


                  You just said some real idiot sh*t dude, how can you be free?
                  You have it backwards, jesus was the synthesis of 'THE' patterns observed in the heavens (yes) that can be shown to have been observed 5000 years before jesus was scripted into the narrative of things to come....

                  Dave your mind/heart has been naILEd to a cross with some real stupid caca.

                  here is another pattern that has unfolded on this thread.
                  where Dave the preacher who claims to be a servant of god is refusing to pay heed to the mystic teacher.

                  a.k.a. the SWASTIKA

                  I am a servant of the TRUTH Dave, what can be PROVED using science and real history....documented everywhere NOT just in the Levant.
                  I draw the line at Sacred SWASTIKA Sciences, what is on the other side of the LInE >>> who cares STFU because it can NOT be proved.

                  Please note how I address every one of your PATHETIC offerings with REAL SWASTIKA evidence that IGNORANT EWE ignores...thus the only thing YOU really are providing evidence of Dave is your PATHETIC argument is a monumental FAIL because IGNORANCE IGNORES what is in plain are admitting that in fact!!

                  btw your last link just leads to another IGNORANT christian spewing more idiot nonsense dude.
                  where is the science on that page...?

                  FAIL again

                  Why do square-heads like ME (I am of german descent) default to CUBES?

                  But before I put my ACE card onto the table Dave here is a logo I made up that I have used quite often as ME avatar on forums and such.


                  777 forms a CUBE

                  how about 7x7x7 = 343
                  recall I AM or should I say was a firefighter until I became 'Raphael'.
                  how many FF died on 911?

                  777 is the answer
                  7x7x7 = 343
                  343 FF died on 911 and I AM the fella chosen who stepped forward to point out the obvious.

                  You need to know ALL of this is not a coincidence.
                  Wolfgang Pauli dying in the Red Cross hospital room 137 was not a coincidence.
                  My mother nearly called me Wolfgang, instead she choose Ralph.

                  But the destiny could not be altered.
                  Both Wolfgang and Ralph are associated to Radulf which means 'counsel of the wolf' ... woof!

                  Are ye familiar with the Fenrir Wolf?

                  well I am glad sheepish EWE brought the zodiac into the discussion.

                  that is my ACE card!

                  So lets talk about science and the zodiac and my ACE card and how fractal PATTERNS unfold...

                  What can you tell ME about the well documented Dendera Zodiac and what it tells us?
                  Here is what I learned from the Dendera Zodiac by NOT being an ignorant sod and taking ALL of the clues 'literally', like the bIbLE babblers do, unfortunately...
                  ’11258′ the DENDERA Zodiac the 4 ROYAL Stars the Marian Cross the Freemasons and phi | Reconciliation of Science and Religion

                  A reference to the ZODIAC which was documented nearly 4000 years BEFORE the propaganda camPAIN called jesus loves ewe was unleashed on humanity!

                  Dave why is the Age of Taurus so special?
                  Is this the Age when the cow and the bull started to become the 'currency' of how 'we the sheeple' did business?

                  Followed soon afterwards by the Age of bullsh*t?

                  Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                  We know the magnetic field has a six fold pattern we see this in the design of the snowflake that forms in the earths magnetic field this sixfold pattern is why iron is attracted to a magnet or rather a magnetic field, the crystal pattern of the iron matches the sixfold pattern of the magnetic field.
                  OK I can live with that ... but can EWE LIvE with this?

                  Where I use the SWASTIKA to spoil your POV that is focused on the MEME Snowflake/Star of David/Seal of Solomon christian POV.

                  In this image taken from a science publication do you see the hexagon geometry?
                  YES of course you do.
                  Do you see the swastikas positioned in each corner of your theory?
                  YES of course you do.

                  So what is that image discussing in fact?
                  Any idea bIbLE babbler?
                  Maybe this next image will give you a clue, where the swastikas have been replaced by an 'arrow' denoting direction.

                  So why can I place those two images side by side?

                  NANO World APPLICATIONS for the SWASTIKA – the true blue AVATAR | Alternative Thinking 37
                  At that link please scroll down to APPLICATIONS #17a 17b

                  #17a Micro - Device for processing molecular clusters of a liquid to NANO-scale
                  #17b Macro - Model for Earth’s Dynamo generating a Magnetic Field

                  The SWASTIKA TOE clearly makes your theory based on a LITERAL jesus look like a big fooking I37 LEvI LIE sold and told to the seegullibles known commonly as 'we the sheeple'.

                  IGNORANCE is one of the easiest things to spread using FEAR

                  King Dave-id after 8 years of study I have decided to put a new cover (front/back) on my bIbLE given to me as a child.

                  And those numbers 11 2 5 8 actually allow us to make PREDICTIONS regarding the magnetic fIELd of the earth!

                  selah V


                  And clearly IGNORANT dave who is appearing to be just another christian plebe reBLEATing BS dogma needs to be reminded that who I AM suggests I have friends in high places too.

                  And clearly my guides are feeding ME better info than you.
                  Maybe you have it backwards?
                  You have had 2000 years to prepare to defeat the TRUTH bIbLE babbler...

                  Which brings us back to the challenge I gave you some time ago.

                  Use jesus to explain a magnetic field and then I will use the swastika to do the same thing.
                  I win.
                  I just did.
                  Did you go to that link re: NANO examples #17a&b?

                  To the moderators, I would lock down this thread that is going nowhere and is being used by ignorance incarnate to spew dEvIL nonsense based on I37 EvIL LEvI LIEs that vEIL the TRUTH.

                  We were so close Dave but ignorance is what keeps EWE and ME apart.

                  OR are you willing to come to the dARK side for one purpose only...yikes

                  Any idEA what that purpose is?

                  So you can find out all about ewe.

                  Stop pointing fingers at others whose beLIEf system in not like yours, do as the Romans did, use your thumb instead
                  Last edited by Raphael37; 07-07-2013, 03:33 PM.


                  • In six days God made creation, and rested on the seventh, one day is set aside the middle, all six point to the seventh.

                    Exodus 20:11
                    For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
                    Last edited by Dave45; 07-07-2013, 05:45 PM.
                    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                    • Free energy encoded in the Bible

                      Coded Messages in the Bible! - YouTube

                      Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                      • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post

                        In six days God made creation, and rested on the seventh, one day is set aside the middle, all six point to the seventh.

                        okay at least we know where I stand and what ewe take lying down


                        • His Glory is encoded all throughout creation if one has eyes to see and a heart to believe, but His Word says its an evil generation that looks for a sign we must live by faith, He instills that faith in us.

                          1 Chronicles 16:35
                          Cry out, “Save us, God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name, and glory in your praise.”
                          Glory Glory Glory to Elohim
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • The middle one should not be used, should be iron rod, the outer coils also should have an iron rod.
                            This should go into the core of a solenoid type coil, a winding on the outside.
                            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                            • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                              His Glory is encoded all throughout creation if one has eyes to see and a heart to believe, but His Word says its an evil generation that looks for a sign we must live by faith, He instills that faith in us.

                              Glory Glory Glory to Elohim

                              sheepish EWE reBLEATing idiot sh*t is the only EvIL one dave
                              please please stop pointing your crooked fingers at the rest of the world (laying blame on an entire generation?) ... STFU you pathetic loser

                              (first of all remember whenever you point a finger, you have 3 fingers pointing back at ewe, and whenever you pull a trigger, the trigger finger comes back and points at ewe! Bang Bang
                              ...and sadly the average christian yank in a tank [parked in Baghdad] who does graduate from pointing fingers at other CULTures they are IGNORANT of, evolve to the next stage of the CULTural indoctrination program, becoming a gun toting flag waving NRA member who clearly has a trigger finger....

                              Dave what if that 'evil generation' you spoke of is manifesting right now as the USA CULTure?

                              I shall now provide 6823 reasons that help to explain why EWE are the LOSER when you start to add things up ...

                              you see Elohim and bow down to this god?
                              "glory glory glory to ELohIm"

                              I see EL-OH-I-M
                              gLorIE gLorIE gLorIE to I37 and OHM

                              Sounds like?

                              recall my fascination with ELI and LEI and ELI and I37 and YHVH.

                              And recall a fact of I37 LIfE - ALL CHRISTIANS FLEE from this simpleton question:
                              Why is the SWASTIKA used as a SEAL for the Buddha's heART?

                              Here are 6823 other reasons to re-consider the connections between YHVH, the tetragrammaton and the swastika.

                              source of info that says you are IGNORANT:
                              Hebrew for Christians - The Hebrew Names for God

                              So here is the simpleton formula that was I imagine part of everyday knowledge long long ago until the reBLEATing christians started burning down libraries and committing crimes against humanity.

                              gott = god = JeHoVaH = YHVH = tetragrammaton = swastika

                              Christians blindly following orders are responsible for the following crimes against humanity....

                              = 60+ million Ameri-indians wiped out in the New World by Christians waving crucifixes making more 'lebensraum' (room to live)
                              HOLOCAUST = WWII witness 4+ million jews/gypsies/freemasons wiped out by Christian Nazis

                              Dave it is clear that SHEEPLE like EWE + IGNORANCE = Crimes against humanity

                              the dEvIL + IGNORANT Christians = handmaidens of Satan and Santa
                              The Coca-Cola Santa camPAIN the wee kiddies today grow up with, promoting a sugary product is just like Christianity promoting a sweet deal ... believe in jesus and ya go to heaven ...

                              PhDUH do you think the dEvIL or hItLEr works alone?
                              THEY need righteous sheeple dude that have NO IDEA that they have been put into the service of the dEvIL they fear... to do their dirty verk!

                              in other words Dave ALL of the problems of the world come back to EWE, because YOU are the change.

                              essentially THEY need ignorant EWE to survive

                              because THEY = EWE (ignorance incarnated)

                              hey dave why don't you see if EWE can track down this video on EWE-tube and sing along with the injured injun who had their history wiped out by your IGNORANT bIbLE thumping christian ancestors who were answering to the call "go west young man"?

                              So Uncle Jed, Granny, Jethro, ELI May and Apollo loaded up the truck/chariot and headed off to BeverLEI, Hills that is, swimming pools and movie stars...

                              clearly the BeverLEI hillbilLIES are NOT to be taken LItErally either....
                              the TRUTH was meant to entertain EWE not scare the charles dickens out of you.

                              'we the sheepLE of EL' it is time to wake up and smell the rosy Rosicrucian red and white roses.

                              dear dave pray and do tell ME what EWE think of the QaBaLaH as another viable and acceptable method for achieving what you claim to be doing as servant?

                              selah V

                              Last edited by Raphael37; 07-08-2013, 12:58 PM.


                              • I was thinking on Tesla's bifilar coil or a variant of it, for those playing with the zvs might give this a shot.
                                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

